USA and Turkey preparing post-Assad Syria


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005

Increasingly convinced that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria will not be able to remain in power, the Obama administration has begun to make plans for American policy in the region after he exits.

In coordination with Turkey, the United States has been exploring how to deal with the possibility of a civil war among Syrias Alawite, Druse, Christian and Sunni sects, a conflict that could quickly ignite other tensions in an already volatile region.

Obama met with Turkish PM in New York at sidelines of UN for 1.5 hours.
After meeting, Turkish PM gave interview and said, that Turkey will impose sanctions on Syria and from this point on relations to Syria regime have been cut.
It's from TV, surely there'll come written news also later.

As Syria is Turkey's gateway for trade with much of Arab world (only 1 border-crossing with Iraq), the situation of sanctions on Syria and a Syria without relations to Turkey is a temporary situation, especially in light of unified declaration of Syrian Opposition in Istanbul.

When will the rogue islamonazi entity Turkey prepare to end its criminal behavior?

US condemns Turkey for Turks' role in genocide of 1 million Armenians and Turkey's denial of the Armenian holocaust
Over Turkish protests, House panel calls killing of Armenians 'genocide'

Turkey's Illegal Blockade of Armenia
Congressman Adam Schiff : 2008 : Schiff Introduces Bill Urging End to Turkish Blockade of Armenia

In an annual report released on Thursday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), the top judicial body to rule on human rights violations in Europe, found that Turkey is by far the worst violator of human rights among the 47 signatory states of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Human rights violations in Turkey « European Court of Human Rights

US criticizes 'human rights violations' in Turkey
Unlawful killings, poor prison conditions, excessively long trials and limits on freedom of expression are among the alleged human-rights violations in Turkey that the U.S. State Department denounced in a recent report.

“Security forces committed unlawful killings; the number of arrests and prosecutions in these cases was low compared to the number of incidents, and convictions remained rare,” the State Department said late Friday in the section devoted to Turkey in its annual report on the status of human rights throughout the world.

U.S. officials also commented on the recent arrests of Turkish journalists, which came too late to be included in this report, saying they would be monitored and addressed in next year’s survey.

During the year human-rights organizations reported cases of torture, beatings and abuse by security forces. Prison conditions improved but remained poor, with overcrowding and insufficient staff training,” the State Department said in its 2010 human-rights report.

“The overly close relationship between judges and prosecutors continued to hinder the right to a fair trial. Excessively long trials were a problem. The government limited freedom of expression through the use of constitutional restrictions and numerous laws,” the State Department said.

“Press freedom declined during the year. There were limitations on Internet freedom. Courts and an independent board ordered telecommunications providers to block access to Web sites on numerous occasions,” it said in the report. “Violence against women, including honor killings and rape, remained a widespread problem.”

US criticizes 'human rights violations' in Turkey - Hurriyet Daily News

Human Rights Watch: Turkey does not protect rights of Kurds and women and places restrictions on internet
Turkey: Make Rights Reform a Priority | Human Rights Watch

Journalists detained in Turkey Without Due Process
Journalists held without due process in Turkey - Committee to Protect Journalists

Turkey's Occupation of Cyprus
[ame=]The Turkish Invasion of Cyprus - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]George Eugeniou denounces Turkey's occupation of Cyprus - YouTube[/ame]
Syrian Opposition Council Forms in Istanbul

ISTANBUL — Syrian opposition leaders announced on Thursday the formation of a national council to support the revolution against President Bashar al-Assad’s government and communicate with other nations in a unified voice.
The 140-member council was elected after a series of meetings that began in August in response to a crackdown by Syrian troops on civilian protesters, organizers said.
Basma Qadmani, a spokeswoman for the group, said that 60 percent of the council consisted of opposition members inside Syria, with the rest allocated to members of the diaspora.
The council also aims to start a satellite television broadcast, form a foreign office and set up a law office to work on future court procedures involving crimes it alleges have been committed by the Assad government.
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Syrian Opposition Council Forms in Istanbul

