Using The Debt Like Lincoln Used The Civil War Is A Real Possibility


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

This morning on MSNBC they were discussing how Obama could break the constitution in order to save it. The way Lincoln went around the constitution was by suspending Habius Corpus because of the insurrection in the South. This was the topic of discussion on Melissa Harris-Perry this morning.

Democrats decided to split from the Union and go their own way, so Lincoln felt he had no choice but to break the constitution in order to save it. The problem today is Democrats are trying to split the nation and go their own way by spending us into bankruptcy. Democrats are constantly misinterpreting the Constitution to fit their needs. This is another example of it.

Obama and friends helped create this crisis and they decided the only way they could change the constitution was by going around it. So in effect they are inside the government doing the same thing the Democrats in the South in 1860 were doing.

The more things change the more they stay the same. This is what the founding fathers wanted to prevent. The balance of power is designed to keep one branch of government from stomping all over another branch. The only thing that has stopped it before was that there were enough honest members of government to push back when pushed. Once the Democrats get two more SCOTUS judges and take back the House all bets are off.
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This morning on MSNBC they were discussing how Obama could break the constitution in order to save it. The way Lincoln went around the constitution was by suspending Habius Corpus because of the insurrection in the South. This was the topic of discussion on Melissa Harris-Perry this morning.

Democrats decided to split from the Union and go their own way, so Lincoln felt he had no choice but to break the constitution in order to save it. The problem today is Democrats are trying to split the nation and go their own way by spending us into bankruptcy. Democrats are constantly misinterpreting the Constitution to fit their needs. This is another example of it.

Obama and friends helped create this crisis and they decided the only way they could change the constitution was by going around it. So in effect they are inside the government doing the same thing the Democrats in the South in 1860 were doing.

The more things change the more they stay the same. This is what the founding fathers wanted to prevent. The balance of power is designed to keep one branch of government from stomping all over another branch. The only thing that has stopped it before was that there were enough honest members of government to push back when pushed. Once the Democrats get two more SCOTUS judges and take back the House all bets are off.

The new and updated face of evil and destruction to America and the Constitution.


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