Unintended Consequences when LIBERALISM takes control.....

U.S. health officials declare Zika cause of severe birth defects
U.S. and world health officials have been saying for some time that mounting scientific evidence points to the mosquito-born virus as the likely cause of the alarming rise in microcephaly in Zika-hit areas of Brazil. It had not been declared as the definitive cause until now
Yet instead of closing the borders from the illegal horde crossing the borders, stopping in the influx of TB, Whooping cough, and now Zika virus, the Liar in Chief continues to keep the borders open. I just hope that the daughters of the moron get the same that the feckless leader is allowing to happen to innocent US citizens. But then again, since the White black president is already a pin head, maybe his grandkids(if not executed on the abortion table) will come out the same.
Can you name a single time in U.S. history when a president completely shut down our borders to prevent a disease from getting in?
I can tell you before Obama took over, that TB was almost non existent in the US. That the Zika , Ebola and other deadly diseases from foreign countries were never heard of here. But that liberal compassion and the New World Order just go hand in hand. And the poor are affected the most, don't liberals champion the poor, or just want the poor dead?
So, no, you can't name a single time we've ever done that, but Obama's the villain for not doing what no president has ever done.

Thanks for the reminder of how batshit insane you are.
U.S. health officials declare Zika cause of severe birth defects
U.S. and world health officials have been saying for some time that mounting scientific evidence points to the mosquito-born virus as the likely cause of the alarming rise in microcephaly in Zika-hit areas of Brazil. It had not been declared as the definitive cause until now
Yet instead of closing the borders from the illegal horde crossing the borders, stopping in the influx of TB, Whooping cough, and now Zika virus, the Liar in Chief continues to keep the borders open. I just hope that the daughters of the moron get the same that the feckless leader is allowing to happen to innocent US citizens. But then again, since the White black president is already a pin head, maybe his grandkids(if not executed on the abortion table) will come out the same.
Can you name a single time in U.S. history when a president completely shut down our borders to prevent a disease from getting in?
I can tell you before Obama took over, that TB was almost non existent in the US. That the Zika , Ebola and other deadly diseases from foreign countries were never heard of here. But that liberal compassion and the New World Order just go hand in hand. And the poor are affected the most, don't liberals champion the poor, or just want the poor dead?
So, no, you can't name a single time we've ever done that, but Obama's the villain for not doing what no president has ever done.

Thanks for the reminder of how batshit insane you are.
What ever Faun, so when the next president takes over, are you going to start telling HIM, that he needs to close the border to stop killer virus's from entering, or just continue the status quo, and have children be affected and maybe even die? Do you have children or grandchildren? Does it bother you that one of them could be infected? When is it time to stop the illegal hordes from crossing the border? Oh yeah, when the next Republican gets elected in 2016 then you can blame him for the worlds ill. Now look yourself in the mirror and say "Thanks for the reminder of how batshit insane you are " .
U.S. health officials declare Zika cause of severe birth defects
U.S. and world health officials have been saying for some time that mounting scientific evidence points to the mosquito-born virus as the likely cause of the alarming rise in microcephaly in Zika-hit areas of Brazil. It had not been declared as the definitive cause until now
Yet instead of closing the borders from the illegal horde crossing the borders, stopping in the influx of TB, Whooping cough, and now Zika virus, the Liar in Chief continues to keep the borders open. I just hope that the daughters of the moron get the same that the feckless leader is allowing to happen to innocent US citizens. But then again, since the White black president is already a pin head, maybe his grandkids(if not executed on the abortion table) will come out the same.
Can you name a single time in U.S. history when a president completely shut down our borders to prevent a disease from getting in?
I can tell you before Obama took over, that TB was almost non existent in the US. That the Zika , Ebola and other deadly diseases from foreign countries were never heard of here. But that liberal compassion and the New World Order just go hand in hand. And the poor are affected the most, don't liberals champion the poor, or just want the poor dead?
So, no, you can't name a single time we've ever done that, but Obama's the villain for not doing what no president has ever done.

