ugh-Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan

Says little steffy who states, with every single post, the outright lie that President Obama has started wars.

lol, still butthurting over AN Avatar...this is how small, petty and how cultish some of you are..such loyal cult members for the democrat will even whine over an AVATAR...

amazing and sad all rolled into in one...

So, now you're agreeing that you're lying and that YOUR LIE is not petty, childish, "cultish"?

Or are you saying that since its an avatar, its okay to lie?


Most of your posts are lies so it makes sense for you to have a lying avatar.

not playing your games, but it's pathetic you feel that what you need to do...

see ya, not wasting any more time on you
How is anything being "forced" on the kids? They were given some healthy choices and some kids chose to not eat them. How does that equate to being forced? Did Michelle Obama hold a gun to a puppy's head and tell the kids "Drink water, eat healthy, and exercize or the dog gets it"?

I've spoken on all this before...we the workers who was cashier that day, had to check their tray and if the they didn't have a fruit or vegetable on it we had to send back them back to get one or we were to charge their parents more for the lunch (so fascist and fair wasn't it?) you stand there and send Kindergartener back most of them in tears because they didn't want any of that..
I didn't sign on to be a food NAZI....So I left

now I'm done explaining all this to you people...
You people can whine on over the MaBell Frist all act like she is a queen, which is scary

Yes. Clearly, telling a kid to eat vegetables is the same as throwing them on cattle cars on their way to Auschwitz. You must have some real sensitive kids if they are all teary eyed when told to go grab a carrot or something.

whatever, do what you want with your kids or do you need MaBell Obama to advize you, if so call her up and then

bye bye
Michelle Obama to urge companies .................


Any company that does not want to be 'urged' just carries on as normal.
The People will decide, with their wallets, which products are bought and are successful.

Students will decide with their minds;

School bans bottled water | Green Lifestyle Magazine, the best of green

Over 1000 students join the ban on bottled water.

NSW Australian of the Year, Jon Dee, congratulated the Monte Sant' Angelo Mercy College for "ridding the school of bottled water".

"It's great that the school has installed new fountains and bottle refill stations that will give students fresh, free drinking water on tap," said Dee, the founder of Do Something's Go Tap! campaign.

Australians spend half a billion dollars on bottled water every year, with the bottled water industry contributing more than 60,000 tonnes of greenhouse gasses a year.


Why do we do that? spend half a billion dollars every year on bottled water?
Simple...we do not trust the govt man's water supply.

the students also wanted only fairtrade chocolate at their school and so they banned the sale of Cadbury chocolate frogs at their school," said Dee.
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Geez, You bitch that the meals they get are bad, then you bitch when Michell Obama suggests that Schools serve something healthy. Not every kid has a good home where mommy packs a nutritious meal for them. We get that you'd rather they just go hungry.

No, I didn't bitch. MO suggesting that the improve the quality of the school food is fine; setting legislation/forcing? No. She's suggesting drinking more water in place of soda, that's fine. When she starts forcing it 'for the children's sake'? Nope.

Once again, just because every kid does not have a good home where mommys pack a nutritious meal for them does not mean that it then becomes the government's job to do so.

Please post proof that she is "forcing legislation" concerning drinking water being better for our kids than juice and sugary soda.


I never said she is forcing legislation about water. I'm fine that she's suggesting to drink water over soda. Your reading comprehension really sucks.
Please post proof that she is "forcing legislation" concerning drinking water being better for our kids than juice and sugary soda.


I worked for the can believe it or will just call us all liars anyway..

If "legislation" had been "forced", it would not be a matter of opinion. Just like your lie that President Obama has started wars, it would be a matter of record.

You ARE a liar. President Obama has not started wars. Nor has the First Lady "forced legislation".

First Lady Michelle Obama received a lot of positive press when she unveiled her child health initiative, which included her “Let’s Move!” exercise campaign, the first-ever task force on child obesity and her championing of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. The legislation, which required meals in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to have fewer calories, more fruits and vegetables, fewer processed items and less sodium, was passed by a Congressional majority. And today the school lunches that 31 million kids eat are more likely to include a whole-wheat vegetarian pizza than sloppy joes.

