Venezuela extends Asylum to Snowden.

Even if he has done us a favor, I don't support him hiding all over the place. I don't see this as a man standing up to corruption.

Yeah...I'd like to see you go up against the US Government under Obama, the guy who openly kills american citizens... Oh and spy's on us and our allies... illegal.... then calls people who call him on it traitors to the USA.

The way I see it is laws and rules only have meaning if you want there to be meaning. When you have a President that kills American's he does not agree with then playing by a set of rules built to literally destroy you is a retarded tactic when trying to present a message.

He's already leaked it, the "damage" has already been done. The whole world already knows what our government has done. I like it when you have enough balls to stare your enemy in the face and say, "I DEFY YOU!"

I get what you're saying and I don't, necessarily, disagree with you but not everyone is built the same way.

So let's say Snowden is a coward afraid to face the music. Doesn't the fact that he overcame much of that cowardice having made himself a marked man, targeted for death, count for something? You have to admit that this took balls, big ones. It's easy to judge from a distance but If I were in his shoes I'd want to live long enough to see my efforts do some good. That would be the main reason I would run. That's what separates us from car bombers.
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The question now is how to get him to Venezuela without crossing unfriendly air space.

This isn't likely to present a great problem as long as you have a long enough range aircraft to make the journey in one step or are able to refuel in flight.
A Russian military aircraft would probably be his best bet as the American government wouldn't dare to try to stop it.

Imagine the fallout if America sent fighters to down or force the landing of a Russian military plane in international airspace.
Of course, as we've seen, America is willing to smash international laws regarding diplomatic immunity so they may be that stupid.
I think American embassies all over the world should be searched as we know know America is conducting illegal spying operations all over the world.
Since diplomatic immunity isn't something America respects; there should be no problem with this.
Yeah...I'd like to see you go up against the US Government under Obama, the guy who openly kills american citizens... Oh and spy's on us and our allies... illegal.... then calls people who call him on it traitors to the USA.

The way I see it is laws and rules only have meaning if you want there to be meaning. When you have a President that kills American's he does not agree with then playing by a set of rules built to literally destroy you is a retarded tactic when trying to present a message.

He's already leaked it, the "damage" has already been done. The whole world already knows what our government has done. I like it when you have enough balls to stare your enemy in the face and say, "I DEFY YOU!"

I get what you're saying and I don't, necessarily, disagree with you but not everyone is built the same way.

So let's say Snowden is a coward afraid to face the music. Doesn't the fact that he overcame much of that cowardice having made himself a marked man, targeted for death, count for something? You have to admit that this took balls, big ones. It's easy to judge from a distance but If I were in his shoes I'd want to live long enough to see my efforts do some good. That would be the main reason I would run. That's what separates us from car bombers.

Oh, yes it does. But why seek asylum? He won't be charged with treason, and he will likely live to tell his tale in prison, but at least he got out the message. I think he has done more than enough to wake up the slumbering masses. I see him as neither a villain or a hero, I see him as an onus on our corrupted government, a tool, a weapon. He has infected our nation with new knowledge, however, sometimes knowledge comes with a price.
I'm not supporting government. I disagree with his methods. I see it as cowardice. You can love your country without loving your government. You can defy your government without fleeing from it.

That's a thin line. You suppose him a coward because he's running? Would he be more dignified and useful as a martyr?

Yes, if not by life, but by reputation alone. I see sacrifice as more heroic. I see it as more dignified if you are there fighting on the front lines. Our founders defied a monarchy in that way, not once did they flee under the might of the British. Running and running like Snowden does, it takes away from his shining accomplishment.

The problem is, Snowden does not have a strong supporting cast like our Founders did. Who will be there to stand up and fight along side of Snowden? Just an attorney...that is it. Snowden would not get a fair trial in this country. If this dictatorship we currently have oppressing this nation can blackmail U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to vote for Obamacare, then they can get the exact results they want in a trial of Snowden. And yes...Roberts was blackmailed, to make a long outline short, Roberts and his wife illegally adopted two Irish children by having them trafficked to Latin America so they could avoid Ireland's laws against non-residents adopting children and against private adoptions. Imagine the humiliation Roberts adopted kids would have gone through, and Roberts probable impeachment for what he did if he didn't vote for Obamacare....Chicago politics. Just like Chicago politics would get the exact result this dictatorship wants in a trial of Snowden, and Snowden knows it, that's why he is doing what he is doing.
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He's already leaked it, the "damage" has already been done. The whole world already knows what our government has done. I like it when you have enough balls to stare your enemy in the face and say, "I DEFY YOU!"

For the thousanth time he hasn't leaked anything other than a bad powerpoint presentation lol.
What are you doing living in North Carolina?
Hell if I know...I love the south but I have lived in SC,Ga,and now NC...I won't live in WV because I refuse vaccines for my kids...Va someone told me was worse than NC! Wife hates Tn..we actually looked at moving there but just something told us not didn't work out...her family is in WV mine that I associate with are in maybe look into Va or Kentucky..I really want to move to NH but right now its about the kids and making sure they are taken care of...moving constantly ain't good for them...Just want a free state and NH seems like mandatory seat belt laws,free state project no income tax or sales tax.

I'm not supporting government. I disagree with his methods. I see it as cowardice. You can love your country without loving your government. You can defy your government without fleeing from it.

What would you have him do? Stay here be censored completely and " have an accident "

How can he be censored when he's already released the information? Even if he dies, he has most likely duplicated this information and distributed it to his liaisons. It isn't like he didn't think this through, Cap.
I am saying if he had stayed here and done this...Yes more than likely he has turned everything over the wikileaks which hopefully will leak everything as soon as he is safe...I am really hoping for maybe a war against the US or just the collapse of the regime.

Venezuela extends Asylum to Snowden.

A regime hostile to American interests, how apropos.
Pft. The regime in DC no matter democrat or republican is hostile to the American citizens...don't see you complaining about that. Oh and when American interests are to blow up,bomb,murder,rape and rob innocent nations and women and children then yea you can include me in there with the hostile part.
Hugo Chavez closes 34 Venezuelan radio stations
Hugo Chavez was accused of stifling freedom of speech at the weekend after he announced that 34 radio stations were to be shut down.

6:00PM BST 02 Aug 2009

Thirteen channels ordered to be closed by the Venezuelan government went off the air on Saturday and more than 200 are expected to close in coming weeks.

The government broadcasting watchdog, Conatel, said that 34 radio outlets would be closed because they failed to comply with regulations.

However, critics claimed the crackdown infringed on freedom of speech and hundreds of protesters demonstrated in Caracas against the closures.

"They're closing the space for dissidents in Venezuela," William Echeverría, head of the National Council of Journalists, told RCTV, a private cable TV station, which did not have its broadcasting license renewed in 2007.

Hugo Chavez closes 34 Venezuelan radio stations - Telegraph



Only difference between nations like Venezuela,North Korea etc and the USA is they do it openly while here the politicians have that pesky bill of rights in the way so they just use the courts to pick away until there is nothing left.

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