Used and abused: UK's young girls


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
LONDON: Six men under investigation in Britain over alleged child sex exploitation were ordered Wednesday to stay away from girls, in what police hailed as a "groundbreaking" court ruling.

London's High Court issued an injunction banning the men from Birmingham, in central England, from approaching "any female under 18" with whom they are not associated.

The move was aimed at protecting a vulnerable 17-year-old girl in authority care who had been found by police in a hotel room and around cars with men, the court heard.

A judge ruled Wednesday that the men, who have not been convicted of any crime in relation to the teenager, could be named, despite objections from police concerned about their safety.

Judge Michael Keehan said there was "a high public interest in the public having the right to know what has happened in this case".

Injunctions were made against Mohammed Anjam, Omar Ahmed, Naseem Khan, Mohammed Javed, Shah Alam and Sajid Hussain -- who all come from the Birmingham area.

Most of the men denied any wrongdoing.

One told reporters as he left court Wednesday that the proceedings were "racist" and said he would appeal the decision.

Detective Chief Superintendent Danny Long, head of West Midlands Police's Public Protection Unit, defended the injunctions which he said followed months of investigations.

"Being found in a hotel room with a child isn't a crime. Being in a taxi with a child isn't a crime. Having the number of a vulnerable child in your phone or on your social media network isn't a crime. But these injunctions mean that it is now prohibited for these men," he said.

He added that the court orders were "incredibly restricting", prohibiting "any contact, in any form, with any girl under 18 years of age, who they can't prove they know".

He said anyone who breached an injunction could face prison.

Lawyers for Birmingham City Council, who launched civil court proceedings against 10 men, are due to present more evidence against several others on Thursday.

Authorities say there is currently inadequate evidence for a criminal conviction. – AFP

Men barred from approaching girls in UK anti-grooming case theSundaily
Pedophilia is like all other sex crimes, totally incurable. Psychologists and liberals think that everything is curable. Sometimes, the only cure is the bullet/gallow. Why can't we do executions any more?
There's been a lot of scandal in the UK in regards to sexual crimes against children being covered up going back some years.

A ‘big political cover-up’ of 1980s pedophile-ring in U.K. Parliament?

This is also from July but - it's disturbing to read the occupations of some of the people arrested but it sounds like they are taking things seriously and trying to clean it up: National Crime Agency - UK-wide operation snares 660 suspected paedophiles

An unprecedented six-month operation coordinated by the NCA and involving 45 police forces across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland has led to the arrest of 660 suspected paedophiles.
More than 400 children across the UK have been safeguarded.
Some of those arrested had unsupervised access to children in the course of their work. They include doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers.
There's been a lot of scandal in the UK in regards to sexual crimes against children being covered up going back some years.

A ‘big political cover-up’ of 1980s pedophile-ring in U.K. Parliament?

This is also from July but - it's disturbing to read the occupations of some of the people arrested but it sounds like they are taking things seriously and trying to clean it up: National Crime Agency - UK-wide operation snares 660 suspected paedophiles

An unprecedented six-month operation coordinated by the NCA and involving 45 police forces across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland has led to the arrest of 660 suspected paedophiles.
More than 400 children across the UK have been safeguarded.
Some of those arrested had unsupervised access to children in the course of their work. They include doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers.

Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.
There's been a lot of scandal in the UK in regards to sexual crimes against children being covered up going back some years.

A ‘big political cover-up’ of 1980s pedophile-ring in U.K. Parliament?

This is also from July but - it's disturbing to read the occupations of some of the people arrested but it sounds like they are taking things seriously and trying to clean it up: National Crime Agency - UK-wide operation snares 660 suspected paedophiles

An unprecedented six-month operation coordinated by the NCA and involving 45 police forces across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland has led to the arrest of 660 suspected paedophiles.
More than 400 children across the UK have been safeguarded.
Some of those arrested had unsupervised access to children in the course of their work. They include doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers.

Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.

Very simple the last government we had used legalities to silence the voices of dissent when they threatened parents with arrest for speaking out against the widespread abuse of girls as young as 11 and 12 by gangs of muslim men. They informed the police to make the threats under racism laws and to not investigate any of the claims or they themselves would be seen as racists. This went on for 14 years and actually increased as the government open the doors to a flood of immigrants in return for votes. The government had been infiltrated by neo Marxists who imposed political correctness across the country, much as the USA is, or was, in the grip of neo Marxists headed by Obama. It became a crime to report any serious crime committed by immigrants under the regime imposed on the people, and you faced arrest, trial and sentencing to prison if you did. So the decent people of the UK lived in fear of arrest for daring to report serious child abuse crimes. The same with the politicians who used their positions of power to hide their crimes and called on their old school friends and clubs to help hide the crimes. Many celebrities hid behind their fame and money, buying people off and making it look bad for the TV companies if they were investigated.
There's been a lot of scandal in the UK in regards to sexual crimes against children being covered up going back some years.

