
The job creation numbers sucked and unemployment was up as well. Pretty damned dismal.

Hope and Change just ain't cuttin it folks.

Barry had a super majority and the Reps had no power at all. Kinda hard to figure how they could have screwed up his grand recovery.

The Reps were relegated to the back of the damned bus for Christs sake. BO didn't want to hear anything they had to say. After all. The Dems won. They held all the cards and did exactly as they wanted.

We can all see where that led. Jeeze.
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I BLAME DAT PALIN!!! YUK! YUK! No but seriously,"Hope & Change" is a real mess. Now Inflation is here. Look out for those high prices at your Grocery Store. Believe it or not,things are going to get even worse. :(
When all the talk of the housing bubble began, before it actually began to bust, I said we were going to be in for a rough ten to possibly twenty years. It was the beginning of the perfect storm. The first part of the storm was the housing bubble. And what people really don't understand about the housing bubble is that we didn't just overinflate the price of homes, we built way too many of them period. We built so many that there wasn't possibly enough potential buyers to purchase them all. I have read estimates that close to 75% of all home sales the two years prior to the bust were to speculators. Then all of a sudden there was nobody left to buy those homes. So today we have a huge inventory of homes with no buyers, and that is not going to correct itself for some time.

The second part of the perfect storm is the fact that the baby boomers began to retire. This has caused two major problems. The first is that more people are beginning to collect on entitlements. We knew this was coming but never addressed it. And as more and more collect, it has created another problem. For the past 25 plus years we have been borrowing SS surpluses to use for general outlays. That money is no longer available to just borrow. So it decreased revenue for government spending. On top of that, as more and more baby boomers retire, less money is being put into SS and Medicare as those retirees are now beginning to collect rather than being contributors.

The last problem, and maybe even a bigger one is that all those retiring baby boomers were the driving force behind our economic growth for such a long time. They bought nice new cars and big homes. Now they don't need big homes. They are downsizing. They don't need as many new clothes. They don't need a lot of furniture to furnish their mega mansions. In fact, they are trying to get rid of stuff they don't need. Bottom line is that they are buying a lot less than they ever have, and they never will buy that much again.

So what is the solution? We need more people. Our economic growth has always been predicated on population growth. Unfortunately, there is a problem with that also. While we could stand to use some population growth, that same growth comes at a cost, as it means more government services are necessary and we have gotten to a point that population growth is putting a strain on our natural resources.

What all of this tells me is that we need to completely change the way we look at economic growth and where we are headed. Eventually, we are going to have to deal with zero population growth, and with that, we are going to have to learn to live within certain parameters, choosing what we spend our money on wisely. In the end, it will almost certainly mean higher taxes, and spending on society as a whole rather than everyone doing what is best for themselves personally. It will have to involve better planning on all levels.

So is this the fault of our politicians? Absolutely in the sense that none of them planned for the future. Every single one of them has been in it for themselves, and none have ever even discussed our long term goals. It's always about cutting taxes and cutting spending so that we can fix what is wrong right now without even considering the long term implications. For this, we can blame ourselves for not being wiser and having the foresight to look ahead. And if we don't start thinking long term very soon, then we are going to do much worse than just leaving our kids and their kids with a huge tax bill to pay, we are going to completely destroy any possibility that they will ever be able to enjoy the many great benefits of living in the greatest country in the world.

So you all just keep blaming each other for what is wrong and see how far it gets us. Blame it on Bush, blame it on Obama. Once he is gone, then you can blame it on the next schmuck that gets elected. But no matter who it is, unless we demand more, things will only get worse.

You're leaving out the part that 99% of these federal entitlement programs were created and/or enlarged by Democratic presidents and/or Congresses or that there have been repeated attempts on the Republican side to reign in and reform these programs to avoid their impending bankruptcy which Democrats have patently demonized and gleefully squashed. Oh, but that's right. We're all equally to blame, aren't we?

I always thought WC was a guy. Maybe I am wrong.

WC is correct that Republicans have worked against President Obama. Whether that is a good thing or not, I'm not exactly sure, but I believe that the policies of spend... spend... and spend some more to get us out of the situation we are in is contributory to our problems.

I don't really get the idea that either party is doing a damned thing to fix this economy except for blame the other guy and cut taxes on the rich while we are at it.


I want to see the list of the things that I, 20% of Americans like myself, and Republicans have suceeded in doing that slowed economic recovery. I'll wait.

