USS John McCain hidden while Trump was in Japan

Lol come on you Trump fucks what you got to say? Trumps a fucking pussy and I can only imagine what the military brass really think about him. Comrade bone spurs the whiny scared little bitch. Fuck Trump
Let’s see how you react when lies are constantly spread by haters and the media. Let’s see how you would react when you are spied on, as well as your family, for no other reason than they don’t like you. Let’s see how you react when others set out to destroy your family and friends and their businesses because others don’t like your policies.
And I’m sure, if you reply, you will lie, as others continue to.

I don’t like how this president says some things, or some policies he has, but that doesn’t give me the right to destroy him or his family and friends, thru false narratives, such as this fallacy about the USS McCain. The voting booth is what is to be used if you don’t like him.

As Barr said in a CBS interview-

WILLIAM BARR: I'd rather, in many ways, I'd rather be back to my old life but I think that I love the Department of Justice, I love the FBI, I think it's important that we not, in this period of intense partisan feeling, destroy our institutions. I think one of the ironies today is that people are saying that it's President Trump that's shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that, it is hard, and I really haven't seen bill of particulars as to how that's being done. From my perspective the idea of resisting a democratically elected president and basically throwing everything at him and you know, really changing the norms on the grounds that we have to stop this president, that is where the shredding of our norms and our institutions is occurring.
William Barr interview: Read the full transcript

They don’t like him and lie, even create false narratives as well as evidence to try to destroy a duly elected,president.
Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare with something great. Instead, he retreated to a 'skinny repeal', which McCain voted against. That ain't stabbing the lying c*nt in the back. Why didn't Orange Judas offer a replacement - you know, "everybody with great coverage, at a tiny fraction of the cost", the way he promised you cultists.

Bad mouthing McCain just takes your mind off the fact that Trump didn't come through. Trump is grateful that you blame McCain for Trump's shortcomings.
Right....McLouse only voted to repeal Ovomitcare every single time it came up, right until he didn't....And that had nothing at all to do at all with him using his political position to grind a personal axe.

Newp, old Juan McQuisling was sooooo above such petty childish things! :rolleyes:

Petty? He's dead, and the c*nt-in-chief is still bitching about him. And you call McCain petty? And lying. Trump says McCain "killed healthcare". What a load of bs.

Trump lied about having a great healthcare plan, and because he didn't actually have one, he has you good Germans assassinating McCain's character. Good one.

C*nt in Chief is PERFECT for a POS like trump.....

I like "Victim Trump". I never even imagined a grown man who whines the way he does.
You have mistaken the pile of garbage that is Trump for someone with some integrity and a backbone. How can you be so blind? Mind boggling
Let’s see how you react when lies are constantly spread by haters and the media. Let’s see how you would react when you are spied on, as well as your family, for no other reason than they don’t like you. Let’s see how you react when others set out to destroy your family and friends and their businesses because others don’t like your policies.
And I’m sure, if you reply, you will lie, as others continue to.

I don’t like how this president says some things, or some policies he has, but that doesn’t give me the right to destroy him or his family and friends, thru false narratives, such as this fallacy about the USS McCain. The voting booth is what is to be used if you don’t like him.

As Barr said in a CBS interview-

WILLIAM BARR: I'd rather, in many ways, I'd rather be back to my old life but I think that I love the Department of Justice, I love the FBI, I think it's important that we not, in this period of intense partisan feeling, destroy our institutions. I think one of the ironies today is that people are saying that it's President Trump that's shredding our institutions. I really see no evidence of that, it is hard, and I really haven't seen bill of particulars as to how that's being done. From my perspective the idea of resisting a democratically elected president and basically throwing everything at him and you know, really changing the norms on the grounds that we have to stop this president, that is where the shredding of our norms and our institutions is occurring.
William Barr interview: Read the full transcript

They don’t like him and lie, even create false narratives as well as evidence to try to destroy a duly elected,president.
Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare with something great. Instead, he retreated to a 'skinny repeal', which McCain voted against. That ain't stabbing the lying c*nt in the back. Why didn't Orange Judas offer a replacement - you know, "everybody with great coverage, at a tiny fraction of the cost", the way he promised you cultists.

Bad mouthing McCain just takes your mind off the fact that Trump didn't come through. Trump is grateful that you blame McCain for Trump's shortcomings.
Right....McLouse only voted to repeal Ovomitcare every single time it came up, right until he didn't....And that had nothing at all to do at all with him using his political position to grind a personal axe.

Newp, old Juan McQuisling was sooooo above such petty childish things! :rolleyes:

Petty? He's dead, and the c*nt-in-chief is still bitching about him. And you call McCain petty? And lying. Trump says McCain "killed healthcare". What a load of bs.

Trump lied about having a great healthcare plan, and because he didn't actually have one, he has you good Germans assassinating McCain's character. Good one.

C*nt in Chief is PERFECT for a POS like trump.....

I like "Victim Trump". I never even imagined a grown man who whines the way he does.

How I would react has nothing to do with it; however, regardless of how I would react, my behavior would be my responsibility. You appear to be blaming Trump's behavior on other people. He's responsible.

