Union members more productive than NonUnion Scabs

Hmm, this graph is showing 20% of Union members among the worker crowd in America. I guess the layoffs have been scabs.


Yeah....in 1983 dumbass.
Here's some BLS statistics that essentially crush shintao's argument...
Industry and Occupation of Union Members

"In 2009, 7.9 million public sector employees belonged to a union,
compared with 7.4 million union workers in the private sector. The
union membership rate for public sector workers (37.4 percent) was
substantially higher than the rate for private industry workers (7.2

Union Members Summary
It will be interesting TV seeing shintao try his best impression of "Criss Angel ,Mindfreak" trying to escape from this one.

You are running way to late toodles, that mistake has already been laughed at and admitted to back on page 4 I believe. No need to deny it, like you would do. That is the difference between a man and coward like yourself.
Yeah....in 1983 dumbass.
Here's some BLS statistics that essentially crush shintao's argument...
Industry and Occupation of Union Members

"In 2009, 7.9 million public sector employees belonged to a union,
compared with 7.4 million union workers in the private sector. The
union membership rate for public sector workers (37.4 percent) was
substantially higher than the rate for private industry workers (7.2

Union Members Summary
It will be interesting TV seeing shintao try his best impression of "Criss Angel ,Mindfreak" trying to escape from this one.

You are running way to late toodles, that mistake has already been laughed at and admitted to back on page 4 I believe. No need to deny it, like you would do. That is the difference between a man and coward like yourself.
i guess your lack of english reading skills caused you to miss the part in red

In my experience, union workers are SLUGS.

They work as slow as they can because you cant ride them to work harder.
They know how long it is until each break and stretch easy jobs out to fill the time.
They use 'its not in my contract' to get out of just about everything they dont want to do.
They have no problem leaving work unfinished.
They don't care if work is shoddy because they know you cant do a damn thing about it.
They are lazier then non union workers.
They complain more then non union workers
They want more then non union workers
They dont give a shit about anything because they know you cant fire them.

Yeah, and they are working and scabs are getting laid off in droves. Tsk! Generally we hire a wino from off the street to do our jobs and pay them minimum wages, so we can go down to the bar and drink & snort coke all day. When you are making $275. and hour, what is a lil minimum wage off the top.

And the lazy union workers are getting laid off in droves too. Ask the auto workers.

And they are only scabs because they don't pay dues. You do know you can work and pay the extortion..oops sorry dues.. and NOT be part of the unions dont you.

Yeah, I will have to ask about that, as it is my understanding it is only the winos we had standing for us. Unions are still making cars, so why could there possibly be any lay offs?? LMAO!! Think logically now.

No, they are scabs because they are always doing something they should not be doing and either get hurt & disabled, or disable of kill someone else on the job site. You ever see a scab filled with pus? That is a nonunion worker seeking medical assistance.

Go look up what you are paying in disability for these wino clowns messing up on a job site. They are not worth hiring, just like the article states.
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Now I know this will all come at a great shock for the cons, but this exaplains by going Union is superior to hiring wino scabs. I just keep blowing those con-myths!

"Productivity is a term most people throw around pretty freely these days. But when we use it, we back it up with proof," said Steve Lamb, executive vice president of MCA Chicago. "Union workers receive extensive training and so incur fewer injuries and lawsuits. Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity and timely results, and that adds up to savings.":clap2:

According to the study, the average Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) apprenticeship program:

-registers relatively few apprentices,
-produces more cancellations than graduations,
-enrolls a small proportion of female and minority apprentices, and
-provides training in a narrower range of crafts.
-Union apprenticeship programs, on the other hand, enroll and graduate the majority of
-construction apprentices, including the majority of female and minority apprentices.

The study states: "The hundreds of millions of dollars the union sector spends annually on apprenticeship and training programs produces the skilled workers vital to the construction industry's future."

Department of Labor records from 36 states show that union programs have enrolled 72 percent of construction apprentices since 1989, and have enrolled almost three times as many minorities and over four times as many women as non-union programs.

Union vs. Non-Union: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity

Pay attention very closely....NO ONE wants to deal with unions. Unions are unrppodutive, expensive, coerce far above market wage rates of pay, cause products and services to be overpriced and are simply a general pain in the ass.

These reasons and others too numerous to mention are why union membership in the private sector has fallen to a paltry 7%.

I resent the implication that all non-union people are "scabs",..Two words.. Fuck you.

I can't change your skin color, and I can't turn you into a Union worker. You are a piece of shit, hence a scab. And fuck you too, boy.

You're so God damned blinded by your gung ho "union people are perfect" bullshit , you could not even define the word "scab" as it applies to labor.
I wouldn't join one of those stupid organizations if it were the last job on earth.

