US Debt Is Now $23 Trillion And Climbing

I'm sitting here trying to calculate how many pounds of brain damage it takes to believe Trump will eliminate the debt.

Somewhere between three and seven pounds, I think.
I'm sitting here trying to calculate how many pounds of brain damage it takes to believe Trump will eliminate dingbats.
Hardly news the only time either side cares about the debt is when the other side is running it up. If the Democrat wins in 2020 the left won’t care anymore about the debt they run up than the right does about Trumps.
I guess the poor bastards have nothing to say since I shot down their pre-programmed arguments. :lol:

The reason Trump is such a colossal spender is because government spending is a significant portion of GDP.

GDP = C + G + I + NX.

Gross Domestic Product - GDP
C is equal to all private consumption, or consumer spending, in a nation's economy, G is the sum of government spending, I is the sum of all the country's investment, including businesses capital expenditures and NX is the nation's total net exports, calculated as total exports minus total imports (NX = Exports - Imports).

If you are a demagogue who has promised the rubes 6 percent GDP growth, and your idiotic left wing protectionist tariff war is really dragging shit down, then you have to make up the difference by spending like a sailor in a whorehouse.

And it STILL didn't work. Deficit Donald couldn't even achieve 4 percent growth.

Government spending also goes a long way toward helping achieve full employment. This is exactly why we don't want our politicians hands on the monetary printing press. The temptation is too great.

This all means that for propaganda purposes, Donald Trump has mortgaged our children's and our grandchildren's future.

All you do is whine. Post what you would do differently or wish the POTUS would do differently.
He has many, many times...
Hardly news the only time either side cares about the debt is when the other side is running it up. If the Democrat wins in 2020 the left won’t care anymore about the debt they run up than the right does about Trumps.
They both cared when Perot was taking their votes...
We broke the 23 trillion mark on Halloween and nobody even noticed. Not a story in the news, the only comments on this forum were from me.

neither side gives a flying fuck about the debt
Well, the pseudocons sure did scream a lot during Obama's spending spree!

It's weird how they all went totally radio silent after January 20, 2017.

NO, not weird, it's typical. To be a pseudo conservative requires a low IQ and a 100% hypocrite.
So if you REALLY care about the debt and the deficit, you should be attacking the Democrats in the Senate who have blocked every White House effort to rein in spending.
The Republicans controlled both houses of Congress and Trump was in the White House when they began INCREASING the deficit.

The deficit was DECREASING for the last five years of Obama's presidency. But the moment the GOP was handed the reins with Trump, blastoff!

Goddam, you are so full of bullshit, parrot!

When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.

He still has 5 years to go can't you wait until that time to start crying.
US Debt Is Now $23 Trillion And Climbing

Too bad we only have Barry The Muslim to thank for this! When the floppy-eared bastard took office, our national debt was only a mere 10.6 trillion. By the time he left us, he had jacked it up to TWENTY trillion, and increase of 189%! And gave it all to his buddies! After the Democrats caused the whole economic mess in the first place. And now Donald has inherited the mess with a dysfunctional Congress which won't let him implement any of his policies to bring it down!
I guess the poor bastards have nothing to say since I shot down their pre-programmed arguments. :lol:

The reason Trump is such a colossal spender is because government spending is a significant portion of GDP.

GDP = C + G + I + NX.

Gross Domestic Product - GDP
C is equal to all private consumption, or consumer spending, in a nation's economy, G is the sum of government spending, I is the sum of all the country's investment, including businesses capital expenditures and NX is the nation's total net exports, calculated as total exports minus total imports (NX = Exports - Imports).

If you are a demagogue who has promised the rubes 6 percent GDP growth, and your idiotic left wing protectionist tariff war is really dragging shit down, then you have to make up the difference by spending like a sailor in a whorehouse.

And it STILL didn't work. Deficit Donald couldn't even achieve 4 percent growth.

Government spending also goes a long way toward helping achieve full employment. This is exactly why we don't want our politicians hands on the monetary printing press. The temptation is too great.

