US Americans should get to vote if we send money to Israel


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
we don't have money because we send it to Israel. Since most elites Israelies or Jews donate to jewish causes , and jewish tax exempt organizations to use as a money laudering device to get out of paying US taxes, not much we can do about that , but when our US government takes and sends our tax dollars continuously to a country that's government is rogue, WE SHOULD GET TO VOTE:
I remember the economy here in the states in the 70's and 80's: and then we have

In 1985, at a time of hyperinflation in Israel, Wolfson saved Israel hundreds of millions in interest payments by shepherding through Congress an appropriations bill that permitted Israel to refinance existing loans at much lower interest rates by prepaying the existing loans with the benefit of US loan guarantees. In 1989, when Israel was in desperate need of money to absorb hundreds of thousands of refugees from the FSU, Wolfson played a major role in securing $10 billion in US government loan guarantees. Nor were his efforts on behalf of Israel limited to the economic sphere. In 1968, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Yitzchak Rabin, was eager to have language written into the foreign aid bill favoring the sale of Phantom jets to Israel. He turned to Zev to use his connections on Capitol Hill, and it was done. The two men became close friends.[4]

A senior Israeli finance ministry official once noted that when the economic history of the State of Israel is written, Wolfson will be one of the three crucial figures in its first half century, after only David Ben-Gurion and Pinchas Sapir, the long-time finance minister (with whom Wolfson worked closely).

Working with leading figures in Congress, most prominently Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, he succeeded in having inserted into foreign aid appropriation bills, on several occasions, provisions altering the repayment terms on US governmental loans to Israel, or having the loans changed to grants. The resulting savings to Israel totaled billions of dollars. The vast majority of these lobbying efforts were at Wolfson’s individual initiative, based on his keen understanding of where the levers of power in Congress lay — an understanding fostered, in part, by frequent reading of the Congressional Record

And although Wolfson’s DC lobbying efforts took place under the radar, their impact was well known to senior officials in Jerusalem. For approximately two decades, a special section of the annual defense allocations in the Israeli budget was known as Se’if Wolfson

In the 1960s and ’70s, Wolfson obtained US government funding to build dozens of institutions in Israel, under a provision for schools and hospitals abroad from the USAID budget. Most of those institutions served children of Jewish refugees from Arab lands, a group extremely close to his heart

Zev Wolfson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This has to end, Israel has done nothing for us except cause us dead and limbless men. We need to get them away from our congressman and quit their fake tax emempt money laudering organizations.

We are the stupid gentiles who works our butts off to send money to Israel , and it needs to end.

we don't have money because we send it to Israel. Since most elites Israelies or Jews donate to jewish causes , and jewish tax exempt organizations to use as a money laudering device to get out of paying US taxes, not much we can do about that , but when our US government takes and sends our tax dollars continuously to a country that's government is rogue, WE SHOULD GET TO VOTE:
I remember the economy here in the states in the 70's and 80's: and then we have

In 1985, at a time of hyperinflation in Israel, Wolfson saved Israel hundreds of millions in interest payments by shepherding through Congress an appropriations bill that permitted Israel to refinance existing loans at much lower interest rates by prepaying the existing loans with the benefit of US loan guarantees. In 1989, when Israel was in desperate need of money to absorb hundreds of thousands of refugees from the FSU, Wolfson played a major role in securing $10 billion in US government loan guarantees. Nor were his efforts on behalf of Israel limited to the economic sphere. In 1968, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Yitzchak Rabin, was eager to have language written into the foreign aid bill favoring the sale of Phantom jets to Israel. He turned to Zev to use his connections on Capitol Hill, and it was done. The two men became close friends.[4]

A senior Israeli finance ministry official once noted that when the economic history of the State of Israel is written, Wolfson will be one of the three crucial figures in its first half century, after only David Ben-Gurion and Pinchas Sapir, the long-time finance minister (with whom Wolfson worked closely).

