Would you speak up or try to speak reason with someone from the flight crew in a situation like this

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Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
United Airlines disaster -- Why didn't anyone stand up for that poor dog?

"How did the family, the witnesses or anyone working on that flight allow this insane act to take place?

No one wants to blame the victim. The family is obviously traumatized and many on the flight with them have posted distraught comments on social media about what happened.

But something is deeply wrong here: No one did anything to stop the stewardess.

One person uncritically following an authority figure is understandable. A plane full of people doing the same is terrifying"
The stupid owners should have said no in the first place.
Yup. If showing that stewardess the ticket with the $200 extra for carrying a dog wasn't enough, I would have deplaned with my animal.
I heard the stewardess said "I didn't realize it was a dog." She HAD to hear it barking. I'm sure the family told her when they protested. That was the dumbest excuse I've heard yet.
United Airlines disaster -- Why didn't anyone stand up for that poor dog?

"How did the family, the witnesses or anyone working on that flight allow this insane act to take place?

No one wants to blame the victim. The family is obviously traumatized and many on the flight with them have posted distraught comments on social media about what happened.

But something is deeply wrong here: No one did anything to stop the stewardess.

One person uncritically following an authority figure is understandable. A plane full of people doing the same is terrifying"

Consider Germany, 1933-1945.
United Airlines disaster -- Why didn't anyone stand up for that poor dog?

"How did the family, the witnesses or anyone working on that flight allow this insane act to take place?

No one wants to blame the victim. The family is obviously traumatized and many on the flight with them have posted distraught comments on social media about what happened.

But something is deeply wrong here: No one did anything to stop the stewardess.

One person uncritically following an authority figure is understandable. A plane full of people doing the same is terrifying"

Consider Germany, 1933-1945.

True, the article actually mentions the Milgram experiment. I remember being horrified when they showed us the film in school:
The stupid owners should have said no in the first place.
Yup. If showing that stewardess the ticket with the $200 extra for carrying a dog wasn't enough, I would have deplaned with my animal.
I heard the stewardess said "I didn't realize it was a dog." She HAD to hear it barking. I'm sure the family told her when they protested. That was the dumbest excuse I've heard yet.

Passengers said they heard the dog barking. The little girl went on Good Morning America, and said the stewardess was lying. I doubt this woman has a job anymore.
United Airlines disaster -- Why didn't anyone stand up for that poor dog?

"How did the family, the witnesses or anyone working on that flight allow this insane act to take place?

No one wants to blame the victim. The family is obviously traumatized and many on the flight with them have posted distraught comments on social media about what happened.

But something is deeply wrong here: No one did anything to stop the stewardess.

One person uncritically following an authority figure is understandable. A plane full of people doing the same is terrifying"

Consider Germany, 1933-1945.

Or as I call them, the good old days...
Its been years since I have been on a plane. Don't they normally have a special area for pets in like the lower part of the plane?

God bless you always!!!

United Airlines disaster -- Why didn't anyone stand up for that poor dog?

"How did the family, the witnesses or anyone working on that flight allow this insane act to take place?

No one wants to blame the victim. The family is obviously traumatized and many on the flight with them have posted distraught comments on social media about what happened.

But something is deeply wrong here: No one did anything to stop the stewardess.

One person uncritically following an authority figure is understandable. A plane full of people doing the same is terrifying"

Consider Germany, 1933-1945.
I see people think millions getting massacred is funny???!!!!!
If I paid two hundred dollars for my dog to fly in the cabin, guess what is going to happen.
yes--seems unbelievable ''a lot'' of people would not complain/speak up/etc
...but humans do the craziest things
One person uncritically following an authority figure is understandable. A plane full of people doing the same is terrifying"

I tend to think the same thing about internet discussion groups.

Too many people are hardwired to follow any sort of authority no matter if some are extremely unqualified.
United Airlines disaster -- Why didn't anyone stand up for that poor dog?

"How did the family, the witnesses or anyone working on that flight allow this insane act to take place?

