US Government Spends A Record $433 Billion In One Month As Deficit Explodes

Calvin Coolidge, the last conservative president.

Yep, since then the parties have just spent and spent and spent, but that is okay as long as yours is the one spending.
But there are different levels of bad spending. For instance deficits dropped drastically under Clinton and he ended with a balanced budget. Obama spent a ton to get out of a recession and then deficits declined. Now we are spending a ton in a good economy? WTF?

The Congress and the President, share the responsibility. Which again puts the blame on the two parties in charge.
We currently have one party in charge....

I realize that, my point I don’t hold. President entirely responsible for the debt, Congress is also a key factor. Neither party will do the right thing and cut spending, it political suicide to do so.
We need to make it political suicide to keep spending like this.
The last two Dem presidents were sincere as they both reduced the deficit, dope.

That's a bit of a misleading statistic where Obama is concerned, because the deficit in his first year was so astronomically high. Even then, the deficit went up in some of the Obama years, including going up at the end of his presidency.

Put another way, there was only one year during Obama's presidency in which the deficit was not higher than any year under any other president. In 2015 the deficit was $438 billion, which was less than the deficit in 2008. That's it. Every other year during Obama the deficit was higher than at any other point in US history.

It's great that the deficit went down from the almost $1.5 trillion of 2009. The situation was a lot different from other periods, though.

Besides, presidents don't hold the purse-strings. Congress should be looked at more than presidents when it comes to spending, IMO.

Is the U.S. Budget Deficit Really That Bad?

This shows both the president's party and which party has control of the senate and house, giving a more complete picture about who is in charge during different deficit years.
U.S. Federal Deficits, Presidents, and Congress

Great. Now take spending for inherited wars and recovery out of the equation and add the savings from deficit reductions back in.

Where's Trump's war and recovery spending?
Where's his deficit reduction and spending cuts? Is it even a priority? I haven't even heard him discuss it.
Why should we take any of that out? When do you turds ever take the cost of Dim social programs out?
Repubs control everything and spending is out of control. No more excuses for you. Sorry.

They need to quit blaming, they need to be the conservatives they claim be.
I think the claims are empty. Till they start getting voted out they will keep spending.
Yep, since then the parties have just spent and spent and spent, but that is okay as long as yours is the one spending.
But there are different levels of bad spending. For instance deficits dropped drastically under Clinton and he ended with a balanced budget. Obama spent a ton to get out of a recession and then deficits declined. Now we are spending a ton in a good economy? WTF?

The Congress and the President, share the responsibility. Which again puts the blame on the two parties in charge.
We currently have one party in charge....

I realize that, my point I don’t hold. President entirely responsible for the debt, Congress is also a key factor. Neither party will do the right thing and cut spending, it political suicide to do so.
We need to make it political suicide to keep spending like this.

Will never happen as long as the two party monopoly stays in place
What does Trump have to do with this? I haven't claimed Trump is lowering deficits.

I never said he did. In fact I made the point that he has not.

Your points on Obama ignore the significant factors that required such spending when he entered office. The fact is, Obama made significant deficit reductions despite the shitshow he had to manage earlier.

Trump squandered those reductions for approval points.

There is no equivalency.

You misunderstand. I was asking what Trump had to do with this because you brought him up. Why bring him up when responding to me?

And to repeat: Congress holds the purse-strings, not the president. I don't deny that presidents influence congressional budgets, but this simplistic 'Obama lowered the deficit' as though he single-handedly wrote and passed the federal budget during his terms is just silly.

Obama worked with congress to do it just as Clinton did and just as Reagan and Bush did not.

Because this is the thread.
US Government Spends A Record $433 Billion In One Month As Deficit Explodes

The better question is, why bring up Obama?

You actually did in mentioning the last 2 Democratic presidents. I merely pointed out that the deficit being reduced during Obama was an unusual situation because the deficit was at $1.5 trillion in his first year, so using his presidency as an example of how Dems reduce deficits is misleading. That's also true because Congress was majority Republican for most of Clinton's terms.

Democrats, Republicans, both parties have generally increased the deficit and debt.

Democrats, Republicans, both parties have generally increased the deficit and debt.

Yes. Dems just way, way less.

There is no equivalence to be made.

Except that isn't the case. I've posted a link multiple times showing the deficit, debt, and which party controlled the presidency and had a majority in the Senate and House. Since Reagan, the deficit has only gone steadily downward over multiple years with a Republican majority Congress and Democrat president, during Clinton. During Obama the deficit started at an insanely high $1.5 trillion, then went down, up, down, and up again. The highest the deficit has ever been was with a Democrat majority Congress and a Republican, going into Democrat, president with the transition from Bush to Obama.

