Valerie Jarret: Obama admin "scandal free"

When one believes that he/she gets to determine and define "scandal" for all, then it is highly unlikely they will believe they or their side was part of any scandal. Simply stated," it depends on what your definition of scandal is is"?

The key here is that "according to Valerie Jarett", no scandal. The reality is that enough of the American People site Benghazi, Fast and Furious, and LorettaLynch Bill Clinton Tarmac compromise as scandals. They said so in November '16.

Some scandals...

Repeated "investigations" from a partisan Republican Congress came up with nothing

The American Voter saw enough. See November 2016 results.

Hillary won by 3 million votes
Republicans lost seats in the House and Senate

Stop pretending you have a mandate

Without California and New York, your popular vote cries mean nothing. Further, Republicans losing House and Senate seats and Democrats still can't take a chamber? If Republicans don't have a mandate, what do Democrats have? Oh, that's right.....the popular vote in California and New York. Is that what you consider a mandate?

Lets see...If I throw out 60 million voters in California and NY, I might actually win the popular vote

Both those states have COUNTIES bigger than your red states

Take that to the American people. Tell them that only New York and California matter on an absolute basis. You people couldn't even hold on to Pa, Mi, Oh, and Wi.
Don't give us that stale found nothing bull shit line that is made up. Hillary's rap sheet is plenty long.
That's the difference between a scandal and a conspiracy. Hillary has had 30 years of GOP conspiracies but no scandals.

Trump has plenty of scandals the press is only starting to look in to.

Let me were stupid enough to believe the crap that Hillary spouted about "vast right wing conspiracies" way back when? She was a lying sack of shit then and she's a lying sack of shit now! Get a clue...R-Derp!
Right. The Fox Rush Heritage Cruz etc circle jerk and the chumps don't exist...
Di you not realize you are on the losing side? And did you not realize your power is gone? You no longer get to have a say in how the conversation is handled.
Your are OVER....Liberalism is OVER. PC is OVER......Step aside. You had your chance. Your side only divided the country and gave us despair.
Hardly. We only averted a full depression, ended the stupidest wars ever, and had 85 straight months of growth despite mindless obstruction for 8 years. Trump is the business candidate, not GOP.
Economists disagree with your claim of growth.
Nearly every quarter during Obama's regime was less than 2% annualized GDP growth. In financial circles, that is "flat"....And the only thing keeping the economy afloat was the artificially low interest rates.
Coincidentally, Clinton loses and the Fed decides to raise interest rates?....
The Obstructionist was Obama. His tenure did nothing. Obama and the democrats wanted to do plenty. They just wanted to add a contingency so that if their plans failed, they could blame the GOP.
That's how Obama operated. He did nothing unless there was political cover.
Also...."pass a Bill I can sign".....Obama is the only POTUS who had the irrational idea that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
Some scandals...

Repeated "investigations" from a partisan Republican Congress came up with nothing

The American Voter saw enough. See November 2016 results.

Hillary won by 3 million votes
Republicans lost seats in the House and Senate

Stop pretending you have a mandate

Without California and New York, your popular vote cries mean nothing. Further, Republicans losing House and Senate seats and Democrats still can't take a chamber? If Republicans don't have a mandate, what do Democrats have? Oh, that's right.....the popular vote in California and New York. Is that what you consider a mandate?

Lets see...If I throw out 60 million voters in California and NY, I might actually win the popular vote

Both those states have COUNTIES bigger than your red states

Take that to the American people. Tell them that only New York and California matter on an absolute basis. You people couldn't even hold on to Pa, Mi, Oh, and Wi.
Let's take the concept of one man, one vote to the people

A vote in California counts the same as a vote in Wyoming

How about we have a nationwide vote on it?
That's the difference between a scandal and a conspiracy. Hillary has had 30 years of GOP conspiracies but no scandals.

Trump has plenty of scandals the press is only starting to look in to.