I don't have a list off the top of my head, but, one thing is true. The Republicans have not given President Obama everything he wanted and since you and I both know that he is the answer to all of our problems, that has to have something to do with it.


for almost a year he didn't even need to ask us Immie, he had a supra majority, so, I am sorry but your statement is a counter factual.

He and Nancy and Harry chose during that time what to spend their time on and even then when they had a simple (but budgetary reconciliation) majority they chose what to spend political capital on and how many Rinos they could attract which lasted another year, they chose to do with it what they wished.

And frankly, Simply saying, that the rep should have just rolled over, thinking of the historical perspective in those slim months they had any real power is not honest, no one rolls over at any time ever, thats why they call it compromise. Clinton and the reps worked it our once amongst themselves ala the 90's.
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Wry Catcher has a list, I want her to produce it. It's her statement. let her back her shit up.

WT, you want a list. Let's start with you, Rush Limbaugh and NewsCorp. Even before President Obama took the oath of office he was unfairly and inappropriately chararacterized as far left, attacked because of the words of a preacher, framed as complcit in a fraud (ACORN), attacked for being inexperienced, slimed as illegitimate & wrongly accused of being born outside of the US; suggestions were offered he was not smart enough to acutally earn his way into the University or law school and must have benefited from affirmative action; scorned for being awarded the Peace Prize, cirticized for bowing and apologizing to foreign leaders, attacked as a Marxist, Socialist, Communist, supporter of Black Panthers, criticized for not solving an economic crisis in the first few months of his adminsitration, a crisis which existed well before he took the oath of office. He and his office were generally disrespected by you and other RWers. You signature line says it all.

There is nothing patriotic about hoping a president fails. If you disagree with his ideas, policies and actions make an argument why and offer an alternative. You and the aforementioned as well as the rest of the echo chamber offer mostly appeals to emotions. Fear (He's a Marxist, Muslim, he hates America and Americans) has been the tool of you and others to prevent needed reforms; Hate (evil IslamoFascists, Illegal Mexicans, Homosexual agendas, Dirty hippie progressives and Commies are all vilified in your rhetoric and in your imagination).

Want more? Let's speak to the Republican Agenda since taking over the House of Representives. What have they done to create employment? Very little would be an exaggeration. In the Senate lockstep voting Republicans use and have used the rules to prevent reforms, unwilling to actually debate, the R leadership in both houses spends more time at press conferences damning Obama and the Democrats then in anyother endeavor. What has Boehner, Cantor or McConnell done to earn their salary? Not a damn thing. What have they done to stimulate the economy? Not a damn thing. The only idea that have is to cut benefits to the working men and women of American and cut the taxes of the wealthiest Americans.

well you've said a mouth full hon but none of it explains how I, or 20% of the Americans or the Republicans have interfered with the economic recovery.. I'm still waiting.

Among many things you fail to undestand or refuse to acknowlege WT is that the 20% is well represented on this and other message boards/blogs, etc. creating a climate of fear soley for partisan advantage. Such verbage has created a symbiotic relationship between the leadership in the GOP and fringers such as yourself; it has given the media some red meat to increase their ability to raise revenue. Real jounalism has died, America is a nation daily barraged with "Breaking News!" and continually focused on the next election. Governance is no longer based on building consensus, planning for all eventualities and setting a course, correcting as it moves towards goals, stated or not. Today it reacts to events on a daily basis, and instead of being proactive is reactive and defensive. Obama has been on the defensive since he recieved the nominaton.

Much like Clinton, the right chooses to cloud important issues with partisan bullshit, creating a situation which allows small problems to fester and large problems to ballon into crisis. I listed the 'issues' you and you pals hysterical commented on for the past many months. It's why I consider you stupid, I know your not as stupid as your posts suggest, but given your inability to understand the consequences of being constantly divisive I can only conclude you are turly stupid or have fully adopted an ends and means strategy. If the latter, and sadly I suspect that is the fact, you can never be forgiven.
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I want to see the list of the things that I, 20% of Americans like myself, and Republicans have suceeded in doing that slowed economic recovery. I'll wait.

I don't have a list off the top of my head, but, one thing is true. The Republicans have not given President Obama everything he wanted and since you and I both know that he is the answer to all of our problems, that has to have something to do with it.


for almost a year he didn't even need to ask us Immie, he had a supra majority, so, I am sorry but your statement is a counter factual.