Yes, the deficit dropped during Obama's presidency, but considering how high it was to begin with, is that an incredible accomplishment? I'm glad it went down as much as it did, but I'd much prefer if it had gone down much more, rather than ending up still higher than every single year's deficit in the history of the US prior to the Obama administration.

And yes, the deficit is going up during the Trump administration. That is ridiculous, particularly when the economy is supposed to be doing well.

There's also the question of how the numbers are calculated, and if it makes sense. There are often 3 years during the Clinton administration shown as having a negative deficit, or a surplus....yet in each of those years, the debt increased.

The deficit has increased under Republican and Democrat presidents, and under Republican, Democrat, and mixed Congresses.
When it comes to spending the only difference between the parties is what they overspend on not the overspending it's self.

Well, of course a big difference that has been drawn is in the actual efforts that have been made by one party to lower spending and the other party that seems to not only erase those gains but surpass the previous spending.

There is no way Republicans can call themselves fiscally responsible at all.
Really? Which party has made an effort to lower spending? The national debt was paid off one time under Andrew Jackson that lasted one year since that time Republican and Democrat Presidents and Republican and Democrat controlled Congress have run up debt that is why it is at 21 trillion and counting only the blindest of the blind partisans think either party has tried to do anything to control spending.
When it comes to spending the only difference between the parties is what they overspend on not the overspending it's self.
The defense budget is the only one that has actually decreased in real terms in the last 50 years.
I am all for a huge cut in spending.

The Dems should cut the budget by $1 trillion after they win the house in 2 months.

Or the repubs should have done it before or right now.

I agree, lots of RINOS in Congress. They should be voted out.

Most of Congress are corrupt pieces of garbage that are fleecing the taxpayers.
...'The real highlight of the August budget report was that government outlays, or total spending, soared to $433.3 billion, not only 30% higher than a year ago, but the highest government monthly outlay of any month on record.'

US Government Spends A Record $433 Billion In One Month As Deficit Explodes

Federal deficit jumps by $214 billion in August

Absolutely pathetic.

Is this Trump's/the Rep's idea of 'small government'?

Useless pricks.

Hypocritical libtard!

Did you complain when obongo was doing a lot worse?
The republican congress controlled the spending for most of Obama....

Face it, obongo broke all records on spending………..
...'The real highlight of the August budget report was that government outlays, or total spending, soared to $433.3 billion, not only 30% higher than a year ago, but the highest government monthly outlay of any month on record.'

US Government Spends A Record $433 Billion In One Month As Deficit Explodes

Federal deficit jumps by $214 billion in August

Absolutely pathetic.

Is this Trump's/the Rep's idea of 'small government'?

Useless pricks.

Hypocritical libtard!

Did you complain when obongo was doing a lot worse?
The republican congress controlled the spending for most of Obama....
Horseshit. Obama threatened to veto any budget that didn't have the spending he wanted, and if the pubs refused to give it to him, the fake media began crying about all the old people who wouldn't get their social security payments. The claim that Republicans had control of the budget couldn't be any sleazier or more dishonest.
When did they ever do a budget? Are you really this dumb? The government is all republican and spending has gone up. Seems Obama held repub spending down. haha

obongo and all his buds went down in flames.....

Thank you President Donald J. Trump...………..

obongo's spending was all on Bull Shit....

President Donald J. Trumps spending is

Making America Great Again.....
...'The real highlight of the August budget report was that government outlays, or total spending, soared to $433.3 billion, not only 30% higher than a year ago, but the highest government monthly outlay of any month on record.'

US Government Spends A Record $433 Billion In One Month As Deficit Explodes

Federal deficit jumps by $214 billion in August

Absolutely pathetic.

Is this Trump's/the Rep's idea of 'small government'?

Useless pricks.

Hypocritical libtard!

Did you complain when obongo was doing a lot worse?
The republican congress controlled the spending for most of Obama....
Horseshit. Obama threatened to veto any budget that didn't have the spending he wanted, and if the pubs refused to give it to him, the fake media began crying about all the old people who wouldn't get their social security payments. The claim that Republicans had control of the budget couldn't be any sleazier or more dishonest.
When did they ever do a budget? Are you really this dumb? The government is all republican and spending has gone up. Seems Obama held repub spending down. haha

obongo and all his buds went down in flames.....

Thank you President Donald J. Trump...………..

obongo's spending was all on Bull Shit....

President Donald J. Trumps spending is

Making America Great Again.....

And how EXACTLY and specifically has Trump's record spending helping America?
...'The real highlight of the August budget report was that government outlays, or total spending, soared to $433.3 billion, not only 30% higher than a year ago, but the highest government monthly outlay of any month on record.'

