Vaccinate or Not?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Closing schools in Michigan because parents believe that they shouldn't vaccinate their children. Why on earth would they think that?

This means anti-vaccination reasons. And you know how I feel about that. Virtually every claim made by anti-vaxxers is wrong, or a gross distortion of the truth. The actual truth about vaccines is that they are extremely effective and their risks are minimal.

Read the rest of the story with links @ Pertussis and measles Outbreaks in Michigan.
The anti science left doesn't believe in vaccinations. Or genetically modified food. Even if the science shows that both do more good than harm.

So much for their "enlightened" viewpoint.

Yes to vaccinations... GMO's? Not enough info to declare them safe or not...I try not to buy them...strictly organic. The American diet is chock full of chemicals. And we have high cancer rates.... makes one go hmmmmmmmm
Yes to vaccinations... GMO's? Not enough info to declare them safe or not...I try not to buy them...strictly organic. The American diet is chock full of chemicals. And we have high cancer rates.... makes one go hmmmmmmmm

Since 99.9% of pesticides you eat are produced by the plants to protect themselves, you are paying a premium for food that does...nothing.
As my link states, Americans eat 1.5 grams of NATURAL pesticides per day, which is about 10,000 times more than they eat of synthetic pesticides.

Now, you can believe what you want, or you can believe science.

The anti science left doesn't believe in vaccinations. Or genetically modified food. Even if the science shows that both do more good than harm.

So much for their "enlightened" viewpoint.


Cons believe God will heal them.

Faith-Healing Parents Arrested for Death of Second Child Discovery News

Yep. So, it appears that both sides only believe the science they want to believe. The left is just as anti science as the right is, that's my point.

The anti science left doesn't believe in vaccinations. Or genetically modified food. Even if the science shows that both do more good than harm.

So much for their "enlightened" viewpoint.


Cons believe God will heal them.

Faith-Healing Parents Arrested for Death of Second Child Discovery News

Yep. So, it appears that both sides only believe the science they want to believe. The left is just as anti science as the right is, that's my point.


Nearly every piece of science you currently enjoy was invented by someone on the left you idiot.
The anti science left doesn't believe in vaccinations. Or genetically modified food. Even if the science shows that both do more good than harm.

So much for their "enlightened" viewpoint.


Cons believe God will heal them.

Faith-Healing Parents Arrested for Death of Second Child Discovery News

Yep. So, it appears that both sides only believe the science they want to believe. The left is just as anti science as the right is, that's my point.


Nearly every piece of science you currently enjoy was invented by someone on the left you idiot.

What makes you believe that? And, why am I an idiot for simply relaying these facts to you? Are my facts somehow wrong?

Granny says dats what dey oughta do here - no vaccination, no welfare, food stamps, etc.

Australia to penalize parents who don't vaccinate children
16 Sept.`15 — The Australian government said on Wednesday that it will pass a law that would withhold child care and other payments from families that fail to immunize their children.
The "No Jab, No Pay Bill" introduced to Parliament would also remove a category of "conscientious objector" that allowed parents to remain eligible for full government benefits despite not immunizing their children. "The choice made by some families not to vaccinate their children is not supported by public policy or medical research, nor should such action be supported by taxpayers in the form of family payments," Social Services Minister Scott Morrison told Parliament.

Families would lose up to 15,000 Australian dollars ($11,000) per child per year in tax and child care benefits from Jan. 1, 2016, unless their children are vaccinated. Exemptions would apply only for valid medical reasons. The legislation is likely to be passed by Parliament without any amendments. Public reaction to the proposed change has been overwhelmingly positive.

While 97 percent of Australian families that claim tax benefits for their offspring are vaccinated, the number of children under 7 years old who are not vaccinated because their parents are objectors has increased by more than 24,000 over the past decade to 39,000, the government said.

Australia to penalize parents who don't vaccinate children

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