Let me were stupid enough to believe the crap that Hillary spouted about "vast right wing conspiracies" way back when? She was a lying sack of shit then and she's a lying sack of shit now! Get a clue...R-Derp!
Right. The Fox Rush Heritage Cruz etc circle jerk and the chumps don't exist...
Di you not realize you are on the losing side? And did you not realize your power is gone? You no longer get to have a say in how the conversation is handled.
Your are OVER....Liberalism is OVER. PC is OVER......Step aside. You had your chance. Your side only divided the country and gave us despair.
Hardly. We only averted a full depression, ended the stupidest wars ever, and had 85 straight months of growth despite mindless obstruction for 8 years. Trump is the business candidate, not GOP.
Economists disagree with your claim of growth.
Nearly every quarter during Obama's regime was less than 2% annualized GDP growth. In financial circles, that is "flat"....And the only thing keeping the economy afloat was the artificially low interest rates.
Coincidentally, Clinton loses and the Fed decides to raise interest rates?....
The Obstructionist was Obama. His tenure did nothing. Obama and the democrats wanted to do plenty. They just wanted to add a contingency so that if their plans failed, they could blame the GOP.
That's how Obama operated. He did nothing unless there was political cover.
Also...."pass a Bill I can sign".....Obama is the only POTUS who had the irrational idea that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.

In today's global economy, 2-3 percent is the new norm

Obama gave us steady growth in a global economy that was struggling
Let me were stupid enough to believe the crap that Hillary spouted about "vast right wing conspiracies" way back when? She was a lying sack of shit then and she's a lying sack of shit now! Get a clue...R-Derp!
Right. The Fox Rush Heritage Cruz etc circle jerk and the chumps don't exist...
Di you not realize you are on the losing side? And did you not realize your power is gone? You no longer get to have a say in how the conversation is handled.
Your are OVER....Liberalism is OVER. PC is OVER......Step aside. You had your chance. Your side only divided the country and gave us despair.
Hardly. We only averted a full depression, ended the stupidest wars ever, and had 85 straight months of growth despite mindless obstruction for 8 years. Trump is the business candidate, not GOP.
Economists disagree with your claim of growth.
Nearly every quarter during Obama's regime was less than 2% annualized GDP growth. In financial circles, that is "flat"....And the only thing keeping the economy afloat was the artificially low interest rates.
Coincidentally, Clinton loses and the Fed decides to raise interest rates?....
The Obstructionist was Obama. His tenure did nothing. Obama and the democrats wanted to do plenty. They just wanted to add a contingency so that if their plans failed, they could blame the GOP.
That's how Obama operated. He did nothing unless there was political cover.
Also...."pass a Bill I can sign".....Obama is the only POTUS who had the irrational idea that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.

In today's global economy, 2-3 percent is the new norm

Obama gave us steady growth in a global economy that was struggling
That's crock and a cop out.
Obama was running around the country touting this same message of failure.
His message....These jobs are not coming back". As if we're just supposed to accept this and move. on...
Then with that Obama told anyone who would listen that all those who's jobs were not coming back should wait for new government programs designed to help retrain displaced workers.
The real message...."Don't work. Become dependent upon government".
And this is in part the reason liberalism was rejected in the last election.
The American Voter saw enough. See November 2016 results.

Hillary won by 3 million votes
Republicans lost seats in the House and Senate

Stop pretending you have a mandate

Without California and New York, your popular vote cries mean nothing. Further, Republicans losing House and Senate seats and Democrats still can't take a chamber? If Republicans don't have a mandate, what do Democrats have? Oh, that's right.....the popular vote in California and New York. Is that what you consider a mandate?

Lets see...If I throw out 60 million voters in California and NY, I might actually win the popular vote

Both those states have COUNTIES bigger than your red states

Take that to the American people. Tell them that only New York and California matter on an absolute basis. You people couldn't even hold on to Pa, Mi, Oh, and Wi.
Let's take the concept of one man, one vote to the people

A vote in California counts the same as a vote in Wyoming

How about we have a nationwide vote on it?
You still harping on that horseshit?....Give it up sailor. Save yourself. The liberal boat is sinking.
Republicans hunted the BIG OBAMA SCANDAL for eight years and came up with nothing
You keep repeating that lie, despite it already having been disproven...why? Complete and utter denial? Shame? Mental disability? 'Dain Bramaged'?
Brain damage. It's a requirement when voting for democrats and backing their corrupt policies.
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p

Is that really the best you guys can come up with?