He and Nancy and Harry chose during that time what to spend their time on and even then when they had a simple (but budgetary reconciliation) majority they chose what to spend political capital on and how many Rinos they could attract which lasted another year, they chose to do with it what they wished.

And frankly, Simply saying, that the rep should have just rolled over, thinking of the historical perspective in those slim months they had any real power is not honest, no one rolls over at any time ever, thats why they call it compromise. Clinton and the reps worked it our once amongst themselves ala the 90's.

Okay, I'm racking my brain trying to figure out how you missed the sarcasm in that post.

WT, you want a list. Let's start with you, Rush Limbaugh and NewsCorp. Even before President Obama took the oath of office he was unfairly and inappropriately chararacterized as far left, attacked because of the words of a preacher, framed as complcit in a fraud (ACORN), attacked for being inexperienced, slimed as illegitimate & wrongly accused of being born outside of the US; suggestions were offered he was not smart enough to acutally earn his way into the University or law school and must have benefited from affirmative action; scorned for being awarded the Peace Prize, cirticized for bowing and apologizing to foreign leaders, attacked as a Marxist, Socialist, Communist, supporter of Black Panthers, criticized for not solving an economic crisis in the first few months of his adminsitration, a crisis which existed well before he took the oath of office. He and his office were generally disrespected by you and other RWers. You signature line says it all.

There is nothing patriotic about hoping a president fails. If you disagree with his ideas, policies and actions make an argument why and offer an alternative. You and the aforementioned as well as the rest of the echo chamber offer mostly appeals to emotions. Fear (He's a Marxist, Muslim, he hates America and Americans) has been the tool of you and others to prevent needed reforms; Hate (evil IslamoFascists, Illegal Mexicans, Homosexual agendas, Dirty hippie progressives and Commies are all vilified in your rhetoric and in your imagination).

Want more? Let's speak to the Republican Agenda since taking over the House of Representives. What have they done to create employment? Very little would be an exaggeration. In the Senate lockstep voting Republicans use and have used the rules to prevent reforms, unwilling to actually debate, the R leadership in both houses spends more time at press conferences damning Obama and the Democrats then in anyother endeavor. What has Boehner, Cantor or McConnell done to earn their salary? Not a damn thing. What have they done to stimulate the economy? Not a damn thing. The only idea that have is to cut benefits to the working men and women of American and cut the taxes of the wealthiest Americans.

well you've said a mouth full hon but none of it explains how I, or 20% of the Americans or the Republicans have interfered with the economic recovery.. I'm still waiting.

Among many things you fail to undestand or refuse to acknowlege WT is that the 20% is well represented on this and other message boards/blogs, etc. creating a climate of fear soley for partisan advantage. Such verbage has created a symbiotic relationship between the leadership in the GOP and fringers such as yourself; it has given the media some red meat to increase their ability to raise revenue. Real jounalism has died, America is a nation daily barraged with "Breaking News!" and continually focused on the next election. Governance is no longer based on building consensus, planning for all eventualities and setting a course, correcting as it moves towards goals, stated or not. Today it reacts to events on a daily basis, and instead of being proactive is reactive and defensive. Obama has been on the defensive since he recieved the nominaton.

Much like Clinton, the right chooses to cloud important issues with partisan bullshit, creating a situation which allows small problems to fester and large problems to ballon into crisis. I listed the 'issues' you and you pals hysterical commented on for the past many months. It's why I consider you stupid, I know your not as stupid as your posts suggest, but given your inability to understand the consequences of being constantly divisive I can only conclude you are turly stupid or have fully adopted an ends and means strategy. If the latter, and sadly I suspect that is the fact, you can never be forgiven.

So you cannot provide me with a list of how I, and 20% of Americans such as myself, and the Republicans contributed to the economic failure of the barack administration? Why didn't you just say so instead of calling me names.
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Beware of Inflation. These skyrocketing Food & Gas Prices will affect all Americans. These higher Food Prices are already being seen in Grocery Stores all over the country. Inflation will be the next Economic disaster.
I don't have a list off the top of my head, but, one thing is true. The Republicans have not given President Obama everything he wanted and since you and I both know that he is the answer to all of our problems, that has to have something to do with it.


for almost a year he didn't even need to ask us Immie, he had a supra majority, so, I am sorry but your statement is a counter factual.

He and Nancy and Harry chose during that time what to spend their time on and even then when they had a simple (but budgetary reconciliation) majority they chose what to spend political capital on and how many Rinos they could attract which lasted another year, they chose to do with it what they wished.