Working with leading figures in Congress, most prominently Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, he succeeded in having inserted into foreign aid appropriation bills, on several occasions, provisions altering the repayment terms on US governmental loans to Israel, or having the loans changed to grants. The resulting savings to Israel totaled billions of dollars. The vast majority of these lobbying efforts were at Wolfson’s individual initiative, based on his keen understanding of where the levers of power in Congress lay — an understanding fostered, in part, by frequent reading of the Congressional Record

And although Wolfson’s DC lobbying efforts took place under the radar, their impact was well known to senior officials in Jerusalem. For approximately two decades, a special section of the annual defense allocations in the Israeli budget was known as Se’if Wolfson

In the 1960s and ’70s, Wolfson obtained US government funding to build dozens of institutions in Israel, under a provision for schools and hospitals abroad from the USAID budget. Most of those institutions served children of Jewish refugees from Arab lands, a group extremely close to his heart

Zev Wolfson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This has to end, Israel has done nothing for us except cause us dead and limbless men. We need to get them away from our congressman and quit their fake tax emempt money laudering organizations.

We are the stupid gentiles who works our butts off to send money to Israel , and it needs to end.

Since when do we get to vote on sending money anywhere? We get zero votes on any matter, and surely not on foreign aid or war efforts. It would be nice if the American people got to vote on the floors of Congress, or had a say in policies engineered in the oval office. But, unfortunately, once we elect representatives, we basically give them Carte Blanche to do as they damn well please, and that's exactly what they do. Once elected to office, representatives exert their will, and not the will of the people.

We should stay completely out of the Middle East, and keep tax dollars here at home where they belong. But, unfortunately, "The Washington Brotherhood" sees things differently, and commits us to conflicts, foreign aid, and making enemies around the world. We're to blame for the actions of our representatives, simply due to the fact that we elect them. If we want a voice in government, then we have to change the way we vote on election days. We can't continue to do as we have done, and expect a different result. If you want to stop funding the Middle East, then stop voting professional politicians to office, just that simple. HINT: Washington politics is not going to change on its own.
Want to stop money to Israel? Fine.

But only if you stop every dime of foreign aid going to other countries while you do.
I wonder how a US vote on "SHOULD WE BAN MUSLIMS FROM THE USA" would turn out. -----of course a discussion on the billions spent on HOMELAND security (as muzzies roam about with assault rifles and muzziettes--with bombs on their whorish asses) would be attached to the question
Want to stop money to Israel? Fine.

But only if you stop every dime of foreign aid going to other countries while you do.

I have absolutely no problem with that. The US should realize that you cannot buy Friends.
We would be so much better off, if that money was spent inside out own borders.
Want to stop money to Israel? Fine.

But only if you stop every dime of foreign aid going to other countries while you do.

I have absolutely no problem with that. The US should realize that you cannot buy Friends.
We would be so much better off, if that money was spent inside out own borders.

I am a proud girl-----I am convinced of my own intellect-----really I am........ I found calculus easy--------BUT I am clueless in the field of economics and INTERNATIONAL POLITICS I have no idea what foreign aid accomplishes for the USA------I think it does good stuff for us-----I do not see it as
foolish "spending"
We should then also get to vote on whether or not we send money to the Palestinians, right?

I'm all for it, let's go...

how about we vote everything? I support
ice cream in every freezer and a complete
ban on lima beans
Want to stop money to Israel? Fine.

But only if you stop every dime of foreign aid going to other countries while you do.

We are allowed and should send foreign aid to Developing Countries and countries in need due to natural disasters, that does not include Israel. Beyond that I am against foreign aid.
Want to stop money to Israel? Fine.

But only if you stop every dime of foreign aid going to other countries while you do.

We are allowed and should send foreign aid to Developing Countries and countries in need due to natural disasters, that does not include Israel. Beyond that I am against foreign aid.

The only foreign aid that should be allowed is for recovering from natural disasters. Absolutely no military aid of any type to any country. The United States has never gained a thing from giving away money in the form of foreign or military aid.
Want to stop money to Israel? Fine.

But only if you stop every dime of foreign aid going to other countries while you do.

We are allowed and should send foreign aid to Developing Countries and countries in need due to natural disasters, that does not include Israel. Beyond that I am against foreign aid.

The only foreign aid that should be allowed is for recovering from natural disasters. Absolutely no military aid of any type to any country. The United States has never gained a thing from giving away money in the form of foreign or military aid.