The same party that ignored Iran Contra and Valerie Plame as "not relevant"
Valerie Plame is a joke that broadcasted her where abouts on huge billboards promoting herself.
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p

Is that really the best you guys can come up with?

The same party that ignored Iran Contra and Valerie Plame as "not relevant"

Valerie Plame as "not relevant"

Why was she relevant?
The American Voter saw enough. See November 2016 results.

Hillary won by 3 million votes
Republicans lost seats in the House and Senate

Stop pretending you have a mandate

Without California and New York, your popular vote cries mean nothing. Further, Republicans losing House and Senate seats and Democrats still can't take a chamber? If Republicans don't have a mandate, what do Democrats have? Oh, that's right.....the popular vote in California and New York. Is that what you consider a mandate?

Lets see...If I throw out 60 million voters in California and NY, I might actually win the popular vote

Both those states have COUNTIES bigger than your red states

Take that to the American people. Tell them that only New York and California matter on an absolute basis. You people couldn't even hold on to Pa, Mi, Oh, and Wi.
Let's take the concept of one man, one vote to the people

A vote in California counts the same as a vote in Wyoming

How about we have a nationwide vote on it?

Oh, now you people want up or down votes? Straight Up? Be careful for what you wish may lose on Abortion and Gun Control. If you dont like the Electoral College, work the process to have it changed. Hint: Getting it done by way of the bench or executive order would not be popular.
That's the difference between a scandal and a conspiracy. Hillary has had 30 years of GOP conspiracies but no scandals.

Trump has plenty of scandals the press is only starting to look in to.

Let me were stupid enough to believe the crap that Hillary spouted about "vast right wing conspiracies" way back when? She was a lying sack of shit then and she's a lying sack of shit now! Get a clue...R-Derp!
Right. The Fox Rush Heritage Cruz etc circle jerk and the chumps don't exist...
Di you not realize you are on the losing side? And did you not realize your power is gone? You no longer get to have a say in how the conversation is handled.
Your are OVER....Liberalism is OVER. PC is OVER......Step aside. You had your chance. Your side only divided the country and gave us despair.
Hardly. We only averted a full depression, ended the stupidest wars ever, and had 85 straight months of growth despite mindless obstruction for 8 years. Trump is the business candidate, not GOP.
Economists disagree with your claim of growth.
Nearly every quarter during Obama's regime was less than 2% annualized GDP growth. In financial circles, that is "flat"....And the only thing keeping the economy afloat was the artificially low interest rates.
Coincidentally, Clinton loses and the Fed decides to raise interest rates?....
The Obstructionist was Obama. His tenure did nothing. Obama and the democrats wanted to do plenty. They just wanted to add a contingency so that if their plans failed, they could blame the GOP.
That's how Obama operated. He did nothing unless there was political cover.
Also...."pass a Bill I can sign".....Obama is the only POTUS who had the irrational idea that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING, and their dupes believe Obama was a dictator or the GOP gave him all he wanted, or he refused to compromise lol- pure bs...but solid growth for 7 years straight and no corrupt GOP bubble- best economy in the world FCS...but thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the ME, AND a corrupt world depression, New BS GOP and silly dupes. A million phony scandals. None went anywhere in the real world. And it WAS the video, dumbasses.
Let me were stupid enough to believe the crap that Hillary spouted about "vast right wing conspiracies" way back when? She was a lying sack of shit then and she's a lying sack of shit now! Get a clue...R-Derp!
Right. The Fox Rush Heritage Cruz etc circle jerk and the chumps don't exist...
Di you not realize you are on the losing side? And did you not realize your power is gone? You no longer get to have a say in how the conversation is handled.
Your are OVER....Liberalism is OVER. PC is OVER......Step aside. You had your chance. Your side only divided the country and gave us despair.
Hardly. We only averted a full depression, ended the stupidest wars ever, and had 85 straight months of growth despite mindless obstruction for 8 years. Trump is the business candidate, not GOP.
Economists disagree with your claim of growth.
Nearly every quarter during Obama's regime was less than 2% annualized GDP growth. In financial circles, that is "flat"....And the only thing keeping the economy afloat was the artificially low interest rates.
Coincidentally, Clinton loses and the Fed decides to raise interest rates?....
The Obstructionist was Obama. His tenure did nothing. Obama and the democrats wanted to do plenty. They just wanted to add a contingency so that if their plans failed, they could blame the GOP.
That's how Obama operated. He did nothing unless there was political cover.
Also...."pass a Bill I can sign".....Obama is the only POTUS who had the irrational idea that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING, and their dupes believe Obama was a dictator or the GOP gave him all he wanted, or he refused to compromise lol- pure bs...but solid growth for 7 years straight and no corrupt GOP bubble- best economy in the world FCS...but thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the ME, AND a corrupt world depression, New BS GOP and silly dupes. A million phony scandals. None went anywhere in the real world. And it WAS the video, dumbasses.

