US denies attacks on Syria


What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??

What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??

Assad is the top of the top ----number one GRAND BAATHIST-----
now that mass murderers Gamel Abdul Nasser and
Saddam Hussein are dead as door nails <ahumdiallah
The Syrian air defense is on high alert.

"The Syrian Air Defense forces have been placed on high alert across the country amid reports of an imminent U.S. attack on Syria.

According to the latest military report from the coastal province of Latakia, the Syrian Air Force and their air defense teams have been ordered by their central command to stay on high alert until further notice.

The Russian military has also encouraged the Syrian military to remain on red alert, while also sharing intel reports on potential targets for the U.S. military.

However, despite reports of an ‘imminent’ attack, the Syrian military reports no unusual air activity around the eastern Mediterranean, adding that it has been quiet night.

A source from the Syrian military told Al-Masdar this week that they believe the U.S. will likely target one of their imperative airbases near the Damascus Governorate."

Syrian Air Defense placed on high alert across Syria
It will not matter if it comes...............but yes they would be on high alert.
German government TV ARD explains: Fake footage by US-funded "White Helmets" created weeks before alleged attack!

Thank you for that.

The "White Helmets" in Syria are a joke ...they do that all the time.... they are experts in "saving" people after false false chemical attacks! lol :dunno:


What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??

Assad is the top of the top ----number one GRAND BAATHIST-----
now that mass murderers Gamel Abdul Nasser and
Saddam Hussein are dead as door nails <ahumdiallah

Well Saddam Hussein received a historically symbolic justice, he proclaimed himself Nebuchadnezzar.

All this personality worship got me into thinking,
does Assad have a historic personality, he or his father compared to?
Alleged satellite images shows Russian warships leaving Syrian port amid strike threat

The satellite operator iSi, which had previously released photos of Russia’s latest fifth-generation Su-57 jets, stationed at Hmeymim airbase in Syria, has now published two pictures of what the company says to be Russian warships leaving the Port of Tartus in Syria.

The company claims that the vessels are now deployed at sea due to possible future airstrikes. The operator identified the warships to be an Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate, two Kilo-Class submarines, a Ropucha-class landing ship and several others.


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What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??
Assad is the one who holds the country together. Go to Youtube search pro Assad rally (or pro Gadaffi) and look if your politicians enjoy a support anywhere near that.

What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??
Assad is the one who holds the country together. Go to Youtube search pro Assad rally (or pro Gadaffi) and look if your politicians enjoy a support anywhere near that.
Large pro Merkel rally:

Visas granted to four OPCW experts.

Russia continues airstrikes in Hama and Idlib and monitors the area. According to sources, terrorist armies prepare to launch offensives after US attacks.
Given that the US is building a coalition, it is possible and plausible that they plan more than a limited missile strike. Maybe, there will be air support for HTS, aka Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda. But this is not confirmed and it could just be a larger wave of terror missiles or nothing at all.
Nato has also provided direct air support to Al-Qaeda and ISIS forces in Libya, preluded and applauded by western media. This time, media support is limited as reality has reached many people through the Internet.

Syria officially grants visas to four OPCW experts to examine Douma attack (video)
Russia not deterred by US threats, launches several airstrikes in Idlib
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What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??
Assad is the one who holds the country together. Go to Youtube search pro Assad rally (or pro Gadaffi) and look if your politicians enjoy a support anywhere near that.

Oh give me a break, one murders half of his opposition then expels the other half ...and those who left cry out of joy for the SUN of HUMANITY...

Yes sane countries jail politicians and prime ministers because they have a working system, the Assad's through 40+ years of tyranny had only one way - WAR AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

I have a lot to say about Qaddafi, but Assad isn't even remotely the chief of his domain as Qaddafi was, he's merely a desperate tyrant who has no other choice but to go and murder his opposition out of existence exactly like his father did, because Syria is a fragmented society, tribal, and Assad's don't even represent the strongest tribe/clan.

We've been over this so spare me with Your Stalinist idiocy, You don't know even half of what hides behind this desperate adoration, or what cultural forms dominate the place.

Go pull someone else's leg with Your personality cults .Sheesh.
Last edited:

What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??
Assad is the one who holds the country together. Go to Youtube search pro Assad rally (or pro Gadaffi) and look if your politicians enjoy a support anywhere near that.

Oh give me a break, one murders half of his opposition then expels the other half ...and those who left cry out of joy for the SUN of HUMANITY...

Yes sane countries jail politicians and prime ministers because they have a working system, the Assad's through 40+ years of tyranny had only one way - WAR AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

I have a lot to say about Qaddafi, but Assad isn't even remotely the chief of his domain as Qaddafi was, he's merely a desperate tyrant who has no other choice but to go and murder his opposition out of existence exactly like his father did, because Syria is a fragmented society, tribal, and Assad's don't even represent the strongest tribe/clan.

We've been over this so spare me with Your Stalinist idiocy, You don't know even half of what hides behind this desperate adoration, or what cultural forms dominate the place.

Go pull someone else's leg with Your mustached "sun of humanity". Sheesh.

