Vietnam’s forgotten war victims


We should've said "fuck the French" and backed Ho.

Ho was leading a revolution. America was born of revolution.

Fuck the colonialists.
Really? Why should we have done that? Ho was to prove to be as much a colonialist as the French by invading and occupying parts of Thailand Cambodia and eventually all South Vietnam which they continue to occupy.
The U.S. had air superiority in Vietnam and the best trained ground forces in history. Who the hell ever created the concept of defoliating the environment with toxic chemicals to win a freaking war? Don't blame the Military. LBJ pushed the Generals aside and let the nerds and the CIA drones and freaking clerks dictate strategy. When the democrat majority in congress defunded the entire adventure they managed to blame poor old Dick Nixon while the CIA went on it's merry way to create chaos under mostly democrat regimes.
The U.S. had air superiority in Vietnam and the best trained ground forces in history. Who the hell ever created the concept of defoliating the environment with toxic chemicals to win a freaking war? Don't blame the Military. LBJ pushed the Generals aside and let the nerds and the CIA drones and freaking clerks dictate strategy.
I've heard something like this somewhere... Ah, I remember: "The Wehrmacht has nothing to do with murder of civilians! It's all the SS and Hitler!"
George Jackson had written previously that "if the Americans were guilty of war crimes for using Agent Orange in Vietnam, then the British would be also guilty of war crimes as well since they were the first nation to deploy the use of herbicides and defoliants in warfare and used them on a large scale throughout the Malayan Emergency. Not only was there no outcry by other states in response to the United Kingdom's use, but the U.S. viewed it as establishing a precedent for the use of herbicides and defoliants in jungle warfare."

The Soviets used herbicides too.

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In the first photo, the United States brings democracy on the wings of its Air Force planes in the form of defoliants. In other photo, the consequences of this.


Yes, the Soviets caused a lot of unnecessary pain and suffering for the Vietnamese people. That was never a secret. Commies always casued a lot of suffering and mass murders where ever they stuck their criminal faces in to 'liberate' people in countries that had resources they wanted to steal.

And as usual we can note the commies can never admit their atrocities and their fellow travellers will only focus their bullshit claims on alleged American failings, never the Reds.
If so it is because you are in denial. The North Vietnamese were foreign imperialists.
There are South Vietnamese communities in the US that still fly the South Vietnam flag.

We're supposed to believe the Soviets and Red Chinese were just harmless hippies out spreading joy and freedom to all peoples n stuff, like furry lil hapless hobbits beset by Da Evul Nazguls from America.
Bullshit. If North Vietnam hadn't decided to invade it's unoffending neighbors there would not have been a Vietnam War and no deaths from agent orange. They raped tortured and murdered my friends. I kinda think that qualifies as "doing a thing to us".

Oh noes, you done pointed out the blatantly obvious ... that's not fair, like asking what business was it of the Soviets in the first place, for instance, or the Red Chinese after we bankrupted the Soviets. If 'it wasn't any of our business' then it wasn't any of theirs either, so how would these America haters deal with the Soviets and Red Chinese? Make Scary Faces and wag fingers at them?
Yeah, the white's burden is a heavy duty. Scratch the surface of a capitalist and you'll find a nazi...
You think Nazis were worse than Communists? That's cute. Both are totalitarian and oppressive and far more similar than different.
You think Nazis were worse than Communists? That's cute. Both are totalitarian and oppressive and far more similar than different.
It's hard to think of anything more stupid. But bourgeois propaganda is coping.
It's hard to think of anything more stupid. But bourgeois propaganda is coping.
So your answer is Communist propaganda. The same old stale shit I've been hearing for 50+ years. Shame the comrads can't come up with new and interesting lies.
So your answer is Communist propaganda. The same old stale shit I've been hearing for 50+ years. Shame the comrads can't come up with new and interesting lies.
No, you're not just a fool, you're a scoundrel. After what the US did in Vietnam, you filthy brute, dare you accuse the USSR?

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