I'll go along with that.
we don't have money because we send it to Israel. Since most elites Israelies or Jews donate to jewish causes , and jewish tax exempt organizations to use as a money laudering device to get out of paying US taxes, not much we can do about that , but when our US government takes and sends our tax dollars continuously to a country that's government is rogue, WE SHOULD GET TO VOTE:
I remember the economy here in the states in the 70's and 80's: and then we have

In 1985, at a time of hyperinflation in Israel, Wolfson saved Israel hundreds of millions in interest payments by shepherding through Congress an appropriations bill that permitted Israel to refinance existing loans at much lower interest rates by prepaying the existing loans with the benefit of US loan guarantees. In 1989, when Israel was in desperate need of money to absorb hundreds of thousands of refugees from the FSU, Wolfson played a major role in securing $10 billion in US government loan guarantees. Nor were his efforts on behalf of Israel limited to the economic sphere. In 1968, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Yitzchak Rabin, was eager to have language written into the foreign aid bill favoring the sale of Phantom jets to Israel. He turned to Zev to use his connections on Capitol Hill, and it was done. The two men became close friends.[4]

A senior Israeli finance ministry official once noted that when the economic history of the State of Israel is written, Wolfson will be one of the three crucial figures in its first half century, after only David Ben-Gurion and Pinchas Sapir, the long-time finance minister (with whom Wolfson worked closely).

Working with leading figures in Congress, most prominently Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, he succeeded in having inserted into foreign aid appropriation bills, on several occasions, provisions altering the repayment terms on US governmental loans to Israel, or having the loans changed to grants. The resulting savings to Israel totaled billions of dollars. The vast majority of these lobbying efforts were at Wolfson’s individual initiative, based on his keen understanding of where the levers of power in Congress lay — an understanding fostered, in part, by frequent reading of the Congressional Record

And although Wolfson’s DC lobbying efforts took place under the radar, their impact was well known to senior officials in Jerusalem. For approximately two decades, a special section of the annual defense allocations in the Israeli budget was known as Se’if Wolfson

In the 1960s and ’70s, Wolfson obtained US government funding to build dozens of institutions in Israel, under a provision for schools and hospitals abroad from the USAID budget. Most of those institutions served children of Jewish refugees from Arab lands, a group extremely close to his heart

Zev Wolfson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This has to end, Israel has done nothing for us except cause us dead and limbless men. We need to get them away from our congressman and quit their fake tax emempt money laudering organizations.

We are the stupid gentiles who works our butts off to send money to Israel , and it needs to end.

Since when do we get to vote on sending money anywhere? We get zero votes on any matter, and surely not on foreign aid or war efforts. It would be nice if the American people got to vote on the floors of Congress, or had a say in policies engineered in the oval office. But, unfortunately, once we elect representatives, we basically give them Carte Blanche to do as they damn well please, and that's exactly what they do. Once elected to office, representatives exert their will, and not the will of the people.

We should stay completely out of the Middle East, and keep tax dollars here at home where they belong. But, unfortunately, "The Washington Brotherhood" sees things differently, and commits us to conflicts, foreign aid, and making enemies around the world. We're to blame for the actions of our representatives, simply due to the fact that we elect them. If we want a voice in government, then we have to change the way we vote on election days. We can't continue to do as we have done, and expect a different result. If you want to stop funding the Middle East, then stop voting professional politicians to office, just that simple. HINT: Washington politics is not going to change on its own.
I tend to agree with you, except the part about blaming the people.

