US invasion of Iraq ended our right to condemn Russia over Crimea.

We don't really have a leg to stand on when we criticize Russia for either invading Georgia a decade ago, or possibly Ukraine now.

We started two wars of choice a decade ago as well. Why? Because George W. Bush and the Republicans thought they could be the world's police.

Look at the Republicans on this thread. They're sissies now. Cry-baby bleeding hearts who want to get us into more global conflicts.

Used to be the Republican position to engage with others, to trade and talk with them, but to stay out of their internal business. Not anymore. Now all the morons on this thread typify modern conservatism, which says that we should stick our noses in everyone else's business, beat our chests like big dumb apes, and invade countries that never attacked us, like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Much of the first couple pages of this thread argue over Iraq. Of course, they never attacked us.

Conservatives in Washington are currently on tv saying that Putin is a better leader than Obama because he does whatever he wants and does it quickly and directly.

At this point, if we go to war with Russia, I think many Republicans would probably fight under the Russian flag because of how much they hate Obama.
The scum losertarians and liberals here defending Putin's actions pretty much sums up why we should lock their asses up for being insane, stupid and/or evil.

What's funny and I truly believe everyone on this thread will agree with me regardless of their political affiliation, that you are, without a doubt, one of the most stupid, insolent, uneducated, foul mouthed punks to ever come on this board. Please tell me that this is an act.

No, it's not an act. Republicans are now the worst kind of socialists. They need to go to war and/or imprison everybody so they can keep their military industrial jobs program running. Just keep spending and just keep warring, just build more prisons and throw everyone in them and then have to pay to operate prisons and house prisoners.

They talk a really nice talk of fiscal constraint, but it's all just for show. They managed to give us the longest war in U.S. history and the third-longest war in U.S. history all in just the last decade. And when they couldn't finish it, they blamed the next guy for actually paying for the bill once it was due.

Another thing: Ain't if funny how if you're white or have oil under your feet, Republicans will always want us to go to war; if you're black and being killed off by genocidal extremists in Africa, you are on your own.

Today, Rudy Giuliani complimented Putin. Called him a true leader. Criticized Obama. Wonder which flag he'll fight under if we go to war over there.
We don't really have a leg to stand on when we criticize Russia for either invading Georgia a decade ago, or possibly Ukraine now.

We started two wars of choice a decade ago as well. Why? Because George W. Bush and the Republicans thought they could be the world's police.

Look at the Republicans on this thread. They're sissies now. Cry-baby bleeding hearts who want to get us into more global conflicts.

Used to be the Republican position to engage with others, to trade and talk with them, but to stay out of their internal business. Not anymore. Now all the morons on this thread typify modern conservatism, which says that we should stick our noses in everyone else's business, beat our chests like big dumb apes, and invade countries that never attacked us, like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Much of the first couple pages of this thread argue over Iraq. Of course, they never attacked us.

Conservatives in Washington are currently on tv saying that Putin is a better leader than Obama because he does whatever he wants and does it quickly and directly.

At this point, if we go to war with Russia, I think many Republicans would probably fight under the Russian flag because of how much they hate Obama.

Yeah....shame on us for flying our own planes into our own buildings on 9/11 :eusa_whistle:
The objective for the operations in Iraq were to remove Saddam Hussein from power and turn over the country to the Iraqi people with a republic in place. Not only were both of those objectives achieved but in the process, Saddam Hussein was also captured by the Delta Force and turned over to the Iraqi people where he was tried and executed.

Now, did the Bush Administration bumble the post-Saddam Iraq? Oh hell yes. But considering all primary and secondary objectives were met in Iraq, it was one of the most successful military operations in U.S. history.

I notice the pile of steaming manure above didn't mention the hunt for all those WMD. Hey, I'd try and not mention that embarrassing fact too, if I were you.

Saddam was not given to the Iraqi people. He was handed over to the Shiite Iraqis, who held a kangaroo court and then executed him.

And the Bush WH bumbled the Iraq War before Saddam was caught too. The insurgency was under way within weeks, and it was downhill from there.