Thanks for the reminder of how batshit insane you are.
What ever Faun, so when the next president takes over, are you going to start telling HIM, that he needs to close the border to stop killer virus's from entering, or just continue the status quo, and have children be affected and maybe even die? Do you have children or grandchildren? Does it bother you that one of them could be infected? When is it time to stop the illegal hordes from crossing the border? Oh yeah, when the next Republican gets elected in 2016 then you can blame him for the worlds ill. Now look yourself in the mirror and say "Thanks for the reminder of how batshit insane you are " .
Why would I tell the next president to close the borders should that happen? I didn't tell Reagan to shut the borders when the HIV virus began spreading. I didn't tell Bush to shut the borders when SARS began spreading.

There is no mirror, jim. You're actually criticizing the president for keeping a level head and not freaking out like you are over a an extremely rare mosquito-spead disease.
Because pin heads like you cannot connect the dots why healthcare costs are going through the roof, even after Obama lied that everyone would save $2,500. See link
Wednesday at 2:30 PM
Yesterday at 9:26 AM
If you don't like what I am posting then LEAVE. You don't have to stay here and FEEL insulted, because your lack of intelligence cant grasp the problem the US is facing. Maybe even go to Cuba , where the liberals love the healthcare system there. Dumbasses both of you.
Because pin heads like you cannot connect the dots why healthcare costs are going through the roof, even after Obama lied that everyone would save $2,500. See link
Wednesday at 2:30 PM
Yesterday at 9:26 AM
If you don't like what I am posting then LEAVE. You don't have to stay here and FEEL insulted, because your lack of intelligence cant grasp the problem the US is facing. Maybe even go to Cuba , where the liberals love the healthcare system there. Dumbasses both of you.

Who are you addressing ?
Because pin heads like you cannot connect the dots why healthcare costs are going through the roof, even after Obama lied that everyone would save $2,500. See link
Wednesday at 2:30 PM
Yesterday at 9:26 AM
If you don't like what I am posting then LEAVE. You don't have to stay here and FEEL insulted, because your lack of intelligence cant grasp the problem the US is facing. Maybe even go to Cuba , where the liberals love the healthcare system there. Dumbasses both of you.

Who are you addressing ?
Liberals, who voted for Obama, not once, but twice. They believed in Hope and Change. They believed that they were going to save $2,500 a month. In America, Obama has created the most in poverty ever. I laugh at the liberal voter and how stupid they are.
Because pin heads like you cannot connect the dots why healthcare costs are going through the roof, even after Obama lied that everyone would save $2,500. See link
Wednesday at 2:30 PM
Yesterday at 9:26 AM
If you don't like what I am posting then LEAVE. You don't have to stay here and FEEL insulted, because your lack of intelligence cant grasp the problem the US is facing. Maybe even go to Cuba , where the liberals love the healthcare system there. Dumbasses both of you.

Who are you addressing ?
Liberals, who voted for Obama, not once, but twice. They believed in Hope and Change. They believed that they were going to save $2,500 a month. In America, Obama has created the most in poverty ever. I laugh at the liberal voter and how stupid they are.

Yep....that good old Obama money.

Actually, I think many voted for him because they are racist (in the sense they thought the U.S. should have a black president). I thought Bill Clinton said he was the first black president though....
Why your health insurance premiums are going up again
Related: Get Ready for Huge Obamacare Premium Hikes in 2017

A new report from the American Academy of Actuaries outlines the trends that will impact health insurance premiums next year. “There are both upward and downward pressures on premiums for 2017, but for the individual and small group markets as a whole, the factors driving premium increases up dominate,” senior academy health fellow Cori Uccello said in a statement.
Obamacare is going to save you $2,500. ROTFLMAO , elections have consequences and boy did you libidiots get screwed....
Why your health insurance premiums are going up again
Related: Get Ready for Huge Obamacare Premium Hikes in 2017

A new report from the American Academy of Actuaries outlines the trends that will impact health insurance premiums next year. “There are both upward and downward pressures on premiums for 2017, but for the individual and small group markets as a whole, the factors driving premium increases up dominate,” senior academy health fellow Cori Uccello said in a statement.
Obamacare is going to save you $2,500. ROTFLMAO , elections have consequences and boy did you libidiots get screwed....

