Uh Oh, Al-Qaeda is strongest it's been since 9/11

RSR, I'm going to honestly tell you that among all people I've ever talked to either in person, or on the internet, that you are THE MOST lost of anyone I've ever talked to.

I mean, no one else even comes close.

I've never seen someone so locked into the bullshit as you.

I know that RSR can often be a bit infuriating, but sometimes he will surprise you with something solid that you had not previously considered. He also can keep things lively on an otherwise slow day.

I am solidly pro-RSR - for the record. In fact, even though we disagree on almost everything, I for one am glad that he is here.

(And we let them chill there while we left, and went to Iraq. Who's fault is it now if Al-qaeda pulls off another attack...)

Chertoff has a "gut feeling" that there's going to be an attack. And Rick Santorum says that we NEED another attack to justify the foreign policy we currently use.

What the fuck is going on here?

What's going on here is Alberto Gonzalez got caught in another lie, Harriet Meiers is about to face contempt of Congress charges, another Republican jumps ship on Bush's Iraq policy and Bush's poll numbers take another hit.

The White House has used the specter of heightened terrorist threat for purely political reasons too often for us not to question their motives this time. They've cried wolf once too many times, they've failed to consistently provide we, the people with ANY credible information we can use to protect ourselves, and in doing so, they've done nothing but undermine their credibility in this matter.

We should ALL take the threat of terrorism seriously. Instead of throwing out vague warnings about terrorist threats at politically expedient times, the Bush administration should have provided federal, state and local law enforcement agencies the details they needed to prepare for a given threat. They should have informed US, like they actually give a shit.
What facts? Typically all that you provide are gross unsubstantiated generalities.

Prove it. Where is the statement in an official Democrat web site – or are you simply going to find one liberal individual who said something once in the heat of argument who later apologized for the outburst.

Remember when you explained that Richard Durbin on the Senate floor compared interrogation techniques used at Camp X-Ray, Guantanamo Bay, as reported by the FBI, with those utilized by such regimes as Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and the Khmer Rouge. He later appologized for the comment but it was enough for you to conclude that, per the liberal dictionary, capitalists are Nazi.

Once brash comment in the heat of a debate does not constitute a talking point.

Like your lie abot Delay on another htrad - you lie to try to make your point

Sen Turbin DID compare the troops to Nazi's

In remarks on the Senate floor late Tuesday, Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, read the report of an FBI agent who described treatment of prisoners at Gitmo, including one detainee being held in such cold temperatures that he shivered, another who was held in heat passing 100 degrees and one who was chained to the floor and forced to listen to loud rap music.

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings," Durbin said.

Like your lie abot Delay on another htrad - you lie to try to make your point

Sen Turbin DID compare the troops to Nazi's

In remarks on the Senate floor late Tuesday, Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, read the report of an FBI agent who described treatment of prisoners at Gitmo, including one detainee being held in such cold temperatures that he shivered, another who was held in heat passing 100 degrees and one who was chained to the floor and forced to listen to loud rap music.

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings," Durbin said.


Just another FOX Noise episode of "Out of Context Theater". Durbin DID NOT compare US troops to Nazis. He made an analogy between the actions of those who abused prisoners at GITMO, and elsewhere, to the abuses inflicted on the prisoners of a tyrannical and despotic regime. The blanket accusation that our troops were like Nazis was a bit of apocrypha spawned by the right-wing noise machine. Dismissed.
Just another FOX Noise episode of "Out of Context Theater". Durbin DID NOT compare US troops to Nazis. He made an analogy between the actions of those who abused prisoners at GITMO, and elsewhere, to the abuses inflicted on the prisoners of a tyrannical and despotic regime. The blanket accusation that our troops were like Nazis was a bit of apocrypha spawned by the right-wing noise machine. Dismissed.

I posted his quote - word for word

How is it taken out of context?
I posted his quote - word for word

How is it taken out of context?

Nowhere does he compare our troops to Nazis. He compares the actions of some at US run detention centers as being similar to those of Nazis. Can you show me just where he SPECIFICALLY AND EXPLICITLY compares our troops to Nazis?

You really should sharpen your semantic skills. They are sorely lacking.
Nowhere does he compare our troops to Nazis. He compares the actions of some at US run detention centers as being similar to those of Nazis. Can you show me just where he SPECIFICALLY AND EXPLICITLY compares our troops to Nazis?

You really should sharpen your semantic skills. They are sorely lacking.

he knows it. He is just trying to raise heat, not shed light.