This is what was really accomplished: Trillions wasted, thousands of Americans' lives wrecked with deaths in vain and mangled bodies and minds. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that would be alive were it not for the war. A shiite ruled Iraq who is now all best buds with Iran. An intelligence service with no credibility due to the total lack of Iraqi WMDs.

No WMD's in Iraq? Really? Even radical left-wing MSNBC disagrees with you chief...

Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News
If there had been no Iraq, then Obama would not be President. It would either be McCain or H. Clinton.

Remember, Hillary Clinton's vote to authorize the stupid blood-soaked Iraq Waste cost her the nomination. Democrats went with Obama because he was publicly outspoken against the Iraq Debacle, and was totally vindicated by it's failure.

Very roundabout and creative way of avoiding saying that Obama would be doing nothing different.

No , it's not. The question should be what would McCain or H Clinton be doing differently in Ukraine.

My answer: I don't know.
Irrelevant question as neither is President just as Irrelevant as bringing either Bush, Bill Clinton, Reagan, Carter or any other former President or possible future one into the mix. The only relevant question here is what is the current President Obama going to do.
The scum losertarians and liberals here defending Putin's actions pretty much sums up why we should lock their asses up for being insane, stupid and/or evil.

What's funny and I truly believe everyone on this thread will agree with me regardless of their political affiliation, that you are, without a doubt, one of the most stupid, insolent, uneducated, foul mouthed punks to ever come on this board. Please tell me that this is an act.

No, it's not an act. Republicans are now the worst kind of socialists. They need to go to war and/or imprison everybody so they can keep their military industrial jobs program running. Just keep spending and just keep warring, just build more prisons and throw everyone in them and then have to pay to operate prisons and house prisoners.

They talk a really nice talk of fiscal constraint, but it's all just for show. They managed to give us the longest war in U.S. history and the third-longest war in U.S. history all in just the last decade. And when they couldn't finish it, they blamed the next guy for actually paying for the bill once it was due.

Another thing: Ain't if funny how if you're white or have oil under your feet, Republicans will always want us to go to war; if you're black and being killed off by genocidal extremists in Africa, you are on your own.

Today, Rudy Giuliani complimented Putin. Called him a true leader. Criticized Obama. Wonder which flag he'll fight under if we go to war over there.

^ that

EVERYONE knows that the pentagon & its contractors are where the Repubs "cash cow" is except for the people who vote for them. They are low-info- types.

Repubs enrich their contractor buddies & simultaneously plunge this great nation into abysmal debt in the process.

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What wars did Obama start?

Which ones? Well, it wasn't good to support the assassination of Gadhafi, who hasn't been much of a terrorist for the last 10 years, and since his death, the current State Department Travel Warning to Libya says it best:

The Department of State warns U.S. citizens of the risks of traveling to Libya and strongly advises against all but essential travel to Tripoli and against all travel to areas outsideof Tripoli. Because of ongoing instability and violence, the Department’s ability to provide consular services to U.S. citizens within Tripoliis extremely limited, and the Department cannot provide consular services outside Tripoli except by telephone. The U.S. Embassy in Libya remains an unaccompanied post due to security concerns. This Travel Warning supersedes the Travel Warning dated June 7, 2013.
The Libyan government is still working to rebuild its military and police forces and improve security following the 2011 revolution. The security situation remains unpredictable and unstable. Many military-grade weapons remain in the hands of private individuals, including antiaircraft weapons that may be used against civilian aviation. Crime levels remain high in many parts of the country. In addition to the threat of crime, various groups have called for attacks against U.S. citizens and U.S. interests in Libya.
Egypt Travel Alert

Since Obama called for Mubarek's ouster, visiting there is so dangerous, the Travel Warning Page at the State Department just goes on and on and on, so I will simply say it says the American Embassies there are on a close-at-a-moment's-notice status etc. From the State Department's Egypt Travel Alert, one excerpt of many:

