UK: May government rejects petition for Free Speech Act and end to “hate speech” laws

What do you peeps think of this?

The deputy leader of Britain First has been found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment afer she hurled abuse at a Muslim woman wearing a hijab.

Jayda Fransen, 30, was fined nearly £2,000 for wearing a political uniform and shouting at Sumayyah Sharpe during a "Christian patrol" of Bury Park in Luton, on Saturday 23 January.

Fransen admitted telling Ms Sharpe that Muslim men force women to cover up to avoid being raped "because they cannot control their sexual urges", adding "that's why they are coming into my country raping women across the continent.

Britain First deputy leader found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment
Since the police visited him - but didnt arrest him - he probably wasn’t doing anything illegal like inciting violence.
So what did he say ?
I wasn’t there. What did he say?

^^^^ This question has been put through out this thread and no answer yet, so WTF someone answer it and the first person to answer "what did he say?" and tell everyone what he did say will win as a prize ALL of the below adorable puppys :smoke:

Since the police visited him - but didnt arrest him - he probably wasn’t doing anything illegal like inciting violence.
So what did he say ?
I wasn’t there. What did he say?

^^^^ This question has been put through out this thread and no answer yet, so WTF someone answer it and the first person to answer "what did he say?" and tell everyone what he did say will win as a prize ALL of the below adorable puppys :smoke:

Lol. They are sooooo cute. I’ve actually looked and can’t find anything on what he allegedly said. But since he wasn’t arrested its likely it wasn’t actually illegal.
What do you peeps think of this?

The deputy leader of Britain First has been found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment afer she hurled abuse at a Muslim woman wearing a hijab.

Jayda Fransen, 30, was fined nearly £2,000 for wearing a political uniform and shouting at Sumayyah Sharpe during a "Christian patrol" of Bury Park in Luton, on Saturday 23 January.

Fransen admitted telling Ms Sharpe that Muslim men force women to cover up to avoid being raped "because they cannot control their sexual urges", adding "that's why they are coming into my country raping women across the continent.

Britain First deputy leader found guilty of religiously aggravated harassment

There is nothing wrong with those comments and that woman has every right to make those comments without being HARRASSED by the British police and the British Government, so Jayda Fransen is effectively a Political Prisoner.
You mean just like you automatically think he actually did something wrong? Let's cut to the chase. If what he said was merely offensive, do you think he should suffer legal consequences for it? A simple yes or no is all I require.
Your first statement is wrong.
What makes you think I 'automatically think he did something wrong'?

Free speech means the right to offend people.
That's a given.
Why would you think I believe otherwise?
Just wanted to know where you stood.
You make too many assumptions.
Take some time to step back and think critically and maybe give some room for nuance.
OK. Let's shift gears. Do you think that the UK does not prosecute people for saying things that would barely raise an eyebrow in the States? Do you think that they are not prosecuting people just for give their opinions. Because it is happening. In fact, as someone just posted, the "victim" gets to decide if someone's speech is hurtful or threatening. Say WHAT?
"In fact"?
Is it a fact?

I don't know that they're prosecuting people for giving their opinions.
I believe they're prosecuting people for threatening language or inciting that what you call 'opinion'?
You just don't get it. Several countries have made it illegal to criticize Islam in any fashion, or even to disagree with it. That is where the UK is heading. Muslims are taking over. That's a fact.
Since the police visited him - but didnt arrest him - he probably wasn’t doing anything illegal like inciting violence.
So what did he say ?
I wasn’t there. What did he say?

^^^^ This question has been put through out this thread and no answer yet, so WTF someone answer it and the first person to answer "what did he say?" and tell everyone what he did say will win as a prize ALL of the below adorable puppys :smoke:

Lol. They are sooooo cute. I’ve actually looked and can’t find anything on what he allegedly said. But since he wasn’t arrested its likely it wasn’t actually illegal.

