UPDATE: Henrietta Hughes says she's not milking the system

500,000 Americans a month are losing their jobs.

There is nothing staged about what is happening in America.

I thought Pelosi said 500 million jobs were lost every month? :eusa_whistle:

Nobody denies the effects of the recession. However, you don't pass a nearly $1 trillion pork package to make things better. That's like having a hole in your boat so you make a bigger hole to let the water out. You can't spend yourself out of a recession.

And what are you supposed to do to get out of a recession? Nothing? That worked well for Hoover and Carter, didn't it?

Out of the $789 billion, 40% of that is tax cuts. That's not spending. That's just reduced income to the government from the middle class.

Then you have billions in infrastructure spending, which creates more jobs. They may be temporary jobs, but give them jobs now while the economy is recovering and by the time the project has finished they'll have something on their resume that they can take to a hiring economy.

Then you have tuition help with increased funding towards a pell grant. Believe me when I tell you this will help many college students while tuition is rising.

We need more funding to the arts - so people with an education and who are cultured can find jobs too. Endowments are at record lows for many museums and university museums. They're already laying off people... hopefully this can stop it.

Now, the alternative is just to stay here, do nothing and let the economy collapse. I think you're a fan of metaphors and all, so let me give you another one:

The house is on fire. Do you stand there and do nothing or do you call the fire department and actually put the damned fire out?

Hoover and Carter didn't do "nothing."
She is now the poster child of why blacks voted for Obama. You see now all the other blacks will say, see he cares for us Black folk and now their hope is they will get a house too.

there are also many blacks who feel that this idiot just set them back 10 paces....
Well maybe so but they are not the poster child now are they?
I have news for you. It is going to get worse.

One trillion is probably not enough.

I think it is going to get very ugly.

Awesome troll post! One trillion is government pork spending is not enough. Hilarious! :lol:

Why do you lie?

35% of the package are tax cuts.

Which if true, 65% is pork. :clap2:

Now I ask, tax cuts for whom??? And if they want to give tax cuts, why not a corresponding decrease in government spending? Or do government revenues increase sometimes when tax cuts are implemented? So many things to discuss, so much taxpayer money spent, so much inflation, so close to bankruptcy.
500,000 Americans a month are losing their jobs.

There is nothing staged about what is happening in America.

I thought Pelosi said 500 million jobs were lost every month? :eusa_whistle:

Nobody denies the effects of the recession. However, you don't pass a nearly $1 trillion pork package to make things better. That's like having a hole in your boat so you make a bigger hole to let the water out. You can't spend yourself out of a recession.

And what are you supposed to do to get out of a recession? Nothing? That worked well for Hoover and Carter, didn't it?

Out of the $789 billion, 40% of that is tax cuts. That's not spending. That's just reduced income to the government from the middle class.

Then you have billions in infrastructure spending, which creates more jobs. They may be temporary jobs, but give them jobs now while the economy is recovering and by the time the project has finished they'll have something on their resume that they can take to a hiring economy.

Then you have tuition help with increased funding towards a pell grant. Believe me when I tell you this will help many college students while tuition is rising.

We need more funding to the arts - so people with an education and who are cultured can find jobs too. Endowments are at record lows for many museums and university museums. They're already laying off people... hopefully this can stop it.

Now, the alternative is just to stay here, do nothing and let the economy collapse. I think you're a fan of metaphors and all, so let me give you another one:

The house is on fire. Do you stand there and do nothing or do you call the fire department and actually put the damned fire out?

:rofl: :clap2:

You guys really crack me up. We are in debt up to our ears so lets spend even more money that we don't have. Hilarious!
I thought Pelosi said 500 million jobs were lost every month? :eusa_whistle:

Nobody denies the effects of the recession. However, you don't pass a nearly $1 trillion pork package to make things better. That's like having a hole in your boat so you make a bigger hole to let the water out. You can't spend yourself out of a recession.

And what are you supposed to do to get out of a recession? Nothing? That worked well for Hoover and Carter, didn't it?

Out of the $789 billion, 40% of that is tax cuts. That's not spending. That's just reduced income to the government from the middle class.

Then you have billions in infrastructure spending, which creates more jobs. They may be temporary jobs, but give them jobs now while the economy is recovering and by the time the project has finished they'll have something on their resume that they can take to a hiring economy.

Then you have tuition help with increased funding towards a pell grant. Believe me when I tell you this will help many college students while tuition is rising.

We need more funding to the arts - so people with an education and who are cultured can find jobs too. Endowments are at record lows for many museums and university museums. They're already laying off people... hopefully this can stop it.

Now, the alternative is just to stay here, do nothing and let the economy collapse. I think you're a fan of metaphors and all, so let me give you another one:

The house is on fire. Do you stand there and do nothing or do you call the fire department and actually put the damned fire out?

:rofl: :clap2:

You guys really crack me up. We are in debt up to our ears so lets spend even more money that we don't have. Hilarious!

I think they believe in the Credit Faerie.
She is now the poster child of why blacks voted for Obama. You see now all the other blacks will say, see he cares for us Black folk and now their hope is they will get a house too.

And your remark is the poster child for why some whites criticize Obama for being black, and racist also.

You didn't make a remark about Julio. Is Obama kissing up to the Hispanics also?

What about your hero, Joe the plumber?

The website didn't exist until after the townhall meeting.

As to being staged, the tickets are open to the public. Unlike all of Bush's meetings where the local RNC screened the attendees.

