Utopia on the horizon as California dems gain veto proof majority


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Democrats have won two Republican-held California state Senate seats in the Central Valley, giving the party veto-proof supermajorities in both chambers of the Legislature.
Utopia On The Horizon As California Dems Gain Veto-Proof Majority

And the results of Ca. are amazing why imagine how nice and filthy it is, imagine stepping over human shit growing out of the street cracks.
Garbage, homelessness nawwww it's all pretend I mean sheep can't see reality in front of their own face they are that gawd dam out of it.

Chicago, Detroit, LA, anything a Democrat touches they destroy it.
Oh look, another butthurt thread about the success of California, a state that started running budget surpluses when Democrasts got total control. That's not a coincidence. Democrats bring competent government, while Republicans make whole states into shitholes.
Oh look, another butthurt thread about the success of California, a state that started running budget surpluses when Democrasts got total control. That's not a coincidence. Democrats bring competent government, while Republicans make whole states into shitholes.

Yo kitty cat...they have nearly one trillion in unfunded debt. That's not a success, dumbass
Like Jerry was going to veto anything. LOL The state that spent their forestry management budget on other things and now wants national taxpayers to bail them out from the effects of their own stupidity.

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