Uh oh, the week not starting well for the Orange Turd

You guys still are missing the point of asking a foreign government for help in digging up dirt on a political opponent. It makes the person asking susceptible to foreign influence.

Say for instance, that Xi conducts and investigation into Hunter Biden and his dealings over there and finds some? He could then call up Trump and tell him that he's got some pretty damning information on Biden, but won't give it to him unless he lifts the sanctions.

See how that can be a possible problem?
Mueller did it with 13 other nations on Trump!

Got a link to back up your bullshit? As far as I know, there were no foreign influences on his investigation, and he used US assets in obtaining the information, not foreign ones.
I would call you lazy, and stupid. But that would be redundant!

Key numbers to know for Mueller's testimony | TheHill

13: Mueller made 13 requests to foreign governments under mutual legal assistance treaties, deals in which two countries agree to share evidence and relevant information tied to criminal and other

He made 13 REQUESTS, using LEGAL means. It also doesn't say if those requests were answered or not, it just said he requested them. And, like I said, those were LEGAL requests, not back channel communications that were facilitated by someone who wasn't even elected or appointed to the government (Rudy).
False. The treaty is for either country to help with an ongoing investigation, proceeding or prosecution; of which, there was none. It also required requests to be made between our Attorney General and their Ministry of Justice; not between our president and theirs.
Trump and his crime family look guilty as fuck. They did it and were caught. The test for the US is are there enough decent patriotic Republicans around to form a firing squad.

No there aren't. At least the republican politicians in our government aren't and won't form that firing squad. This isn't the 1970s and there are no republican politicians who will do the right thing like they did with nixon.

Any republican politician who would do the right thing has been forced out of the party.
But asshole it was released 20 days BEFORE IT EXPIRED....Apparently this left wing talking points moron doesn't look at the news and only has tunnel hearing when it comes to the truththe Senate even extended the Ukraine aid bill and signed by Trump!
It was released because he got caught.

Don’t forget that they couldn’t come up with a legal justification to hold it up any longer.
It was released 2 days after a whistleblower filed a complaint that it was being held up until the president of Ukraine announced an investigation into Biden.
No matter how much you try to spin your fable. The facts remain!

The President had been consulting with his national security leadership team to determine the best use of Ukraine security assistance funds to achieve US national security interests,” Office of Management and Budget staff wrote in an email to House Appropriations Committee staff aides. Agencies, OMB said, “must wait to obligate them until the policy review process is complete and the President had made a final determination.
The funds were appropriated in February. Trump released them in September. It doesn't take 7 months to determine if Ukraine would succumb to Trump's favors. Meanwhile, on September 9th, a whistleblower filed a complaint that Trump was holding up the funds for favors and wouldn't you know, on September 11th, Trump finally releases the funds from February.

Actually the whistleblower filed his report August 12th.

The congress finally got it after trump tried to bury it. The congress received notice of the whistleblower's report on September 9th. On the same day, 3 House committees announced they were investigating whether trump and giuliani tried to extort the president of Ukraine into announcing that investigation.

Two days later, trump released the funds.

The Whistleblower Complaint Timeline
Witholding military aid in and of itself s not illegal. It all depends on why it was witheld.
Ask Joe Biden about this. He's done it!
When? What military aid did he hold back?
The Obama/Biden regime held back military aide for 8 years...........but they did send blankets.

Trump armed the Ukraine with weapons to fight Putin.

Obama was Putin's biotch.

Congress did not appropriate military aid for the Ukraine under Obama, so there was never any congressionally allocated .military aid to hold back.

Let alone your bs about it being held back for 8 years... When Russia had not even attacked the Ukraine/ Crimea until 5 to 6 years after Obama won the presidency.
Link to Obama requesting military aide for the Ukraine.............

I'll wait..........:4_13_65:
It's ridiculous that the President asks a foreign govt that the President swears is corrupt, to investigate an American citizen for corruption.... without the DOJ being involved....

oh the irony. :rolleyes:

And then to only CARE about the investigation in to the Biden's, to be announced on CNN, by the Ukraine President to get the aid money released and DC meeting....

Not the Ukraine actually being free and clear of corruption....

Just amazing watching you guys on the right wing make excuses for him, When you know it was wrong.

Very sad to watch....
Trump specifically asked Zelensky to work with AG Barr............ya know, of the DOJ.

You need new lies.

And then Trump never told Barr about it until a whistleblower filed a complaint months later.
Really? You have been present for all their behind closed doors conversations?
I read the news.
So you admit you lied.
berg80 said:
Gee, imagine if Bolton, Giuliani, Perry, Pompeo, and of course the criminal known as Don felt they too should do what is in the best interests of the country. What a world that would be.
Obama DOJ drops charges against alleged broker of Libyan weapons
Lawyers for the Justice Department on Monday filed a motion in federal court in Phoenix to drop the case against the arms dealer, an American named Marc Turi, whose lawyers also signed the motion.

The deal averts a trial that threatened to cast additional scrutiny on Hillary Clinton’s private emails as Secretary of State, and to expose reported Central Intelligence Agency attempts to arm rebels fighting Libyan leader Moammar Qadhafi.
A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants.

The Real Bombshell of the Impeachment Hearings

The most shocking thing to come out of the hearings thus far is confirmation that no matter who is elected President of the United States,
the permanent government will not allow a change in our aggressive interventionist foreign policy, particularly when it comes to Russia.

From Vindman To Fiona Hill
They Are Outraged The President
Presumes To Set Foreign Policy
Instead Of Entrenched Professional Bureaucrats
That Is All Their Testimony Presented

THAT'S Why Trump Needs To Be Thrown Out
There is no Deep State.

