Violence Has It's Home On The Left.

you are very dense. and not in the least sly or clever. continue aping coulter or malkin or whatever pundit you like. you are making the same mistakes they do, and you compound them with your own brand of ineptitude. as always.

And did you feel that was a rebuttal?

How ironic that you include the term 'ineptidude.'

ineptidude, USMB school for scholololarly flail&fail. why would you think your OP deserves anything but laughter and finger-pointing, hehehe. pathetic.

LK, you are one of the folks who are usually good for a battle...but not today.

I suggest you take a drink, lie down, and think things over.

This is the most...allow me to be redundant....'inept' campaigns in your long and glorious history.
To think that attacking me rather than the premise of the OP is an adequate response, moves you into the category of some of our lesser lights.

Now snap out of it!
Sirhan Sirhan was a liberal?

Is this a joke thread? I mean, I know, generally Pchic's threads are jokes unintentionally, but this is really so retarded that it can't be meant to have been serious,

can it?

Carby, you were doing so well in your civility lessons, until "so retarded..."
Or is an inabiity to articulate?

Now, you aren't seriously going to dispute that the left is totally and violently opposed to what they call the Zionist Entity, know to the more reasonable folk as Israel?

I guess you lose again.

Hint: try to think before you post.

No I know that Jewish Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats.
I bet this thread will not be put in the stupid shit by stupid people forum.


'cmon, little Ravi, how about the rest?

Tired of the research?

Maybe later?

Stupid, Stupid, STUPID!!!!

Ravi once again goes for the juggler

The family of the man charged with trying to assassinate President Reagan is acquainted with the family of Vice-President George Bush and had made large contributions to his political campaign ... Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley, Jr., was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the Vice-President's sons ... The Houston Post said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley, vice-president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corporation, for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he works for Standard Oil Company of Indiana. In 1978, Neil Bush served as campaign manager for his brother, George W. Bush, the Vice-President's eldest son, who made an unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock, Texas, throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974 through 1980

Once again delusional PC imagines himself in a battle over a joke of an OP where he once again demonstrates zero understanding of the difference between correlation and causation! :clap2:
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And did you feel that was a rebuttal?

How ironic that you include the term 'ineptidude.'

ineptidude, USMB school for scholololarly flail&fail. why would you think your OP deserves anything but laughter and finger-pointing, hehehe. pathetic.

LK, you are one of the folks who are usually good for a battle...but not today.

I suggest you take a drink, lie down, and think things over.

This is the most...allow me to be redundant....'inept' campaigns in your long and glorious history.
To think that attacking me rather than the premise of the OP is an adequate response, moves you into the category of some of our lesser lights.

Now snap out of it!

chicklet, your OP is beyond salvation. my responses are adequate for a bone-headed regurgitated prima facie moronic OP as you have presented again. you are welcome.
Liberals always murder liberal presidents, don't you know?

Sirhan Sirhan was a Christian.

Liberals can't be Christian?
Sure...but PC twisted his heritage into something it isn't.

The fact of the matter is, in the United States Christians are responsible for the majority of violent crimes.

Now little Ravi...what did you learn about fibbing?

Naughty, naughty...early bedtime for you.

Did you say this: "but PC twisted his heritage into something it isn't."

You know this isn't true...I said the following:

g. Sirhan Sirhan, who killed Robert Kennedy, was a Palestinian who hated Kennedy’s support of Israel.

When you lefties are losing, you do the most immoral fibbing, and like some who assassinate Presidents.

If you apologize, I may forgive you.
Sirhan Sirhan was a liberal?

Is this a joke thread? I mean, I know, generally Pchic's threads are jokes unintentionally, but this is really so retarded that it can't be meant to have been serious,

can it?

Carby, you were doing so well in your civility lessons, until "so retarded..."
Or is an inabiity to articulate?

Now, you aren't seriously going to dispute that the left is totally and violently opposed to what they call the Zionist Entity, know to the more reasonable folk as Israel?

I guess you lose again.

Hint: try to think before you post.

Yes, I am. How many names of liberals who are not violently opposed to Israel do I need to provide to refute

Well, look at the bright side. Most former Coulter fans have either moved on, or had the decency to shut up. It could be worse. Time was when forums like this were invested with garbage from Ann's fans.

