Vigilante Justice


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
I am simply amazed how certain people on this board advocate throwing out the Justice system when someone is accused of breaking some law they personally find very offensive. Yet argue in other threads about the rule of law and how it is important. Or argue about people's rights as protected by the Constitution and our system of Government and laws.

A certain lawyer we all know and love actually DEFENDED Texas violating the US and State Constitution because the alleged crime was one that they were upset by.

And a certain Wicca is all for throwing out the law of the land because someone is accused of doing something they are upset by.

A right wing poster in the same thread suggested someone should murder the accused when even if guilty the crime does not invoke the Death Penalty.

Either the system is the same for EVERYONE ALL the time or it is useless. Pretty simple concept.
first i am not a really dont get that do you...

2nd i dont defend people who butt fuck kids....sorry you feel that it is out of line to remove those accused (2 eyewitnesses) from access to kids.....

that is on you...not me..

and another thing fuckhead when you want to say something about me...dont be coy

come out and use my are such a fucking pussy
grow some balls .....
Already did in the appropriate thread.

You get the justice you demand. You demand private justice on matters that upset you, ignoring the rule of law, the Justice System and the Constitution. Do me a favor? NEVER, EVER discuss either again as you do not support nor respect them.

You are a Witch as I recall, forgive me for assuming that meant Wicca.

You do realize that without our Government, our legal system and our Constitution some irate "Christians" could simple accuse you of witch craft like they did 500 years ago and take care of the supposed problem?
what the hell does that have to do with butt fucking kids?

i see no reason not to at least monitor him with an ankle bracelet.....i see no reason not to protect kids from i said...this is not a debatable subject to me...

i will err with protecting kids ever time.....
I am simply amazed how certain people on this board advocate throwing out the Justice system when someone is accused of breaking some law they personally find very offensive. Yet argue in other threads about the rule of law and how it is important. Or argue about people's rights as protected by the Constitution and our system of Government and laws.

A certain lawyer we all know and love actually DEFENDED Texas violating the US and State Constitution because the alleged crime was one that they were upset by.

And a certain Wicca is all for throwing out the law of the land because someone is accused of doing something they are upset by.

A right wing poster in the same thread suggested someone should murder the accused when even if guilty the crime does not invoke the Death Penalty.

Either the system is the same for EVERYONE ALL the time or it is useless. Pretty simple concept.

Apply the law equally and fairly to everyone or don't apply it at all. Innocent until proven guilty. Justice system not mob justice.
is it mob justice to want an alledged child molestor to be monitored or removed ....does this treatment have anything to do with his status?

what is equal justice when the poor man goes to jail for life for crack while the rich man gets a slap on the wrist for cocaine.....

but that is another debate this one is these victims have rights and more are coming forward..and if sandusky had been arrested in 95 how many kids would not have been molested?
is it mob justice to want an alledged child molestor to be monitored or removed ....does this treatment have anything to do with his status?

what is equal justice when the poor man goes to jail for life for crack while the rich man gets a slap on the wrist for cocaine.....

but that is another debate this one is these victims have rights and more are coming forward..and if sandusky had been arrested in 95 how many kids would not have been molested?

You are not interested in Justice at all, at least not as understood to exist in this Country.
is it mob justice to want an alledged child molestor to be monitored or removed ....does this treatment have anything to do with his status?

what is equal justice when the poor man goes to jail for life for crack while the rich man gets a slap on the wrist for cocaine.....

but that is another debate this one is these victims have rights and more are coming forward..and if sandusky had been arrested in 95 how many kids would not have been molested?

yes, it is mob justice, if the case against the defendant hasn't been proven yet. It is mob justice when a good man(Paterno) is persecuted and stripped of job and reputation, and has not committed any crime at all, let alone not even given the opportunity to defend himself.

You are right the system is not always fair, and this is something that "We the People" need to fix and be vigilant against. It is not being applied fairly and this needs to be corrected.

Yes the victims do have rights and they are being addressed in the legal system. It all takes time, I'm sorry it isn't going fast enough for you or all those who watch Nancy Grace.

I'm sure that if they could have proven back in 95 he did those things he would have been in jail. But they couldn't prove it, and that is part of our system, you have to prove guilt not innocence.

How many kids? don't know.
Is this sad and outrageous? Yes.
Does the Justice system need to be fixed? Absolutey.
Does the Justice system need to be modified to tilt in the prosecuters favor? Absolutely not.
Does the Justice system need to be tilted in the defendants favor? Absolutely not.
is it mob justice to want an alledged child molestor to be monitored or removed ....does this treatment have anything to do with his status?

what is equal justice when the poor man goes to jail for life for crack while the rich man gets a slap on the wrist for cocaine.....

but that is another debate this one is these victims have rights and more are coming forward..and if sandusky had been arrested in 95 how many kids would not have been molested?

yes, it is mob justice, if the case against the defendant hasn't been proven yet. It is mob justice when a good man(Paterno) is persecuted and stripped of job and reputation, and has not committed any crime at all, let alone not even given the opportunity to defend himself.

You are right the system is not always fair, and this is something that "We the People" need to fix and be vigilant against. It is not being applied fairly and this needs to be corrected.

Yes the victims do have rights and they are being addressed in the legal system. It all takes time, I'm sorry it isn't going fast enough for you or all those who watch Nancy Grace.

I'm sure that if they could have proven back in 95 he did those things he would have been in jail. But they couldn't prove it, and that is part of our system, you have to prove guilt not innocence.

How many kids? don't know.
Is this sad and outrageous? Yes.
Does the Justice system need to be fixed? Absolutey.
Does the Justice system need to be modified to tilt in the prosecuters favor? Absolutely not.
Does the Justice system need to be tilted in the defendants favor? Absolutely not.

We have a system of jurisprudence in this country. That system may not always be perfect, but it is the best we have. I think it safe to say that NO honest and fair judicial proceeding is going to satisfy everyone; but the alternative to playing within the rule of law, is chaos. You cannot have "just a little" extrajudicial "justice", any more than you can be a "little bit" pregnant. This is about as productive as hating the police for not enforcing the laws the way you would like-so you get rid of the police, and then the local vigilance committee enforces the law. Some "improvement"! Some people need to be very careful what they wish for; the result may not be precisely what you had in mind!
Gadfly :
You said : "Some "improvement"! Some people need to be very careful what they wish for; the result may not be precisely what you had in mind! "

I agree, every law should be vetted, of a sorts, to try and find as many loopholes as possible and than close them. Laws should be clear with the interpetation level very low, to non existant. But no law is perfect, especially the first time around.

We have a moral obligation to try and fix the broken laws. We cannot allow ourselves to freeze out of fear of what might happen. Think and act responsible and we should be alright, but we got to try.

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