U.S. Probably At Point Of No Return If Obama Wins

Breaking news: Two morons have a conversation and the idiots who listen to them repeat the conversation. Half of America continues to get dumber.

I guess you never listen to Bashir, Schultz, Matthews or O'Donnell. Oh wait...you do otherise you wouldn't have said that.

You want to change the topic of your own thread?

You must be dumber than I thought.

Let's stay on topic, k dipshit.

What percentage of people who watch Sean Hannity do you suppose eat their own feces? It's an important statistic to consider when watching his show.

You really are a pinhead aren't you? Either that or your can't grasp a counterpoint to yours.

Breaking news: Two morons have a conversation and the idiots who listen to them repeat the conversation. Half of America continues to get dumber

Did you say that?

I pointed out what the other half listen to making them just as "dumb". Pretty easy to follow even for a moron like yourself.

This is a brilliant point as well:

"What percentage of people who watch Sean Hannity do you suppose eat their own feces? It's an important statistic to consider when watching his show."

But I need to stay on my topic. :lol::lol:

You're OWNED! Try again later, server is busy! :D
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By that theory if Moderate Conservatives and Moderate Democrats get together, President Obama is done. Right now it's the far reaches of President Obama's party that are his base.

Obama is a moderate. You are just too blinded by the noise machine to know it and your party has gone so far right that anything to the left of it is considered socialism. If he were far out left as you claim we would have Universal Health Care and not one huge payout to the insurance companies. Obamacare mandates were an idea proposed by the Heritage Foundation for christsakes! Obama signed not one bill on gun control yet you idiots cry and whine about him taking your guns away. If he is a socialist like many on the right claim, then he is the worst socialist in the history of the world.

Redistribution is not moderate. Going to deny what we all can see and hear on video? Or is that doctored? Forcing people into a healthcare program they don't want is moderate? If you're happy with yours why should anyone be forced to change that?

You guys are bitching and moaning about 3% rise in taxes for millionaires. Yet there is silence for the fact that from 1980 to 2012 the top 1 % share of wealth went from around 7% to 25% while the middle class's have stagnated. What happened around 1980. Hmmm I wonder....Ah yes that is when the supply siders took over the Republican Party and convinced idiots like you that if you gave them enough tax breaks they would throw you a crumb now and then.
Obama is a moderate. You are just too blinded by the noise machine to know it and your party has gone so far right that anything to the left of it is considered socialism. If he were far out left as you claim we would have Universal Health Care and not one huge payout to the insurance companies. Obamacare mandates were an idea proposed by the Heritage Foundation for christsakes! Obama signed not one bill on gun control yet you idiots cry and whine about him taking your guns away. If he is a socialist like many on the right claim, then he is the worst socialist in the history of the world.

Redistribution is not moderate. Going to deny what we all can see and hear on video? Or is that doctored? Forcing people into a healthcare program they don't want is moderate? If you're happy with yours why should anyone be forced to change that?

You guys are bitching and moaning about 3% rise in taxes for millionaires. Yet there is silence for the fact that from 1980 to 2012 the top 1 % share of wealth went from around 7% to 25% while the middle class's have stagnated. What happened around 1980. Hmmm I wonder....Ah yes that is when the supply siders took over the Republican Party and convinced idiots like you that if you gave them enough tax breaks they would throw you a crumb now and then.

And many did just fine during the 1990s. If I'm not mistaken B.J. was President. The President that benefiied from all that supply side economic voodoo as you call it. Economic policies take time to impact. Isn't that what you want us to buy into regarding Obama's? Just give his policies more time. I did just "swell" during the 90s. Thanks for the concern and asking. :razz::D
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"The "fans" of these division pimps are not only being used, they're contributing to our decay."

Division pimps:

By race: Al, the phony "Reverend" Sharpton, who hasn't held a religious service for being too busy spreading hate.

By class: Ed Shultz, who think that a union member who screws in one screw every ten minutes is worth $100 an hour and a millionaire's pension.