Carby, once again I must thank you for representing the attitude, should I call it fear, in opposition to open debate...

"...had the decency to shut up..."

The left would like nothing better than censoring opposing arguments, and, once again, you have documented the premise.

"Liberal societal corollary #1 Speech regulation: contrary voices are to be regulated, barred, banned when possible, mocked and marginalized when not. Progressive voices are encouraged, lionized, amplified- in the name of ‘diversity,;’ or ‘liberation,’ or ‘unity,’ and, most of all, ‘progress.’ " Goldberg, “Liberal Fascism,” p. 313.

I'm going to propose that the motive is the weakness of your postition. Could be?

Bravo, my secret ally.

Who has censored you on this board?

Why aren't you actually responding to any of the refutations of your OP? You come on the board, say idiotic things, make idiotic arguments, and then spend the rest of your participation whining and pouting about how mean everyone is to you.

You're stupid. You make bad arguments. You won't stay on-topic in debate. Period.

Ooooo....I think I hit a nerve.

Was it the 'secret ally' part?
Ann Coulter’s Latest Lie - Jamie Malanowski - Topic A, Among Others - True/Slant

Ann Coulter, serial liar and firebug, has surfaced after some months of relative quietude with another of her typically overwrought and manifestly untrue provocations. Appearing yesterday on The Joy Behar Show, Coulter, aiming to counter the idea that President Obama might become vicitm of a right wing assassin, said, “Every presidential assassination or attempted presidential assassination has been committed by some left wing loon, communist, anarchist, commutarians–yes they were!–or they had no politics at all. They were all liberals!”

Of course, the figure who undermines Coulter’s argument most thoroughly, who negates it on its face, is the country’s first assassin, John Wilkes Booth. Abraham Lincoln was nothing if not a liberal president–a proponent of a strong central activist government, a pro-business advocate of industrialization, an enemy of slavery, a proponent of a dynamic, multi-ethnic, pro-immigrant society. Booth, of course, was the vainglorious champion of an aristocratic, agrarian, racist slavocracy. Of course, acknowledging this exception would drain Coulter’s thesis of its provocative power, which would in turn make her a more conventional pundit, which would lessen her book sales and lecture fees, and leave her–deservedly–ignored.

Booth, of course, is just one. But so what if right wingers haven’t traditionally figured heavily among presidential assassins? Doesn’t Coulter think that people who have formed lynch mobs, bombed churches, assassinated civil rights leaders, murdered abortion doctors, and bombed office buildings and day care centers are capable?

1. "..serial liar..." Still the personal attack when you can't rebut the facts....

2. I gave the source of the statement, Wilke's own words, re: his objection to Lincoln'ws war policy.

3. Now, if you need a lesson on other-than-presidential violence by the left....
a. Can we count the SIEU thugs beating a black tea party member in St. Louis?
b. Malcolm X killed by (left wingers) Black Muslims.
c. Weather Underground
d. Black Panthers
e. Black Liberation Army…
f. Waverly Brown, killed by liberal ‘revolutionaries’ in the Brinks robbery, 1981
g. Robert Fassnacht, was a physics post-doctoral researcher who was killed by the bombing of Sterling Hall on August 24, 1970 on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus… As a protest against the Vietnam War, Robert Fassnacht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

4."...aiming to counter the idea that President Obama might become vicitm of a right wing assassin, .."
I showed in the OP that this was a fraudulent claim, and compared same to left wing glee at a Bush assassination.

5. "...But so what if right wingers haven’t traditionally figured heavily among presidential assassins..."
Did you realize that you were validating the OP?

I enjoyed the bolded part, also.
The piece plucked out only 1 inaccuracy, but labeled Coulter a "serial liar"! :lol:

The Violence of Conservatism

by Jeffrey A. Tucker


Ads like this one make me shudder, mainly because I once thought of myself as a conservative (for both good and bad reasons). The ad runs: "3 Conservative Books for $1 each" and examples of such conservative books flash by, all of them screaming for blood, exalting the imperial state, decrying the very basis of civilization (peace), and demanding the jailing of dissidents, and one more: something denouncing Democrats.

