Uprising in Egypt Splitting the Conservatives in the US

I haven't been on this board long, but why does LibocalypseNow pretend to be a Ron Paul supporter and someone who cares about the Constitution while at the same time demanding a neoconservative interventionist foreign policy towards Iran, which is clearly unconstitutional?

On what planet is war unconstitutional?
I haven't been on this board long, but why does LibocalypseNow pretend to be a Ron Paul supporter and someone who cares about the Constitution while at the same time demanding a neoconservative interventionist foreign policy towards Iran, which is clearly unconstitutional?

Because he is really an embaressed 2X Bush supporter?
I haven't been on this board long, but why does LibocalypseNow pretend to be a Ron Paul supporter and someone who cares about the Constitution while at the same time demanding a neoconservative interventionist foreign policy towards Iran, which is clearly unconstitutional?

On what planet is war unconstitutional?

I'll be honest I included an assumption, I'm assuming a potential war wouldn't be declared a war by Congress which the Constitution says must happen.

Not really an unfair assumption though, every war post world war 2 has been unconstituional so the next one likely will too.
I haven't been on this board long, but why does LibocalypseNow pretend to be a Ron Paul supporter and someone who cares about the Constitution while at the same time demanding a neoconservative interventionist foreign policy towards Iran, which is clearly unconstitutional?

On what planet is war unconstitutional?

I'll be honest I included an assumption, I'm assuming a potential war wouldn't be declared a war by Congress which the Constitution says must happen.

Not really an unfair assumption though, every war post world war 2 has been unconstituional so the next one likely will too.

Congress' defacto declaration comes when they pass the budget funding the war.

Egypt is a prime example of why people hate us. Bush used to claim they hate us because of our Freedoms. That was of course a line of Pure BS. The fact is they envy our Freedoms, and hate us for not standing up for freedom.

We have supported Mubarak for nearly 30 Years while he brutalized his own people, and kept them from Freedom.

Today the only wise choice would be to not support any new Military Dictator, and instead say we stand with the People of Egypt and want to see a Democratic Election in Egypt. Whether or not that may lead to an Islamic Republic.

Instead it appears we will stick with the Status Quo and quietly support what ever Dictator takes over.

Shame on us. It appears It matters not whether you have a Liberal or a Conservative, a Democrat or a Republican in Office. Our foreign policy will still be based solely on our own interests and care little for standing up for Freedom from oppression.

Charles....well said....many of those people on Camera said fuck the US because they see us standing with Mubarek instead of the People who want a "DICKtator" out.....which many thought that was what the US is all about....
On what planet is war unconstitutional?

I'll be honest I included an assumption, I'm assuming a potential war wouldn't be declared a war by Congress which the Constitution says must happen.

Not really an unfair assumption though, every war post world war 2 has been unconstituional so the next one likely will too.

Congress' defacto declaration comes when they pass the budget funding the war.

Lol I'm sure that's EXACTLY what the founding fathers had in mind.
I'll be honest I included an assumption, I'm assuming a potential war wouldn't be declared a war by Congress which the Constitution says must happen.

Not really an unfair assumption though, every war post world war 2 has been unconstituional so the next one likely will too.

Congress' defacto declaration comes when they pass the budget funding the war.

Lol I'm sure that's EXACTLY what the founding fathers had in mind.

Congress has abandoned their responsibility. I'll alert the media.
Ahh so someone else is noticing the right's quandry. Democracy and freedom vs fear and hatred of the Islamic religion.


I thought this was empahsized very well before and after the Palestinian elections.

I remember (in another place not to be named) how everyone was happy and posting pictures of Iraqi women with purple thumbs after voting....hurray for Democracy....and yet not so happy and mods taking pictures down of Palestinian women with purple thumbs voting for Hamas. A distinct quandary.
One of the touch stones of Bush's excellent adventure in Iraq was planting the seeds of democracy in the Middle East. Let's suppose the Egyptians took W at his word. Why aren't all the old school Iraq hawks on the Egyptian freedom bandwagon?

I'll tell you why. Because old habits are hard to break. The Right always looks for the dark cloud surrounding every silver lining. Whenever a strong man supported by America fell (see Marcos in the Philippines or Peron in Argentina) the Right first suspects a communist plot rather than understand a popular uprising. In Egypt,there is an organization founded to depose a king imposed by the British and French called Muslim Brotherhood. what's the key wood here? Muslim, of course. One boogeyman supplants another.
On what planet is war unconstitutional?

I'll be honest I included an assumption, I'm assuming a potential war wouldn't be declared a war by Congress which the Constitution says must happen.

Not really an unfair assumption though, every war post world war 2 has been unconstituional so the next one likely will too.

Congress' defacto declaration comes when they pass the budget funding the war.
:) I can tell you are a strict constitutionalist.
As long as it rationalizes what you want it to.
I just saw a guy dragged from his car and beaten unconscious or to death live on television.

God help those poor people.
Store food and prepare for the coming global insurrection: That's the warning Glenn Beck issued Monday. The Muslim Brotherhood and American radicals, he informed us, are operating in tandem to bring about "the destruction of the Western world." On his Fox show, Beck presented a clip of Mohamed ElBaradei calling for a "New Egypt that is democratic, that is based on social justice." The phrase "social justice" flashed on the screen, because in Beck's world, it's a code word for a totalitarian leftist agenda, just as the Egyptian protesters' use of the phrase "day of rage" signals their kinship with Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground. "We've shown you tonight that Hamas, Code Pink"—the feminist anti-war group—"and the Muslim Brotherhood are all linked together." With the future bleak, Beck called on his viewers to pray for "our way of life" and for Israel.

Glenn Beck's Egypt Freakout: How the Uprising Splits U.S. Conservatives - The Daily Beast

Its not that radical islamists and progressives are "linked" together, but they do share many common goals including the destruction of capitalism in the West.
Store food and prepare for the coming global insurrection: That's the warning Glenn Beck issued Monday. The Muslim Brotherhood and American radicals, he informed us, are operating in tandem to bring about "the destruction of the Western world." On his Fox show, Beck presented a clip of Mohamed ElBaradei calling for a "New Egypt that is democratic, that is based on social justice." The phrase "social justice" flashed on the screen, because in Beck's world, it's a code word for a totalitarian leftist agenda, just as the Egyptian protesters' use of the phrase "day of rage" signals their kinship with Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground. "We've shown you tonight that Hamas, Code Pink"—the feminist anti-war group—"and the Muslim Brotherhood are all linked together." With the future bleak, Beck called on his viewers to pray for "our way of life" and for Israel.

Glenn Beck's Egypt Freakout: How the Uprising Splits U.S. Conservatives - The Daily Beast
Fascinating..Some lefty blogger does the technocolor yawn and yukes up some douche bag theory and you have the entire conservative movement concerned about a bunch of 7th century camel herders and their totalitarian government which will be replaced by another totalitarian government
Egypt a nation of strategic importance to the US and international commerce, otherwise has been been fleecing American Taxpayers for billions in foreign aid for 4 decades. Let them solve their own problems. We have enough to deal with here.
I haven't been on this board long, but why does LibocalypseNow pretend to be a Ron Paul supporter and someone who cares about the Constitution while at the same time demanding a neoconservative interventionist foreign policy towards Iran, which is clearly unconstitutional?

Because sometimes its the strong who must protect the weak, in this case we protect you against yourself.

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