While I agree that Obama was full of crap, I once again have to ask what was the report card that was established for Obamacare ?

To take Obama at his word means that HC costs were flat...they were not.

What did our Moron In Chief mean when he said this...? Obviously not what he said. But I am sure, in his mind, he did.

An argument with no rudder.

The far left likes it that way since it keeps them from being accountable.
Obamacare sticker shock: Price hikes are on the way
Insurers cite rising drug costs and patients who utilize a lot of medical services for the price-hike requests, which range from 17 percent in New York, and more than 20 percent in Virginia, to 30 percent rate increase requests from Oregon's largest insurers.
Obamacare sticker shock: Price hikes are on the way
Insurers cite rising drug costs and patients who utilize a lot of medical services for the price-hike requests, which range from 17 percent in New York, and more than 20 percent in Virginia, to 30 percent rate increase requests from Oregon's largest insurers.

At least you're on-topic for a change, but there are several threads about this already, some of them several months old. You'll catch up eventually.
Obamacare sticker shock: Price hikes are on the way
Insurers cite rising drug costs and patients who utilize a lot of medical services for the price-hike requests, which range from 17 percent in New York, and more than 20 percent in Virginia, to 30 percent rate increase requests from Oregon's largest insurers.

At least you're on-topic for a change, but there are several threads about this already, some of them several months old. You'll catch up eventually.
Since you are a liberal , you will never catch up, just be left in the dust and then you will demand "FAIRNESS" once again, to steal money from those you so despise.
Obamacare sticker shock: Price hikes are on the way
Insurers cite rising drug costs and patients who utilize a lot of medical services for the price-hike requests, which range from 17 percent in New York, and more than 20 percent in Virginia, to 30 percent rate increase requests from Oregon's largest insurers.

At least you're on-topic for a change, but there are several threads about this already, some of them several months old. You'll catch up eventually.
Since you are a liberal , you will never catch up, just be left in the dust and then you will demand "FAIRNESS" once again, to steal money from those you so despise.

Excellent post - as on-topic as the thread itself, free of meaningful content, and well within the rules of the forum. Do it again.
Obamacare sticker shock: Price hikes are on the way
Insurers cite rising drug costs and patients who utilize a lot of medical services for the price-hike requests, which range from 17 percent in New York, and more than 20 percent in Virginia, to 30 percent rate increase requests from Oregon's largest insurers.

At least you're on-topic for a change, but there are several threads about this already, some of them several months old. You'll catch up eventually.
Since you are a liberal , you will never catch up, just be left in the dust and then you will demand "FAIRNESS" once again, to steal money from those you so despise.

Excellent post - as on-topic as the thread itself, free of meaningful content, and well within the rules of the forum. Do it again.
At least you're on-topic for a change, but there are several threads about this already, some of them several months old. You'll catch up eventually.
Must really piss you off, when you are proven wrong time and again, as typical of a liberal. You will save $2,500 on healthcare.....ROTFLMAO...
Obamacare sticker shock: Price hikes are on the way
Insurers cite rising drug costs and patients who utilize a lot of medical services for the price-hike requests, which range from 17 percent in New York, and more than 20 percent in Virginia, to 30 percent rate increase requests from Oregon's largest insurers.

At least you're on-topic for a change, but there are several threads about this already, some of them several months old. You'll catch up eventually.
Since you are a liberal , you will never catch up, just be left in the dust and then you will demand "FAIRNESS" once again, to steal money from those you so despise.

Excellent post - as on-topic as the thread itself, free of meaningful content, and well within the rules of the forum. Do it again.
At least you're on-topic for a change, but there are several threads about this already, some of them several months old. You'll catch up eventually.
Must really piss you off, when you are proven wrong time and again, as typical of a liberal. You will save $2,500 on healthcare.....ROTFLMAO...

Some actual content this time. Progress.

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