Sean Hannity's Deliver Us From Evil combines chauvinism and sacrilege, PJ O'Rourke's Peace Kills finds humor in slaughter, Ann Coulter's Treason imagines internment as a permanent solution to the problem of political dissent, and there are a hundred other books striking similar things available from the same service.


Whole article - The Violence of Conservatism by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Coulter, Hannity, and O'Rourke "make you shudder?"


My, My certainly doesn't take much for your panties (or Jeffrey Tucker's, and apparently for his readers) to get wadded up!

O'Rourke, a Humorist, also wrote serious books like:
The Bachelor Home Companion: A Practical Guide to Keeping House Like a Pig
Give War a Chance: Eyewitness Accounts of Mankind's Struggle Against Tyranny, Injustice, and Alcohol-Free Beer.

Did either of those also "make you shudder?":eek:

I've read Coulter; its mostly satire and parody, a la Rush Limbaugh. Niether pretends to be a serious source of information. Sean Hannity published Deliver Us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism, and Liberalism in 2005. Despite being on the NYT Bestseller list, three years later Obama was elected President amid a landslide victory for liberalism.....and he "makes you shudder?"

Here's a book you should be reading:


So, Coulter and Limbaugh have really been dealing in satire and parody all these years? WOW, then Charley Chaplin must have REALLY been Hitler...


Revealing that you choose a 'pitbull' to illustrate your right wing doctrine of pacifism ...
Sirhan Sirhan was a liberal?

Is this a joke thread? I mean, I know, generally Pchic's threads are jokes unintentionally, but this is really so retarded that it can't be meant to have been serious,

can it?

Carby, you were doing so well in your civility lessons, until "so retarded..."
Or is an inabiity to articulate?

Now, you aren't seriously going to dispute that the left is totally and violently opposed to what they call the Zionist Entity, know to the more reasonable folk as Israel?

I guess you lose again.

Hint: try to think before you post.

No I know that Jewish Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats.

"Here is proof -- the most stunning indictment of the leftist Islamic alliance hijacking the Democrat party, the media, the (anti)-intelligentsia. Any Jew that calls himself a Democrat and votes that ticket is a kapo. A KAPO! Obama will be taking cues from polls like this - his deafening silence on Israel's self defense, at this point, is stunning. It bodes most ill.

Most Democrats oppose Israeli offensive on Gaza; 62% Republicans support it (poll) "

The family of the man charged with trying to assassinate President Reagan is acquainted with the family of Vice-President George Bush and had made large contributions to his political campaign ... Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley, Jr., was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the Vice-President's sons ... The Houston Post said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley, vice-president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corporation, for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he works for Standard Oil Company of Indiana. In 1978, Neil Bush served as campaign manager for his brother, George W. Bush, the Vice-President's eldest son, who made an unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock, Texas, throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974 through 1980


And this is some sort of rebuttal of the OP?

How come you decided not to use 'Green Eggs and Ham'?
Comparing Republicans to terrorists...


Friday, February 6, 2009

Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions compares GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency


"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Paragraph from

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban | Capitol Annex


What's truly ironic about this whole war is that the conservatives in our country do not seem to realize that the Taliban is simply an extreme version of the same primal impulse that drives them.

In every population there is a distribution of conservative to progressive, aggressive to peaceful, etc. The famous classical game theoretic model, the Hawk-Dove contest, shows that the evolutionarily stable population in that model is not all hawks or all doves, but rather a certain degree of each; in that model, 58% "doves" and 42% "hawks". It stands to reason that it is expected that you will have both types of personality in your population. Similarly, I believe a stable distribution of political sensibility is probably one with both progressive and conservative elements.

Of course, it's funny how the same personality type seems to latch on to radically different ideas depending on the society. "Conservatives" here profess a belief in capitalism and extol the virtues of the good old days of the 1950's, a half century ago; "conservatives" in Russia pine for the bygone days of the stability of the old Soviet empire. I believe that the propensity in conservatives is not towards ideologies per se, but rather towards status quo versus change. I'd bet you'd find much more psychologically (and perhaps genetically?) similar between conservatives here and in Russia, despite the fact that they profess supposedly opposite nostalgias.

