US's decline in Number&Graphic


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
It is nominal GDP, when you make such graphic with Purchasing-Power it is even more devastating to USA.

Simple explanation: The USA lacks about 26 Trillion $ in economic output to "play glorious Empire" like it did in 2nd half of 20th century, when most of world were either 3rd world or were recovering from WW2.

The World simply outgrew the USA, and just look at the growth-rates of China, Brazil, India etc etc and add to that the debt-problems of USA.

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In GDP-PPP the USA lacks 37 Trillion $ in economic output to be on par with rest of world.
I don't have data for let's say the year 1980 where USA was in its "glorious days", but I assume that US economic output matched rest of world with only some Trillion $ difference.
China was literally a 3rd world country like most of the rest except Japan and Europe.

Israel has twice the per capita income of turkey, turkey goes to Israel for advanced military technology and training and turkey is known best as the sick man of europe. Say one word against turkey in that shithole and you'll be arrested and mention the turks' armenian genocide and you'll be shot.

And, you're posting about the US, Islamonazi dickhead? :lol::clap2:
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Islamonazi is pissed the Us has condemned the shithole turkey for its role in the genocide of a million armenians that the Turkish garbage still deny.
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