Attacks on / Destruction Of Food Production Facilities & Power Stations - What's Up, and are they connected?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'Every year, a small percentage of food facilities are destroyed in industrial accidents.

But 2022 has been ESPECIALLY ACTIVE, with over 20 fires at food facilities so far—a much higher figure than average.

It’s gotten a lot of people wondering—including some of the country’s largest media outlets—what the heck is going on?

The answer is… we do not know—at least not yet. But these disruptions to our US food supply chain during already historic supply shortages will only make the inflation of food prices worse.

Here are the list of the 20 food processing plants that have been destroyed in 2022, not includibg tbe massive egg production facility that just burned down

"A string of mysterious attacks on power stations across the U.S. has rekindled fears about the vulnerabilities of America’s electricity infrastructure, which security officials have warned presents a growing target to extremists and saboteurs.

Attacks and suspicious activity at U.S. power stations reached a decade-long high last year, with more than 100 reported incidents in the first eight months of 2022, according to a TIME review of the Department of Energy’s most recent data, which runs through August. Since then, there have been at least 18 more publicly reported attacks or potential attacks on substations and power plants in Florida, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, and Washington

The one common factor believed to potentially be at play in attacks on both US food production facilities and US power stations is (domestic abd / or) TERRORISM:

"Terrorists consider America’s agriculture and food production tempting targets.

They have noticed that its food supply is among the most vulnerable and least protected of all potential targets of attack. When American and allied forces overran al Qaeda sanctuaries in the caves of eastern Afghanistan in 2002, among the thousands of documents they discovered were U.S. agricultural documents and al Qaeda training manuals targeting agriculture.

A subset of bioterrorism, agroterrorism is defined as “the deliberate introduction of an animal or plant disease for the purpose of generating fear, causing economic losses, or undermining social stability.”3 It represents a tactic to attack the economic stability of the United States. Killing livestock and plants or contaminating food can help terrorists cause economic crises in the agriculture and food industries. Secondary goals include social unrest and loss of confidence in government

"Days after what officials called a targeted attack on power substations in North Carolina, NewsNation has exclusively obtained a recent federal law enforcement memo that previously warned of similar possible attacks."

Federal law enforcement have been warning of potential attacks on power stations by e tremists / terrorists for some time now as the number of attacks on US power stations have increased.

If the US food production / supply and / or US power stations / energy production are targets of foreign terrorists, the existing failed US Immigration and Open Border policies of the Biden administration are unquestionably putting our national security in jeopardy.

Just days ago more foreign terrorists on the US Terrorist Watch List were caught on the SW border. This is not the 1st time, and these terrorists do not include those who are already believed to have made it into the country, along with over 5 million illegals in just the last 2 years.
Dems took over, and all of a sudden food production plants were being destroyed. And yet NO investigations were put forth, much less a quick influx of government funds to rebuild these places that would normally occur under these circumstances.

That didn't seem to work, and was gaining too much attention. All of a sudden, the price of meat went up citing "shortages". Shortages of WHAT exactly? Beef farmers in the US only buy home grown feed for their livestock, or even grown their own feed for their livestock.
So what else would it be, except some sort of forced price hike hoax?

That didn't seem to be too detrimental, so they went after the other meat sources, chickens and turkeys, which were still at low prices.
Starting with egg producers, a rampant "bird flu" came out of nowhere. And yet, grocery stores were NEVER at a loss for eggs to sell. And still do. Strange fires started burning down many of the smaller egg and chicken producers livestock and feed buildings. And yet THIS never made media "news" much less was subject to investigations.

Bird Flu is exactly what it says, the FLU for birds. It's not deadly, and it is EASILY taken care of by animal doctors. But the Dems DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ANY OF THIS, and has ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS been dealt with quickly and efficiently by professional farmers and their veterinarians. And the Bird Flu is as common as human flu. So WHY, all of a sudden, is this a "problem"???

And now, pretty much overnight, the media is spewing that the Bird Flu is spreading to other animals? How??? Chickens and turkeys are raised and farmed separate from other animals. More often than not, farmers on specialize in raising either beef, fowl, fish, or another type of food producing animal. It is rare one farmer will raise all of these on one farm, as it's a massive undertaking and requires extraordinary amounts of cash flow and resources.

So, HOW are these other animals (IF they are being infected) being infected with Bird Flu?????? It would have to be ON PURPOSE.

My prediction............since they've pretty much covered the livestock market with lies and fear mongering tactics to gain astronomical price hikes people cannot afford.........the next target will more than likely be grains. Grains that are used for breads, cereals, animal feed, etc....

The seafood industry has already been contaminated with human pollution, so theres no need for the Dems to instill any fearmongering in that, unless they just want to push it over the edge. Humans have already seen to it that polluting the oceans has affected marine life all across the board.

After the grain industry has been "dealt with", I foresee the vegetable farmers being next.
Dems took over, and all of a sudden food production plants were being destroyed. And yet NO investigations were put forth, much less a quick influx of government funds to rebuild these places that would normally occur under these circumstances.

