Valerie Jarret: Obama admin "scandal free"

Birther scandal? Anyone who is so stupid and ignorant to believe such nonsense is not someone you are debate anything with. Their mind is already ruined if they ever had one to begin with.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Care to explain why obozo's own literary agency published a brochure saying he was born in kenya.?
Scandals? How about.

1. Gave the banksters trillions of $

2, Gave a certificate to millions of illegals allowing them to live and work here even though the LAW says they can't

3. Lied america into passing Obamacare

4. The birther scandal. Did he lie about his birth too?. Will Trump pursue this?
Birther scandal? Anyone who is so stupid and ignorant to believe such nonsense is not someone you are debate anything with. Their mind is already ruined if they ever had one to begin with.

You are a fine one to talk.

You represent the worst of this country.
With all the money Republicans spent going after the Clintons and not finding anything, you know they were more than willing to go after Obama if they could have found something.

Now, after Bush and what the GOP did, Democrats will be far less likely to let another Republican president get away with so much scandal the way they did under Bush Jr. and Reagan.

Trump is not even president and he is under multiple criminal investigations and has over 70 lawsuits. Let the games begin.

Don't give us that stale found nothing bull shit line that is made up. Hillary's rap sheet is plenty long.
That's the difference between a scandal and a conspiracy. Hillary has had 30 years of GOP conspiracies but no scandals.

Trump has plenty of scandals the press is only starting to look in to.

Oh, she's been part and party to some pretty good scandals.


Was it worth a house investigation....? No.

Primarily because there was nothing criminal.

But you don't arrest people for making stupid decisions or being incompetent (otherwise they and you would be in jail).

But there is no denying in any way shape or fashion that the WH went out with a horsehockey story that nobody believes. Well, you are a nobody and you believe I'll say that nobody with a functioning brain believes.

Blew it to four people killed.

Tried to cover tracks (real transparent).

It's a scandal alright.

But Valerie has to say this because she's been running the country for eight years.
With all the money Republicans spent going after the Clintons and not finding anything, you know they were more than willing to go after Obama if they could have found something.

Now, after Bush and what the GOP did, Democrats will be far less likely to let another Republican president get away with so much scandal the way they did under Bush Jr. and Reagan.

Trump is not even president and he is under multiple criminal investigations and has over 70 lawsuits. Let the games begin.

Yep, he's not even president.

But he will be in 20 days.

Suck on it.

Found nothing ?

They found plenty....but the FBI refused to prosecute.

They had nothiong on can't impeach a president for being a moron.

Obama being a moron is a conspiracy ???
That's an idiocy. The FBI refusing is stupid conspiracy talk...

No cred you have Franco, and I hope you are an astro turfer getting paid, because if you are showing how dumb you are for free, well that is really sad!

How about the Mexican gun running scandal, run by Holder? Fast and Furious I think it was called. Didn't it get some of OUR border patrol killed....but oh....what the hell....a few Americans deaths caused for Democratic ideology is nothing, right Shultz!
Started under Boooosh, but the ATF chief of AZ who ran it said NEITHER administration knew about the gun running. So you're a brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. Another example of the out of control incompetence of the W's, that came to light under the increased transparency of the O administration. See also FBI scandal. CHANGE THE CHANNEL Actually, damn hard to find the truth from our stupid, greedy, controversy/ratings/pundit mad media...thanks, Reaganists.
That's the difference between a scandal and a conspiracy. Hillary has had 30 years of GOP conspiracies but no scandals.

Trump has plenty of scandals the press is only starting to look in to.

Let me were stupid enough to believe the crap that Hillary spouted about "vast right wing conspiracies" way back when? She was a lying sack of shit then and she's a lying sack of shit now! Get a clue...R-Derp!
Right. The Fox Rush Heritage Cruz etc circle jerk and the chumps don't exist...
You're another progressive fool, Franco! The Clinton's have played the "conspiracy" card each and every time they've been caught in yet another scandal and time after time you buffoons let them get away with it. You want to blame someone for Donald Trump being our next President? Take a good look in the mirror...because you're one of the people who enabled Hillary Clinton to run when anyone with an unbiased eye knew that she was an awful candidate!
They had to investigate them for 6 years to find...a bj from a little sexpot. WTF are you talking about? NOTHING. She was a bad candidate because she was no glad handing politician and too much BULLLSHYTTE luggage. PHONY scandals, dupe. All of them. That's the RW conspiracy. Making big money broadcasting hateful drivel. Go Pres. Businessman.

