US Supply of Cluster Munitions to the Ukraine is a Crime!

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

No matter how much Biden obsessed over the necessity and no matter how much sleep he claims to have lost, the fact is that the deed was done.

How will Russia respond? Will it be in kind or will it be a totally different escalation of the war?

And will Biden have gained the benefit of feeling guilt free on account of needing to take so much time to decide that he was doing what is right?

Elon Musk didn't buy Biden's apologies over the need for cluster munitions.

This is a different escalation by America from past practice. Not only is America turning to prohibited weapons, it's being justified by the president.

The US has ‘debased’ itself by supplying Ukraine with widely banned cluster munitions, Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has said, adding that the weapons will not have a significant impact on the conflict.

Musk just isn't buying into Biden's need to obsess long and hard over making the final decision.

What will be the result for Biden. Does an escalation to chem/bio weapons or nuclear weapons or WMD's ever go unanswered by an enemy?
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Hey Russian, you know damn well your country is already using cluster bombs in Ukraine.
I'm a Canadian.
That accusation was made by Biden after he had considered for so long.

But it's been withdrawn later. If you can't depend on the president's words and the propagandists too, then who can ...............................
So what you are saying is that Russia does not like this development? That's a good thing.
So what you are saying is that Russia does not like this development? That's a good thing.
It is!

Russia could have just declared that they would respond in kind. This isn't some third world country that America has decided to pick a fight with this time!
What in the hell else would you expect RT to say? Color me shocked! is just as much Russia propaganda as is CNN American propaganda. I would color you and many others 'shocked' that they have chosen a worthy opponent this time.
It is!

Russia could have just declared that they would respond in kind. This isn't some third world country that America has decided to pick a fight with this time!
Russia is in in no way the injured party here. They can complain about not being able to win a war but it's the whining of a bully.
Maybe he is, but he probably emigrated to your country.
No, he is an Ontario cop. They go to such lengths to protect their dishonest pedos that they threw their own apparatuses, Canada, U.S police and my wife under the bus.

Their obsession with trying to get me for 30+ years should be a wake up call for Americans. i already emailed two Chiefs of police to make them aware some of what I know and what our allies know.

I was never fooled by the police. I put G_d above vengence, We will see if it was the right decision.
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US "Debasing" Itself In Sending Ukraine Cluster Bombs Out Of "Desperation", Musk Points Out​

SUNDAY, JUL 16, 2023 - 06:00 PM
In a Saturday comment on Twitter, Elon Musk said that the United States is "debasing" itself in sending internationally banned cluster munitions to Ukraine, which is an act done out of "desperation".
He began by responding to a post by hawkish GOP Senator Tom Cottonwho advocates for sending more and more arms to Ukrainefollowing Biden having recently approved controversial cluster bombs. Musk wrote: "Sending more weapons will change the body count, but not the outcome."

EM has got it right . More disgust for the US .As reported in ZH today

No matter how much Biden obsessed over the necessity and no matter how much sleep he claims to have lost, the fact is that the deed was done.

How will Russia respond? Will it be in kind or will it be a totally different escalation of the war?

And will Biden have gained the benefit of feeling guilt free on account of needing to take so much time to decide that he was doing what is right?
So is selling Fentanyl. It's simply business. Chill bro
Russia is in in no way the injured party here. They can complain about not being able to win a war but it's the whining of a bully.
Not winning? They are well on their way to obliterating the third US proxy army from a shattered bunch of US - NATO and Ukey troops . The so called Kyiv sumer offensive was a total non event with the locals losing staggering numbers of men and equipment . Now looks as though Russia will move to go over the Dneiper and move to take the next four regions on their SMO shopping list . But you made me giggle--- Americans and their Fake MSM , rofl .

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