As to your assertion that I would lie, stick it. I haven't posted anything that would give rise to that opinion.
Does Trump bring up the people who died on Pearl Harbor when he goes to Japan? he doesn't, does he?
The worst thing he did over there was not letting the sailors from the USS MCCAIN who actually wanted to see him and hear his speech, but because their uniform hats might have triggered Trump, they were refused entry.

So.....................quick question conservatives, does Trump still support our military if he bans certain commands from attending his speeches?
The worst thing he did over there was not letting the sailors from the USS MCCAIN who actually wanted to see him and hear his speech, but because their uniform hats might have triggered Trump, they were refused entry.

So.....................quick question conservatives, does Trump still support our military if he bans certain commands from attending his speeches?
The Navy has denied anyone was denied access to the President but no evidence has been provided of McCain sailors attending

No video and no members of the USS McCain saying......I was there
The worst thing he did over there was not letting the sailors from the USS MCCAIN who actually wanted to see him and hear his speech, but because their uniform hats might have triggered Trump, they were refused entry.

So.....................quick question conservatives, does Trump still support our military if he bans certain commands from attending his speeches?
The Navy has denied anyone was denied access to the President but no evidence has been provided of McCain sailors attending

No video and no members of the USS McCain saying......I was there

Nope, but there are several members who spoke off the record who said that although they tried to get in, they were denied.

It was also said that the USS MCCAIN was left off of the invite message that gave the details about when Trump was going to give his speech. I guess that the sailors on the MCCAIN heard about the speech and decided to try to get in.

But again..................I ask..................if Trump is going to treat certain members of the military like this just because of the name of their command, how can he possibly say that he supports the military, when he is ready to exclude important parts of it?
The worst thing he did over there was not letting the sailors from the USS MCCAIN who actually wanted to see him and hear his speech, but because their uniform hats might have triggered Trump, they were refused entry.

So.....................quick question conservatives, does Trump still support our military if he bans certain commands from attending his speeches?
The Navy has denied anyone was denied access to the President but no evidence has been provided of McCain sailors attending

No video and no members of the USS McCain saying......I was there

Nope, but there are several members who spoke off the record who said that although they tried to get in, they were denied.

It was also said that the USS MCCAIN was left off of the invite message that gave the details about when Trump was going to give his speech. I guess that the sailors on the MCCAIN heard about the speech and decided to try to get in.

But again..................I ask..................if Trump is going to treat certain members of the military like this just because of the name of their command, how can he possibly say that he supports the military, when he is ready to exclude important parts of it?
He can’t

Punitive actions because the President does not approve of the name of a ship is petty

How can you look those sailors in the face and tell them they are second class?
You know, maybe if president Bone Spurs had actually served in the military, he would have known how petty and mean spirited this made him look.

But.................he didn't, so he doesn't.
You know, maybe if president Bone Spurs had actually served in the military, he would have known how petty and mean spirited this made him look.

But.................he didn't, so he doesn't.

Trump says.....I had nothing to do with it

Should we believe him?
None of this matters. Trump's base does not care how petty and immature he is.
You know, maybe if president Bone Spurs had actually served in the military, he would have known how petty and mean spirited this made him look.

But.................he didn't, so he doesn't.

Trump says.....I had nothing to do with it

Should we believe him?

No, because he also said it was probably done by people who were "well meaning". That means he knows it came from the WH, and while he may not have known when it first started, you can bet he knew when he got on the base.

Trump: Whoever kept USS John McCain out of sight was 'well-meaning'

“I wasn’t involved. I would not have done that. I was very angry with John McCain because he killed health care,” Trump said, referring to the late senator’s deciding vote that killed a Senate GOP bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

“I was not a big fan of John McCain in any way, shape or form,” Trump continued in comments to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House. “Now, somebody did it because they thought I didn’t like him, OK? And they were well-meaning. I will say, I didn’t know anything about it. I would never have done that.”
You know, maybe if president Bone Spurs had actually served in the military, he would have known how petty and mean spirited this made him look.

But.................he didn't, so he doesn't.

Trump says.....I had nothing to do with it

Should we believe him?

No, because he also said it was probably done by people who were "well meaning". That means he knows it came from the WH, and while he may not have known when it first started, you can bet he knew when he got on the base.

Trump: Whoever kept USS John McCain out of sight was 'well-meaning'

“I wasn’t involved. I would not have done that. I was very angry with John McCain because he killed health care,” Trump said, referring to the late senator’s deciding vote that killed a Senate GOP bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

“I was not a big fan of John McCain in any way, shape or form,” Trump continued in comments to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House. “Now, somebody did it because they thought I didn’t like him, OK? And they were well-meaning. I will say, I didn’t know anything about it. I would never have done that.”
Well meaning means they did what I expect of them

I would never have done that not credible when taken with his other statements and actions towards McCain
Latest from Team Trump is that the request came from a young low level staffer who was 23-24 years old and made the decision on his own
None of this matters. Trump's base does not care how petty and immature he is.
Trump will hug another flag and they will call him a patriot
McCain screwed over his so called base because of his hate for Trump. McCain was always mediocre and he was the epitome of "privileged". His father and grandfather were better. They even covered for his flaws. You guys hate McCain's guts. To me, if he gave it his best in the 2008 election and dealt with Obamacare the way he was supposed to, McCain would not be despised today. Remember...McCain and Romney begat Trump with Fidel Obama providing foundation for his election.

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