That didn't seem to work, and was gaining too much attention. All of a sudden, the price of meat went up citing "shortages". Shortages of WHAT exactly? Beef farmers in the US only buy home grown feed for their livestock, or even grown their own feed for their livestock.
So what else would it be, except some sort of forced price hike hoax?

That didn't seem to be too detrimental, so they went after the other meat sources, chickens and turkeys, which were still at low prices.
Starting with egg producers, a rampant "bird flu" came out of nowhere. And yet, grocery stores were NEVER at a loss for eggs to sell. And still do. Strange fires started burning down many of the smaller egg and chicken producers livestock and feed buildings. And yet THIS never made media "news" much less was subject to investigations.

Bird Flu is exactly what it says, the FLU for birds. It's not deadly, and it is EASILY taken care of by animal doctors. But the Dems DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ANY OF THIS, and has ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS been dealt with quickly and efficiently by professional farmers and their veterinarians. And the Bird Flu is as common as human flu. So WHY, all of a sudden, is this a "problem"???

And now, pretty much overnight, the media is spewing that the Bird Flu is spreading to other animals? How??? Chickens and turkeys are raised and farmed separate from other animals. More often than not, farmers on specialize in raising either beef, fowl, fish, or another type of food producing animal. It is rare one farmer will raise all of these on one farm, as it's a massive undertaking and requires extraordinary amounts of cash flow and resources.

So, HOW are these other animals (IF they are being infected) being infected with Bird Flu?????? It would have to be ON PURPOSE.

My prediction............since they've pretty much covered the livestock market with lies and fear mongering tactics to gain astronomical price hikes people cannot afford.........the next target will more than likely be grains. Grains that are used for breads, cereals, animal feed, etc....

The seafood industry has already been contaminated with human pollution, so theres no need for the Dems to instill any fearmongering in that, unless they just want to push it over the edge. Humans have already seen to it that polluting the oceans has affected marine life all across the board.

After the grain industry has been "dealt with", I foresee the vegetable farmers being next.

I recall hearing somewhere that the number of food producing facilities which were sabotaged or destroyed was far higher than twenty, but that might be spread over the last couple of years.

No big surprise.

You're still invited, you and any real Americans, to come to my house and eat. We know how to live in the small town Midwest. My freezer is full and my pantry contains several hundred jars of home canned organic food, not to mention all the dehydrated and freeze dried goodies. And my garden continues to grow.

I may have to buy another freezer as soon as I get space cleared for it in the garage.

'Every year, a small percentage of food facilities are destroyed in industrial accidents.

But 2022 has been ESPECIALLY ACTIVE, with over 20 fires at food facilities so far—a much higher figure than average.

It’s gotten a lot of people wondering—including some of the country’s largest media outlets—what the heck is going on?

The answer is… we do not know—at least not yet. But these disruptions to our US food supply chain during already historic supply shortages will only make the inflation of food prices worse.

Here are the list of the 20 food processing plants that have been destroyed in 2022, not includibg tbe massive egg production facility that just burned down

"A string of mysterious attacks on power stations across the U.S. has rekindled fears about the vulnerabilities of America’s electricity infrastructure, which security officials have warned presents a growing target to extremists and saboteurs.

Attacks and suspicious activity at U.S. power stations reached a decade-long high last year, with more than 100 reported incidents in the first eight months of 2022, according to a TIME review of the Department of Energy’s most recent data, which runs through August. Since then, there have been at least 18 more publicly reported attacks or potential attacks on substations and power plants in Florida, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, and Washington

The one common factor believed to potentially be at play in attacks on both US food production facilities and US power stations is (domestic abd / or) TERRORISM:

"Terrorists consider America’s agriculture and food production tempting targets.

They have noticed that its food supply is among the most vulnerable and least protected of all potential targets of attack. When American and allied forces overran al Qaeda sanctuaries in the caves of eastern Afghanistan in 2002, among the thousands of documents they discovered were U.S. agricultural documents and al Qaeda training manuals targeting agriculture.

A subset of bioterrorism, agroterrorism is defined as “the deliberate introduction of an animal or plant disease for the purpose of generating fear, causing economic losses, or undermining social stability.”3 It represents a tactic to attack the economic stability of the United States. Killing livestock and plants or contaminating food can help terrorists cause economic crises in the agriculture and food industries. Secondary goals include social unrest and loss of confidence in government

"Days after what officials called a targeted attack on power substations in North Carolina, NewsNation has exclusively obtained a recent federal law enforcement memo that previously warned of similar possible attacks."

Federal law enforcement have been warning of potential attacks on power stations by e tremists / terrorists for some time now as the number of attacks on US power stations have increased.

It's insurance fraud.
Read the article, do some research if need be.

The article does not say what the average is for some odd reason, just that we are at a much higher figure than average.

Why would they not put in there what the average is since they seem to know it?
“It’s not unexpected to see fires in these kinds of structures,” said Birgitte Messerschmidt, director of the NFPA Research division. “Fires are not a rare occurrence. We had 490,000 structure fires in 2020 in the United States. We see a lot of fires every year.”