The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING,

Isn't it strange that after only 2 years of total Democrat control of the Federal government, the American people gave the Republicans 63 new seats in the House of Representatives? The largest shift since 1948.
It's almost as if they wanted someone to obstruct Obama's agenda.
Weird, huh?

but solid growth for 7 years straight

Weakest recovery since WWII. Thanks Obama!
Right. The Fox Rush Heritage Cruz etc circle jerk and the chumps don't exist...
Di you not realize you are on the losing side? And did you not realize your power is gone? You no longer get to have a say in how the conversation is handled.
Your are OVER....Liberalism is OVER. PC is OVER......Step aside. You had your chance. Your side only divided the country and gave us despair.
Hardly. We only averted a full depression, ended the stupidest wars ever, and had 85 straight months of growth despite mindless obstruction for 8 years. Trump is the business candidate, not GOP.
Economists disagree with your claim of growth.
Nearly every quarter during Obama's regime was less than 2% annualized GDP growth. In financial circles, that is "flat"....And the only thing keeping the economy afloat was the artificially low interest rates.
Coincidentally, Clinton loses and the Fed decides to raise interest rates?....
The Obstructionist was Obama. His tenure did nothing. Obama and the democrats wanted to do plenty. They just wanted to add a contingency so that if their plans failed, they could blame the GOP.
That's how Obama operated. He did nothing unless there was political cover.
Also...."pass a Bill I can sign".....Obama is the only POTUS who had the irrational idea that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING, and their dupes believe Obama was a dictator or the GOP gave him all he wanted, or he refused to compromise lol- pure bs...but solid growth for 7 years straight and no corrupt GOP bubble- best economy in the world FCS...but thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the ME, AND a corrupt world depression, New BS GOP and silly dupes. A million phony scandals. None went anywhere in the real world. And it WAS the video, dumbasses.

The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING,

Isn't it strange that after only 2 years of total Democrat control of the Federal government, the American people gave the Republicans 63 new seats in the House of Representatives? The largest shift since 1948.
It's almost as if they wanted someone to obstruct Obama's agenda.
Weird, huh?

but solid growth for 7 years straight

Weakest recovery since WWII. Thanks Obama!
So total control despite 200+ GOP filibusters eh, dupe? Ridiculous people....

Jobs, jobs, jobs! Disgusting GOP, ignorant dupes....Thank god Trump just used you morons...
Di you not realize you are on the losing side? And did you not realize your power is gone? You no longer get to have a say in how the conversation is handled.
Your are OVER....Liberalism is OVER. PC is OVER......Step aside. You had your chance. Your side only divided the country and gave us despair.
Hardly. We only averted a full depression, ended the stupidest wars ever, and had 85 straight months of growth despite mindless obstruction for 8 years. Trump is the business candidate, not GOP.
Economists disagree with your claim of growth.
Nearly every quarter during Obama's regime was less than 2% annualized GDP growth. In financial circles, that is "flat"....And the only thing keeping the economy afloat was the artificially low interest rates.
Coincidentally, Clinton loses and the Fed decides to raise interest rates?....
The Obstructionist was Obama. His tenure did nothing. Obama and the democrats wanted to do plenty. They just wanted to add a contingency so that if their plans failed, they could blame the GOP.
That's how Obama operated. He did nothing unless there was political cover.
Also...."pass a Bill I can sign".....Obama is the only POTUS who had the irrational idea that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING, and their dupes believe Obama was a dictator or the GOP gave him all he wanted, or he refused to compromise lol- pure bs...but solid growth for 7 years straight and no corrupt GOP bubble- best economy in the world FCS...but thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the ME, AND a corrupt world depression, New BS GOP and silly dupes. A million phony scandals. None went anywhere in the real world. And it WAS the video, dumbasses.

