US Unaware Iran Leading Iraq Fight for Tikrit

The situation then became manageable. Knowing the factions had been fighting got 2000 years we thought it prudent to keep forces there to monitor progress

Then why didn't Bush get a long term SOFA deal in 2008 that lasted long enough for Americans to keep dying so Iraqi males could sip tea in Baghdad cafés and hang out with their Iranian friends and business partners. Bush surrendered control of what US troops could do and where they could go and it was all up to Maliki. Bush agreed that US troops would be out of Iraq cities by June 2009. They had to leave cities or the Iraqis were going to call off the deal entirely. Your Bush screwed the pooch if your dream was to keep Americans dying in Iraq for decades. He failed to get a long term deal like Obama got for Afghanistan.

Your charade of a strategy is coming undone even to the casual observer. The strategy where Americans fight and die for Iraq's freedom so Iraqis don't have to.
I'm not here to defend Bush. I would have killed every iraqi that looked cross eyed at me or didn't do exactly what I ordered. I am here to attack Obabble for not seeing what needed to be done... And for not having the balls to do it. He was in a position to make a far more rational judgement about what needed to be done. He wimped out.

Go Iran! About time locals got off their asses to fix a local problem.

That's the true American attitude - not that winey complaint that Americans need to be dying in Iraq forever to protect Bush43's stupid ass decision to chase UN inspectors out and start bombing and invading. It is also true that the Iranian Quds Force trained Badr Brigade rolled into Baghdad right behind US troops. Tanks and all. Bush brought the political leader of the Badr militia to the White House. See photo of them holding hands above.
skye 10900089
"Prince Saud al-Faisal, the Saudi foreign minister, told John Kerry, the US secretary of state, that he risked allowing Iran to "take over Iraq", echoing Israel's recent concerns over the White House's policy toward Tehran.

"Tikrit is a prime example of what we are worried about," Prince Saud said. "Iran is taking over the country."

The possibility of a deal on Iran's nuclear issue and President Obama's refusal to send troops back to the Arab world despite an escalating succession of civil wars have sent shock-waves through America's allies."

05 Mar 2015

Iran is taking over Iraq and Obama must put boots on the ground against Isil warns Saudi Arabia - Telegraph

Are you going to enlist and volunteer to fight in Prince Saud's American army in Iraq?

Here's the guy who brought the Iranian Badr militia into Iraq in March 2003. He's the guy on the right.

U.S. Centcom Chief Iran Represents the Most Significant Threat - Breitbart

WASHINGTON—Gen. Lloyd Austin, the top commander of U.S. military efforts against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), told a congressional panel that Iran poses the “most” serious threat to the region he oversees.

Iran represents the most significant threat to the Central Region… Iran continues to pursue policies that threaten U.S. strategic interests and goals throughout the Middle East,” declared Gen. Austin in written testimony prepared for a March 3 hearing held by the House Armed Services Committee.

ran is considered a state-sponsor of terror by the United States.
What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.

Its called leading frn behind, so were the last ones to know
What the heck is going on here and over there? We were surprised by Iranians leading Iraqi troops to try to retake Tikrit?

So, we were never told about it or asked to join forces, yet we supplied the weapons.

Obama and his misguided Administration and bad intelligence service, as usual, is apparently unaware of the reality of the situation in Iraq which is that Iraq today is virtually part of the "Iranian Empire".

May be Obama is playing the fool, seeing that he is desperate to become a major ally of Iran. but either way his strategy is stupid.

The US and the rest of the world should not be helping Iran in their fight against the Sunnis....we should not be in the same team as Iran.

We should be helping the Kurds....Period!
Qods Jerusalem Force

Many U.S. experts believe that the Quds forces have provided significant transfers of weapons to Shi‘ite (and perhaps some Sunni) elements in Iraq. These may include the shaped charge components used in some IEDs [improvised explosive devices] in Iraq and the more advanced components used in explosively formed projectiles, including the weapon assembly, copper slugs, radio links used to activate such devices, and the infrared triggering mechanisms. These devices were very similar to those used in Lebanon, and some seem to operate on the same radio frequencies. Shaped charge weapons first began to appear in Iraq in August 2003, but became a serious threat in 2005. In January 2008, Iran‘s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) decided to place all Iranian operations in Iraq under the command of the Quds forces. Qods provided support to three extremist Shi`a groups: Asaib Ahl al-Haq (AAH), Kataib Hizb Allah (KH), and the Promised Day Brigades (PDB).

By 2007 the Qods Force was the Iranian regime’s primary instrument for providing lethal support to the Taliban. The Qods Force provided weapons and financial support to the Taliban to support anti-U.S. and anti-Coalition activity in Afghanistan. Since at least 2006, Iran has arranged frequent shipments of small arms and associated ammunition, rocket propelled grenades, mortar rounds, 107mm rockets, plastic explosives, and probably man-portable defense systems to the Taliban. This support contravenes Chapter VII UN Security Council obligations. UN Security Council resolution 1267 established sanctions against the Taliban and UN Security Council resolutions 1333 and 1735 imposed arms embargoes against the Taliban. Through Qods Force material support to the Taliban, Iran sought to inflict casualties on U.S. and NATO forces.
Current Iranian forces in Iraq are the same ones that sent our troops home in Body Bags.............

The same ones that helped the Taliban send our people home in Body Bags............

And we are negotiating with these Ass Hats................

They killed our people.................They provided the weapons and training that killed our people.............and now we are talking to them..........and others are stating they are saving Iraq..............

SAVING IRAQ FOR WHOM......................Shit Storm of U.S. policy.............
Iran IS Islamic terrorism, you dolt.

Why did Dubya bring this 'terrorist' into Iraq in March 2003. And then he brought him to the White House to hold hands with him and take a picture.

NF 10900564.

The Badr Brigade are taking part in the Tikrit counter-offensive.

Why the sudden concern about Iran "terrorism" being imported into Iraq. You did not mind Bush getting that ball rolling in March 2003.
Demand order in Iraq back in 2009 and onward.

Bush agreed in December 2008 to pull US troops out of Iraq's cities by June 2009. It's impossible to demand order where US troops were not allowed to go. Why did a Bush agree to such a requirement giving Iraq control over where and what US troops could do?

Bush also agreed that the Iraqis could cancel the SOFA at any time and they threatened to do just that and kick US troops out within one year if it appeared the US was not sticking to the agreement to pull out of cities by June 2009. Bush tied Obama's hands so that he could "demand" nothing.

Bush couldn't demand order with 160,000 troops on the ground and 4484 of them killed trying to do so. Maliki went about setting order in Iraq his way long before Obama set foot in the White House just five months before US troops had to pull out of Iraq's cities.
We attacked Iraq to get rid of Saddam.

Because Bush claimed he had intelligence that left no doubt that Iraq was concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from UN inspectors in March 2003. There was no threat because there were no WMD being hidden. The attack was wrong no mater what boneheaded reason you conjure up to make it seem reasonable.

And then Bush had no plan for the aftermath of removing S. Hussein.

Then Iran moved into Iraq immediately. The time to plan for order was before invading since there was no evidence of a threat of WMD present in Iraq.