US Tourist smashes two ancient statues in Vatican when he is denied an audience with the Pope.

The story doesn't mean much without an interview with the person who cause the damage. Is he a crazy bastard or did he sincerely want to talk to il Papa about an urgent or critical matter?

While visiting the Vatican is an overwhelming experience, exposing one to incredible timeless art and craftsmanship, one must never lose sight of the fact that these priceless objects of art are nothing more than material items, totally removed from the mission of the Church in today's world. Burn the whole thing down and the Church will remain, being no more and no less relevant.

So, it's okay that this scumbag destroyed the statues?
Albuquerque, N.M.
A statue was found vandalized on June 14 after a petition was created requesting its removal. The statue depicts Don Juan de Oñate and other conquistadors leading the Spaniards through “New Spain.”
The George Washington statue in Washington Park was found vandalized on June 14. The statue could be seen spray painted, and it had a white hood placed on its head.
El Paso, Texas
A statue depicting Don Juan de Onate was vandalized on June 11. The statue is in the entrance of El Paso International Airport.
Protesters vandalized the statues of Christopher Columbus and Juan Ponce de Leon on June 10, spray painting a hammer and sickle, Black Lives Matter fists and more. Miami Police arrested seven suspects.
Providence, R.I.
A school teacher and two others were arrested after they allegedly vandalized a statue of Columbus on June 13. All three suspects were charged with desecration of a grave/monument and conspiracy.
Raleigh, N.C.
Protesters vandalized a Confederate statue at the state Capitol on June 10. The group, known as Raleigh United, has since added a golden plaque honoring George Floyd.

Thats a few of the vandalized and destroyed statues, we could go on but why?
Liberals believe whatever they're told to.

Truth is not relevant to the Democrat Cult.

He should say two "Hail Marys" and pay a hefty fine along with the thousands of dollars he will owe from his childish temper tantrum.
Arent you lefties all about destroyng shit, especially old statues?

He should say two "Hail Marys" and pay a hefty fine along with the thousands of dollars he will owe from his childish temper tantrum.
Must be a BLM / Antifa moron. They have good experience in smashing, lootIng and destroying.
Whats hilarious is they escape from these Democrat run shithole states to Florida or Texas.
People will try anything lol after 40 years of national GOP obstruction and giveaway to the rich, screw job for everyone else, and now the worst upward mobility inequality and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world by far. Thanks for having 10 times as many people in prison as anywhere else and half of them need a mental health system. Great job.

California is just full up, a victim of its own success.... I'd also like to thank the GOP for obstructing birth control and abortions in our foreign aid around the world forever so now the *** **** world is overpopulated and people are forced into new (HOT!!) areas where they get strange new diseases. Great job always a CAD damn catastrophe the GOP and the chumps.......
And that's why we are known as "Ugly Americans".
Nope. That term was born when only richer people were traveling internationally and the American middle class changed all that. We were flying everywhere and giving all the sniffy rich folk the vapors.
People will try anything lol after 40 years of national GOP obstruction and giveaway to the rich, screw job for everyone else, and now the worst upward mobility inequality and homelessness ever anywhere in the modern world by far. Thanks for having 10 times as many people in prison as anywhere else and half of them need a mental health system. Great job.

California is just full up, a victim of its own success.... I'd also like to thank the GOP for obstructing birth control and abortions in our foreign aid around the world forever so now the *** **** world is overpopulated and people are forced into new (HOT!!) areas where they get strange new diseases. Great job always a CAD damn catastrophe the GOP and the chumps.......
Good job completely avoiding the truth. Once again, people are fleeing Democrat run states like NY and CA to such an extent that the price of real estate has skyrocketed and real estate agents can’t keep up with the demand.
That tourist forgot he was not in the US, where staues are smashed on almost a daily basis! :rolleyes:
That tourist forgot he was not in the US, where staues are smashed on almost a daily basis! :rolleyes:
Statutes of our founding fathers are destroyed, but the statue of ex KKK leader Robert Byrd, the longest serving Democrat senator revered by Biden, Obama, the Clintons and Pelosi still stands in the halls of the senate.

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