Political unrest, which intensified after the July 2013 change of government, is likely to continue in the near future. Demonstrations have on numerous occasions resulted in violent clashes between security forces and protesters and between protesters supporting rival factions, some of which have resulted in deaths and injuries to those involved and in property damage. Participants have generally thrown rocks, and Molotov cocktails, with security forces responding with tear gas. However, police on occasion have used live ammunition as a crowd control measure and in response to live ammunition used by demonstrators against police. Most violent protests have occurred in major metropolitan areas, including Cairo and its suburbs, Alexandria, and Port Said. Gender-based violence in and around protest areas, where women have been the targets of sexual assault, poses an ongoing concern. There has been a recent and notable increase in the use of explosive devices to target police or other government institutions or individuals, which have resulted in casualties and damage to infrastructure. Additionally, police officers have frequently been the targets of drive-by shootings that endanger bystanders as well.
If you go to the link, the paragraphs stating dangers are in a word, jaw-dropping. That tells me that the Muslim Brotherhood, and other associated groups of al Qaeda in Egypt, are the least concerned about the safety and security of visitors to the region, most particularly Americans, even when guarded by police, who are regularly attacked and killed by mobs of terrorists. Formerly, you could go to Egypt and be welcomed by the tourist industry of those who are interested in the pyramids, history, and mystique of the Nile River.

Afghanistan Travel Warning

The Department of State warns U.S. citizens against travel to Afghanistan. The security threat to all U.S. citizens in Afghanistan remains critical. This Travel Warning supersedes the Travel Warning for Afghanistan issued on August 23, 2013.
No province in Afghanistan should be considered immune from violence and banditry, and the strong possibility exists throughout the country for hostile acts, either targeted or random, against U.S. and other foreign nationals at any time. Remnants of the former Taliban regime and members of other terrorist organizations hostile to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and foreign nationals remain active in every province of the country. Furthermore, travel to all areas of Afghanistan remains unsafe due to ongoing military combat operations, landmines, banditry, armed rivalry between political and tribal groups, and the possibility of insurgent attacks, including attacks using vehicle-borne or other improvised explosive devices. The threat situation in Afghanistan is still considered critical and is expected to remain so through the presidential and provincial elections and the political and military transition in 2014.
The page is not as long as the Egypt Travel Warning Page.

Russian Federation Travel Alert

It tells there could be problems for those attending the Russian -based Olympic Games, and in short:

The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens planning to attend the 2014 Olympic Games in Russia that they should remain attentive regarding their personal security at all times.
Here's a synopsis list of links from the State Department. I've viewed the list from time to time, but I've never seen the list of Travel Warnings this large: State Department Alerts and Warnings

Terrorists must be finding their antics rewarding. They're putting a pox on U.S. Citizens all over the world. :(

We're a lot less safe in the world than we were 6 years ago.
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Your mindless bot. Once again, what war did Obama start? Which wars has been influential in ending?

You neo-cons are worthless pencil necks.

Cock sucker...he helped Europe bomb Libya which ended up being the terrorist wild west and in turn got the Ambassador killed....again go kill yourself.

Which wars were started by Obama?

This ought to be good.

Indeed. And they lie right out their asses, daily.
We don't really have a leg to stand on when we criticize Russia for either invading Georgia a decade ago, or possibly Ukraine now.

We started two wars of choice a decade ago as well. Why? Because George W. Bush and the Republicans thought they could be the world's police.

Look at the Republicans on this thread. They're sissies now. Cry-baby bleeding hearts who want to get us into more global conflicts.

Used to be the Republican position to engage with others, to trade and talk with them, but to stay out of their internal business. Not anymore. Now all the morons on this thread typify modern conservatism, which says that we should stick our noses in everyone else's business, beat our chests like big dumb apes, and invade countries that never attacked us, like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Much of the first couple pages of this thread argue over Iraq. Of course, they never attacked us.

Conservatives in Washington are currently on tv saying that Putin is a better leader than Obama because he does whatever he wants and does it quickly and directly.

At this point, if we go to war with Russia, I think many Republicans would probably fight under the Russian flag because of how much they hate Obama.

Yeah....shame on us for flying our own planes into our own buildings on 9/11 :eusa_whistle:

No, shame on us for attacking Afghanistan and Iraq and NOT Syria, where almost ALL of the hijackers came from, moron.
What wars did Obama start?