A ‘big political cover-up’ of 1980s pedophile-ring in U.K. Parliament?

This is also from July but - it's disturbing to read the occupations of some of the people arrested but it sounds like they are taking things seriously and trying to clean it up: National Crime Agency - UK-wide operation snares 660 suspected paedophiles

An unprecedented six-month operation coordinated by the NCA and involving 45 police forces across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland has led to the arrest of 660 suspected paedophiles.
More than 400 children across the UK have been safeguarded.
Some of those arrested had unsupervised access to children in the course of their work. They include doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers.

And the vast majority of cases were committed by muslim men following the commands of their religion and using sex abuse as a form of RACISM and TERRORISM
Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.
Angry? Very interesting response. So why is the death penalty not acceptable to you Britons then?
Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.
Angry? Very interesting response. So why is the death penalty not acceptable to you Britons then?

I'm an American. Besides, although I am angry, justice shouldn't be doled out based upon our emotions but upon the facts of the case. I am an anti death penalty American because I don't think it's appropriate for government (at any level) have the power to kill citizens on a whim. Besides, there have been many mistakes during many trials, which always leaves room for doubt.
There's been a lot of scandal in the UK in regards to sexual crimes against children being covered up going back some years.

A ‘big political cover-up’ of 1980s pedophile-ring in U.K. Parliament?

This is also from July but - it's disturbing to read the occupations of some of the people arrested but it sounds like they are taking things seriously and trying to clean it up: National Crime Agency - UK-wide operation snares 660 suspected paedophiles

An unprecedented six-month operation coordinated by the NCA and involving 45 police forces across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland has led to the arrest of 660 suspected paedophiles.
More than 400 children across the UK have been safeguarded.
Some of those arrested had unsupervised access to children in the course of their work. They include doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers.

Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.

Very simple the last government we had used legalities to silence the voices of dissent when they threatened parents with arrest for speaking out against the widespread abuse of girls as young as 11 and 12 by gangs of muslim men. They informed the police to make the threats under racism laws and to not investigate any of the claims or they themselves would be seen as racists. This went on for 14 years and actually increased as the government open the doors to a flood of immigrants in return for votes. The government had been infiltrated by neo Marxists who imposed political correctness across the country, much as the USA is, or was, in the grip of neo Marxists headed by Obama. It became a crime to report any serious crime committed by immigrants under the regime imposed on the people, and you faced arrest, trial and sentencing to prison if you did. So the decent people of the UK lived in fear of arrest for daring to report serious child abuse crimes. The same with the politicians who used their positions of power to hide their crimes and called on their old school friends and clubs to help hide the crimes. Many celebrities hid behind their fame and money, buying people off and making it look bad for the TV companies if they were investigated.

Well, that sounds disgusting, but I think I would need to see some kind of evidence that this is the reason. I wouldn't be surprised if it was, but there could be other reasons why these things were being overlooked. Incompetence comes to mind.
Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.
Angry? Very interesting response. So why is the death penalty not acceptable to you Britons then?

I'm an American. Besides, although I am angry, justice shouldn't be doled out based upon our emotions but upon the facts of the case. I am an anti death penalty American because I don't think it's appropriate for government (at any level) have the power to kill citizens on a whim. Besides, there have been many mistakes during many trials, which always leaves room for doubt.

You have a beautiful avatar. Do you deserve it? :)

Many argue that prison is worse than a death penalty. Plus even with judicial mistakes, prison years can't be undone. They are not even financially compensated for those criminals that are exhonorated. Why does then swapping prison for death make a difference?
Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.
Angry? Very interesting response. So why is the death penalty not acceptable to you Britons then?

Because the government went against the peoples wishes and banned it. Many people want to see it reinstated for certain crimes like child murder and terrorism.
There's been a lot of scandal in the UK in regards to sexual crimes against children being covered up going back some years.

A ‘big political cover-up’ of 1980s pedophile-ring in U.K. Parliament?

This is also from July but - it's disturbing to read the occupations of some of the people arrested but it sounds like they are taking things seriously and trying to clean it up: National Crime Agency - UK-wide operation snares 660 suspected paedophiles

An unprecedented six-month operation coordinated by the NCA and involving 45 police forces across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland has led to the arrest of 660 suspected paedophiles.
More than 400 children across the UK have been safeguarded.
Some of those arrested had unsupervised access to children in the course of their work. They include doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers.

Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.

Very simple the last government we had used legalities to silence the voices of dissent when they threatened parents with arrest for speaking out against the widespread abuse of girls as young as 11 and 12 by gangs of muslim men. They informed the police to make the threats under racism laws and to not investigate any of the claims or they themselves would be seen as racists. This went on for 14 years and actually increased as the government open the doors to a flood of immigrants in return for votes. The government had been infiltrated by neo Marxists who imposed political correctness across the country, much as the USA is, or was, in the grip of neo Marxists headed by Obama. It became a crime to report any serious crime committed by immigrants under the regime imposed on the people, and you faced arrest, trial and sentencing to prison if you did. So the decent people of the UK lived in fear of arrest for daring to report serious child abuse crimes. The same with the politicians who used their positions of power to hide their crimes and called on their old school friends and clubs to help hide the crimes. Many celebrities hid behind their fame and money, buying people off and making it look bad for the TV companies if they were investigated.

Well, that sounds disgusting, but I think I would need to see some kind of evidence that this is the reason. I wouldn't be surprised if it was, but there could be other reasons why these things were being overlooked. Incompetence comes to mind.

Here is just a taster of what went on

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal refers to the existence of widespread child sexual abuse in the town of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, between 1997 and 2013, and its subsequent cover-up.

The Inquiry's initial report was published on 26 August 2014 and condemned the failure of the authorities in Rotherham to act effectively against the abuse and even, in some cases, to acknowledge that it was taking place.[2][4][5] It conservatively estimated that 1,400 children had been sexually abused in the town between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by gangs of British-Pakistani men. Abuses described by the report included abduction, rape, torture and sex trafficking of children.[5]

Members of the British-Pakistani community condemned both the sexual abuse and that it had been covered up for fear of "giving oxygen" to racism.[6] The leader of Rotherham Borough Council, Roger Stone, resigned, as did the council's Chief Executive, Martin Kimber, and the director of children's services, Joyce Thacker. Shaun Wright, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for South Yorkshire who had been a Labour councillor in charge of child safety at the council, stood down on 16 September, after initially refusing demands that he should do so.[7] The Home Secretary, Theresa May, blamed the failure of the authorities in Rotherham on "institutionalised political correctness",[8] and Denis MacShane, the former MP for Rotherham during the period covered by the report, admitted that he had been "guilty of doing too little" to investigate the extent of the sex crimes being committed in his constituency.[9]
Independent inquiries were set up into the actions of both South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Borough Council, to examine their roles in investigating the allegations, and their procedures and practices.[10][11] Further allegations of a cover-up, including the theft of documents from a council researcher's office, were made in a
Home Affairs Select Committee report in October 2014.[
There's been a lot of scandal in the UK in regards to sexual crimes against children being covered up going back some years.

A ‘big political cover-up’ of 1980s pedophile-ring in U.K. Parliament?

This is also from July but - it's disturbing to read the occupations of some of the people arrested but it sounds like they are taking things seriously and trying to clean it up: National Crime Agency - UK-wide operation snares 660 suspected paedophiles

An unprecedented six-month operation coordinated by the NCA and involving 45 police forces across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland has led to the arrest of 660 suspected paedophiles.
More than 400 children across the UK have been safeguarded.
Some of those arrested had unsupervised access to children in the course of their work. They include doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers.

Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.

Very simple the last government we had used legalities to silence the voices of dissent when they threatened parents with arrest for speaking out against the widespread abuse of girls as young as 11 and 12 by gangs of muslim men. They informed the police to make the threats under racism laws and to not investigate any of the claims or they themselves would be seen as racists. This went on for 14 years and actually increased as the government open the doors to a flood of immigrants in return for votes. The government had been infiltrated by neo Marxists who imposed political correctness across the country, much as the USA is, or was, in the grip of neo Marxists headed by Obama. It became a crime to report any serious crime committed by immigrants under the regime imposed on the people, and you faced arrest, trial and sentencing to prison if you did. So the decent people of the UK lived in fear of arrest for daring to report serious child abuse crimes. The same with the politicians who used their positions of power to hide their crimes and called on their old school friends and clubs to help hide the crimes. Many celebrities hid behind their fame and money, buying people off and making it look bad for the TV companies if they were investigated.

Well, that sounds disgusting, but I think I would need to see some kind of evidence that this is the reason. I wouldn't be surprised if it was, but there could be other reasons why these things were being overlooked. Incompetence comes to mind.