But in the year since the changes took effect, the meals have been under serious scrutiny. The standards have been criticized as too rigid. Districts in states including California, New York and Texas have dropped the program because their students simply weren’t eating the healthier foods and they were losing money on the lunches.

What Ever Happened to Michelle Obama?s School Lunch Program? - COLORLINES

School's should not be in the business of providing food, that's the parents job.
Wow I thought it was common knowledge drinking more water is better for you than drinking anything else. People find some weird things to bash people about.

It's not about the water, idiot.

I know. Its really about not being able to contain their hatred for a Black woman being the first lady. People are going to start looking for stray blades of grass in the White House lawn next. :lol:

Typical. Another libtard playing the race card. This has NOTHING to do with race, you dumbass.
lol, why doesn't this women just worry about how much water her family drinks, leave the rest of us ALONE...did we elect her to run our lives?:eusa_shifty:

First Lady Michelle Obama's office is holding a conference call with reporters (GREAT) now to tout her "New Effort To Encourage Everyone to Drink More Water," according to the White House. The content of the call is "embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12."

"Today at 11:00AM ET, Executive Director of Let’s Move! Sam Kass, Partnership for a Healthier America President and CEO Lawrence A. Soler and industry representatives will join a conference call to preview First Lady Michelle Obama’s trip to Watertown, WI to announce a new nationwide effort to encourage everyone to drink more water. The call will also preview an around the clock, cross-network, bi-lingual day of water messages on a dozen TV shows. This call will be embargoed until 6:00AM ET on Thursday, September 12," reads the White House press release.

all of it here
Michelle Obama Hypes 'Drink More Water' Plan | The Weekly Standard

^ This shit is why the country is where it is now. This stupid shit right here. With all that can be put on this president, like his screwed up foreign policy and his failed domestic policy retards from both party's focus on the whether or not one more glass of water does or does not benefit ones health. Retards who do this should have their right to vote revoked so that they cant do anymore damage to this country. Sad to see so many dazzled by the perty lights.

Michelle Obama is not the president.

When Arnie Schzenggar was pushing for better nutrition in our schools, you sheeples thought it was a good idea.

Now that its our First Lady who wants less obesity, less juvenile diabetes, you jerks are practically force feeding kids donuts and pepsi.


Did he suggest improving nutrition or did he have legislation passed that forced changes?
I worked for the can believe it or will just call us all liars anyway..

If "legislation" had been "forced", it would not be a matter of opinion. Just like your lie that President Obama has started wars, it would be a matter of record.

You ARE a liar. President Obama has not started wars. Nor has the First Lady "forced legislation".

First Lady Michelle Obama received a lot of positive press when she unveiled her child health initiative, which included her “Let’s Move!” exercise campaign, the first-ever task force on child obesity and her championing of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. The legislation, which required meals in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to have fewer calories, more fruits and vegetables, fewer processed items and less sodium, was passed by a Congressional majority. And today the school lunches that 31 million kids eat are more likely to include a whole-wheat vegetarian pizza than sloppy joes.

But in the year since the changes took effect, the meals have been under serious scrutiny. The standards have been criticized as too rigid. Districts in states including California, New York and Texas have dropped the program because their students simply weren’t eating the healthier foods and they were losing money on the lunches.

What Ever Happened to Michelle Obama?s School Lunch Program? - COLORLINES

School's should not be in the business of providing food, that's the parents job.

Hmmm. Legislation passed by congressional majorities. So it isn't just Michelle Obama strong-arming poor defenseless children to eat their peas. Republicans had a hand in passing the act too. Must have had considerable support if it even got a hearing in the Republican controlled House. Better throw some outrage their way too.
If "legislation" had been "forced", it would not be a matter of opinion. Just like your lie that President Obama has started wars, it would be a matter of record.

You ARE a liar. President Obama has not started wars. Nor has the First Lady "forced legislation".

First Lady Michelle Obama received a lot of positive press when she unveiled her child health initiative, which included her “Let’s Move!” exercise campaign, the first-ever task force on child obesity and her championing of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act. The legislation, which required meals in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to have fewer calories, more fruits and vegetables, fewer processed items and less sodium, was passed by a Congressional majority. And today the school lunches that 31 million kids eat are more likely to include a whole-wheat vegetarian pizza than sloppy joes.