By wealth: La...wre...nce O'D...onn...ell, who hates and envies everybody richer than him.

By mentality/unnatural sexuality: Chris Matthews, who get and orgasm at the very sight of Obama. He is a co-holder of this distinction with Rachel Maddow.

By nationality: Who, in his/her right mind could not hold the repugnant and despicable Limey/Arab in perfectly justifiable contempt?

By party line: The RINO of the morning show, sponsored by the producers of over-priced slop, Starbucks, Joe Scarboro.

And all the liberal choir guests such as Karen 'Adams Apple" Finney, gypsy fortune teller, Chrystal Ball, Pulitzer Prize recipients (can't in clear conscience say WINNERS), Gene Robinson and Cynthia Tucker from Atlanta. Just to mention a few.

And of course, the Divider-Chief, who divides by the same vigor as all of the above, on all of the above topics, the would be redistributor of wealth with the exception of course his own wealth, which he partly obtained for books written by somebody else.
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Mark Levin: U.S. Probably At Point Of No Return If Obama Wins | RealClearPolitics

Sean Hannity: I would like to see a more aggressive articulation of conservative principles as you're saying, but do you see that this election goes the wrong way, is this the point of no return?

Mark Levin: In my mind, it's probably yes. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to fight the rest of my life. I’m not going to curl up in a fetal position and leave my family exposed to this. But it’s going to make the battle a 1000 times more difficult.

We have a Congress that seems incapable of responding to it, utterly timid and cowardly. We have a Supreme Court, even if you look at John Roberts that gives its imprimatur to the most outrageous power grab by the federal government in our lifetimes. So basically, rather than checks and balances of the federal government, we have collusion by the branches of government against the individual and the states.

I'm not among those who is convinced Romney will win. And to be honest, I think that his controversial remarks about the "47%" have hurt him more than helped. I don't know what will be the outcome of the elections. But there is indeed a strong possibility that Obama gets reelected. And if it happens, sure it will be a very bad thing but come on, it's not the end of the world. Conservatives have to keep opposing him, and eventually the majority will realize that the liberal experiment isn't working... I don't know how much time it's gonna take. But I do know that the liberal policies are so flawed that they will sooner or later result in a massive rejection by the majority of the people. I can predict that if Obama gets a second term, by the end of it he will have messed up things so badly that the American people will get sick and tired of democrats (if they aren't already by now...). And when a republican is elected, he will be able to remove all the bad legislation left by his predecessor. And besides, a lot of federal programs are going to be bankrupt soon, if something isn't done. And we know that Obama isn't willing to do anything... But whoever is in the white house by then will have to deal with it. Time bomb.

Hey in the last 48 hours I've reevaluated my whole outlook. Unless he excels in the debates...ALL of them..he's done. I may vote for a third party candidate or write one of my dog's in.

I want him to win but I am also realistic. I think the polling is skewered. But that aside.

He's still a piss poor candidate. Wasn't my first choice. For me, it's another,"lesser of two evils" election. How bright can he be if he can't see that he should be 10 points ahead with this economy and President Obama's performance? Yet, he muddles along even when his own party tells him to shake things up.

Nice guys finish last! He lacks enthusiasm and that translates poorly to voters.

Remember, in 1980 Reagan was, according to the polls, down around 20% to Carter...he kicked Carter in the teeth.