Here is just a taster of what went on

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal refers to the existence of widespread child sexual abuse in the town of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, between 1997 and 2013, and its subsequent cover-up.

The Inquiry's initial report was published on 26 August 2014 and condemned the failure of the authorities in Rotherham to act effectively against the abuse and even, in some cases, to acknowledge that it was taking place.[2][4][5] It conservatively estimated that 1,400 children had been sexually abused in the town between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by gangs of British-Pakistani men. Abuses described by the report included abduction, rape, torture and sex trafficking of children.[5]

Members of the British-Pakistani community condemned both the sexual abuse and that it had been covered up for fear of "giving oxygen" to racism.[6] The leader of Rotherham Borough Council, Roger Stone, resigned, as did the council's Chief Executive, Martin Kimber, and the director of children's services, Joyce Thacker. Shaun Wright, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for South Yorkshire who had been a Labour councillor in charge of child safety at the council, stood down on 16 September, after initially refusing demands that he should do so.[7] The Home Secretary, Theresa May, blamed the failure of the authorities in Rotherham on "institutionalised political correctness",[8] and Denis MacShane, the former MP for Rotherham during the period covered by the report, admitted that he had been "guilty of doing too little" to investigate the extent of the sex crimes being committed in his constituency.[9]
Independent inquiries were set up into the actions of both South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Borough Council, to examine their roles in investigating the allegations, and their procedures and practices.[10][11] Further allegations of a cover-up, including the theft of documents from a council researcher's office, were made in a
Home Affairs Select Committee report in October 2014.[

This is just insane! Has the world gone crazy for these Muslims effers, or what?
Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.
Angry? Very interesting response. So why is the death penalty not acceptable to you Britons then?

Because the government went against the peoples wishes and banned it. Many people want to see it reinstated for certain crimes like child murder and terrorism.

Well, I don't see why we can't just lock them up. How does killing them make us any better? If you murder, we're going to murder you? :rolleyes-41: Death penalty is disgusting, barbaric, primitive.
There's been a lot of scandal in the UK in regards to sexual crimes against children being covered up going back some years.

A ‘big political cover-up’ of 1980s pedophile-ring in U.K. Parliament?

This is also from July but - it's disturbing to read the occupations of some of the people arrested but it sounds like they are taking things seriously and trying to clean it up: National Crime Agency - UK-wide operation snares 660 suspected paedophiles

An unprecedented six-month operation coordinated by the NCA and involving 45 police forces across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland has led to the arrest of 660 suspected paedophiles.
More than 400 children across the UK have been safeguarded.
Some of those arrested had unsupervised access to children in the course of their work. They include doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers.

Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.

Very simple the last government we had used legalities to silence the voices of dissent when they threatened parents with arrest for speaking out against the widespread abuse of girls as young as 11 and 12 by gangs of muslim men. They informed the police to make the threats under racism laws and to not investigate any of the claims or they themselves would be seen as racists. This went on for 14 years and actually increased as the government open the doors to a flood of immigrants in return for votes. The government had been infiltrated by neo Marxists who imposed political correctness across the country, much as the USA is, or was, in the grip of neo Marxists headed by Obama. It became a crime to report any serious crime committed by immigrants under the regime imposed on the people, and you faced arrest, trial and sentencing to prison if you did. So the decent people of the UK lived in fear of arrest for daring to report serious child abuse crimes. The same with the politicians who used their positions of power to hide their crimes and called on their old school friends and clubs to help hide the crimes. Many celebrities hid behind their fame and money, buying people off and making it look bad for the TV companies if they were investigated.

Well, that sounds disgusting, but I think I would need to see some kind of evidence that this is the reason. I wouldn't be surprised if it was, but there could be other reasons why these things were being overlooked. Incompetence comes to mind.

Here is just a taster of what went on

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal refers to the existence of widespread child sexual abuse in the town of Rotherham, South Yorkshire, England, between 1997 and 2013, and its subsequent cover-up.