But in the year since the changes took effect, the meals have been under serious scrutiny. The standards have been criticized as too rigid. Districts in states including California, New York and Texas have dropped the program because their students simply weren’t eating the healthier foods and they were losing money on the lunches.

What Ever Happened to Michelle Obama?s School Lunch Program? - COLORLINES

School's should not be in the business of providing food, that's the parents job.

Hmmm. Legislation passed by congressional majorities. So it isn't just Michelle Obama strong-arming poor defenseless children to eat their peas. Republicans had a hand in passing the act too. Must have had considerable support if it even got a hearing in the Republican controlled House. Better throw some outrage their way too.

Yes, MO's initiative supported by Ds and Rs forcing kids to eat their peas. And? It's government requiring these changes. My issue is with the government feeding kids in school in the first place. Thought I made that clear. Slap both parties and get them out of the food business in schools.
Actually, what I really need to see is peer-reviewed scientific papers on the matter. I don't think there are any that support the notion of fluoridated water being dangerous.

Believe what you want but fluoride is a poison that effects a person's health over time, and it shouldn't be in the damn water-supply at all.

EPA Scientists Oppose Water Fluoridation

This was a vote taken by less than 20 members of a 1000 member union.

All the info in your link has pretty much been debunked by quackwatch.

Is Fluoride Good to Have in Drinking Water?

Fluoride is not a poison at the levels added to drinking water, you gullible moron.

Fluoride is not a poison at the levels added to drinking water
Is that so shit-for-brains?

Actually you are the gullible moron who bought into the lies and hype that "fluoride" in the drinking water was good for you. :cuckoo:

All the info in your link is pretty much equal to a pile of bullshit.

Since you believe the garbage that "fluoride is not poison", than explain how fluoride which is not a natuarally occuring substance, but instead a toxic byproduct which is added to water, good for people? Explain that shit-for-brains!

Your retarded answer would probaly be "it's been debunked". ::cuckoo::lol:

Read More: Fluoride

You lose, but thanks for playing!
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What Ever Happened to Michelle Obama?s School Lunch Program? - COLORLINES

School's should not be in the business of providing food, that's the parents job.

Hmmm. Legislation passed by congressional majorities. So it isn't just Michelle Obama strong-arming poor defenseless children to eat their peas. Republicans had a hand in passing the act too. Must have had considerable support if it even got a hearing in the Republican controlled House. Better throw some outrage their way too.

Yes, MO's initiative supported by Ds and Rs forcing kids to eat their peas. And? It's government requiring these changes. My issue is with the government feeding kids in school in the first place. Thought I made that clear. Slap both parties and get them out of the food business in schools.

Sorry for misunderstanding where you were coming from. My response is more directed towards the folks who are outraged with Michelle Obama, calling her a cow and comparing this to Naziism and totalitarianism and whatever other extremes. I disagree with you regarding the government's role in feeding kids in school, but at least you are (or at least appear to be) sane and consistent.
Hmmm. Legislation passed by congressional majorities. So it isn't just Michelle Obama strong-arming poor defenseless children to eat their peas. Republicans had a hand in passing the act too. Must have had considerable support if it even got a hearing in the Republican controlled House. Better throw some outrage their way too.

Yes, MO's initiative supported by Ds and Rs forcing kids to eat their peas. And? It's government requiring these changes. My issue is with the government feeding kids in school in the first place. Thought I made that clear. Slap both parties and get them out of the food business in schools.

Sorry for misunderstanding where you were coming from. My response is more directed towards the folks who are outraged with Michelle Obama, calling her a cow and comparing this to Naziism and totalitarianism and whatever other extremes. I disagree with you regarding the government's role in feeding kids in school, but at least you are (or at least appear to be) sane and consistent.

Thank you for a civil response as well!

I've called people on the right out for their childish and nasty name calling of MO ... to no avail. Guess they don't mind that their responses reflect poorly on them and the right in general.

Yeah, I'm fairly consistent. Sane? Well, we'll just see about that! :D lol

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