What a crock.

WHat a convenient way to attack anyone who isn't a Trump cultist
It's ridiculous that the President asks a foreign govt that the President swears is corrupt, to investigate an American citizen for corruption.... without the DOJ being involved....

oh the irony. :rolleyes:

And then to only CARE about the investigation in to the Biden's, to be announced on CNN, by the Ukraine President to get the aid money released and DC meeting....

Not the Ukraine actually being free and clear of corruption....

Just amazing watching you guys on the right wing make excuses for him, When you know it was wrong.

Very sad to watch....
Trump specifically asked Zelensky to work with AG Barr............ya know, of the DOJ.

You need new lies.

And then Trump never told Barr about it until a whistleblower filed a complaint months later.
Really? You have been present for all their behind closed doors conversations?
I read the news.
So you admit you lied.
No, you're just brain-dead to think me reading the news stating Trump didn't tell Barr about his call with Zelensky or to work with Zelensky until this all blew up in Trump's face, is me telling a lie. :cuckoo:
The most shocking thing to come out of the hearings thus far is confirmation that no matter who is elected President of the United States,
the permanent government will not allow a change in our aggressive interventionist foreign policy, particularly when it comes to Russia.

From Vindman To Fiona Hill
They Are Outraged The President
Presumes To Set Foreign Policy
Instead Of Entrenched Professional Bureaucrats
That Is All Their Testimony Presented

THAT'S Why Trump Needs To Be Thrown Out

If the President is the one setting foreign policy, then why would he not be doing it with his Secretary of State, and not gone through his personal Campaign lawyer and consiglieri, Giuliani?

Those diplomats testifying DID NOT SET the foreign policies for the USA, they were simply following their State department and National Security Council's missions.

They were not out there willy dilly, their direction, mission, goals etc. came from the State Department, Secretary of State Pompeo.

It is bull scat, that they are being blamed for following direct orders for their stated missions, and doing their jobs... when they were never told of any new mission by their direct report.
Who's going to believe Parnas?
Video and audio tapes my friend.
Uh oh
Americans no longer believe what the Deep State says.

There is no Deep State.

What a crock.

WHat a convenient way to attack anyone who isn't a Trump cultist

Who's going to believe Parnas?
Why would anyone believe what an inveterate liar like Trump says?

Trump specifically asked Zelensky to work with AG Barr............ya know, of the DOJ.

You need new lies.

And then Trump never told Barr about it until a whistleblower filed a complaint months later.
Really? You have been present for all their behind closed doors conversations?
I read the news.
So you admit you lied.
No, you're just brain-dead to think me reading the news stating Trump didn't tell Barr about his call with Zelensky or to work with Zelensky until this all blew up in Trump's face, is me telling a lie. :cuckoo:

The most shocking thing to come out of the hearings thus far is confirmation that no matter who is elected President of the United States,
the permanent government will not allow a change in our aggressive interventionist foreign policy, particularly when it comes to Russia.

From Vindman To Fiona Hill
They Are Outraged The President
Presumes To Set Foreign Policy
Instead Of Entrenched Professional Bureaucrats
That Is All Their Testimony Presented

THAT'S Why Trump Needs To Be Thrown Out

If the President is the one setting foreign policy, then why would he not be doing it with his Secretary of State, and not gone through his personal Campaign lawyer and consiglieri, Giuliani?

Those diplomats testifying DID NOT SET the foreign policies for the USA, they were simply following their State department and National Security Council's missions.

They were not out there willy dilly, their direction, mission, goals etc. came from the State Department, Secretary of State Pompeo.

It is bull scat, that they are being blamed for following direct orders for their stated missions, and doing their jobs... when they were never told of any new mission by their direct report.

Not a functioning brain cell in any of this...

Do any of you have even a single fact that can be proven?

Liberal Defense Mechanisim.JPG
Care4all said:
Those diplomats testifying DID NOT SET the foreign policies for the USA, they were simply following their State department and National Security Council's missions.
Who Said These Puppets PERSONALLY Set ANYTHING ??
Re-Read Their Testimonies
Or Re-View The Videos
They Weren't There To Testify To QPQ
As They All Admit They Are Not Material Witnesses To The Call

They Are All Upset
Trump Either Went Around Them
Or Didn't Follow Their Set Ideas Of American Policy
By Ignoring Policy And Advice
Established By Un-Elected Permanent Bureaucracies
^ ^ ^ The Definition Of Deep State ^ ^ ^
Care4all said:
Those diplomats testifying DID NOT SET the foreign policies for the USA, they were simply following their State department and National Security Council's missions.
Who Said These Puppets PERSONALLY Set ANYTHING ??
Re-Read Their Testimonies
Or Re-View The Videos
They Weren't There To Testify To QPQ
As They All Admit They Are Not Material Witnesses To The Call

They Are All Upset
Trump Either Went Around Them
Or Didn't Follow Their Set Ideas Of American Policy
By Ignoring Policy And Advice
Established By Un-Elected Permanent Bureaucracies
^ ^ ^ The Definition Of Deep State ^ ^ ^

They were all demonstrably more loyal to the nation than to Trump, as you’d expect from a career civil servant.

Trump went around them because that’s what you do when you’re abusing your office. You use your cronies who are more loyal to you than the country.

Makes perfect sense.
colfax_m said:
They were all demonstrably more loyal to the nation than to Trump, as you’d expect from a career civil servant.
Makes perfect sense.
"Deep State Status Quo Good"
"Orange Man Bad"

Trump went around them because that’s what you do when you’re abusing your office.
Then Let's See That Impeachment Vote, Now
If It's So 'Iron Clad'

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