But of course a typical conservative doesn't look at the conservatism of their enemy and learn to moderate themselves; they see the enemy as an "other", as confirmation of their own rigid views, despite the evident similarity between the two stances.
M. Hadeishi
So, Coulter and Limbaugh have really been dealing in satire and parody all these years? WOW, then Charley Chaplin must have REALLY been Hitler...


Revealing that you choose a 'pitbull' to illustrate your right wing doctrine of pacifism ...

Actually, I chose the title to illustrate the absurdity of liberal "shuddering."

Thanks for helping.
The family of the man charged with trying to assassinate President Reagan is acquainted with the family of Vice-President George Bush and had made large contributions to his political campaign ... Scott Hinckley, brother of John W. Hinckley, Jr., was to have dined tonight in Denver at the home of Neil Bush, one of the Vice-President's sons ... The Houston Post said it was unable to reach Scott Hinckley, vice-president of his father's Denver-based firm, Vanderbilt Energy Corporation, for comment. Neil Bush lives in Denver, where he works for Standard Oil Company of Indiana. In 1978, Neil Bush served as campaign manager for his brother, George W. Bush, the Vice-President's eldest son, who made an unsuccessful bid for Congress. Neil lived in Lubbock, Texas, throughout much of 1978, where John Hinckley lived from 1974 through 1980


And this is some sort of rebuttal of the OP?

How come you decided not to use 'Green Eggs and Ham'?
Giuseppe Zangara's target was FDR. Another NOT leftist...that makes at least five.

Just showing that your OP is full of lies and half truths...kind of like you, PC.

And guess what? The 9/11 murderers...all radical right wing loons.
Once again delusional PC imagines himself in a battle over a joke of an OP where he once again demonstrates zero understanding of the difference between correlation and causation! :clap2:

Once again Valerie produces a post up to her ability.

:lol: Tell me PC, why have you limited your view of "violence" to presidential assassinations ?

Did you know that 100% of people who assassinate presidents are CRAZY ?

That's right...Murder Has It's Home In Tha CRAZY !
ineptidude, USMB school for scholololarly flail&fail. why would you think your OP deserves anything but laughter and finger-pointing, hehehe. pathetic.

LK, you are one of the folks who are usually good for a battle...but not today.

I suggest you take a drink, lie down, and think things over.

This is the most...allow me to be redundant....'inept' campaigns in your long and glorious history.
To think that attacking me rather than the premise of the OP is an adequate response, moves you into the category of some of our lesser lights.

Now snap out of it!

chicklet, your OP is beyond salvation. my responses are adequate for a bone-headed regurgitated prima facie moronic OP as you have presented again. you are welcome.

Let's review.

1. In an earlier thread, some folks on the left suggested that Mr. Glenn Beck encouraged violence, implying that the right did so...or at least that is how I read same.
Here you go Frank...a brainwashed Beck pea brain that endorses the planned attack.

Is planning murders a first amendment right?

Tennessee shooter read books by Savage, Hannity and O'reilly! | NowPublic News Coverage

That took .0003 seconds to find.

Adkisson told Still that "he could not get to the leaders of the liberal movement that he would then target those that had voted them in to office."

Inside the house, officers found "Liberalism is a Mental Health Disorder" by radio talk show host Michael Savage, "Let Freedom Ring" by talk show host Sean Hannity, and "The O'Reilly Factor," by television talk show host Bill O'Reilly.

Williams is an unemployed carpenter, just an ordinary guy. He told the police that he had intended to start a revolution by traveling to San Francisco and killing people of importance at the Tides Foundation and the ACLU. And he didn't come up with this great idea through Beck's influence?? Is that what you're saying?? Just thought of it all by himself??

2. So, I wrote the OP which did the following:
a. showed the spin by the left wing media that the right was threatening President Obama. And showed that this was not so.

b. Listed the historic truth, that the left side of the aisle is responsibe for far more violence, in terms of presidential assassination.

3. This did not sit well with you on the left, because you have been led to believe the is true in so many areas.
a. This OP exposed your ignorance, and, worse, your intellectual laziness in not questioning what you have been told.

4. I have been forced to scold you for removing your focus from the facts of the OP, to whether or not I will receive a Valentine Card from you..."...moronic OP as you have presented again..."

5. You have received an "Incomplete." I expect better work in the future.
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