I am not to blame for W's and BO's bullshit. I never voted for those assholes. All Americans can only vote to 2 of the 100 Senators and only one member of the House of Reps...and even here the pols we often vote for for Senate and House do not win, so are we responsible for the actions of pols we never voted for?
we don't have money because we send it to Israel. Since most elites Israelies or Jews donate to jewish causes , and jewish tax exempt organizations to use as a money laudering device to get out of paying US taxes, not much we can do about that , but when our US government takes and sends our tax dollars continuously to a country that's government is rogue, WE SHOULD GET TO VOTE:
I remember the economy here in the states in the 70's and 80's: and then we have

In 1985, at a time of hyperinflation in Israel, Wolfson saved Israel hundreds of millions in interest payments by shepherding through Congress an appropriations bill that permitted Israel to refinance existing loans at much lower interest rates by prepaying the existing loans with the benefit of US loan guarantees. In 1989, when Israel was in desperate need of money to absorb hundreds of thousands of refugees from the FSU, Wolfson played a major role in securing $10 billion in US government loan guarantees. Nor were his efforts on behalf of Israel limited to the economic sphere. In 1968, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Yitzchak Rabin, was eager to have language written into the foreign aid bill favoring the sale of Phantom jets to Israel. He turned to Zev to use his connections on Capitol Hill, and it was done. The two men became close friends.[4]

A senior Israeli finance ministry official once noted that when the economic history of the State of Israel is written, Wolfson will be one of the three crucial figures in its first half century, after only David Ben-Gurion and Pinchas Sapir, the long-time finance minister (with whom Wolfson worked closely).

Working with leading figures in Congress, most prominently Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii, he succeeded in having inserted into foreign aid appropriation bills, on several occasions, provisions altering the repayment terms on US governmental loans to Israel, or having the loans changed to grants. The resulting savings to Israel totaled billions of dollars. The vast majority of these lobbying efforts were at Wolfson’s individual initiative, based on his keen understanding of where the levers of power in Congress lay — an understanding fostered, in part, by frequent reading of the Congressional Record

And although Wolfson’s DC lobbying efforts took place under the radar, their impact was well known to senior officials in Jerusalem. For approximately two decades, a special section of the annual defense allocations in the Israeli budget was known as Se’if Wolfson

In the 1960s and ’70s, Wolfson obtained US government funding to build dozens of institutions in Israel, under a provision for schools and hospitals abroad from the USAID budget. Most of those institutions served children of Jewish refugees from Arab lands, a group extremely close to his heart

Zev Wolfson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

This has to end, Israel has done nothing for us except cause us dead and limbless men. We need to get them away from our congressman and quit their fake tax emempt money laudering organizations.

We are the stupid gentiles who works our butts off to send money to Israel , and it needs to end.

Since when do we get to vote on sending money anywhere? We get zero votes on any matter, and surely not on foreign aid or war efforts. It would be nice if the American people got to vote on the floors of Congress, or had a say in policies engineered in the oval office. But, unfortunately, once we elect representatives, we basically give them Carte Blanche to do as they damn well please, and that's exactly what they do. Once elected to office, representatives exert their will, and not the will of the people.

We should stay completely out of the Middle East, and keep tax dollars here at home where they belong. But, unfortunately, "The Washington Brotherhood" sees things differently, and commits us to conflicts, foreign aid, and making enemies around the world. We're to blame for the actions of our representatives, simply due to the fact that we elect them. If we want a voice in government, then we have to change the way we vote on election days. We can't continue to do as we have done, and expect a different result. If you want to stop funding the Middle East, then stop voting professional politicians to office, just that simple. HINT: Washington politics is not going to change on its own.
I tend to agree with you, except the part about blaming the people.

I am not to blame for W's and BO's bullshit. I never voted for those assholes. All Americans can only vote to 2 of the 100 Senators and only one member of the House of Reps...and even here the pols we often vote for for Senate and House do not win, so are we responsible for the actions of pols we never voted for?
No, you're NOT responsible for what other voters do. But, if you've ever voted to elect, or to re-elect, a professional politician to serve in government, then you must shoulder some of the blame. No, you can not shoulder the blame for what other voters do, but you can speak out against what other voters do. We are all co-dependent on each other. We live by what the majority do at the polls on election day. Your responsibility is to shout as loud as you can, by whatever means available to you, about the voters that do vote to elect or to re-elect professional politicians top serve in government.

I do NOT vote them into office, but I do shout as loud as I can about those that do play the game. It's my hope and prayer that the voters will come to their collective senses one day and realize the harm that they're inflicting on the rest of us.
And what the hell do you mean by U.S. Americans? Are you this girl:

Or did you really mean "Us" and not U.S.?

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