This all means that for propaganda purposes, Donald Trump has mortgaged our children's and our grandchildren's future.

All you do is whine. Post what you would do differently or wish the POTUS would do differently.
He has many, many times...

Has he? In the OP? I did not see it.
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Warren's, Open borders and "Medicare" for all: 32-52 Trillion dollars, necessitating a larger federal government, which not even the, richest of the rich can cover, thus not touching the growing National Debt.
That's the thing about pathological liars.

A pathological liar like Trump can lie 13 times a day because it only takes a couple seconds to utter or tweet a lie, but it takes a herculean effort proving each lie wrong.

And then, in the end, after being presented with incontrovertible evidence the fat fuck lied to their faces, the rube herd chooses to continue to parrot his lies anyway!

These people deserve to be lied to.
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.
Warren's, Open borders and "Medicare" for all: 32-52 Trillion dollars, necessitating a larger federal government, which not even the, richest of the rich can cover, thus not touching the growing National Debt.
Which is why I would never vote for Warren.

Take your tu quoques and red herrings and shove them up your ass. This is about Trump's wild spending.

No one is ever going to bleev the GOP is the party of small government again. Ever.

You have no moral legs to stand on. None.
Hardly news the only time either side cares about the debt is when the other side is running it up. If the Democrat wins in 2020 the left won’t care anymore about the debt they run up than the right does about Trumps.
They both cared when Perot was taking their votes...
I don’t if know they really cared or not I never expected it to be reduced by Trump and looking at the proposals being put fourth by the Democrats wanting to be President it won’t under any of them.
US Debt Is Now $23 Trillion And Climbing

Too bad we only have Barry The Muslim to thank for this! When the floppy-eared bastard took office, our national debt was only a mere 10.6 trillion. By the time he left us, he had jacked it up to TWENTY trillion, and increase of 189%! And gave it all to his buddies! After the Democrats caused the whole economic mess in the first place. And now Donald has inherited the mess with a dysfunctional Congress which won't let him implement any of his policies to bring it down!
And deficit Donald somehow increased deficits when he took over...
Christ, if the only defense you have for Trump is to say "They do it, too!", then you are admitting Trump is just as evil as "they" are. Don't you idiots get that!?!?
Hardly news the only time either side cares about the debt is when the other side is running it up. If the Democrat wins in 2020 the left won’t care anymore about the debt they run up than the right does about Trumps.
They both cared when Perot was taking their votes...
I don’t if know they really cared or not I never expected it to be reduced by Trump and looking at the proposals being put fourth by the Democrats wanting to be President it won’t under any of them.
They cared about the votes they were losing really...
We broke the 23 trillion mark on Halloween and nobody even noticed. Not a story in the news, the only comments on this forum were from me.

neither side gives a flying fuck about the debt
Well, the pseudocons sure did scream a lot during Obama's spending spree!

It's weird how they all went totally radio silent after January 20, 2017.

And let's not forget Obama was doing the spending to get the US out of the shit due to the mess Dumbya left....
Christ, if the only defense you have for Trump is to say "They do it, too!", then you are admitting Trump is just as evil as "they" are. Don't you idiots get that!?!?
Hey but trump is different. Haha
US Debt Is Now $23 Trillion And Climbing

Too bad we only have Barry The Muslim to thank for this! When the floppy-eared bastard took office, our national debt was only a mere 10.6 trillion. By the time he left us, he had jacked it up to TWENTY trillion, and increase of 189%! And gave it all to his buddies! After the Democrats caused the whole economic mess in the first place. And now Donald has inherited the mess with a dysfunctional Congress which won't let him implement any of his policies to bring it down!
Trump inherited a DECREASING deficit that was around $400 billion.

Deficit Donald has jacked that shit up to a trillion dollars!

And you are flat out lying when you say he is trying to cut spending when he PERSONALLY asked for $4.7 trillion for FY2019. A record budget. Bigger than anyone, and a full trillion more than Obama spent in his WORST year of spending.

Jesus, the delusions you fools suffer from are just incredible!

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