SO true------if there is any LEADER that should make the civilized
world CRINGE-------it is the one that crowds of hysterical people
cheer FERVENTLY. With an apology to my fellow females-----
hysterical old women in babushkas waving flags and holding pictures
aloft and throwing kisses---------can be nice old ladies-----but I do not
credit the WHOLE DAMN MOB------with political savvy-----or collective
genius. (PS----I am an old lady------often known to don a babushka---------so I can say it) If hysterical mobs are to be credited-------
ELVIS would have been crowned earth emperor (in my day---back
then) As for those people who post up PICTURES of cheering
crowds in support of their FAVES-----------as PROOF of the value of
their faves-------c'mon now capt blei and tiny. Adolf's adoring
the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??
Assad is the one who holds the country together. Go to Youtube search pro Assad rally (or pro Gadaffi) and look if your politicians enjoy a support anywhere near that.

Oh give me a break, one murders half of his opposition then expels the other half ...and those who left cry out of joy for the SUN of HUMANITY...

Yes sane countries jail politicians and prime ministers because they have a working system, the Assad's through 40+ years of tyranny had only one way - WAR AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

I have a lot to say about Qaddafi, but Assad isn't even remotely the chief of his domain as Qaddafi was, he's merely a desperate tyrant who has no other choice but to go and murder his opposition out of existence exactly like his father did, because Syria is a fragmented society, tribal, and Assad's don't even represent the strongest tribe/clan.

We've been over this so spare me with Your Stalinist idiocy, You don't know even half of what hides behind this desperate adoration, or what cultural forms dominate the place.

Go pull someone else's leg with Your mustached "sun of humanity". Sheesh.

SO true------if there is any LEADER that should make the civilized
world CRINGE-------it is the one that crowds of hysterical people
cheer FERVENTLY. With an apology to my fellow females-----
hysterical old women in babushkas waving flags and holding pictures
aloft and throwing kisses---------can be nice old ladies-----but I do not
credit the WHOLE DAMN MOB------with political savvy-----or collective
genius. (PS----I am an old lady------often known to don a babushka---------so I can say it) If hysterical mobs are to be credited-------
ELVIS would have been crowned earth emperor (in my day---back
then) As for those people who post up PICTURES of cheering
crowds in support of their FAVES-----------as PROOF of the value of
their faves-------c'mon now capt blei and tiny. Adolf's adoring

Basically it's a question of collectivist vs individualist society, as Putin would put it, and I think he's correct in a way.
I'm comfortable in a society of individuals who're motivated to question life, challenge authority in a civilized manner without being gunned down. My society is madly critical of its govt, and we even have openly declared enemies in our parliament just to spice the conversation up.

As for the babushka mobs... without disrespect because they did go through a lot, but there seems to be a strange romance with poverty and desperation. I've heard a sad Russian joke that maybe sums it up - "if Your husband doesn't beat You he doesn't love You". Maybe this explains the strange adoration channeled at a figure with notable mustache, who murders them with true compatriot love.:dunno:

Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??
Assad is the one who holds the country together. Go to Youtube search pro Assad rally (or pro Gadaffi) and look if your politicians enjoy a support anywhere near that.

Oh give me a break, one murders half of his opposition then expels the other half ...and those who left cry out of joy for the SUN of HUMANITY...

Yes sane countries jail politicians and prime ministers because they have a working system, the Assad's through 40+ years of tyranny had only one way - WAR AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

I have a lot to say about Qaddafi, but Assad isn't even remotely the chief of his domain as Qaddafi was, he's merely a desperate tyrant who has no other choice but to go and murder his opposition out of existence exactly like his father did, because Syria is a fragmented society, tribal, and Assad's don't even represent the strongest tribe/clan.

We've been over this so spare me with Your Stalinist idiocy, You don't know even half of what hides behind this desperate adoration, or what cultural forms dominate the place.

Go pull someone else's leg with Your mustached "sun of humanity". Sheesh.

SO true------if there is any LEADER that should make the civilized
world CRINGE-------it is the one that crowds of hysterical people
cheer FERVENTLY. With an apology to my fellow females-----
hysterical old women in babushkas waving flags and holding pictures
aloft and throwing kisses---------can be nice old ladies-----but I do not
credit the WHOLE DAMN MOB------with political savvy-----or collective
genius. (PS----I am an old lady------often known to don a babushka---------so I can say it) If hysterical mobs are to be credited-------
ELVIS would have been crowned earth emperor (in my day---back
then) As for those people who post up PICTURES of cheering
crowds in support of their FAVES-----------as PROOF of the value of
their faves-------c'mon now capt blei and tiny. Adolf's adoring

Basically it's a question of collectivist vs individualist society, as Putin would put it, and I think he's correct in a way.
I'm comfortable in a society of individuals who're motivated to question life, challenge authority in a civilized manner without being gunned down. My society is madly critical of its govt, and we even have openly declared enemies in our parliament just to spice the conversation up.