No one wants to blame the victim. The family is obviously traumatized and many on the flight with them have posted distraught comments on social media about what happened.

But something is deeply wrong here: No one did anything to stop the stewardess.

One person uncritically following an authority figure is understandable. A plane full of people doing the same is terrifying"
Because...no one wants to end up on a FK'n list. For many people a 'no fly' list ends their career. For a dog?...shiiit..they could have charbroiled that MFer in the isle and people would not have made a fuss.
That's what happens when you give non-judicial power to law enforcement. Flight attendants notify aircrew...aircrew notifies ground...ground notifies security...you made the list...that simple.
Welcome to the War on Turrr Murika.
It's not just plane passengers and it ain't just dogs.
Humans are gawdamn assholes.
A guilty pleasure of mine is watching those crime shows on ID. I can't tell you how many times a shot, stabbed, raped, strangled etc. victim has struggled to stay alive and get to help with their fading bodies only to be hurt even further by some crumb of a human being. They drive on on the roads. They turn a circle in their car in parking lots to get away from a shattered victim.They peek out their side windows at a victim and shut the lights off and go back to bed.
The callous disregard for humans and animals shown by so many is dismaying and repulsive.
It's partly why I'd rather have pet rocks than humans for friends
From a NY Post article on the matter:
DOT officials said Wednesday that they’d be probing the incident, including reports that the pooch could have gone under the owner’s seat but a flight attendant refused.

While United admitted in a statement that the staffer had messed up — “as pets should never be placed in the overhead bin” — its claims the whole thing was just a big misunderstanding.
"Messed up?" Boy, United sure is well practiced in the art of putting lipstick on pigs!​

According to DOT records, 18 of the 24 animals that perished last year on US carriers were flying United.
What? 75% of the animals that dies on planes flew United! WTH is United doing to animals on their planes? Only the Lord and United know for sure, but I know that 75% is too high a rate to think circumstance was all that was in play; it could have been that, but it'd take a lot to demonstrate that some sort of negligence and/or malfeasance wasn't afoot.​

From the OP-er's article:
No one wants to blame the victim.
I don't want to blame the dog's owners, but my not wanting to doesn't mean they don't have to bear some of the blame. There was clearly timidity and/or stupidity on the boy's father's part. Where the 11-year-old traveling alone with the dog, I wouldn't say that, but he wasn't. The boy's dad clearly didn't have the presence of mind to refuse to put the dog in the bin in spite of paying to bring the dog onboard.
And what's up with this $200 fee to transport a pet in the passenger cabin? In all the years I've flown, I've never transported an animal. Is that a fee charged because one is carrying on the normal amount of carry-on luggage plus the animal, or is the animal considered one's one piece of carry-on baggage?

If the latter, that seems so "not right." Don't get me wrong, I realize the animal could relieve itself and some of that matter/liquid could get on the carpet/seat and require some special cleaning. On the other hand, it might happen in which case, the pet carrier -- pet or no pet inside -- is just another object that fits under the seat. I can understand the airline collecting a refundable deposit in case the animal messes up something, but if all goes well, what's the issue? Babies cry and dogs bark; they're both just cabin noise. Stick some earphones in your ear and get over it like everyone else. If the dog can see it's owner, it'll probably bark less than will a baby cry.

What that's fatal "goes on" in overhead bins? I get that it's dark, but darkness isn't generally fatal. Is it really cold in there? Is it airtight? airtight enough that the dog was breathing its own carbon dioxide? I wouldn't let my pet be stowed there if I paid to bring it onto the plane.​
United Airlines disaster -- Why didn't anyone stand up for that poor dog?

"How did the family, the witnesses or anyone working on that flight allow this insane act to take place?

No one wants to blame the victim. The family is obviously traumatized and many on the flight with them have posted distraught comments on social media about what happened.

But something is deeply wrong here: No one did anything to stop the stewardess.

One person uncritically following an authority figure is understandable. A plane full of people doing the same is terrifying"
9 people said they would have intervened????
I don't believe that.

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