I agree with you that the polls are heavily skewed, over sampling of Democrats and such.
Romney is NOT my first choice either, actually I am a Ron Paul supporter.
Im in a hotly contested swing state (VA) and I still may vote Johnson...just because I am sick of voting for the lesser of the two evils....or I may just vote for Satin, why settle for the lesser of the evils huh?
The US is at a point of no return no matter who wins. The issue is not if we will fail as a nation and become like a third world country or not under a military rule but how soon. Mitt Romney had my vote until he came out and made it clear he was pro abortion so now I will not be able to vote for either person.
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Conservatives have met a brick wall

They constitute about 25% of the electorate and are able to bully another 15% to support them. But 40% is about the absolute max they can gain

Like it or not Conservatives, Moderate Republicans are the only ones capable of winning national elections

By that theory if Moderate Conservatives and Moderate Democrats get together, President Obama is done. Right now it's the far reaches of President Obama's party that are his base.
Eh... Not if the moderate democrats and moderate republicans don't vote for Mitt. The republican party fractured itself when it didn't even try to get the moderates and/or independents. I mean hell... They fought them.
If obama wins, the only option for Americans will be a military coup, most likely with the assistance of some foreign government. The other option isn't for Americans, but would be for some greater power to step in and take control of a chaotic government. We could easily become a protectorate of a creditor nation who intends to preserve the assets of the country to protect their own interests.

A perfect example of how the division pimps get their side foaming at the mouth.

Notice he says, "it's probably yes. That doesn’t mean I’m not going to fight the rest of my life." He's hedging his bets so he can keep his listeners if Romney loses.

The division pimps are making a bad situation far worse.


I don't think that he doing any such thing. You may not like what he said but do you even listen to his show? I'll bet not. He believes what he says. He's not hedging a thing. He's been bashing Romney on a daily basis and calling the party Repubicans.

I sincerely doubt he's trying to retain listeners. Rush bashes Republicans from time to time. President Obama is in office. Limbaugh's ratings are betetr than ever. After the election if Romney loses, people will still tune in to hear what he thinks.

Levin doen't even do television. The only show he guests on is Hannity because they are friends and do chairty work for the military families together.

Yes, I tune Levin in almost every day. He -- like Limbaugh, Hannity, Maddow, O'Donnell and Schultz -- has a vested interest in keeping his "side" as angry at the other "side" as possible.

Does he "believe what he says"? -- Like the other division pimps, it's possible that he has convinced himself that his "side" is always right. A person can condition their subconscious to believe all kinds of things. But he does precisely what the others do - he takes a "fact" and spins it entirely in his direction while avoiding and ignoring all contrary evidence. I don't know about you, but to me, that's dishonest.

And what does he get for dividing people? Higher ratings, more income, more job security.

The "fans" of these division pimps are not only being used, they're contributing to our decay.


How do you stand that nasaly moron?
If obama wins, the only option for Americans will be a military coup, most likely with the assistance of some foreign government. The other option isn't for Americans, but would be for some greater power to step in and take control of a chaotic government. We could easily become a protectorate of a creditor nation who intends to preserve the assets of the country to protect their own interests.

I just want to tell you, as a citizen of this country, that if you take up arms in rebellion against our democratically elected government, it will be my very great pleasure to shoot you like a rabid dog in the street.

Hope I've made myself clear, motherfucker.
If obama wins, the only option for Americans will be a military coup, most likely with the assistance of some foreign government. The other option isn't for Americans, but would be for some greater power to step in and take control of a chaotic government. We could easily become a protectorate of a creditor nation who intends to preserve the assets of the country to protect their own interests.

I just want to tell you, as a citizen of this country, that if you take up arms in rebellion against our democratically elected government, it will be my very great pleasure to shoot you like a rabid dog in the street.

Hope I've made myself clear, motherfucker.

If obama wins, the only option for Americans will be a military coup, most likely with the assistance of some foreign government. The other option isn't for Americans, but would be for some greater power to step in and take control of a chaotic government. We could easily become a protectorate of a creditor nation who intends to preserve the assets of the country to protect their own interests.

I just want to tell you, as a citizen of this country, that if you take up arms in rebellion against our democratically elected government, it will be my very great pleasure to shoot you like a rabid dog in the street.

Hope I've made myself clear, motherfucker.


Lets trade barbs over who is going to kill who. That sounds like loads of fun. It just goes to show you how close we really are to all out civil war.

