UN Declares US Must Offer Home To ALL Central Americans


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

UN Human Rights Ruling Says “Climate Refugees”
Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country —

US Must Offer Home to All Central Americans

So the UN just voted to destabilize the United States, declaring it does not have the right to protect its own borders and decide who / how many foreigners come into the country .... based on, of all things, Climate Change.

"It is unlawful for governments to return people to countries where their lives might be threatened by the climate crisis, a landmark ruling by the United Nations human rights committee has found.

The judgment – which is the first of its kind – represents a legal “tipping point” and a moment that “opens the doorway” to future protection claims for people whose lives and wellbeing have been threatened due to global heating, experts say.

Tens of millions of people are expected to be displaced by global heating in the next decade."


Time to tell the U.N. to 'F* Off', resign as members, and tell them we are sorry one of our past Presidents ever helped form what has become this completely useless entity.

Time to inform the U.N. that it's headquarters can no longer be in the United States - don't forget to pay all of your parking tickets and all the money you owe us on the way out.....


UN Human Rights Ruling Says "Climate Refugees" Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country -- US Must Open Its Borders to All Central Americans


UN Human Rights Ruling Says “Climate Refugees”
Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country —

US Must Offer Home to All Central Americans

So the UN just voted to destabilize the United States, declaring it does not have the right to protect its own borders and decide who / how many foreigners come into the country .... based on, of all things, Climate Change.

"It is unlawful for governments to return people to countries where their lives might be threatened by the climate crisis, a landmark ruling by the United Nations human rights committee has found.

The judgment – which is the first of its kind – represents a legal “tipping point” and a moment that “opens the doorway” to future protection claims for people whose lives and wellbeing have been threatened due to global heating, experts say.

Tens of millions of people are expected to be displaced by global heating in the next decade."


Time to tell the U.N. to 'F* Off', resign as members, and tell them we are sorry one of our past Presidents ever helped form what has become this completely useless entity.

Time to inform the U.N. that it's headquarters can no longer be in the United States - don't forget to pay all of your parking tickets and all the money you owe us on the way out.....


UN Human Rights Ruling Says "Climate Refugees" Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country -- US Must Open Its Borders to All Central Americans


"I see you've made your decision. Now let's see you enforce it."
Why do you Trumpers ALWAYS LIE on their headlines. Even the trash site, Gateway Pundit, does not say that if you actually read the article. They lied also when they said "may" open the door when it was clearly a lie as well.

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And this is the part where we rise the middle finger to them while suggesting they go fuck themselves.

Ship all those climate refugees to UN head-quarters, they deal with them.

Climate refugees... because the climate is just so much easier to deal with in the north. The far leftists are creative with their bullshit terms. I am absolutely convinced that NONE of these people are escaping "the climate".
And this is the part where we rise the middle finger to them while suggesting they go fuck themselves.

Ship all those climate refugees to UN head-quarters, they deal with them.

Climate refugees... because the climate is just so much easier to deal with in the north. The far leftists are creative with their bullshit terms. I am absolutely convinced that NONE of these people are escaping "the climate".
I say take them to North Korea. Maybe Syria, Iran, Iraq?
It’s hot in Africa ! Gotta be the climate let’s flood America lol LIKE WHAT THE F
And this is the part where we rise the middle finger to them while suggesting they go fuck themselves.

Ship all those climate refugees to UN head-quarters, they deal with them.

Climate refugees... because the climate is just so much easier to deal with in the north. The far leftists are creative with their bullshit terms. I am absolutely convinced that NONE of these people are escaping "the climate".
I say take them to North Korea. Maybe Syria, Iran, Iraq?

North Korea has very hospitable and leftist climate. Good choice...

The refugees do not have to vote for leftists as a communist is already in power. Supreme efficiency...
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UN Human Rights Ruling Says “Climate Refugees”
Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country —

US Must Offer Home to All Central Americans

So the UN just voted to destabilize the United States, declaring it does not have the right to protect its own borders and decide who / how many foreigners come into the country .... based on, of all things, Climate Change.

"It is unlawful for governments to return people to countries where their lives might be threatened by the climate crisis, a landmark ruling by the United Nations human rights committee has found.

The judgment – which is the first of its kind – represents a legal “tipping point” and a moment that “opens the doorway” to future protection claims for people whose lives and wellbeing have been threatened due to global heating, experts say.

Tens of millions of people are expected to be displaced by global heating in the next decade."


Time to tell the U.N. to 'F* Off', resign as members, and tell them we are sorry one of our past Presidents ever helped form what has become this completely useless entity.

Time to inform the U.N. that it's headquarters can no longer be in the United States - don't forget to pay all of your parking tickets and all the money you owe us on the way out.....


UN Human Rights Ruling Says "Climate Refugees" Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country -- US Must Open Its Borders to All Central Americans


Someone please tell the UN to kiss our rosy red asses. Then to STFU and get the fuck out of our country, because we're done with them for good. Enough already.

UN Human Rights Ruling Says “Climate Refugees”
Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country —

US Must Offer Home to All Central Americans

So the UN just voted to destabilize the United States, declaring it does not have the right to protect its own borders and decide who / how many foreigners come into the country .... based on, of all things, Climate Change.

"It is unlawful for governments to return people to countries where their lives might be threatened by the climate crisis, a landmark ruling by the United Nations human rights committee has found.

The judgment – which is the first of its kind – represents a legal “tipping point” and a moment that “opens the doorway” to future protection claims for people whose lives and wellbeing have been threatened due to global heating, experts say.

Tens of millions of people are expected to be displaced by global heating in the next decade."


Time to tell the U.N. to 'F* Off', resign as members, and tell them we are sorry one of our past Presidents ever helped form what has become this completely useless entity.

Time to inform the U.N. that it's headquarters can no longer be in the United States - don't forget to pay all of your parking tickets and all the money you owe us on the way out.....


UN Human Rights Ruling Says "Climate Refugees" Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country -- US Must Open Its Borders to All Central Americans

They can Shove Agenda 21, that was changed to AGENDA 2030 Up their ASS.

This is why they are trying to remove President Trump because he refuses to allow The US to come under the Chains of Global Governance. My opinion is that THE US should boot The UN out of The US and refused to fund it.

UN Human Rights Ruling Says “Climate Refugees”
Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country —

US Must Offer Home to All Central Americans

So the UN just voted to destabilize the United States, declaring it does not have the right to protect its own borders and decide who / how many foreigners come into the country .... based on, of all things, Climate Change.

"It is unlawful for governments to return people to countries where their lives might be threatened by the climate crisis, a landmark ruling by the United Nations human rights committee has found.

The judgment – which is the first of its kind – represents a legal “tipping point” and a moment that “opens the doorway” to future protection claims for people whose lives and wellbeing have been threatened due to global heating, experts say.

Tens of millions of people are expected to be displaced by global heating in the next decade."


Time to tell the U.N. to 'F* Off', resign as members, and tell them we are sorry one of our past Presidents ever helped form what has become this completely useless entity.

Time to inform the U.N. that it's headquarters can no longer be in the United States - don't forget to pay all of your parking tickets and all the money you owe us on the way out.....


UN Human Rights Ruling Says "Climate Refugees" Cannot be Returned back to Their Home Country -- US Must Open Its Borders to All Central Americans

If they put one Blue Helmet in the US to enforce this, I will go fight them myself.
You know, this thread explains why Trumpers are suckers for conspiracy theories. There is absolutely nothing true int he headline about the UN mandating the US take in in Central Americans, but you are all going nuts over it. My advice::th_panties:

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