The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING,

Isn't it strange that after only 2 years of total Democrat control of the Federal government, the American people gave the Republicans 63 new seats in the House of Representatives? The largest shift since 1948.
It's almost as if they wanted someone to obstruct Obama's agenda.
Weird, huh?

but solid growth for 7 years straight

Weakest recovery since WWII. Thanks Obama!
So total control despite 200+ GOP filibusters eh, dupe? Ridiculous people....

Jobs, jobs, jobs! Disgusting GOP, ignorant dupes....Thank god Trump just used you morons...

So total control despite 200+ GOP filibusters eh, dupe?

Yes, the Dems had huge majorities in the House and Senate, moron.
I guess the voters didn't like what they did with them, eh dupe?
If you don't like the filibuster, you can always get rid of it.
Hardly. We only averted a full depression, ended the stupidest wars ever, and had 85 straight months of growth despite mindless obstruction for 8 years. Trump is the business candidate, not GOP.
Economists disagree with your claim of growth.
Nearly every quarter during Obama's regime was less than 2% annualized GDP growth. In financial circles, that is "flat"....And the only thing keeping the economy afloat was the artificially low interest rates.
Coincidentally, Clinton loses and the Fed decides to raise interest rates?....
The Obstructionist was Obama. His tenure did nothing. Obama and the democrats wanted to do plenty. They just wanted to add a contingency so that if their plans failed, they could blame the GOP.
That's how Obama operated. He did nothing unless there was political cover.
Also...."pass a Bill I can sign".....Obama is the only POTUS who had the irrational idea that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING, and their dupes believe Obama was a dictator or the GOP gave him all he wanted, or he refused to compromise lol- pure bs...but solid growth for 7 years straight and no corrupt GOP bubble- best economy in the world FCS...but thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the ME, AND a corrupt world depression, New BS GOP and silly dupes. A million phony scandals. None went anywhere in the real world. And it WAS the video, dumbasses.

The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING,

Isn't it strange that after only 2 years of total Democrat control of the Federal government, the American people gave the Republicans 63 new seats in the House of Representatives? The largest shift since 1948.
It's almost as if they wanted someone to obstruct Obama's agenda.
Weird, huh?

but solid growth for 7 years straight

Weakest recovery since WWII. Thanks Obama!
So total control despite 200+ GOP filibusters eh, dupe? Ridiculous people....

Jobs, jobs, jobs! Disgusting GOP, ignorant dupes....Thank god Trump just used you morons...

So total control despite 200+ GOP filibusters eh, dupe?

Yes, the Dems had huge majorities in the House and Senate, moron.
I guess the voters didn't like what they did with them, eh dupe?
If you don't like the filibuster, you can always get rid of it.
Yup, he had total control, it was just that the GOP could block everything except for one month he had 60 votes in the Senate.
18 Major Scandals in Obama's ‘Scandal-Free’ Presidency - Breitbart

A Look Back at Obama’s Scandal-Free Administration

List of federal political scandals in the United States - Wikipedia
2009–2017 Barack Obama Administration[edit]
Executive Branch[edit]
  1. Lois Lerner, head of the IRS Office of Exempt Organizations, stated she had not done anything wrong and then took the Fifth before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.[12] She retired in 2013 after an internal investigation found that she neglected her duties and was going to call for her ouster.[13]
  2. Joseph H. Grant, commissioner of the IRS Tax-exempt and Government entities division, resigned on May 16, 2013.[14]
The “remarkably scandal free” Obama administration - Hot Air

Yup, 'Scandal-Free' :p

Is that really the best you guys can come up with?

