Under siege: Ireland’s Muslims speak out against violence and misrepresentation


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
One suggests the killings were a conspiracy to provoke repressive actions against Muslims. His friend says staff behind Charlie Hebdo were responsible for the attack by provoking radicals in the first place: “They had it coming.”

The issue of extremism among Irish Muslims is a subject many in leadership circles are reluctant to admit.

Most religious leaders insist that radicalism is not a significant issue here and say few of the sects linked to violence – such as the Wahhabi movement – have any meaningful presence here.

They are quick, too, to denounce the views of radical clerics such as London-based Islamist Anjem Choudary, who has suggested that US military use of Shannon Airport could make Ireland a “legitimate target” for extremists.

Under siege Ireland s Muslims speak out against violence and misrepresentation

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