US More Vulnerable on Afghanistan as it leans harder on NATO Allies for Support..

If they sent the appropriate manpower they wouldnt be losing what they are.
If they sent the appropriate manpower they wouldnt be losing what they are.

The more troops one sends, the more will be killed or wounded. Why? Because more troops enables areas thus far unsecured to be covered. The combat zone is being increased in size and casualties will increase accordingly.
US More Vulnerable on Afghanistan as It Leans Harder on NATO Allies for Support | World | AlterNet

:rolleyes: Some of our allies are sick and tired of loosing their manpower, and they are starting to show it.Pretty soon our troops will be alone to fight this endless bloodshed:(

Remember Bush tried to get them to participate also. I got to give props to Obama on this. He asked for the French, Germans and Spain to step up and pull their weight...of course they paid lip service to him and then didn't do anything more than what they are doing now...but that's a different thread.

The only country's actively engaging the enemy to any significant degree are the U.S., our brothers across the pond in the U.K. and our neighbor to the north, Canada. That's good enough for me knowing we 3 share the same goals.

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