It wouldn't be that hard. Some general making an Operation Valkyrie type model, gets the assistance of some foreign government the way the rebels in Libya got the cooperation of Britian, France and the US. Hosni Mubarak was democratically elected. Democratically elected governments are deposed all the time. Lots of dictators are. Mostly of poor countries that don't have assets like we have. As our largest creditors, the Chinese could come in to protect their investments because our democratically elected government is too incompetent to do so. I don't think anything bad will happen to obama. He would just be taken into custody for his own protection.

Naturally such a thing could not happen without an established network of saboteurs dedicated to obama's overthrow already in place. That network is here now just waiting for adequate leadership. Because not every nation in the world is led by egocentric megalomaniacs like obama, both Russia and China are no doubt training such leadership now. I wish them well. VERY well.
Lets trade barbs over who is going to kill who. That sounds like loads of fun. It just goes to show you how close we really are to all out civil war.
elected governments are deposed all the time. Lots of dictators are. Mostly of poor countries that don't have assets like we have. As our largest creditors, the Chinese could come in to protect their investments because our democratically elected government is too
It wouldn't be that hard. Some general making an Operation Valkyrie type model, gets the assistance of some foreign government the way the rebels in Libya got the cooperation of Britian, France and the US. Hosni Mubarak was democratically elected. Democratically incompetent to do so. I don't think anything bad will happen to obama. He would just be taken into custody for his own protection.

Naturally such a thing could not happen without an established network of saboteurs dedicated to obama's overthrow already in place. That network is here now just waiting for adequate leadership. Because not every nation in the world is led by egocentric megalomaniacs like obama, both Russia and China are no doubt training such leadership now. I wish them well. VERY well.

The only person on this thread urging rebellion against the United States is you, dumbass.

Our country is a democracy. Let me give you a tip: You aren't going to like every person that gets elected to the presidency. I certainly haven't liked them all. But, your stupidity in thinking that you are entitled to take up arms against the rest of us because you're in the midst of a fucking temper tantrum because your guy wasn't elected this time is unbelievable.

Grow the fuck up. If you don't like it here, get the fuck out. I hear it's easy to go south over the border into mexico. Don't let the red white and blue door hit you where the good lord split you.

I'm not kidding.

Your comments are beyond ridiculous, and you deserve to be beaten by toddlers and old women for being a complete fucking moron.
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They pledge your allegiance to obama and hoist the obama flag. Is it still the United States of America or the United States of obama. Or maybe obamamerica.

Urging rebellion? I hardly think so. Recognizing that rebellion and/or invasion is almost upon us something entirely different. Two so-called plots against the obama regime have been uncovered. Do you think they are the only ones?
I don't think that he doing any such thing. You may not like what he said but do you even listen to his show? I'll bet not. He believes what he says. He's not hedging a thing. He's been bashing Romney on a daily basis and calling the party Repubicans.

I sincerely doubt he's trying to retain listeners. Rush bashes Republicans from time to time. President Obama is in office. Limbaugh's ratings are betetr than ever. After the election if Romney loses, people will still tune in to hear what he thinks.

Levin doen't even do television. The only show he guests on is Hannity because they are friends and do chairty work for the military families together.

Yes, I tune Levin in almost every day. He -- like Limbaugh, Hannity, Maddow, O'Donnell and Schultz -- has a vested interest in keeping his "side" as angry at the other "side" as possible.

Does he "believe what he says"? -- Like the other division pimps, it's possible that he has convinced himself that his "side" is always right. A person can condition their subconscious to believe all kinds of things. But he does precisely what the others do - he takes a "fact" and spins it entirely in his direction while avoiding and ignoring all contrary evidence. I don't know about you, but to me, that's dishonest.

And what does he get for dividing people? Higher ratings, more income, more job security.

The "fans" of these division pimps are not only being used, they're contributing to our decay.


How do you stand that nasaly moron?

Truth be told, I can't stand any of 'em for more than about 15 minutes at a time.



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