The Inquiry's initial report was published on 26 August 2014 and condemned the failure of the authorities in Rotherham to act effectively against the abuse and even, in some cases, to acknowledge that it was taking place.[2][4][5] It conservatively estimated that 1,400 children had been sexually abused in the town between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by gangs of British-Pakistani men. Abuses described by the report included abduction, rape, torture and sex trafficking of children.[5]

Members of the British-Pakistani community condemned both the sexual abuse and that it had been covered up for fear of "giving oxygen" to racism.[6] The leader of Rotherham Borough Council, Roger Stone, resigned, as did the council's Chief Executive, Martin Kimber, and the director of children's services, Joyce Thacker. Shaun Wright, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for South Yorkshire who had been a Labour councillor in charge of child safety at the council, stood down on 16 September, after initially refusing demands that he should do so.[7] The Home Secretary, Theresa May, blamed the failure of the authorities in Rotherham on "institutionalised political correctness",[8] and Denis MacShane, the former MP for Rotherham during the period covered by the report, admitted that he had been "guilty of doing too little" to investigate the extent of the sex crimes being committed in his constituency.[9]
Independent inquiries were set up into the actions of both South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Borough Council, to examine their roles in investigating the allegations, and their procedures and practices.[10][11] Further allegations of a cover-up, including the theft of documents from a council researcher's office, were made in a
Home Affairs Select Committee report in October 2014.[

This is just insane! Has the world gone crazy for these Muslims effers, or what?

It was all allowed and condoned because the Labour party wanted to keep in power, the people spoke and they ended up with many questions that are still to be answered
Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.
Angry? Very interesting response. So why is the death penalty not acceptable to you Britons then?

Because the government went against the peoples wishes and banned it. Many people want to see it reinstated for certain crimes like child murder and terrorism.

Well, I don't see why we can't just lock them up. How does killing them make us any better? If you murder, we're going to murder you? :rolleyes-41: Death penalty is disgusting, barbaric, primitive.

Have you seen the costs involved in locking them up, in the UK it runs into £thousands per week to keep someone in prison. All this has to be found from tax revenues that could be spent elsewhere on more deserving causes. If we have to send them to prison lets make them work for the privilege by walking endlessly on a treadmill generating free electricity. Producing their own food from a prison farm and selling any surplus to cover any costs.
Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.
Angry? Very interesting response. So why is the death penalty not acceptable to you Britons then?

Because the government went against the peoples wishes and banned it. Many people want to see it reinstated for certain crimes like child murder and terrorism.

Well, I don't see why we can't just lock them up. How does killing them make us any better? If you murder, we're going to murder you? :rolleyes-41: Death penalty is disgusting, barbaric, primitive.

Have you seen the costs involved in locking them up, in the UK it runs into £thousands per week to keep someone in prison. All this has to be found from tax revenues that could be spent elsewhere on more deserving causes. If we have to send them to prison lets make them work for the privilege by walking endlessly on a treadmill generating free electricity. Producing their own food from a prison farm and selling any surplus to cover any costs.

I'm an American and have no say in what happens in the UK. However, personally, I don't have a problem with making prisoners work. Bring back the chain gangs! :D
There's been a lot of scandal in the UK in regards to sexual crimes against children being covered up going back some years.

A ‘big political cover-up’ of 1980s pedophile-ring in U.K. Parliament?

This is also from July but - it's disturbing to read the occupations of some of the people arrested but it sounds like they are taking things seriously and trying to clean it up: National Crime Agency - UK-wide operation snares 660 suspected paedophiles

An unprecedented six-month operation coordinated by the NCA and involving 45 police forces across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland has led to the arrest of 660 suspected paedophiles.
More than 400 children across the UK have been safeguarded.
Some of those arrested had unsupervised access to children in the course of their work. They include doctors, teachers, scout leaders, care workers and former police officers.

In my other thread about Pakistani men raping 1400 girls, I consistently maintained that authorities were involved in it. But most people who engaged in the discussion on that thread just latched on to one aspect of the culprits - their Pakistani/Muslim origin. They kept maintaining that this happened because UK society is too PC. This line of argument never made any sense to me because British society although is a great society, it still does have great deal of racism that it needs to overcome. Now there are new reports coming out which indicate that high level UK politicians were involved in child prostitution rings, which proves my initial line of argument that I consistently made in my other thread.
Seriously disturbing. How were they able to get away with this? Does nobody care about these kids? WTH? Hearing about stuff like this, just makes me soooo angry.
Angry? Very interesting response. So why is the death penalty not acceptable to you Britons then?

I'm an American. Besides, although I am angry, justice shouldn't be doled out based upon our emotions but upon the facts of the case. I am an anti death penalty American because I don't think it's appropriate for government (at any level) have the power to kill citizens on a whim. Besides, there have been many mistakes during many trials, which always leaves room for doubt.

You have a beautiful avatar. Do you deserve it? :)

Many argue that prison is worse than a death penalty. Plus even with judicial mistakes, prison years can't be undone. They are not even financially compensated for those criminals that are exhonorated. Why does then swapping prison for death make a difference?

She absolutely deserves her beautiful avatar.

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