ISTANBUL — Syrian opposition leaders announced on Thursday the formation of a national council to support the revolution against President Bashar al-Assad’s government and communicate with other nations in a unified voice.
The 140-member council was elected after a series of meetings that began in August in response to a crackdown by Syrian troops on civilian protesters, organizers said.
Basma Qadmani, a spokeswoman for the group, said that 60 percent of the council consisted of opposition members inside Syria, with the rest allocated to members of the diaspora.
The council also aims to start a satellite television broadcast, form a foreign office and set up a law office to work on future court procedures involving crimes it alleges have been committed by the Assad government.

You Turkeys still doing trade with Sudan which is perpetrating the genocide in Darfur?

Yah, you Turkeys still are.

Religion of peace, right? :lol: :clap2:

Turkey is as bad as Syria and even worse. You persecute and oppress the Kurds, occupy other countries [Cyprus], blockade other countries [Armenia}, arrest anyone merely for criticizing Turkey and Turkey is a serial human rights violator.

Freedom House ranks Turkey as "partly free" so you're not even a true democracy.

Turkey is a turkey
There are 2 Syrian Opposition Councils, both were established in Turkey.
1 of them now will open a permanent representation in Turkey.

Syrian opposition to open office in Turkey next week
The decision to open an office in Turkey was taken after representatives of the Syrian National Council held meetings with Turkish officials in Ankara recently, a member of the Syrian opposition told the Hürriyet Daily News on Monday on condition of anonymity. The opposition representatives, who are closer to the Muslim Brotherhood than others, are expected to hold a meeting Thursday in Istanbul, the source also said. Two opposition groups were established in Turkey at the end of August; namely, the National Council, which is seen as more Islamist and the 94-member National Council of Syrian Transition, which is headed by Burhan Ghaliyoun, a Paris-based academic.
Syrian opposition to open office in Turkey next week - Hurriyet Daily News
Ankara prepares to penalize Syria
Turkey’s sanctions against Syrian government mainly target bilateral economic, military, political and banking ties in order not to effect its people

“This process [of ousting al-Assad] might be extended a little bit more but sooner or later in Syria, if the people make a different decision, that decision is going to be catered to. As in Egypt, as in Tunisia, as in Libya: People want to be free,” Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in an interview with CNN International in New York over the weekend.

“If you’re going to act against fundamental rights and liberties, and the law, you will lose your position in my heart as my brother and my friend,” Erdoğan said, referring to al-Assad. “I was very patient. Patience, patience, patience. And then I cracked.”
Ankara prepares to penalize Syria - Hurriyet Daily News
Turkey to intercept Syria-bound arms

Turkey will intercept all weapons being delivered to Syria, Reuters reports, quoting Prime Minister Recep Tayiip Erdogan.

Mr. Erdogan said that Turkey had intercepted a Syrian ship in the Sea of Marmara but didn’t say where exactly and whether there were any weapons found on board.
Voice of Russia
Ankara prepares to penalize Syria
Turkey’s sanctions against Syrian government mainly target bilateral economic, military, political and banking ties in order not to effect its people

“This process [of ousting al-Assad] might be extended a little bit more but sooner or later in Syria, if the people make a different decision, that decision is going to be catered to. As in Egypt, as in Tunisia, as in Libya: People want to be free,” Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said in an interview with CNN International in New York over the weekend.

“If you’re going to act against fundamental rights and liberties, and the law, you will lose your position in my heart as my brother and my friend,” Erdoğan said, referring to al-Assad. “I was very patient. Patience, patience, patience. And then I cracked.”
Ankara prepares to penalize Syria - Hurriyet Daily News

What a joke "people want to be free" only a few months ago Erdogan was siding with Assad and the wack jobs in Iran who killed their people in the streets give me a break. Peddle your bull somewhere else
"Months ago" President Assad wasn't killing Syrians and wasn't rejecting Turkish road-map for democratization of Syria. Now he does.
The result is preparations for a post-Assad Syria led by Muslim Brotherhood.
"Months ago" President Assad wasn't killing Syrians and wasn't rejecting Turkish road-map for democratization of Syria. Now he does.
The result is preparations for a post-Assad Syria led by Muslim Brotherhood.