And frankly, Simply saying, that the rep should have just rolled over, thinking of the historical perspective in those slim months they had any real power is not honest, no one rolls over at any time ever, thats why they call it compromise. Clinton and the reps worked it our once amongst themselves ala the 90's.

Okay, I'm racking my brain trying to figure out how you missed the sarcasm in that post.


WT, you want a list. Let's start with you, Rush Limbaugh and NewsCorp. Even before President Obama took the oath of office he was unfairly and inappropriately chararacterized as far left, attacked because of the words of a preacher, framed as complcit in a fraud (ACORN), attacked for being inexperienced, slimed as illegitimate & wrongly accused of being born outside of the US; suggestions were offered he was not smart enough to acutally earn his way into the University or law school and must have benefited from affirmative action; scorned for being awarded the Peace Prize, cirticized for bowing and apologizing to foreign leaders, attacked as a Marxist, Socialist, Communist, supporter of Black Panthers, criticized for not solving an economic crisis in the first few months of his adminsitration, a crisis which existed well before he took the oath of office. He and his office were generally disrespected by you and other RWers. You signature line says it all.

There is nothing patriotic about hoping a president fails. If you disagree with his ideas, policies and actions make an argument why and offer an alternative. You and the aforementioned as well as the rest of the echo chamber offer mostly appeals to emotions. Fear (He's a Marxist, Muslim, he hates America and Americans) has been the tool of you and others to prevent needed reforms; Hate (evil IslamoFascists, Illegal Mexicans, Homosexual agendas, Dirty hippie progressives and Commies are all vilified in your rhetoric and in your imagination).

Want more? Let's speak to the Republican Agenda since taking over the House of Representives. What have they done to create employment? Very little would be an exaggeration. In the Senate lockstep voting Republicans use and have used the rules to prevent reforms, unwilling to actually debate, the R leadership in both houses spends more time at press conferences damning Obama and the Democrats then in anyother endeavor. What has Boehner, Cantor or McConnell done to earn their salary? Not a damn thing. What have they done to stimulate the economy? Not a damn thing. The only idea that have is to cut benefits to the working men and women of American and cut the taxes of the wealthiest Americans.

well you've said a mouth full hon but none of it explains how I, or 20% of the Americans or the Republicans have interfered with the economic recovery.. I'm still waiting.

Among many things you fail to undestand or refuse to acknowlege WT is that the 20% is well represented on this and other message boards/blogs, etc. creating a climate of fear soley for partisan advantage. Such verbage has created a symbiotic relationship between the leadership in the GOP and fringers such as yourself; it has given the media some red meat to increase their ability to raise revenue. Real jounalism has died, America is a nation daily barraged with "Breaking News!" and continually focused on the next election. Governance is no longer based on building consensus, planning for all eventualities and setting a course, correcting as it moves towards goals, stated or not. Today it reacts to events on a daily basis, and instead of being proactive is reactive and defensive. Obama has been on the defensive since he recieved the nominaton.

Much like Clinton, the right chooses to cloud important issues with partisan bullshit, creating a situation which allows small problems to fester and large problems to ballon into crisis. I listed the 'issues' you and you pals hysterical commented on for the past many months. It's why I consider you stupid, I know your not as stupid as your posts suggest, but given your inability to understand the consequences of being constantly divisive I can only conclude you are turly stupid or have fully adopted an ends and means strategy. If the latter, and sadly I suspect that is the fact, you can never be forgiven.

Obama has been on the defensive since he recieved the nominaton.

you are over the top, bats in the belfry , surely gone fishing nuts.

and, since anyone with a IQ above a houseplant knows that 80% of the print and TV media is sympathetic t the dem cause, you should be locked away.
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well you've said a mouth full hon but none of it explains how I, or 20% of the Americans or the Republicans have interfered with the economic recovery.. I'm still waiting.

Among many things you fail to undestand or refuse to acknowlege WT is that the 20% is well represented on this and other message boards/blogs, etc. creating a climate of fear soley for partisan advantage. Such verbage has created a symbiotic relationship between the leadership in the GOP and fringers such as yourself; it has given the media some red meat to increase their ability to raise revenue. Real jounalism has died, America is a nation daily barraged with "Breaking News!" and continually focused on the next election. Governance is no longer based on building consensus, planning for all eventualities and setting a course, correcting as it moves towards goals, stated or not. Today it reacts to events on a daily basis, and instead of being proactive is reactive and defensive. Obama has been on the defensive since he recieved the nominaton.

