UPDATE: Henrietta Hughes says she's not milking the system


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
SOUTHWEST FLORIDA - A woman making national headlines after a tearful moment with President Obama has a new home.

Thursday morning, Chene Thompson handed Henrietta Hughes the keys to her home in Hendry County. Thompson is the wife of State Representative Nick Thompson (R-District 73). Hughes and her son will live at the home rent free.

At President Obama's town hall meeting in Fort Myers on Tuesday, Henrietta Hughes stood up and told the President she has been homeless since 2003 and can't find a job.

UPDATE: Henrietta Hughes says she's not milking the system | WINK News - Southwest Florida | Local & Florida
Wonder what kind of ailment the son has that make him unable to work?
She didn't look like a typical homeless woman I have seen. The pan handlers on street corners at least dress the part!
all you all should google her and her son and the three proprties he and she owned and my in fact still own one of them......how does a homeless woman get in the front row of a rally like that........
all you all should google her and her son and the three proprties he and she owned and my in fact still own one of them......how does a homeless woman get in the front row of a rally like that........

The O hand selected the guest ... how else!! :razz:
Of course she doesn't believe she's milking the system. She believes she's entitled to it. More and more people are joining the entitlement generation. We are soon getting to the point where the number of people stealing from the public treasury outweigh the contributors. After that, it's bye bye America.
How is she milking the system? A private citizen gave her a charitable, non-government home to live in...isn't this what you pretend to want? Private charity? Well, you've exposed yourselves for the chimps you are.
How come Oblah blah or one of his equally greedy cabnet members didn't man up to the plate and give the lady their old house. They certainly have no problem telling the rest of us to give til it hurts cuz it's our patriotic duty......right Joe Biden..
all you all should google her and her son and the three proprties he and she owned and my in fact still own one of them......how does a homeless woman get in the front row of a rally like that........

The O hand selected the guest ... how else!! :razz:

Word is coming from a lot of different areas, which I referenced last night, that the so-called unfiltered town hall with Barack Obama in Fort Myers Florida had a more than a few staged events.

Homeless Henrietta got a lot of air time.

Observed in this clip Obama first calls Henritta by name, and then asks her name.
  Obama’s Homeless Henrietta Hughes owns a House by Macsmind
Obama is as bad as those preachers that put plants in the congregation that throw down their crutches and shout "I'm Healed, I'm Healed."
What a charlatan we have as POTUS. This is so sad to watch our great country go down in ruin.
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How is she milking the system? A private citizen gave her a charitable, non-government home to live in...isn't this what you pretend to want? Private charity? Well, you've exposed yourselves for the chimps you are.

Henrietta Hughes and her son have been jobless and receiving government assistance since at least 2004. This was staged. How else could politicians pass such a huge pork-barrel project and call it a 'stimulus' package? There is a lot more to the story than what the major media outlets are feeding us.
500,000 Americans a month are losing their jobs.

There is nothing staged about what is happening in America.
500,000 Americans a month are losing their jobs.

There is nothing staged about what is happening in America.

I thought Pelosi said 500 million jobs were lost every month? :eusa_whistle:

Nobody denies the effects of the recession. However, you don't pass a nearly $1 trillion pork package to make things better. That's like having a hole in your boat so you make a bigger hole to let the water out. You can't spend yourself out of a recession.
500,000 Americans a month are losing their jobs.

There is nothing staged about what is happening in America.

I thought Pelosi said 500 million jobs were lost every month? :eusa_whistle:

Nobody denies the effects of the recession. However, you don't pass a nearly $1 trillion pork package to make things better. That's like having a hole in your boat so you make a bigger hole to let the water out. You can't spend yourself out of a recession.

I have news for you. It is going to get worse.

One trillion is probably not enough.

I think it is going to get very ugly.
She is now the poster child of why blacks voted for Obama. You see now all the other blacks will say, see he cares for us Black folk and now their hope is they will get a house too.
500,000 Americans a month are losing their jobs.

There is nothing staged about what is happening in America.

I thought Pelosi said 500 million jobs were lost every month? :eusa_whistle:

Nobody denies the effects of the recession. However, you don't pass a nearly $1 trillion pork package to make things better. That's like having a hole in your boat so you make a bigger hole to let the water out. You can't spend yourself out of a recession.

I have news for you. It is going to get worse.

One trillion is probably not enough.

I think it is going to get very ugly.

Yes, it is going to get worse. But that's because the government is not allowing the market to correct itself, and is only making the situation worse with the bailouts and this new spending package.
I wonder if I ask obama for the wheelchair ramp for the house, and a transport platform on my truck, will he give it to me on the same day? or there after sometime? Should I start my own webpage for donations first?
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