Yes adorable darlings :smile: I also have Googled and I cannot find anything what he said, yes I agree if not arrested then not illegal.
Since the police visited him - but didnt arrest him - he probably wasn’t doing anything illegal like inciting violence.
So what did he say ?
I wasn’t there. What did he say?
Something perfectly innocent apparently.
Well it couldn’t have been this:

Muslim men force women to cover up to avoid being raped "because they cannot control their sexual urges", adding "that's why they are coming into my country raping women across the continent.

As it seems such comments are worthy of prosecution.
Your first statement is wrong.
What makes you think I 'automatically think he did something wrong'?

Free speech means the right to offend people.
That's a given.
Why would you think I believe otherwise?
Just wanted to know where you stood.
You make too many assumptions.
Take some time to step back and think critically and maybe give some room for nuance.
OK. Let's shift gears. Do you think that the UK does not prosecute people for saying things that would barely raise an eyebrow in the States? Do you think that they are not prosecuting people just for give their opinions. Because it is happening. In fact, as someone just posted, the "victim" gets to decide if someone's speech is hurtful or threatening. Say WHAT?
"In fact"?
Is it a fact?

I don't know that they're prosecuting people for giving their opinions.
I believe they're prosecuting people for threatening language or inciting that what you call 'opinion'?
You just don't get it. Several countries have made it illegal to criticize Islam in any fashion, or even to disagree with it. That is where the UK is heading. Muslims are taking over. That's a fact.
I don't believe that any countries - outside of Muslim countries - "have made it illegal to criticise Islam in any fashion, or even to disagree with it".
Care to link to any with such a law?
This is why I hate liberals. They wish to label anything they disagree with as hate speech. There is a name for this. It's called TYRANNY.

UK: May government rejects petition for Free Speech Act and end to “hate speech” laws
May and her cronies would be appalled at being described as liberals. They are a bunch of right wing shits.
However your ignorance of the UK cannot be calculated by any method known to mankind.

Take a moment and tell me what you are not allowed to say in the UK.
You are a subject, you have never been a citizen, Mays latest move shows you guys couldn't handle being citizens.
This is why I hate liberals. They wish to label anything they disagree with as hate speech. There is a name for this. It's called TYRANNY.

UK: May government rejects petition for Free Speech Act and end to “hate speech” laws

So, stopping racism is tyranny?

So you don't like Human Rights huh?

This is why you hate the Founding Fathers, bunch of fucking Liberals who decided to stop anything they didn't like from happening.... except slavery of course.
Hate laws are used to silence critics of Islam, that is all they are for now and everyone knows it.
This is why I hate liberals. They wish to label anything they disagree with as hate speech. There is a name for this. It's called TYRANNY.

UK: May government rejects petition for Free Speech Act and end to “hate speech” laws
May and her cronies would be appalled at being described as liberals. They are a bunch of right wing shits.
However your ignorance of the UK cannot be calculated by any method known to mankind.

Take a moment and tell me what you are not allowed to say in the UK.

Hate speech - Wikipedia

Gee, that took no time at all for me to find them and don't even live there. It would seem you are being deliberately misleading.

Well thank you for that.

Free speech has its limits.

"Thus, the Supreme Court embraced the idea that speech in general is permissible unless it will lead to imminent violence."

Does that seem unreasonable to you ?

Depends how you define imminent. The UK seems to think if it is possible that is enough, I find that unreasonable.

Thats a shame. Its a quote from a US Supreme Court ruling. Sort your own "FREEDOM" out before worrying about us.
Since the police visited him - but didnt arrest him - he probably wasn’t doing anything illegal like inciting violence.
So what did he say ?
I wasn’t there. What did he say?
Something perfectly innocent apparently.
Well it couldn’t have been this:

Muslim men force women to cover up to avoid being raped "because they cannot control their sexual urges", adding "that's why they are coming into my country raping women across the continent.

As it seems such comments are worthy of prosecution.

^^^^ The British are having their tax money wasted on prosecuting that type of thing, a situation of priorities being wrong and again pandering to the 7th Century Death Cult, a nation with it's priorities correct and NOT pandering to the 7th Century Death Cult instead would have taken the gloves off and gone Scorched Earth on the below which was worth spending tax money dealing with, but the British police knew about it and allow it to go on for SIXTEEN YEARS and they did nothing because so Cucked with Political Correctness the police were afraid of being called racist. Disgusting and pathetic.