Every time that the Clinton's have declared something was a conspiracy against them...when the facts all came out and the evidence that they did their best to hide was uncovered...the allegations against them were correct. Bill Clinton DID have an affair with Jennifer Flowers! The Clinton's WERE on the take in the Whitewater investigation! Bill Clinton DID have sex with "that woman"! The Clinton's DID fire the White House Travel Staff because they wanted to replace them with friends! Hillary Clinton DID illegally access FBI files of their political enemies! Hillary Clinton DID use insider trading information to make a fortune in Cattle futures! The Clinton's DID illegally take furniture from the White House when Bill left office! Hillary Clinton DID know that the attacks in Benghazi did not stem from a "protest" over a You Tube video and DID lie to the victim's of that terror attack's families! Hillary Clinton DID install two private servers in her residence...use them for official State Department business...destroy emails on those servers when Congressional investigators discovered they existed...and lied to Congress when she said she had turned over all communications related to Benghazi and that no classified information was on those two servers!

The only "Dupe" here, Franco is you!
Nothing that wasn't typical of other presidents, or total bs...and it almost undoubtedly WAS the video DUH. FBI my ass. All bs gossip, while your heroes rob you blind with POLICY, dupe.

Scandal free? I doubt he kept the scandals under a thousand!

These Obama peddlers will blatantly lie about anything. Good riddance :lmao:
Val is correct...if you don't count:
State dept
Michelle's butt..

They keep trying to sell this BS and then keep wondering why they were kicked to the curb on Nov 8th
It's simple: GOP bs/hate propaganda, Putin and Comey, bad candidate, and misinformed voters.

State dept
Michelle's butt..

Bs, bs, bs, bs, bs, racism.
Every time that the Clinton's have declared something was a conspiracy against them...when the facts all came out and the evidence that they did their best to hide was uncovered...the allegations against them were correct. Bill Clinton DID have an affair with Jennifer Flowers!

Which he never really denied.

Not that this is a "scandal".

The Clinton's WERE on the take in the Whitewater investigation!

Yet Ken Starr Spent 70 million dollars and could never prove that.

Bill Clinton DID have sex with "that woman"!

again, why is this a scandal? Someone had sex? OH NOES!!!

The Clinton's DID fire the White House Travel Staff because they wanted to replace them with friends!

Again, not illegal.

Hillary Clinton DID illegally access FBI files of their political enemies!

So why didn't Ken Starr charge anyone with this?

You see, the real problem was, you guys made all these accusations...

And came up with nothing.

But it's okay. The Russians hacked the election for you.
Bill clinton denies affair with jennifer flowers - - Yahoo Video Search Results\

Not only did he deny it, Joe...he went on 60 Minutes and lied through his teeth!
With all the money Republicans spent going after the Clintons and not finding anything, you know they were more than willing to go after Obama if they could have found something.

Now, after Bush and what the GOP did, Democrats will be far less likely to let another Republican president get away with so much scandal the way they did under Bush Jr. and Reagan.

Trump is not even president and he is under multiple criminal investigations and has over 70 lawsuits. Let the games begin.

Don't give us that stale found nothing bull shit line that is made up. Hillary's rap sheet is plenty long.

Show me the first conviction.
With all the money Republicans spent going after the Clintons and not finding anything, you know they were more than willing to go after Obama if they could have found something.

Now, after Bush and what the GOP did, Democrats will be far less likely to let another Republican president get away with so much scandal the way they did under Bush Jr. and Reagan.

