Video Of Cop Slapping 10-Year-Old Boy Stirs Outrage...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
A YouTube video of a police officer in Oregon slapping a 10-year-old boy as he removed the child from the care of his mother has stirred outrage.

[ame=]WTF! Cop Punches 8 Year Old Boy in the Face! - YouTube[/ame]

The clip shows an officer from the Eugene Police Department hauling away the child as onlookers tell the boy to run.

The officer then appears to slap or lightly punch the boy in the face, before claiming the boy had bit his hand.

“You do not hit an underaged child,” shouts one bystander as others threaten to file lawsuits against the cop.

“You don’t know who you’re messing with!” shouts another youth as he threatens to attack the facility that the boy will be held in.

However, some have defended the actions of the officer, with the Eugene Police Department saying his behavior was “calm and professional”.

While the circumstances of removing the boy from his mother were obviously fraught with emotion, the child had been staying with 28-year-old Stephanie Johnston for years despite a court order granting the father, Brian Wolfe, custody of the child.

During the clip, the boy claims that Wolfe is not his real father.

According to reports, the boy was illiterate, did not attend school and was living in a bus.

The case is being referred to the Lane County District Attorney’s Office but no charges have been filed at this time. The Department of Human Services is also investigating the matter.

Divorce is a wonderful thing. Sounds like the mother was poisoning the boy's mind toward his father. Nice.

Everyone in the picture is guilty. The boy, the mother, the crowd goading the boy, and the cop. The boy and the cop are the least guilty.

God bless America.
Children just do not get slapped enough! They grow up to be violent adults thinking that they can't be touched.

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