Just like his inaccurate statement that Kerry said our troops were TERRORISTS. nothing but the intentional butchering of semantics and vocabulary.
Nowhere does he compare our troops to Nazis. He compares the actions of some at US run detention centers as being similar to those of Nazis. Can you show me just where he SPECIFICALLY AND EXPLICITLY compares our troops to Nazis?

You really should sharpen your semantic skills. They are sorely lacking.

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings," Durbin said.

Who was Sen Turbin talking about?
he knows it. He is just trying to raise heat, not shed light.

Just like his inaccurate statement that Kerry said our troops were TERRORISTS. nothing but the intentional butchering of semantics and vocabulary.

"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings," Durbin said.

Sen Turbin's own words makes it clear he was talking about the US troops

The same way Kerry was when he called them terrorists

"...and there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of customs, the historical customs, religious customs, whether you like it or not."
"If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings," Durbin said.

Sen Turbin's own words makes it clear he was talking about the US troops

The same way Kerry was when he called them terrorists

"...and there is no reason, Bob, that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children, you know, women, breaking sort of customs, the historical customs, religious customs, whether you like it or not."

actually, RSR, neither of those characterizatons by you is factual. Durbin did not call US troops Nazis and he Kerry did not call them terrorists.

A pit bull on the loose who terrorizes the neighborhood is not an islamic extremist.

but we've been through this before and it is clear that being accurate and factual on this issue is really not all that important to you.... so we should probably just drop it.
actually, RSR, neither of those characterizatons by you is factual. Durbin did not call US troops Nazis and he Kerry did not call them terrorists.

A pit bull on the loose who terrorizes the neighborhood is not an islamic extremist.

and you continue to defend the slimers of the troops - pathetic how you have put your party ahead of your country
The troops showed what they thought of Mr Kerry when he called them uneducated


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actually, RSR, neither of those characterizatons by you is factual. Durbin did not call US troops Nazis and he Kerry did not call them terrorists.

A pit bull on the loose who terrorizes the neighborhood is not an islamic extremist.

but we've been through this before and it is clear that being accurate and factual on this issue is really not all that important to you.... so we should probably just drop it.

The implication is certainly there.

I don't recall anyone of public note comparing soldiers to Islamic extremists (or pit bulls for that matter).
The implication is certainly there.

I don't recall anyone of public note comparing soldiers to Islamic extremists (or pit bulls for that matter).

the word "terrorize" means to frighten. Saying that american troops speaking a foreign language breaking into Iraqi homes in the dead of night might frighten women and children awakened by such an act is not saying that American troops are "terrorists". the words sound similar...they have the same root...but their meanings are different. It is like the poor fellow who lost his job for using the word "niggardly"..... it may sound similar, but it doesn't mean the same thing or even IMPLY the same thing.
the word "terrorize" means to frighten. Saying that american troops speaking a foreign language breaking into Iraqi homes in the dead of night might frighten women and children awakened by such an act is not saying that American troops are "terrorists". the words sound similar...they have the same root...but their meanings are different. It is like the poor fellow who lost his job for using the word "niggardly"..... it may sound similar, but it doesn't mean the same thing or even IMPLY the same thing.

Dems have called the troops uneducated, terrorists, cold blooded killers, compared them to Pol Pot and Nazi's, and said they are now operating Saddam's torture chambers

Yes, the Dems do "support" the troops - and you support those Dems
the word "terrorize" means to frighten. Saying that american troops speaking a foreign language breaking into Iraqi homes in the dead of night might frighten women and children awakened by such an act is not saying that American troops are "terrorists". the words sound similar...they have the same root...but their meanings are different. It is like the poor fellow who lost his job for using the word "niggardly"..... it may sound similar, but it doesn't mean the same thing or even IMPLY the same thing.

You know very well the word was chosen carefully to portray the implication I as I stated. he word "frighten" could have been used but it would not have had the same implication. Alluding to the Nazis was also deliberate, IMO, because of the connotations.

As you so often point out, words have meanings; they also have certain implications (something you are also very aware of) and there is no dobt in my mind that in these two cases that the words were chosen carefully. The implications were chosen to pique the US public into sense of uneasiness if not moral outrage that US troops could do such things.
You know very well the word was chosen carefully to portray the implication I as I stated. he word "frighten" could have been used but it would not have had the same implication. Alluding to the Nazis was also deliberate, IMO, because of the connotations.

As you so often point out, words have meanings; they also have certain implications (something you are also very aware of) and there is no dobt in my mind that in these two cases that the words were chosen carefully. The implications were chosen to pique the US public into sense of uneasiness if not moral outrage that US troops could do such things.

and Dems have said alot of words about the troops

Words they have had to run away from

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