Martin Eden Mercury

VIP Member
Nov 2, 2015
Quotes from a thread on the Op-Ed section in the USMB WRITERS CORNER. Reading them I cannot help but wonder who so many members gave up so easily. Is the Op-Ed section doing well? I'd have to say it is, if an understanding on what Op-Eds are supposed to be about is the standard to judge it by.

It is a new section. New things often experience growing pains, but time will tell if this is a worthwhile experience or not. I wonder if any member reading this, who is quoted below, can recognize their own words? Have their opinions changed? And if so in what ways?

Seems like we are averaging only 23 replies per piece. The section gets top billing on the Forums section. Just curious what posters think and if anyone was reading them.

I think I have made a whole three comments on one. OP-ED to me invokes the writers personal emotions and feelings toward a subject. Thus I don't feel I am reading an OP-ED at least not the kind I am use to.

Its new and will take time and maybe we will see a more personal front put in them.

I am several months away before I can sit down and attempt to write anything myself.

As far as writing one myself? Sure, I have considered it. I was thinking I might.

I just went in and read some

Interesting that the opinions are fairly similar. Thank you all for participating.
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Write a killer op-ed piece

Are you tired of being quoted out of context in threads at USMB? Want to build a reputation as a good and reliable writer?

Those who are writers, write.
Mine is the second comment you quote. The OP-ED section lacks an edge. You have to find that edge to drive traffic.

You have to engage as well. You are on YOUR turf. You want interaction you will do better if you wander out a bit a times.
Its like you are in this little fenced off area and while some like myself have come inside you never come outside. Why is that?

If you look at the thread in here "A woman getting stoned" or close to that you see great interaction but is the OP there? No they are not. But we in OUR style fight for every inch we get every award every thank you.

Okay, you hit some goose eggs and we ALL do, it happens. But its the net not a book or a paper LIVE at the moment cyber sparring. When you are writing an OP-ED you are either inciting a fight or reacting to a fight, WRITE like it.

You want to make some ground on the net? Fine, YOU have to TAKE it just like we ALL do. Nobody gave it to us.

Good luck.
Thank you Mr. DarkFury for your comments and input. I am personally struck by your stating you see a lack of an edge. I am also struck by your views on what constitutes a good op-ed, which in your view constitutes engagement and interaction in the thread itself.

You infer you do not see any personal emotions and feelings in any of my op-eds. I wonder if you've read my introduction piece, where I state who I am, and where I am coming from "This independent voice...I hope to stay true..." and where I also state, I am starting out with a series of op-eds.

The introduction of my views, through a series of op-eds, was and is to be my way of contributing to what I personally view as the build out of an op-ed team. An op-ed team that was initially meant to represent a full spectrum of political and ideological views present here at USMB, and hopefully representative of the world out there. As it stands now there are two contributors. I personally view this as only a beginning. I personally want to find a way of bringing in other voices. That is the object of this thread outside of the Writers Corner. Again, I thank you for your comments and input.

USMB op-ed contributor
Thank you Mr. DarkFury for your comments and input. I am personally struck by your stating you see a lack of an edge. I am also struck by your views on what constitutes a good op-ed, which in your view constitutes engagement and interaction in the thread itself.

You infer you do not see any personal emotions and feelings in any of my op-eds. I wonder if you've read my introduction piece, where I state who I am, and where I am coming from "This independent voice...I hope to stay true..." and where I also state, I am starting out with a series of op-eds.

The introduction of my views, through a series of op-eds, was and is to be my way of contributing to what I personally view as the build out of an op-ed team. An op-ed team that was initially meant to represent a full spectrum of political and ideological views present here at USMB, and hopefully representative of the world out there. As it stands now there are two contributors. I personally view this as only a beginning. I personally want to find a way of bringing in other voices. That is the object of this thread outside of the Writers Corner. Again, I thank you for your comments and input.

USMB op-ed contributor
I am not a professional writer but I know what puts butts in seats.
Hit them and hit them hard.
He Never Tried To Kill Them? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I see OP-ED rather simple. Incite the reader, draw them in and make it theirs. I see OP as a thought, no links needed because personal feelings don't have links. The ED part? In your face and drop the hammer and tear that topic or person up.

My thoughts anyway.

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