Vet Commits Suicide at VA Hospital After Being Refused Help

Whether this man was a veteran or not I think this nonsense has to stop. Veterans, seniors, and children should have top priority without question.

$50 billion should be diverted from the defense budget and used to completely overhaul and upgrade all the Veterans hospitals, computers, and phone services entirely. None of these people, not one, should ever have a question about having to wait in line for healthcare. Jesus H if a society refuses to care for the very people that physically offered their lives in defense of the country what kind of society is that? They shouldn't have minimum healthcare they should have the best there is. The best psychiatrists as well. I think something like 15 a day commit suicide? There is nothing partisan about this, goddamn Congress should pass 435 to nothing and 100 to nothing MORE money than the Veterans administration needs right now! Who exactly among the American population would be against this? Nobody.

Next, seniors, people that worked their whole lives and paid into social security and built the country should also not have to beg for benefits or wait years for them.

Lastly, there shouldn't be a single child that has to go hungry in the wealthiest nation human beings have ever produced, a nation that throws away more food than many nations even consume.

These the most vulnerable should be priority one for every body. Once they are taken care of there can be arguments made about welfare, or how much aid able bodied people 18-50 can get, or whatever else would be in a budget. You'd think these wouldn't be issues in a country where so many call it a 'Christian nation'. Fine call it what you will, let's help the vulnerable and then argue about the rest if need be.
Maybe, just maybe the VA needs to rethink their priorities.

Senator Tells VA To Stop ‘Extravagant Spending’ On High-End Art

The Vets should be given vouchers and be able to seek the medical care they need where ever they want to.

Actually, they already can. Not only do I have my official VA card, but I also have one (from the VA) that I can use if I live more than 50 miles away from a hospital, or I can also use if my appointment is going to be more than 30 days from the date requested. The civilian care card allows me to use civilian medical if I live too far away or it is going to take over 30 days to be seen.

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