Much like Clinton, the right chooses to cloud important issues with partisan bullshit, creating a situation which allows small problems to fester and large problems to ballon into crisis. I listed the 'issues' you and you pals hysterical commented on for the past many months. It's why I consider you stupid, I know your not as stupid as your posts suggest, but given your inability to understand the consequences of being constantly divisive I can only conclude you are turly stupid or have fully adopted an ends and means strategy. If the latter, and sadly I suspect that is the fact, you can never be forgiven.

So you cannot provide me with a list of how I, and 20% of Americans such as myself, and the Republicans contributed to the economic failure of the barack administration? Why didn't you just say so instead of calling me names.

Well, you are truly stupid if you are unable to understand my points and need a list. Notice I said understand, not agree. If you were of at least average intelligence you could parse my comments point on point; it appears you're to lazy or not capable of a substantive retort. Of course another explanation is you can't because the truth of my assetion is immutable, you therefore default to your usually bullshit.

Sometime I wonder if you're Daveman or CrusaderFrank in drag.
Among many things you fail to undestand or refuse to acknowlege WT is that the 20% is well represented on this and other message boards/blogs, etc. creating a climate of fear soley for partisan advantage. Such verbage has created a symbiotic relationship between the leadership in the GOP and fringers such as yourself; it has given the media some red meat to increase their ability to raise revenue. Real jounalism has died, America is a nation daily barraged with "Breaking News!" and continually focused on the next election. Governance is no longer based on building consensus, planning for all eventualities and setting a course, correcting as it moves towards goals, stated or not. Today it reacts to events on a daily basis, and instead of being proactive is reactive and defensive. Obama has been on the defensive since he recieved the nominaton.

Much like Clinton, the right chooses to cloud important issues with partisan bullshit, creating a situation which allows small problems to fester and large problems to ballon into crisis. I listed the 'issues' you and you pals hysterical commented on for the past many months. It's why I consider you stupid, I know your not as stupid as your posts suggest, but given your inability to understand the consequences of being constantly divisive I can only conclude you are turly stupid or have fully adopted an ends and means strategy. If the latter, and sadly I suspect that is the fact, you can never be forgiven.

So you cannot provide me with a list of how I, and 20% of Americans such as myself, and the Republicans contributed to the economic failure of the barack administration? Why didn't you just say so instead of calling me names.

Well, you are truly stupid if you are unable to understand my points and need a list. Notice I said understand, not agree. If you were of at least average intelligence you could parse my comments point on point; it appears you're to lazy or not capable of a substantive retort. Of course another explanation is you can't because the truth of my assetion is immutable, you therefore default to your usually bullshit.

Sometime I wonder if you're Daveman or CrusaderFrank in drag.


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I suspect WT is spot on. She and plus or minus 20% of the American people, mostly all of the GOP leadership and NewsCorp, hoped President Obama failed before he had taken the oath of office. They have done everything possible to prevent a recovery and have thus far succeeded.

Adopting an ends and means strategy the right wing has engaged in a most shameful form of demagougery, obstructing every effort by the Obama Administration to seek solutions to the myraid of problems inherited by the new adminsitration in January 2009. A house divided cannot stand, and if our nation suffers from a financial collapes the right wing will have achieved the goal of Grover Norquist, the GOP and their fellow travelers, the T Party.

At what cost? Potentially the loss of an American middle class and a social structure much different then what most Americans have come to expect.

It is going to be a very differant life for most Americans. And, unfortunetly, all too many are ignorant enough that they are puckering up and kissing the very asses that are shitting on them. So many will argue with venom and vigor defending the tax breaks and subsidies for the very wealthy as they try to figure how they are going to feed their family in the coming week.
:lol:so its now the 'very' wealthy,:eusa_hand: tried to sneak that one in did you after the 'rich' moniker got caught up with like, you know, the middle class folks......rocks, you obamabots really have to get out more....

let me lay it on the line for you old chum; everyone is going got take it in the a$$, the only argument is when how much and IF we have a balanced budget amend. that will mean they use it to pay down debt. or just blow it again, then 10 years from now we'll be right back here arguing the same crapola..........good night.

PS- exit Q- 47 years times 3% of my salary a year, gone.....bye bye birdy when they means test SS,AND, I get to chew thru my savings etc. quicker, is it ok if I get pissed off?
Wry Catcher has a list, I want her to produce it. It's her statement. let her back her shit up.