Also Note: the MSM afraid to put Muslim and instead put ASIAN. Pathetic. Offensive to Chinese peoples and Indian Hindu peoples who also are Asian and they cause NO trouble in ANY Western nation they are in unlike the below Kebab filth.






^^^^ If you are MUSLIM then the above is NOT racist OR Hate Speech according to the Politically Correct Leftists and Beta Cuck Faggots.


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This is why I hate liberals. They wish to label anything they disagree with as hate speech. There is a name for this. It's called TYRANNY.

UK: May government rejects petition for Free Speech Act and end to “hate speech” laws

So, stopping racism is tyranny?

So you don't like Human Rights huh?

This is why you hate the Founding Fathers, bunch of fucking Liberals who decided to stop anything they didn't like from happening.... except slavery of course.
Hate laws are used to silence critics of Islam, that is all they are for now and everyone knows it.
UK adopts antisemitism definition to combat hate crime against Jews

Once again you show your ignorance.
Thats a shame. Its a quote from a US Supreme Court ruling. Sort your own "FREEDOM" out before worrying about us.

I am familiar with that's, but not thats. Just as I am also familiar with the definition of imminent and carefully noted the UK version, not the US. How careless of you.
Thats a shame. Its a quote from a US Supreme Court ruling. Sort your own "FREEDOM" out before worrying about us.

I am familiar with that's, but not thats. Just as I am also familiar with the definition of imminent and carefully noted the UK version, not the US. How careless of you.
You havent noted anything. You just made yourself look a bit stupid.
This is why I hate liberals. They wish to label anything they disagree with as hate speech. There is a name for this. It's called TYRANNY.

UK: May government rejects petition for Free Speech Act and end to “hate speech” laws

So, stopping racism is tyranny?

So you don't like Human Rights huh?

This is why you hate the Founding Fathers, bunch of fucking Liberals who decided to stop anything they didn't like from happening.... except slavery of course.
Hate laws are used to silence critics of Islam, that is all they are for now and everyone knows it.
UK adopts antisemitism definition to combat hate crime against Jews

Once again you show your ignorance.
Bullshit. It is just smoke Jews are assaulted physically, they do not respond to insults violently. On the other hand Muslims are such wicked victims that people who only quote them their own scriptures are charged with hate speech.
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CPS to crack down on social media hate crime, says Alison Saunders

Prosecutors will be ordered to treat online hate crime as seriously as offences carried out face to face in plans announced by the director of public prosecutions.

Alison Saunders said the Crown Prosecution Service will seek stiffer penalties for abuse on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms.

Writing in the Guardian, Saunders said: “Left unchallenged, even low-level offending can subsequently fuel the kind of dangerous hostility that has been plastered across our media in recent days. That is why countering it is a priority for the CPS.

Face it you are out of control in the UK Tommy.
Just wanted to know where you stood.
You make too many assumptions.
Take some time to step back and think critically and maybe give some room for nuance.
OK. Let's shift gears. Do you think that the UK does not prosecute people for saying things that would barely raise an eyebrow in the States? Do you think that they are not prosecuting people just for give their opinions. Because it is happening. In fact, as someone just posted, the "victim" gets to decide if someone's speech is hurtful or threatening. Say WHAT?
"In fact"?
Is it a fact?

I don't know that they're prosecuting people for giving their opinions.
I believe they're prosecuting people for threatening language or inciting that what you call 'opinion'?
You just don't get it. Several countries have made it illegal to criticize Islam in any fashion, or even to disagree with it. That is where the UK is heading. Muslims are taking over. That's a fact.
I don't believe that any countries - outside of Muslim countries - "have made it illegal to criticise Islam in any fashion, or even to disagree with it".
Care to link to any with such a law?
Here ya go. And all he did was Quote Winston Churchill.

UK: Man Arrested For Criticizing Islam

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