The truth, however, is that nothing is unusual about any of the fires that have occurred in food processing plants over the first few months of the year. Although no data is kept on fires that occur strictly at food processing facilities, the National Fire Incident Reporting System tracks fires within broader categories like manufacturing, refrigerated storage, and agricultural facilities. In 2019, the number of fires at all manufacturing or processing plants in the country topped 5,300—nearly 15 a day. Additionally, more than 2,000 fires occurred in agricultural, grain and livestock, and refrigerated storage facilities, which could all include food processing operations.

Messerschmidt said food processing plants, like most industrial facilities, are prone to fires. “Food is fuel,” she said. “So as soon as you’re operating with food, you have something that is combustible.” On top of that, Messerschmidt added, you may have heat from cooking, high-pressure systems, combustible dusts, and other risk factors for fires and explosions present at these facilities.
Why would they not put in there what the average is since they seem to know it?

Did not readiy have it available? Lazy? In a rush to meet a deadline?


Great journalistic point, though. Instead of providing the reader with all the info, the reader is left with a very important question.
Did not readiy have it available? Lazy? In a rush to meet a deadline?


Great journalistic point, though. Instead of providing the reader with all the info, the reader is left with a very important question.
Not really, all it is is speculation without facts or stats.
Food and food production is too expensive of a business model to maintain.

Farming requires a 5-10 million dollar investment in order to produce a middle class income. There aren't any rich farmers unless they sell their farm and equipment.
And the income is not stable either. A couple of bad years in a row and you are going to be bankrupt.
The high price of diesel doesn't help either. Same thing with seed, pesticides, and fertilizers.
They have been hyper efficient for years.

Chances are that if a farm or facility is destroyed its easier and cheaper to just take the insurance money and run than to rebuild.
And as this happens in the USA it also is going to happen in Brazil, Africa, and elsewhere. The era of cheap food is almost over....especially when farming as a skilled trade becomes more of a rare commodity.

Farming has been getting hyper efficient since the 70's. I don't see the trend reversing. Which means that soon other import products are going to get too expensive soon enough. Things like coffee, sugar, and citrus.
Dems took over, and all of a sudden food production plants were being destroyed. And yet NO investigations were put forth, much less a quick influx of government funds to rebuild these places that would normally occur under these circumstances.

That didn't seem to work, and was gaining too much attention. All of a sudden, the price of meat went up citing "shortages". Shortages of WHAT exactly? Beef farmers in the US only buy home grown feed for their livestock, or even grown their own feed for their livestock.
So what else would it be, except some sort of forced price hike hoax?

That didn't seem to be too detrimental, so they went after the other meat sources, chickens and turkeys, which were still at low prices.
Starting with egg producers, a rampant "bird flu" came out of nowhere. And yet, grocery stores were NEVER at a loss for eggs to sell. And still do. Strange fires started burning down many of the smaller egg and chicken producers livestock and feed buildings. And yet THIS never made media "news" much less was subject to investigations.

Bird Flu is exactly what it says, the FLU for birds. It's not deadly, and it is EASILY taken care of by animal doctors. But the Dems DO NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW ANY OF THIS, and has ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS been dealt with quickly and efficiently by professional farmers and their veterinarians. And the Bird Flu is as common as human flu. So WHY, all of a sudden, is this a "problem"???

And now, pretty much overnight, the media is spewing that the Bird Flu is spreading to other animals? How??? Chickens and turkeys are raised and farmed separate from other animals. More often than not, farmers on specialize in raising either beef, fowl, fish, or another type of food producing animal. It is rare one farmer will raise all of these on one farm, as it's a massive undertaking and requires extraordinary amounts of cash flow and resources.

So, HOW are these other animals (IF they are being infected) being infected with Bird Flu?????? It would have to be ON PURPOSE.

My prediction............since they've pretty much covered the livestock market with lies and fear mongering tactics to gain astronomical price hikes people cannot afford.........the next target will more than likely be grains. Grains that are used for breads, cereals, animal feed, etc....

The seafood industry has already been contaminated with human pollution, so theres no need for the Dems to instill any fearmongering in that, unless they just want to push it over the edge. Humans have already seen to it that polluting the oceans has affected marine life all across the board.

After the grain industry has been "dealt with", I foresee the vegetable farmers being next.
Steak prices are very low.
Steak Price.png
Red states have highest murder rates, worst education and highest obesity.

What shit holes.
Red states tend to be more rural and the dumping ground of convicted sex criminals....which is why the red states don't want or need the blue states gun laws.

IOW much of the filth from urban areas gets booted out to the rural communities. The ones that the urban areas need for groceries.
Blue can't survive without the red....nor can red survive without the blue.

Maybe instead of vilification of the other side the working together of both groups has and will propel America to even further greatness.
Steak prices are very low.
View attachment 754410

A DISCOUNT stores prices in YOUR area does NOT reflect prices across the country at all stores.

In my area of western WA, those chicken leg quarters run around .99lb or $9.90 per bag, some places are higher. T-bones run around $12.99 to $15.99lb.......your ad doesn't show it, but here boneless chicken breast or thigh meat is $5-$6lb and whole chickens are $1.25lb and UP, depending on where you shop.

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