I love the way sore losers sound.:lol:

As to her actual status, I will believe it when I look it up myself. Not that the right would bring up anything false like say the hidden medical clause in the stiumlus.:eusa_liar:

It really pisses you off that this President can speak and actually inspire the crowd.
And not to mention.. it is not a "tax cut" if you pay no income tax and receive a 'rebate'... that is known as a fucking governmental handout... AKA backdoor welfare
Pretty much. Though you actually have to be employed to get one so it isn't exactly the same thing.
I thought Pelosi said 500 million jobs were lost every month? :eusa_whistle:

Nobody denies the effects of the recession. However, you don't pass a nearly $1 trillion pork package to make things better. That's like having a hole in your boat so you make a bigger hole to let the water out. You can't spend yourself out of a recession.

And what are you supposed to do to get out of a recession? Nothing? That worked well for Hoover and Carter, didn't it?

Out of the $789 billion, 40% of that is tax cuts. That's not spending. That's just reduced income to the government from the middle class.

Then you have billions in infrastructure spending, which creates more jobs. They may be temporary jobs, but give them jobs now while the economy is recovering and by the time the project has finished they'll have something on their resume that they can take to a hiring economy.

Then you have tuition help with increased funding towards a pell grant. Believe me when I tell you this will help many college students while tuition is rising.

We need more funding to the arts - so people with an education and who are cultured can find jobs too. Endowments are at record lows for many museums and university museums. They're already laying off people... hopefully this can stop it.

Now, the alternative is just to stay here, do nothing and let the economy collapse. I think you're a fan of metaphors and all, so let me give you another one:

The house is on fire. Do you stand there and do nothing or do you call the fire department and actually put the damned fire out?

:rofl: :clap2:

You guys really crack me up. We are in debt up to our ears so lets spend even more money that we don't have. Hilarious!

Remember how they bitched about Bush spending money? :lol:
She is now the poster child of why blacks voted for Obama. You see now all the other blacks will say, see he cares for us Black folk and now their hope is they will get a house too.

And your remark is the poster child for why some whites criticize Obama for being black, and racist also.

You didn't make a remark about Julio. Is Obama kissing up to the Hispanics also?
What about your hero, Joe the plumber?

The website didn't exist until after the townhall meeting.

As to being staged, the tickets are open to the public. Unlike all of Bush's meetings where the local RNC screened the attendees.

I love the way sore losers sound.:lol:

As to her actual status, I will believe it when I look it up myself. Not that the right would bring up anything false like say the hidden medical clause in the stiumlus.:eusa_liar:

It really pisses you off that this President can speak and actually inspire the crowd.

Yep,, he is kissing up to the hispanics. That's why he went on down to the border towns and told them John McCain was against illegals. That's why your Dems are seeking investigations into the Maricopa County Sherrif's office. That's why your Democrat Senators pulled the E-Verify ammendment outta the bail out porkulosity.. he's damn sure kissing hispanic butt. :lol:
Hughes says she and her adult son have been homeless for "a long time." She says her son lost his job in computer programming, and they in turn lost their house. She says she has been looking for a job, although she is on disability for cancer, but so far has not been able to find work.

Fucking slacker with cancer. Maybe she is a liar. We know Joe the plumber was a liar, but is now one of the darlings of the right.

Willow, you don't quite get it.

The RNC is also kissing up to the Blacks and Hispanics now. No shit sherlock.
And not to mention.. it is not a "tax cut" if you pay no income tax and receive a 'rebate'... that is known as a fucking governmental handout... AKA backdoor welfare
Pretty much. Though you actually have to be employed to get one so it isn't exactly the same thing.
uh, NO you dont
all you have to do is file a return
and you can do that even if you have zero income
Hughes says she and her adult son have been homeless for "a long time." She says her son lost his job in computer programming, and they in turn lost their house. She says she has been looking for a job, although she is on disability for cancer, but so far has not been able to find work.

Fucking slacker with cancer. Maybe she is a liar. We know Joe the plumber was a liar, but is now one of the darlings of the right.

Willow, you don't quite get it.

The RNC is also kissing up to the Blacks and Hispanics now. No shit sherlock.[/QUOTE]

:lol: what has the RNC suddenly done to kiss up to blacks and hispanics.. I missed it, it happened so fast..
Hughes says she and her adult son have been homeless for "a long time." She says her son lost his job in computer programming, and they in turn lost their house. She says she has been looking for a job, although she is on disability for cancer, but so far has not been able to find work.

Fucking slacker with cancer. Maybe she is a liar. We know Joe the plumber was a liar, but is now one of the darlings of the right.

Willow, you don't quite get it.

The RNC is also kissing up to the Blacks and Hispanics now. No shit sherlock.

:lol: what has the RNC suddenly done to kiss up to blacks and hispanics.. I missed it, it happened so fast..
amnesty plan
they are both guilty of this
Fucking slacker with cancer. Maybe she is a liar. We know Joe the plumber was a liar, but is now one of the darlings of the right.

Willow, you don't quite get it.

The RNC is also kissing up to the Blacks and Hispanics now. No shit sherlock.

:lol: what has the RNC suddenly done to kiss up to blacks and hispanics.. I missed it, it happened so fast..
amnesty plan
they are both guilty of this

The only one I can think of is McCain, most of the rest disagreed with him on that issue.
Henrietta Hughes is a fucking liar.

Proof please.

Read the original link posted.


Riehl World View: Henrietta Hughes: How Many Homes Have They Owned?

Henrietta Hughes a Sham & Hustler | Drudge Retort

See the part in the above link where she and her son have been receiving government assistance since at least 2004? Welfare is a stepping stone, not a career path. She's milking it for all she can, she's a con and a liar - their 'plight' isn't the result of current economic problems, as she likes to imply. Strange -- her 37 year old son can't get a job yet my daughter managed to get a job that pays $9/hr at Target two years ago when she was only 16 and had zero work experience other than dog walking and babysitting.
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