US Government Spends A Record $433 Billion In One Month As Deficit Explodes

Federal deficit jumps by $214 billion in August

Absolutely pathetic.

Is this Trump's/the Rep's idea of 'small government'?

Useless pricks.

Hypocritical libtard!

Did you complain when obongo was doing a lot worse?


So where is your proof that I am being hypocritical on this?
Hypocritical libtard!

Did you complain when obongo was doing a lot worse?
The republican congress controlled the spending for most of Obama....
Horseshit. Obama threatened to veto any budget that didn't have the spending he wanted, and if the pubs refused to give it to him, the fake media began crying about all the old people who wouldn't get their social security payments. The claim that Republicans had control of the budget couldn't be any sleazier or more dishonest.
When did they ever do a budget? Are you really this dumb? The government is all republican and spending has gone up. Seems Obama held repub spending down. haha

obongo and all his buds went down in flames.....

Thank you President Donald J. Trump...………..

obongo's spending was all on Bull Shit....

President Donald J. Trumps spending is

Making America Great Again.....

And how EXACTLY and specifically has Trump's record spending helping America?

Surely you jest tard………….

The economy is on fire………..

There are more jobs than there are people to fill them….

Live is good if you’re not a lazy America hating worthless tard….
...'The real highlight of the August budget report was that government outlays, or total spending, soared to $433.3 billion, not only 30% higher than a year ago, but the highest government monthly outlay of any month on record.'

US Government Spends A Record $433 Billion In One Month As Deficit Explodes

Federal deficit jumps by $214 billion in August

Absolutely pathetic.

Is this Trump's/the Rep's idea of 'small government'?

Useless pricks.

Hypocritical libtard!

Did you complain when obongo was doing a lot worse?


So where is your proof that I am being hypocritical on this?

The fact that you're a libtard is all the proof needed...……...
The republican congress controlled the spending for most of Obama....
Horseshit. Obama threatened to veto any budget that didn't have the spending he wanted, and if the pubs refused to give it to him, the fake media began crying about all the old people who wouldn't get their social security payments. The claim that Republicans had control of the budget couldn't be any sleazier or more dishonest.
When did they ever do a budget? Are you really this dumb? The government is all republican and spending has gone up. Seems Obama held repub spending down. haha

obongo and all his buds went down in flames.....

Thank you President Donald J. Trump...………..

obongo's spending was all on Bull Shit....

President Donald J. Trumps spending is

Making America Great Again.....

And how EXACTLY and specifically has Trump's record spending helping America?

Surely you jest tard………….

The economy is on fire………..

There are more jobs than there are people to fill them….

Live is good if you’re not a lazy America hating worthless tard….

You did not answer my question.

I asked, how EXACTLY and specifically has Trump's record spending helping America?
...'The real highlight of the August budget report was that government outlays, or total spending, soared to $433.3 billion, not only 30% higher than a year ago, but the highest government monthly outlay of any month on record.'

US Government Spends A Record $433 Billion In One Month As Deficit Explodes

Federal deficit jumps by $214 billion in August

Absolutely pathetic.

Is this Trump's/the Rep's idea of 'small government'?

Useless pricks.

Hypocritical libtard!

Did you complain when obongo was doing a lot worse?


So where is your proof that I am being hypocritical on this?

The fact that you're a libtard is all the proof needed...……...

You said I was a hypocrite on this subject.

The only way you can accurately say that is if you have proof of me defending Obama's ridiculous deficits.

So - where is this proof?

Here is a post I made (under DA60) on another forum when Obama was in power:

CBO estimates 2013 deficit at $642 billion [W:383] - Page 30

Here is another one:

The numbers say that Obama is the best economic president in modern times. - Page 26
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Horseshit. Obama threatened to veto any budget that didn't have the spending he wanted, and if the pubs refused to give it to him, the fake media began crying about all the old people who wouldn't get their social security payments. The claim that Republicans had control of the budget couldn't be any sleazier or more dishonest.
When did they ever do a budget? Are you really this dumb? The government is all republican and spending has gone up. Seems Obama held repub spending down. haha

obongo and all his buds went down in flames.....

Thank you President Donald J. Trump...………..

obongo's spending was all on Bull Shit....

President Donald J. Trumps spending is

Making America Great Again.....

And how EXACTLY and specifically has Trump's record spending helping America?

Surely you jest tard………….

The economy is on fire………..

There are more jobs than there are people to fill them….

Live is good if you’re not a lazy America hating worthless tard….

You did not answer my question.

I asked, how EXACTLY and specifically has Trump's record spending helping America?


Lets address these one by one....

TRUMP is increasing our militaries ability to defend us……

Just look at the result of this and his tactics with North Korea….