Well thank gawwwd the Unions do not want scabs like you hanging around and giving us a bad name down at the bars. Move along you lil resentful sacabby, move along..........LOL!!:lol:
Ok cat fucker.
Like I said before....Fuck you.
A bad name down at the bars?..What the fuck are you talking about..
You are one room temperature IQ short bus riding special ed student ,aren't ya?
Yes 87% of all US workers are scabs.
Jesus Christ...
Hey, putz licker, don't ever tire of getting rag dolled on here all the time?
I mean really...Every time you post some lefty/socialist nonsense on here, you get trolley tracked.
Nobody wants unions. Not the businesses, not the workers, no one.
If the opposite were true unionization would be growing. Instead membership in labor organizations has been shrinking every since the mid 60's.
And don't try this crap about companies refusing to bargain in good faith...Unions are owed nothing. Union thugs are not entitled to a sit down or a negotiation of any kind.
Once a contract ends, if the two parties wish to enter into another agreement, it is the choice of BOTH parties. If one party chooses to go elsewhere, they have that right.
1. Learn how to use the quote function. Yes teacher

2. I didn't vote for Bush. Either time. Nice failure, again :thup: So that makes you a bigger Loser than me. LMAO!!

3. Not paying attention? Seems to be a pattern with you. Like I said, good thing you have the union to keep you off the public dole.

Yeah, lucky me. Beats having a job like yours, supplemented by welfare.

Not on welfare.

0 for 4 so far there sparky.

Yeah, you sound like a two banger with a broken valve spunky.
Oh boy, I give you the information and go off in some other direction, intentionally?? Do you think I made that title for the thread, because I wanted to dicuss training as the major component? I don't mind discussing training because it is in the article, like minority rights are in the article, or cancelations & graduations, etc. That isn't the MAIN point I am taking from the article, OK?

The article is heavily opinion laden and subjective.
It implies that only union labor is skilled and all others are not skilled.

I would cry if I was you.:eusa_angel:
If I were you, I'd kill myself.
Unions cause it

No they don't. Why would they want work going overseas? You are bing illogical again.
no, i'm "bing" logical
unions expect higher wages for less work
The article says you lie
business owners found they could get more work for less pay(AKA more PROFITS) if they moved to where the unions weren't
thus, Unions priced themselves out of work

Prove it.
Unions cause it

No they don't. Why would they want work going overseas? You are bing illogical again.

No, the unions didnt want the work going over seas. That would mean no union dues. The companies have had enough of the unions and their demands, so they left.

So bring the proof of your assertion. Fact is you haven't a clue why companies left America. And how do you explain away non-union scab companies that left America? So you are not being logical. Bring on your proof of your assertion or STFU sweetie.
No they don't. Why would they want work going overseas? You are bing illogical again.
no, i'm "bing" logical
unions expect higher wages for less work

business owners found they could get more work for less pay(AKA more PROFITS) if they moved to where the unions weren't

thus, Unions priced themselves out of work

Prove it.
its called logic and commons sense, moron, something you clearly lack
Yeah....in 1983 dumbass.
Here's some BLS statistics that essentially crush shintao's argument...
Industry and Occupation of Union Members

"In 2009, 7.9 million public sector employees belonged to a union,
compared with 7.4 million union workers in the private sector. The
union membership rate for public sector workers (37.4 percent) was
substantially higher than the rate for private industry workers (7.2

Union Members Summary
It will be interesting TV seeing shintao try his best impression of "Criss Angel ,Mindfreak" trying to escape from this one.

You are running way to late toodles, that mistake has already been laughed at and admitted to back on page 4 I believe. No need to deny it, like you would do. That is the difference between a man and coward like yourself.
Facts are facts there poindexter...SEVEN PERCENT!!! and falling.
Coward? You are not man enough to face the facts which in this case are the smoking gun that has blown your every idea into another area code.
Not one of you union thugs has ever had the courage to make your own mark. And you call ME a coward? yeah right. You wouldn't know courage if it bit you on your craggy crinkly old puss spewing ass. You have to rely on groupism and a leadership to represent you. You people are nothing but co-dependent robots.
You are so over.
Here's some BLS statistics that essentially crush shintao's argument...
Industry and Occupation of Union Members

"In 2009, 7.9 million public sector employees belonged to a union,
compared with 7.4 million union workers in the private sector. The
union membership rate for public sector workers (37.4 percent) was
substantially higher than the rate for private industry workers (7.2

Union Members Summary
It will be interesting TV seeing shintao try his best impression of "Criss Angel ,Mindfreak" trying to escape from this one.

You are running way to late toodles, that mistake has already been laughed at and admitted to back on page 4 I believe. No need to deny it, like you would do. That is the difference between a man and coward like yourself.
i guess your lack of english reading skills caused you to miss the part in red


Ignorance is bliss.

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