Demon drink: greatest public health issue of our age


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
In my opinion, Ireland is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Recent media reports stated more than 1,000 people have died in Ireland from alcohol-related illness in the past 12 months. We are a nation of addicts at the mercy of an ambivalent Government with a neo-liberal agenda which panders to the demands of a self-regulating drinks industry.

Demon drink greatest public health issue of our age
As if alcohol consumtion merely depended on state regulation???

What a stupid and inherently wrong line of thought.

Germany probably has the the most liberal alcohol regulations in Europe, but we are not the country with the worst alcohol problem in Europe, which is Poland.

The US has strickt alcohol regulations but it still has alcoholism.

Alcoholism is produced through individual irresponsible behavior, stress and depression.

And it is not supprising to find it most commonly amongst people who suffer from burnout or poverty.
It's that "neo-liberal" government responsible, now, is it?

and here I was thinking the Irish drank no matter the government. It's certainly a tradition passed down in my family, anyway.
no ones business how many people die from alcoholism , certainly not governments .
might be Max , thing is that lots of great men were supposedly heavy drinkers like Winston Churchill . Compare Winston to the dopers running USA government these last 6 years .
I would love to see the methodology employed to come up with the figure of the number of people who have died of alcohol-related causes.

Both of my parents had imbibing habits that would have had them classified as "alcoholics" today, but they drank no more than everyone else in their social circle. Bunch of drunks, I suppose.

But was it the beer and liquor or the 2-3 packs of Pall Mall (unfiltered) a day that done them in?

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