WT, you want a list. Let's start with you, Rush Limbaugh and NewsCorp. Even before President Obama took the oath of office he was unfairly and inappropriately chararacterized as far left, attacked because of the words of a preacher, framed as complcit in a fraud (ACORN), attacked for being inexperienced, slimed as illegitimate & wrongly accused of being born outside of the US; suggestions were offered he was not smart enough to acutally earn his way into the University or law school and must have benefited from affirmative action; scorned for being awarded the Peace Prize, cirticized for bowing and apologizing to foreign leaders, attacked as a Marxist, Socialist, Communist, supporter of Black Panthers, criticized for not solving an economic crisis in the first few months of his adminsitration, a crisis which existed well before he took the oath of office. He and his office were generally disrespected by you and other RWers. You signature line says it all.

There is nothing patriotic about hoping a president fails. If you disagree with his ideas, policies and actions make an argument why and offer an alternative. You and the aforementioned as well as the rest of the echo chamber offer mostly appeals to emotions. Fear (He's a Marxist, Muslim, he hates America and Americans) has been the tool of you and others to prevent needed reforms; Hate (evil IslamoFascists, Illegal Mexicans, Homosexual agendas, Dirty hippie progressives and Commies are all vilified in your rhetoric and in your imagination).

Want more? Let's speak to the Republican Agenda since taking over the House of Representives. What have they done to create employment? Very little would be an exaggeration. In the Senate lockstep voting Republicans use and have used the rules to prevent reforms, unwilling to actually debate, the R leadership in both houses spends more time at press conferences damning Obama and the Democrats then in anyother endeavor. What has Boehner, Cantor or McConnell done to earn their salary? Not a damn thing. What have they done to stimulate the economy? Not a damn thing. The only idea that have is to cut benefits to the working men and women of American and cut the taxes of the wealthiest Americans.

well you've said a mouth full hon but none of it explains how I, or 20% of the Americans or the Republicans have interfered with the economic recovery.. I'm still waiting.

what that was is just a crying jag, all of a sudden politics is supposed to suspend itself becasue *gasp* obama is in office and hes black....

politics is a blood sport, always has been always will be, power is thre only thig that matters they had it, in abundance, when the reps had it in the 2000's we were told the dems could not do anything to stop the wrecking of the country and filibusterers and all that were Okay, becasue you know when dems vote lockstep is ' in a show of solidarity', when reps vote in lockstep its a 'herd mentality in disregard for the peoples will', read/watch the msm, thats how they characterize it.....and hes a sheep so he buys it....

hes got nothing.
:lol:so its now the 'very' wealthy,:eusa_hand: tried to sneak that one in did you after the 'rich' moniker got caught up with like, you know, the middle class folks......rocks, you obamabots really have to get out more....

let me lay it on the line for you old chum; everyone is going got take it in the a$$, the only argument is when how much and IF we have a balanced budget amend. that will mean they use it to pay down debt. or just blow it again, then 10 years from now we'll be right back here arguing the same crapola..........good night.

PS- exit Q- 47 years times 3% of my salary a year, gone.....bye bye birdy when they means test SS,AND, I get to chew thru my savings etc. quicker, is it ok if I get pissed off?

I suspect WT is spot on. She and plus or minus 20% of the American people, mostly all of the GOP leadership and NewsCorp, hoped President Obama failed before he had taken the oath of office. They have done everything possible to prevent a recovery and have thus far succeeded.

Adopting an ends and means strategy the right wing has engaged in a most shameful form of demagougery, obstructing every effort by the Obama Administration to seek solutions to the myraid of problems inherited by the new adminsitration in January 2009. A house divided cannot stand, and if our nation suffers from a financial collapes the right wing will have achieved the goal of Grover Norquist, the GOP and their fellow travelers, the T Party.

At what cost? Potentially the loss of an American middle class and a social structure much different then what most Americans have come to expect.

Of course we hoped he failed. Look at what's happened from his success? You think we wanted this bullcrap?

Many tried to warn them before he was immacculated...they didn't listen...and still won't.
As Obama ushers in a second recession (did recession I ever really end?), so he ushers in his demise. Obama is an epic fail, yet nutters like Wry, RightNutter, NYCarbonated, etc. will defend him and his record of debt, inflation, massive unemployment, escalating energy prices, etc. as "well, it could have been so much worse".

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