Video shows Iranian youth subjected to brutal inhumane degrading punishment in public

Asshole, the arab muslims played a huge part in the slave trade.

This is true, they clearly did.
The difference is, I freely accept history, not ignore or try to hide it because people of my religious group were involved in something nasty.
You'll notice the extremists on this forum always do exactly that.

Second, why don't you show us a muslim country that is as open and free as the US?

Try Indonesia.
We have freedoms here the US does not enjoy, but the US has things we don't have.
These include legal weed and other stupid ideas such as mass murder using legal guns.
Asshole, the arab muslims played a huge part in the slave trade.

This is true, they clearly did.
The difference is, I freely accept history, not ignore or try to hide it because people of my religious group were involved in something nasty.
You'll notice the extremists on this forum always do exactly that.

Second, why don't you show us a muslim country that is as open and free as the US?

Try Indonesia.
We have freedoms here the US does not enjoy, but the US has things we don't have.
These include legal weed and other stupid ideas such as mass murder using legal guns.

But, Freddie, we all know about the slave trade. However, usually people don't go to the hate sites to find out about it. I clicked on the site you used out of curiosity because it was quite obvious that many times you were getting your information from some hate sites. I see it was

Jeff Rense - RationalWiki

Encyclopedia of American Loons 336 Jeff Rense

Meanwhile, slavery is still going on. It appears that there is a very large amount of slaves in Mauratanian. Perhaps you can tell us what percentage they are to the entire population.

Back to the original subject of this thread. It certainly looks like Freddie is loathe to condemn the Iranians for what they did to these young people. It appears that the Sunnis don't seem to have a problem murdering the Shia, but when it comes down to defending Islam and the Shia for the Infidel audience, then the Sunnis wouldn't condemn them for anything.

By the way, Freddie, do you think that the Muslims had guns when they mass murdered innocent people in the past? Those trusty swords sure did the trick. As for weed, how do we know that you don't chew a bit of that leaf that other Muslims chew to get high? Who needs marijuana when you have those leaves?
All the Iranians about the age of these guys are no doubt counting their lucky stars that their parents had the foresight to leave Iran.

Video shows Iranian youth subjected to brutal inhumane degrading punishment in public
Thursday, 13 November 2014 21:54

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NCRI - A video obtained as recently as November shows the Iranian regime’s masked State Security Forces publicly beating and abusing a group of young men while parading them through the streets, handcuffed in the back of an open truck.

The video shows members of the State Security Forces (police), who are masked to conceal their identity, repeatedly beating young men who try to keep their head down while being subjected to the inhumane and degrading punishment.

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Video shows Iranian youth subjected to brutal inhumane degrading punishment in public

It gets much worse. They conduct public hangings and lashings.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.
The truth is really simple.
Iran has a nasty bunch of people as leaders, so cops can get away with a lot, but these are no worse than cops in many other countries.
Rodney King would be happy to attest to that.

The point is just as easy - yes, these cops are bastards but, until you clean up your own act, you can hardly comment on other people; at least not with any moral authority.
king was not paraded around,so that is not a comparison

No, he had the crap beaten out of him where he was, and the cops were let off.
He had the crap beaten out of him after he was chased by cops for hours. Not a very smart guy.
Tut tut tut - it's always Muslims.
Except it wasn't.

Jewish Involvement In Black Slave Trade To The Americas

The following passages are from Dr. Raphael's book Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History (New York: Behrman House, Inc., Pub, 1983), pp. 14, 23-25.
"Jews also took an active part in the Dutch colonial slave trade; indeed, the bylaws of the Recife and Mauricia congregations (1648) included an imposta (Jewish tax) of five soldos for each Negro slave a Brazilian Jew purchased from the West Indies Company. Slave auctions were postponed if they fell on a Jewish holiday. In Curacao in the seventeenth century, as well as in the British colonies of Barbados and Jamaica in the eighteenth century, Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.

Of course, there will be excuses, but never admitted fault or regret, just blaming Muslims again.
Ha ha ha. Muslims were the first, biggest and worst slave traders in the world. Even the word "black" in Arabic "Abd" in your Koran means slave.

As for Rodney King, he would have been shocked to find out that the only place in the world where slavery is still legal is in the Muslim countries.
Silly-Sally, would you please inform the board as to which muslim countries have legal slavery?? ....... :cool:
Ask the Boka Haram Muslim animals who stole 200 girls, just for getting an education, and sold them as slaves into neighboring Muslim shithole countries.

Islam, where brain cells go to die.
Muslim animals still practicing slavery today:

Current incidences of large-scale slavery and near-slavery:

Sudan: There is considerable evidence that slavery is still practiced in a large scale in Sudan -- an estimated 14,000 people have been abducted since 1983. However, the existence of slavery is denied by the Sudanese government. Some western religious groups have attempted to buy freedom for individual slaves. Unfortunately, this has become counterproductive. It increases the profitability of enslavement as a commercial enterprise, and results in more slaves being created. More details.


Niger: Anti-Slavery International reported in mid-2003 that slavery is rampant in Niger, mostly in the southwestern Tillaberry region of that country. 7 This occurs even though slavery is prohibited by the constitution and is being fought by stringent new laws. About 7% of the population -- some 870,000 individuals are condemned to life-long servitude. Many are born into slavery and will remain slaves all of their life.


Programs of near-slavery: Anti-Slavery International (ASI)presented a paper to the United Nations Working Group on Contemporary Forms of Slavery which met in Geneva, Switzerland, 2003-JUN-16 to 20. 8 All of the major offending countries cited have large Muslim majorities. ASI discussed the situation in Sudan and Niger as well as describing situations of near-slavery such as:


United Arab Emirates -- Child trafficking: Although it is illegal to employ a child under the age of 15, hundreds of boys between four and ten are trafficked from South Asia to the UAE


Nepal and Pakistan -- Millions of men, women and children are used as forced and bonded labor in these countries.

Indonesia -- Forced labor and exploitation of migrant workers. "Poverty and lack of opportunity in Indonesia have increased the number of Indonesians seeking work in Asia. Indonesia's lack of protection and the Government's existing system for women migrant domestics exposes them to trafficking and slavery." 8

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