Which ones? Well, it wasn't good to support the assassination of Gadhafi, who hasn't been much of a terrorist for the last 10 years, and since his death, the current State Department Travel Warning to Libya says it best:

The Department of State warns U.S. citizens of the risks of traveling to Libya and strongly advises against all but essential travel to Tripoli and against all travel to areas outsideof Tripoli. Because of ongoing instability and violence, the Department’s ability to provide consular services to U.S. citizens within Tripoliis extremely limited, and the Department cannot provide consular services outside Tripoli except by telephone. The U.S. Embassy in Libya remains an unaccompanied post due to security concerns. This Travel Warning supersedes the Travel Warning dated June 7, 2013.
The Libyan government is still working to rebuild its military and police forces and improve security following the 2011 revolution. The security situation remains unpredictable and unstable. Many military-grade weapons remain in the hands of private individuals, including antiaircraft weapons that may be used against civilian aviation. Crime levels remain high in many parts of the country. In addition to the threat of crime, various groups have called for attacks against U.S. citizens and U.S. interests in Libya.
Egypt Travel Alert

Since Obama called for Mubarek's ouster, visiting there is so dangerous, the Travel Warning Page at the State Department just goes on and on and on, so I will simply say it says the American Embassies there are on a close-at-a-moment's-notice status etc. From the State Department's Egypt Travel Alert, one excerpt of many:

Political unrest, which intensified after the July 2013 change of government, is likely to continue in the near future. Demonstrations have on numerous occasions resulted in violent clashes between security forces and protesters and between protesters supporting rival factions, some of which have resulted in deaths and injuries to those involved and in property damage. Participants have generally thrown rocks, and Molotov cocktails, with security forces responding with tear gas. However, police on occasion have used live ammunition as a crowd control measure and in response to live ammunition used by demonstrators against police. Most violent protests have occurred in major metropolitan areas, including Cairo and its suburbs, Alexandria, and Port Said. Gender-based violence in and around protest areas, where women have been the targets of sexual assault, poses an ongoing concern. There has been a recent and notable increase in the use of explosive devices to target police or other government institutions or individuals, which have resulted in casualties and damage to infrastructure. Additionally, police officers have frequently been the targets of drive-by shootings that endanger bystanders as well.
If you go to the link, the paragraphs stating dangers are in a word, jaw-dropping. That tells me that the Muslim Brotherhood, and other associated groups of al Qaeda in Egypt, are the least concerned about the safety and security of visitors to the region, most particularly Americans, even when guarded by police, who are regularly attacked and killed by mobs of terrorists. Formerly, you could go to Egypt and be welcomed by the tourist industry of those who are interested in the pyramids, history, and mystique of the Nile River.

Afghanistan Travel Warning

The Department of State warns U.S. citizens against travel to Afghanistan. The security threat to all U.S. citizens in Afghanistan remains critical. This Travel Warning supersedes the Travel Warning for Afghanistan issued on August 23, 2013.
No province in Afghanistan should be considered immune from violence and banditry, and the strong possibility exists throughout the country for hostile acts, either targeted or random, against U.S. and other foreign nationals at any time. Remnants of the former Taliban regime and members of other terrorist organizations hostile to the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and foreign nationals remain active in every province of the country. Furthermore, travel to all areas of Afghanistan remains unsafe due to ongoing military combat operations, landmines, banditry, armed rivalry between political and tribal groups, and the possibility of insurgent attacks, including attacks using vehicle-borne or other improvised explosive devices. The threat situation in Afghanistan is still considered critical and is expected to remain so through the presidential and provincial elections and the political and military transition in 2014.
The page is not as long as the Egypt Travel Warning Page.

Russian Federation Travel Alert

It tells there could be problems for those attending the Russian -based Olympic Games, and in short:

The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens planning to attend the 2014 Olympic Games in Russia that they should remain attentive regarding their personal security at all times.
Here's a synopsis list of links from the State Department. I've viewed the list from time to time, but I've never seen the list of Travel Warnings this large: State Department Alerts and Warnings

Terrorists must be finding their antics rewarding. They're putting a pox on U.S. Citizens all over the world. :(

We're a lot less safe in the world than we were 6 years ago.

