Universities Say Sequestration Cuts Are Damaging Scientific Research


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Universities Say Sequestration Cuts Are Damaging Scientific Research

Eighty-one percent of research universities say budget sequestration cuts are directly hampering their scientific research activities, according to a new survey released Monday.

The series of blunt, across-the-board government spending cuts took effect this past March, after lawmakers were unable to agree on a more strategic and thought-out form of deficit reduction. (Whether such deficit reduction was even necessary is another can of worms entirely.) The Association of American Universities (AAU), the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), and the Science Coalition (TSC) ran the survey among 171 research universities they collectively represent. Forty-three percent responded to the survey, and its margin of error was +/- ten percent

Universities Say Sequestration Cuts Are Damaging Scientific Research | ThinkProgress

Thanks a lot right wingers! bastards!!!
Matthew: If you believe that REDUCING THE INCREASE in budgets by a pittance is a cut ---- you NEED remedial math.

And if you believe that 1% reduction in University grants is killing them --- check their endowment accounts. They are quick to blame ANYTHING for the squeeze that they are under.. Folks are getting smarter.. They are not PAYING for status anymore. And the Univ. with the bulk of the grant money have been SCREWING undergrads for YEARS with costs disproportionate to the value they recieve over cheaper options. They are having to cut better scholarships and discounts to keep them in biz.

Most IMPORTANT applied research grants come from Private industry anyway.. Govt grants include a trainload of useless socio-political studies, economic studies, artistic studies, studies on effects of diversity, and phoney justifications of Congressional and Presidential policy.. That's not science in the sense that YOU and I know science.
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