As for the babushka mobs... without disrespect because they did go through a lot, but there seems to be a strange romance with poverty and desperation. I've heard a sad Russian joke that maybe sums it up - "if Your husband doesn't beat You he doesn't love You". Maybe this explains the strange adoration channeled at a figure with notable mustache, who murders them with true compatriot love.:dunno:


the babushka mob to which I referred is not the RUSSIAN group---
it is now the group of the ADORATION OF ASSAD (of all people).
Stalin---at least-----was kinda attractive (in a perverse way) -----
but ASSAD looks to me like ODO--the shape-shifter

What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??
Assad is the one who holds the country together. Go to Youtube search pro Assad rally (or pro Gadaffi) and look if your politicians enjoy a support anywhere near that.

Oh give me a break, one murders half of his opposition then expels the other half ...and those who left cry out of joy for the SUN of HUMANITY...

Yes sane countries jail politicians and prime ministers because they have a working system, the Assad's through 40+ years of tyranny had only one way - WAR AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

I have a lot to say about Qaddafi, but Assad isn't even remotely the chief of his domain as Qaddafi was, he's merely a desperate tyrant who has no other choice but to go and murder his opposition out of existence exactly like his father did, because Syria is a fragmented society, tribal, and Assad's don't even represent the strongest tribe/clan.

We've been over this so spare me with Your Stalinist idiocy, You don't know even half of what hides behind this desperate adoration, or what cultural forms dominate the place.

Go pull someone else's leg with Your personality cults .Sheesh.
Zionist babbling. Mass murdering civilians but accusing Assad, alliance with Saudi Arabia but babbling about freedom. Attacking countries but talking about international law. Abducting and torturing people but talking about human rights. AXIS of EVIL.
In the wake of Trump´s threats, ISIS re-emerges in the Qalamoun Mountains and inches closer to one of Syria´s most important air base that currently can´t help repel them. That´s Phrump. Reinforcements arrive.
In the east, SDF and SAA could clash soon.
Iraq will not allow the US set back the situation.

"On the sidelines of the Arab League Summit in Riyadh, Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim Ja’afari told reporters that he does not support any foreign attacks on Syria.

“If you strike Syria, it is a disaster, a loss of all considerations, and a danger to all of our countries,” Ja’afari told reporters, as quoted by Kurdistan 24.

“We will not allow this foolishness to repeat itself,” he added.

Ja’afari’s comments somewhat differ from Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar Al-‘Abadi, who recently had a conversation with U.S. Donald Trump about not taking sides with the latter’s nation or Russia." (-> link)

ISIS advances within distance of important Syrian air defense base
Major showdown between US and Russian backed forces in Deir Ezzor as both sides commit reinforcements
Iraqi FM warns US against attacking Syria

What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??
Assad is the one who holds the country together. Go to Youtube search pro Assad rally (or pro Gadaffi) and look if your politicians enjoy a support anywhere near that.

Oh give me a break, one murders half of his opposition then expels the other half ...and those who left cry out of joy for the SUN of HUMANITY...

Yes sane countries jail politicians and prime ministers because they have a working system, the Assad's through 40+ years of tyranny had only one way - WAR AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

I have a lot to say about Qaddafi, but Assad isn't even remotely the chief of his domain as Qaddafi was, he's merely a desperate tyrant who has no other choice but to go and murder his opposition out of existence exactly like his father did, because Syria is a fragmented society, tribal, and Assad's don't even represent the strongest tribe/clan.

We've been over this so spare me with Your Stalinist idiocy, You don't know even half of what hides behind this desperate adoration, or what cultural forms dominate the place.

Go pull someone else's leg with Your personality cults .Sheesh.

I am wondering why you believe Jews should rule over non Jews, use violence to maintain that rule and continue to live in the area, while the Alawites and Christians should not defend themselves from a Sunni Islamist takeover which would result in the end of their existence in Syria. You are one strange puppy.
the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

You really still think that Assad holds such a considerable position on his own, that it's all about him??
Assad is the one who holds the country together. Go to Youtube search pro Assad rally (or pro Gadaffi) and look if your politicians enjoy a support anywhere near that.

Oh give me a break, one murders half of his opposition then expels the other half ...and those who left cry out of joy for the SUN of HUMANITY...

Yes sane countries jail politicians and prime ministers because they have a working system, the Assad's through 40+ years of tyranny had only one way - WAR AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE.

I have a lot to say about Qaddafi, but Assad isn't even remotely the chief of his domain as Qaddafi was, he's merely a desperate tyrant who has no other choice but to go and murder his opposition out of existence exactly like his father did, because Syria is a fragmented society, tribal, and Assad's don't even represent the strongest tribe/clan.

We've been over this so spare me with Your Stalinist idiocy, You don't know even half of what hides behind this desperate adoration, or what cultural forms dominate the place.

Go pull someone else's leg with Your personality cults .Sheesh.

I am wondering why you believe Jews should rule over non Jews, use violence to maintain that rule and continue to live in the area, while the Alawites and Christians should not defend themselves from a Sunni Islamist takeover which would result in the end of their existence in Syria. You are one strange puppy.

Jews "rule" Syria? FINALLY!!!!!! GOOD NEWS

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