US to do Israel's bidding by sanctioning Iran with harshest sanctions ever


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
‘Strongest sanctions in history’: Pompeo issues 12 demands to Iran, vows ‘unprecedented pressure’

Who in the fuck does the US think it is to tell a Middle Eastern Country to leave Syria when they were INVITED by the Syrian president? Fuck the US. Fuck Trump. Fuck Pompeo. Fuck Israel. This is EXACTLY who is behind this shit. I wish to god China would just drop a nuke on DC already. The ONLY people that need to leave Syria are US troops,Turkish troops,and ALL the terrorists backed by the terrorist lovers Israel,Saudi Arabia,USA,Turkey. I hope Europe ignores COMPLETELY these asinine sanctions. I DO NOT agree with the zionist puppet in DC and this is a COMPLETE 180 from his rhetoric in 2016. The American people don't agree with this and the American Government does NOT represent the American people they represent what AIPAC tells them to do.
Inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) have repeatedly confirmed that Iran is in full compliance with its obligations under the deal.

ALL you need to know right there that Zionist Puppet Trump is doing Israel's bidding for them.
Can I help ease your pain by purchasing you a one-way plane ticket to an Islamist hell hole?
You like that circumcised Jewish cock eh? I truly can't wait until the shoe is on the other foot and all you Anti American Israel Firster scum are DESTROYED by sanctions from China and Russia and other eventual world powers. I will laugh my ass off.
Can I help ease your pain by purchasing you a one-way plane ticket to an Islamist hell hole?
You like that circumcised Jewish cock eh? I truly can't wait until the shoe is on the other foot and all you Anti American Israel Firster scum are DESTROYED by sanctions from China and Russia and other eventual world powers. I will laugh my ass off.

Ah, so you are a foreskin man, I see.

I'm sure you appreciate having a little something to chew on.
If you are FOR these idiotic and OBVIOUS Israel Firster requirements you hate America,Americans and you are SURE IN THE HELL not loyal to America or Americans. You are loyal to AIPAC,Israel and Netanyahu!
One has to be an Israel lover to support sanctions on Iran ? Weak theory when you consider that Iran is enemy of many countries, including the USA (called "Great Satan by Iran loonies)

As for sanctions against the US, big problem there. US has the biggest (by far) and most valuable MARKET in the world. World needs us more than we need them.
‘Strongest sanctions in history’: Pompeo issues 12 demands to Iran, vows ‘unprecedented pressure’

Who in the fuck does the US think it is to tell a Middle Eastern Country to leave Syria when they were INVITED by the Syrian president? Fuck the US. Fuck Trump. Fuck Pompeo. Fuck Israel. This is EXACTLY who is behind this shit. I wish to god China would just drop a nuke on DC already. The ONLY people that need to leave Syria are US troops,Turkish troops,and ALL the terrorists backed by the terrorist lovers Israel,Saudi Arabia,USA,Turkey. I hope Europe ignores COMPLETELY these asinine sanctions. I DO NOT agree with the zionist puppet in DC and this is a COMPLETE 180 from his rhetoric in 2016. The American people don't agree with this and the American Government does NOT represent the American people they represent what AIPAC tells them to do.

If China dropped a bomb on D.C., that sure as hell would solve A LOT of the problems that the individual states in this nation are having.

And it would simultaneously get rid of all those criminal federal agencies and a lot of lobbyists and lawyers.

Hell, I'd say every citizen in every state would owe a dept of gratitude to the Chi-comms for liberating us from the boot heel of oppression from the central dictating capital. Finally, something both California and Texas can agree on. :rofl:

Can you imagine? No federal income tax next year? :5_1_12024: :backpedal::dance::TH_WAY~113:
‘Strongest sanctions in history’: Pompeo issues 12 demands to Iran, vows ‘unprecedented pressure’

Who in the fuck does the US think it is to tell a Middle Eastern Country to leave Syria when they were INVITED by the Syrian president? Fuck the US. Fuck Trump. Fuck Pompeo. Fuck Israel. This is EXACTLY who is behind this shit. I wish to god China would just drop a nuke on DC already. The ONLY people that need to leave Syria are US troops,Turkish troops,and ALL the terrorists backed by the terrorist lovers Israel,Saudi Arabia,USA,Turkey. I hope Europe ignores COMPLETELY these asinine sanctions. I DO NOT agree with the zionist puppet in DC and this is a COMPLETE 180 from his rhetoric in 2016. The American people don't agree with this and the American Government does NOT represent the American people they represent what AIPAC tells them to do.
We do......that's who

why do you hate jews so much.
‘Strongest sanctions in history’: Pompeo issues 12 demands to Iran, vows ‘unprecedented pressure’

Who in the fuck does the US think it is to tell a Middle Eastern Country to leave Syria when they were INVITED by the Syrian president? Fuck the US. Fuck Trump. Fuck Pompeo. Fuck Israel. This is EXACTLY who is behind this shit. I wish to god China would just drop a nuke on DC already. The ONLY people that need to leave Syria are US troops,Turkish troops,and ALL the terrorists backed by the terrorist lovers Israel,Saudi Arabia,USA,Turkey. I hope Europe ignores COMPLETELY these asinine sanctions. I DO NOT agree with the zionist puppet in DC and this is a COMPLETE 180 from his rhetoric in 2016. The American people don't agree with this and the American Government does NOT represent the American people they represent what AIPAC tells them to do.
We do......that's who

why do you hate jews so much.
Because they control our government,media,finance,entertainment etc etc etc. Ever stopped and wondered WHY the ONLY 3 countries with no Rothschild central bank are Iran,Syria and North Korea and they are the 3 countries CONSTANTLY attacked by the Zionist entity...
Because they control our government,media,finance,entertainment etc etc etc. Ever stopped and wondered WHY the ONLY 3 countries with no Rothschild central bank are Iran,Syria and North Korea and they are the 3 countries CONSTANTLY attacked by the Zionist entity...
So you believe our government is controlled by banks ? And who are the top 3 guys in our executive and legislative branches ? >> Trump, Ryan, McConnell. None of whom are Jews.

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