USA food supply....

There has been a disturbing uptick in fires at food processing plants in just the last year...there was a private plane crash into a food plant just the recent past cyber-attacks and ransomware threats have been made at food plants in America... the government is saying its all coincidental....

I've voiced this warning here before... prepare for an interruption in the supply of food and water...don't be caught off guard...I've got everyone in my family stocking up on survival food and water....its time to get serious...

A topic about planes flying into food warehouses on purpose Belongs in Conspiracy Theories forum.
Last summer, at a nearby state park, my wife and I found dozens of acres of wild raspberries. We picked buckets and buckets of them on our weekly hikes. I would tell her to leave some for other hikers to pick, but no one else seemed to touch them, despite countless bushes growing right along a well-traveled main trail. Honestly, I suspect most people had no idea what they were. Which seems to be a symptom of the modern lifestyle; people thinking good food can only come from the grocery store shelves. A pity, really, as there was no way the two of us could eat so many berries. I could actually see people starving if grocery store shelves go bare, even with such a bounty of wild food in plain sight.

Not a pity in the least!
It saves the berries for those who aren't blithering idiots.

Reminds me of the old black woman who lived near my buddy Quintes Stark way back when.
We were picking Dewberries along the railroad tracks and she came out of her house and told us we shouldnt eat those berries because the train conductor dumped his pee jar out of his window there.
We came back later after his mother said the black woman was full of shit and there she was picking the berries.
She got pissed because we were out picking her two to one and we didn't mind a few scratches and were willing to go deep into the brambles.
Yes, this is quite an interesting series of events.

My wife and I moved last year from the banks of the Chesapeake Bay to the Pennsylvania mountains. Among the first tasks I completed was familiarizing myself with alternative local food sources. Good thing I did, seeing as how globalist monsters seem hellbent on bringing about some kind of apocalyptic famine to justify their cultlike ideology or master plan.

I hunt large and small game. The thickly forested mountains around here harbor countless whitetail deer, wild turkey, quail, rabbits and other game animals. A nearby massive manmade lake is overpopulated with schooling fish such as white and yellow perch and walleye. The shores of said lake are rife with freshwater mussels and crayfish, and the woods themselves hide plenty of berries, edible mushrooms and other wild food and medicinal plants. Of course, in the event of a true regional famine plenty of other capable outdoorsmen would be hunting and foraging, so some competition would be unavoidable.

We prep, but not the extent of hoarding food—at least not yet. In the event of a regional "apocalypse" I doubt we would hunker down around here, unless there was no better place or greener grass to get to. Even out here in the mountains we are surrounded by major population centers full of people who would become instant food "zombies" and spill out into the countryside ravenous and desperate for whatever food they could find. The best strategy, in our case, would likely be to follow the thickly forested mountains north into even deeper wilderness. Anything to put as much distance between ourselves and the starving urban hordes.

Let's hope it never comes to that. A starving person is capable of anything. A starving group of people is perhaps one of the deadliest things in existence.

Hmmmm.....seems like Penelope will be selling the old snatch for a piece of bread if the SHTF.
Last summer, at a nearby state park, my wife and I found dozens of acres of wild raspberries. We picked buckets and buckets of them on our weekly hikes. I would tell her to leave some for other hikers to pick, but no one else seemed to touch them, despite countless bushes growing right along a well-traveled main trail. Honestly, I suspect most people had no idea what they were. Which seems to be a symptom of the modern lifestyle; people thinking good food can only come from the grocery store shelves. A pity, really, as there was no way the two of us could eat so many berries. I could actually see people starving if grocery store shelves go bare, even with such a bounty of wild food in plain sight.

I love raspberries! :up:

If you have a large quantity you can make delicious raspberry jam and sweetened it with sugar or honey, put it in many jars to be eaten whenever you want does keep!

There has been a disturbing uptick in fires at food processing plants in just the last year...there was a private plane crash into a food plant just the recent past cyber-attacks and ransomware threats have been made at food plants in America... the government is saying its all coincidental....

I've voiced this warning here before... prepare for an interruption in the supply of food and water...don't be caught off guard...I've got everyone in my family stocking up on survival food and water....its time to get serious...

OMG , I was just getting ready to post this and make a statement on I heard this today as well they said “ What the hell is going on” ! Word has it , it is another attack on our food supply.
Every trip to the store...if I need beans or tuna or soup...I buy double the amount and put the extra cans in a lockable pantry in my basement where I have survival food and water...

you guys have no idea how bad this is, I can not stress enough how much detrimental information has been with held from the public via your news source. Your msm, sources.

There is an up tick in HEP A B C D too esp. in kids.
  • "Our own gov."
  • "Globalist monsters"
  • "apocalypitic famine"
  • "cultlike ideology"
I love this bar!!
Two fax machines went down last month at work. One in the front office, and another in billing. At first I thought it was a I know the obvious culprit... gay marriage caused it.
Overweight fat people are always afraid the food supply will decrease.
Its not the "FAT PEOPLE" who have to worry as much--they have fat stores to hold them over---poor skinny druggies and hyper athletic with faster metabolisms who have to eat to feed their muscle mass are the ones you really got to worry about in a food shortage situation.
Ummm pumpkin----No

You have the ukraine issue that affects wheat and other food production
Biden paying people not to work
Forcing the Jab creating work issues for transport
Flooding over of illegals creating more demand for food
the fires (6) at food processing plants so far etc
biden shortage of oil--leading to fertiziler shortages ---higher costs
Bird flu causing the wipe of out poultry and oddly now calls to not feed bird wildlife
And globalization which means when Europe and Africa starve--the global elite will take food from america to feed theirs.
And China's games with chips and other necessities--------

Food prices at the very least are going to get a lot higher.

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