Instead of a parade of NUKE’S we have a parade of flowers and pretty girls…

If a libtard president had did this the accolades would be never ending.

After you address this we will go on to # 2 of 10,000……………………….

Later Tard…
...'The real highlight of the August budget report was that government outlays, or total spending, soared to $433.3 billion, not only 30% higher than a year ago, but the highest government monthly outlay of any month on record.'

US Government Spends A Record $433 Billion In One Month As Deficit Explodes

Federal deficit jumps by $214 billion in August

Absolutely pathetic.

Is this Trump's/the Rep's idea of 'small government'?

Useless pricks.

Hypocritical libtard!

Did you complain when obongo was doing a lot worse?


So where is your proof that I am being hypocritical on this?

The fact that you're a libtard is all the proof needed...……...

You said I was a hypocrite on this subject.

The only way you can accurately say that is if you have proof of me defending Obama's ridiculous deficits.

So - where is this proof?

Here is a post I made (under DA60) on another forum when Obama was in power:

CBO estimates 2013 deficit at $642 billion [W:383] - Page 30

Here is another one:

The numbers say that Obama is the best economic president in modern times. - Page 26


How do I know that's you?

I'm just going by experience....

I know most libtards are just flat up full of shit.
When did they ever do a budget? Are you really this dumb? The government is all republican and spending has gone up. Seems Obama held repub spending down. haha

obongo and all his buds went down in flames.....

Thank you President Donald J. Trump...………..

obongo's spending was all on Bull Shit....

President Donald J. Trumps spending is

Making America Great Again.....

And how EXACTLY and specifically has Trump's record spending helping America?

Surely you jest tard………….

The economy is on fire………..

There are more jobs than there are people to fill them….

Live is good if you’re not a lazy America hating worthless tard….

You did not answer my question.

I asked, how EXACTLY and specifically has Trump's record spending helping America?


Lets address these one by one....

TRUMP is increasing our militaries ability to defend us……

Just look at the result of this and his tactics with North Korea….

Instead of a parade of NUKE’S we have a parade of flowers and pretty girls…

If a libtard president had did this the accolades would be never ending.

After you address this we will go on to # 2 of 10,000……………………….

Later Tard… us EXACTLY what Trump's increase in the military budget has done to make America safer from NK nukes?
And are you saying there is no way to increase military spending without increasing the budget? Are you really that stupid? it's called - cutting spending in other areas? DUH!!!

None of that has to do with America's economy.

Are you saying increasing the deficit is a good thing? Yes or no?

Are you saying money is better spent by the government than the people? Yes or No?
Last edited:
...'The real highlight of the August budget report was that government outlays, or total spending, soared to $433.3 billion, not only 30% higher than a year ago, but the highest government monthly outlay of any month on record.'

US Government Spends A Record $433 Billion In One Month As Deficit Explodes

Federal deficit jumps by $214 billion in August

Absolutely pathetic.

Is this Trump's/the Rep's idea of 'small government'?

Useless pricks.

Hypocritical libtard!

Did you complain when obongo was doing a lot worse?


So where is your proof that I am being hypocritical on this?

The fact that you're a libtard is all the proof needed...……...

You said I was a hypocrite on this subject.

The only way you can accurately say that is if you have proof of me defending Obama's ridiculous deficits.

So - where is this proof?

Here is a post I made (under DA60) on another forum when Obama was in power:

CBO estimates 2013 deficit at $642 billion [W:383] - Page 30

Here is another one:

The numbers say that Obama is the best economic president in modern times. - Page 26


How do I know that's you?

I'm just going by experience....

I know most libtards are just flat up full of shit.

Check other posts under that name. How many other posters often end with 'Have a nice day' (sarcastically)?

Nike shares hit as Kapernick ad spurs boycott

U.S. Adds 195,000 Jobs; Unemployment Remains 7.6% - Page 73

Besides, use your head. Why the hell would I have ready access to a post someone made 5 years ago on a different forum...unless it was mine?


If you still do not believe me - you are a fucking moron and a total waste of my time.
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Yep, since then the parties have just spent and spent and spent, but that is okay as long as yours is the one spending.
But there are different levels of bad spending. For instance deficits dropped drastically under Clinton and he ended with a balanced budget. Obama spent a ton to get out of a recession and then deficits declined. Now we are spending a ton in a good economy? WTF?

The Congress and the President, share the responsibility. Which again puts the blame on the two parties in charge.
We currently have one party in charge....

I realize that, my point I don’t hold. President entirely responsible for the debt, Congress is also a key factor. Neither party will do the right thing and cut spending, it political suicide to do so.
We need to make it political suicide to keep spending like this.
How do you imagine such a proposition would ever get passed?

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