And Iran?
"Months ago" President Assad wasn't killing Syrians and wasn't rejecting Turkish road-map for democratization of Syria. Now he does.
The result is preparations for a post-Assad Syria led by Muslim Brotherhood.

And Iran?

Iran is stable and continues its path towards economic prosperity.
Turkey seems to be the WEST's best hope for finding a Moslem nation that we can deal with --one that gives us some hope of dealing with more Islamo-centric nations.

Yeah, it is flawed. It is, after all, run by human beings

Yeah, it has a history that is troubling (as is ours, I note).

But you don't have a world with allies that you want, you have a world with the allies that you have.
"Months ago" President Assad wasn't killing Syrians and wasn't rejecting Turkish road-map for democratization of Syria. Now he does.
The result is preparations for a post-Assad Syria led by Muslim Brotherhood.

And Iran?

Iran is stable and continues its path towards economic prosperity.

:lol:There can be no real "prosperity when you're imprisoning, torturing and killing your people there will be prosperity when the islamofacsit regime is out of power
Syria is next in list of "Arab Spring".
Time ticking for Assad in Syria: Turkey's Erdogan | Reuters

Assad is on the way out, in near future there will come Syrian version of Muslim Brotherhood to Damascus.

Humm.. It seems Erdogan was denied his request to speak Tahrir square. The Arabs don't trust the Turks nor should they, When they were under the Ottomen empire they were treated like shit. Give up your dream there will be no more empire for Turkey.
:lol:There can be no real "prosperity when you're imprisoning, torturing and killing your people there will be prosperity when the islamofacsit regime is out of power

Iranian System has backing of majority of its people.
Despite sanctions and opposition to Iran, Iran has achieved remarkable progress and maximized its influence and status in the Persian Gulf.
It successfully resisted the USA for 30 years, is shooting animals into space and NATO is building a missile-shield against it.

Why shouldn't the Iranians be confident and proud of their leadership? They follow a strong independent path, maximizing Iranian power and influence.
Iran is a middle-power and its power is going to rise no matter what Israelis think.
:lol:There can be no real "prosperity when you're imprisoning, torturing and killing your people there will be prosperity when the islamofacsit regime is out of power

Iranian System has backing of majority of its people.
Despite sanctions and opposition to Iran, Iran has achieved remarkable progress and maximized its influence and status in the Persian Gulf.
It successfully resisted the USA for 30 years, is shooting animals into space and NATO is building a missile-shield against it.

Why shouldn't the Iranians be confident and proud of their leadership? They follow a strong independent path, maximizing Iranian power and influence.
Iran is a middle-power and its power is going to rise no matter what Israelis think.

Really? Then why do they have to steal elections? In a real election that regime would be finished
Humm.. It seems Erdogan was denied his request to speak Tahrir square. The Arabs don't trust the Turks nor should they, When they were under the Ottomen empire they were treated like shit. Give up your dream there will be no more empire for Turkey.

Erdogan, in Egypt on the first leg of his "Arab Spring" tour that includes dates in Tunisia and Libya, was received like a rock star by thousands of adoring supporters at Cairo's airport when he flew in late on Monday.
Why Turkey's Erdogan Is Greeted like a Rock Star in Egypt - TIME

Same article calls Turkish PM the new pascha of Arab world.
So I don't know what you're talking about, Jroc, you shouldn't mistake near-future Egypt with current Egypt which is de-facto ruled by a Field Marshall from the Army.

NYT article about emerging Egyptian-Turkish alliance

[ame=]Hero's welcome for Turkish PM in Egypt - YouTube[/ame]

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