Another right wing apologist for an American-killing terrorist. Classic.

Gadhafi killed Americans when he bombed that plane, idiot.

I swear, Republicans will fight for any flag but their own as long as a black dude is their President.
U.S. Cites 1991 U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution as the Legal Basis for Its Invasion

March 21, 2003|From Reuters

UNITED NATIONS — The United States gave its official reasons for invading Iraq to the U.N. Security Council late Thursday, saying Baghdad had broken a cease-fire resolution adopted after the 1991 Persian Gulf War.

Britain and Australia, two other nations in the U.S.-led coalition, wrote similar, shorter, letters to the 15-member council. None of the letters mentioned "regime change," an aim of the invasion but never authorized in any council resolution.

U.S. Cites 1991 U.N. Cease-Fire Resolution as the Legal Basis for Its Invasion - Los Angeles Times
Only knuckle dragging scum would compare the US freeing Panama from their dictator, Iraq from their dictator and Grenada from communist thugs trying to kill innocent Putin going into Ukraine to enslave thousands to possibly millions like Hitler did in WW2.

You don't have any idea what you're talking about do you? Is that what Amerika does, free people from dictators? LOL.

If he had any intelligent arguments, he would not need all of the name calling.
We started two wars of choice a decade ago as well. Why? Because George W. Bush and the Republicans thought they could be the world's police.

Leaving aside the misleading, subjective "wars of choice;" no, that is not why.
Saddam did break the cess fire shooting at our planes. There's no question he was a bad guy but he was the only guy that kept that country stable.

I wouldn't call it the same thing. At the end of the day it may of been the wrong choice.
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At this point, if we go to war with Russia, I think many Republicans would probably fight under the Russian flag because of how much they hate Obama.

If you really think that, you are even more of an idiot than I took you for.
if you're black and being killed off by genocidal extremists in Africa, you are on your own. ..

It was a Republican president who did more for the people of Africa than any democrat ever has or will. In fact, the history of the democrat party most certainly does not measure up well regarding the people of Africa or their descendants in America.
We don't really have a leg to stand on when we criticize Russia for either invading Georgia a decade ago, or possibly Ukraine now.

We started two wars of choice a decade ago as well. Why? Because George W. Bush and the Republicans thought they could be the world's police.

Look at the Republicans on this thread. They're sissies now. Cry-baby bleeding hearts who want to get us into more global conflicts.

Used to be the Republican position to engage with others, to trade and talk with them, but to stay out of their internal business. Not anymore. Now all the morons on this thread typify modern conservatism, which says that we should stick our noses in everyone else's business, beat our chests like big dumb apes, and invade countries that never attacked us, like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Much of the first couple pages of this thread argue over Iraq. Of course, they never attacked us.

Conservatives in Washington are currently on tv saying that Putin is a better leader than Obama because he does whatever he wants and does it quickly and directly.

At this point, if we go to war with Russia, I think many Republicans would probably fight under the Russian flag because of how much they hate Obama.

Yeah....shame on us for flying our own planes into our own buildings on 9/11 :eusa_whistle:

No, shame on us for attacking Afghanistan and Iraq and NOT Syria, where almost ALL of the hijackers came from, moron.

Congrats [MENTION=36645]Interpol[/MENTION] - you're a very special kind of stupid...

Syria had nothing to do with the attack on 9/11. The nationality of the terrorists is irrelevant. After all, John Walker was a member of the Taliban. Should we attack America now you fuck'n moron?!?

Al Qaeda had their operations in Afghanistan (aided by the Taliban). Their bases were in Afghanistan. Afghanistan was the problem.

You are officially the dumbest mother fucker on USMB (and that is no small feat asshole). But what else would we expect from an ignorant liberal.

Now tell us again about nationality and John Walker you stupid mother fucker :lol:
if you're black and being killed off by genocidal extremists in Africa, you are on your own. ..

It was a Republican president who did more for the people of Africa than any democrat ever has or will. In fact, the history of the democrat party most certainly does not measure up well regarding the people of Africa or their descendants in America.

Biased and open to debate.

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