The same party that ignored Iran Contra and Valerie Plame as "not relevant"

Valerie Plame as "not relevant"

Why was she relevant?

Because liberals like him still need to believe she was a "covert agent" who was outed by the Bush Administration instead of a political schemer who tried to knee cap George W. Bush's reelection by having her hubby write an Op Ed in the New York Times!
Economists disagree with your claim of growth.
Nearly every quarter during Obama's regime was less than 2% annualized GDP growth. In financial circles, that is "flat"....And the only thing keeping the economy afloat was the artificially low interest rates.
Coincidentally, Clinton loses and the Fed decides to raise interest rates?....
The Obstructionist was Obama. His tenure did nothing. Obama and the democrats wanted to do plenty. They just wanted to add a contingency so that if their plans failed, they could blame the GOP.
That's how Obama operated. He did nothing unless there was political cover.
Also...."pass a Bill I can sign".....Obama is the only POTUS who had the irrational idea that Congress exists to do the bidding of the Executive Branch.
The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING, and their dupes believe Obama was a dictator or the GOP gave him all he wanted, or he refused to compromise lol- pure bs...but solid growth for 7 years straight and no corrupt GOP bubble- best economy in the world FCS...but thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the ME, AND a corrupt world depression, New BS GOP and silly dupes. A million phony scandals. None went anywhere in the real world. And it WAS the video, dumbasses.

The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING,

Isn't it strange that after only 2 years of total Democrat control of the Federal government, the American people gave the Republicans 63 new seats in the House of Representatives? The largest shift since 1948.
It's almost as if they wanted someone to obstruct Obama's agenda.
Weird, huh?

but solid growth for 7 years straight

Weakest recovery since WWII. Thanks Obama!
So total control despite 200+ GOP filibusters eh, dupe? Ridiculous people....

Jobs, jobs, jobs! Disgusting GOP, ignorant dupes....Thank god Trump just used you morons...

So total control despite 200+ GOP filibusters eh, dupe?

Yes, the Dems had huge majorities in the House and Senate, moron.
I guess the voters didn't like what they did with them, eh dupe?
If you don't like the filibuster, you can always get rid of it.
Yup, he had total control, it was just that the GOP could block everything except for one month he had 60 votes in the Senate.

It's awful that he couldn't get anything done with 59 votes.
It's tough when you don't play well with others.
I guess elections have consequences.
The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING, and their dupes believe Obama was a dictator or the GOP gave him all he wanted, or he refused to compromise lol- pure bs...but solid growth for 7 years straight and no corrupt GOP bubble- best economy in the world FCS...but thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever and wrecking the ME, AND a corrupt world depression, New BS GOP and silly dupes. A million phony scandals. None went anywhere in the real world. And it WAS the video, dumbasses.

The GOP obstructed EVERYTHING,

Isn't it strange that after only 2 years of total Democrat control of the Federal government, the American people gave the Republicans 63 new seats in the House of Representatives? The largest shift since 1948.
It's almost as if they wanted someone to obstruct Obama's agenda.
Weird, huh?

but solid growth for 7 years straight

Weakest recovery since WWII. Thanks Obama!
So total control despite 200+ GOP filibusters eh, dupe? Ridiculous people....

Jobs, jobs, jobs! Disgusting GOP, ignorant dupes....Thank god Trump just used you morons...

So total control despite 200+ GOP filibusters eh, dupe?

Yes, the Dems had huge majorities in the House and Senate, moron.
I guess the voters didn't like what they did with them, eh dupe?
If you don't like the filibuster, you can always get rid of it.
Yup, he had total control, it was just that the GOP could block everything except for one month he had 60 votes in the Senate.

It's awful that he couldn't get anything done with 59 votes.
It's tough when you don't play well with others.
I guess elections have consequences.

Funny how Barry declared that elections have consequences when the Democrats won big in 2008...but then totally changed his tune when the Dems got "shellacked" in 2010!

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