Trump is not even president and he is under multiple criminal investigations and has over 70 lawsuits. Let the games begin.
Deflection. Dismissed.
Hey shit for brains. If want to waste some county superior court's time, I can sue you over nothing.
Jill Stein, the latest in a long line of far left wing moon bat loons is now planning to file lawsuits in several states claiming there is "suspicion" of voter suppression in "black and brown precincts"...That crazy c*nt is claiming the votes of minority people were electronically switched...In urban districts that voted over 85% for Clinton...
This is to illustrate the fallacy of your claim that POTUS-elect is being sued by so many. I can sue a ham sandwich. It means nothing....."Investigations"?....Again, any LEO agency or prosecutor can launch an investigation. ....Without corroborating facts, investigations are nothing.....Sort of resembles you...Nothing.
With all the money Republicans spent going after the Clintons and not finding anything, you know they were more than willing to go after Obama if they could have found something.

Now, after Bush and what the GOP did, Democrats will be far less likely to let another Republican president get away with so much scandal the way they did under Bush Jr. and Reagan.

Trump is not even president and he is under multiple criminal investigations and has over 70 lawsuits. Let the games begin.

Don't give us that stale found nothing bull shit line that is made up. Hillary's rap sheet is plenty long.
Your man is a walking, talking ball of scandal, of course you and the other Trumpbots will close ranks around your messiah when he does shit you people would have Hillary standing in front of a firing squad for.
oy vey....

Scandal free? I doubt he kept the scandals under a thousand!

These Obama peddlers will blatantly lie about anything. Good riddance :lmao:
Name one then, dingbat dupe, and we'll easily prove it's total GOP bs propaganda, for brainwashed functional morons only...
'If you like your plan you can keep your plan'

'Syrian Red Line'

Running guns to terrorists through Libya.

Obama caught using an alias to e-mail clinton's personal e-mail long before he said he learned about it through the media.

Illegally failing to comply with 73%of all FOIA Requests, according to the US Inspector General, not the GOP

Calling the Fort Hood Terrorist attacks a case of 'Workplace Violence'

Being held in Contempt of Court for defying a court order regarding his deep water oil drilling ban.

Intracession recess appointments found Un-Constititional by the USSC....

With all the money Republicans spent going after the Clintons and not finding anything, you know they were more than willing to go after Obama if they could have found something.

Now, after Bush and what the GOP did, Democrats will be far less likely to let another Republican president get away with so much scandal the way they did under Bush Jr. and Reagan.

Trump is not even president and he is under multiple criminal investigations and has over 70 lawsuits. Let the games begin.

Don't give us that stale found nothing bull shit line that is made up. Hillary's rap sheet is plenty long.
That's the difference between a scandal and a conspiracy. Hillary has had 30 years of GOP conspiracies but no scandals.

Trump has plenty of scandals the press is only starting to look in to.

Let me were stupid enough to believe the crap that Hillary spouted about "vast right wing conspiracies" way back when? She was a lying sack of shit then and she's a lying sack of shit now! Get a clue...R-Derp!
Right. The Fox Rush Heritage Cruz etc circle jerk and the chumps don't exist...
Di you not realize you are on the losing side? And did you not realize your power is gone? You no longer get to have a say in how the conversation is handled.
Your are OVER....Liberalism is OVER. PC is OVER......Step aside. You had your chance. Your side only divided the country and gave us despair.

Scandal free? I doubt he kept the scandals under a thousand!

These Obama peddlers will blatantly lie about anything. Good riddance :lmao:
Name one then, dingbat dupe, and we'll easily prove it's total GOP bs propaganda, for brainwashed functional morons only...
'If you like your plan you can keep your plan'

'Syrian Red Line'

Running guns to terrorists through Libya.

Obama caught using an alias to e-mail clinton's personal e-mail long before he said he learned about it through the media.

Illegally failing to comply with 73%of all FOIA Requests, according to the US Inspector General, not the GOP

Calling the Fort Hood Terrorist attacks a case of 'Workplace Violence'

Being held in Contempt of Court for defying a court order regarding his deep water oil drilling ban.

Intracession recess appointments found Un-Constititional by the USSC....

Plan- bad prediction, didn't know dupes loved their scam plans...
REd line- Assad gave all wmd's to russians
Rest typical non lies...

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