U.S. military begins drills to evacuate Americans from South Korea


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
U.S. Military Begins Drills to Evacuate Americans From South Korea…

The United States military said on Monday that it would practice evacuating noncombatant Americans out of South Korea in the event of war and other emergencies, as the two allies began a joint naval exercise amid heightened tensions with North Korea. The evacuation drill, known as Courageous Channel, is scheduled from next Monday through Friday and is aimed at preparing American “service members and their families to respond to a wide range of crisis management events such as


Well isn't this a fun drill , they're doing it for the hell of it though so keep those little fantasies going on how perfect the US is nothing can never happen to the US. Why we have ppl who live right in our own Country who hate it enough to spit on it, but to fkn cowardly to get the fk out and leave it.
U.S. Military Begins Drills to Evacuate Americans From South Korea…

The United States military said on Monday that it would practice evacuating noncombatant Americans out of South Korea in the event of war and other emergencies, as the two allies began a joint naval exercise amid heightened tensions with North Korea. The evacuation drill, known as Courageous Channel, is scheduled from next Monday through Friday and is aimed at preparing American “service members and their families to respond to a wide range of crisis management events such as


Well isn't this a fun drill , they're doing it for the hell of it though so keep those little fantasies going on how perfect the US is nothing can never happen to the US. Why we have ppl who live right in our own Country who hate it enough to spit on it, but to fkn cowardly to get the fk out and leave it.
Just because your grasp of reality went bye, bye years ago doesn't mean everyone else's has. :thup:
Givin' No. Korea fair warning...

EU issues North Korea sanctions; U.S. and South begin drills
16 Oct.`17 - As South Korea and the United States began their week-long joint Navy drills in the waters around the Korean peninsula on Monday - North Korea released a statement justifying its nuclear program.
A North Korean lawmaker said that was America’s antics that compelled Pyongyang to develop and successfully test what was by far its most powerful nuclear weapon yet. Addressing the 137th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in St. Petersburg, Russia, the Deputy Chairman of North Korea's parliament An Tong Chun argued that U.S. military pressure was the primary inspiration for Pyongyang’s decision to pursue its nuclear and ballistic weapons program, despite heavy international sanctions. Chun further stated that North Korea had the U.S. in mind when it tested its first hydrogen bomb last month. He said, "It was the United States who prompted the DPRK (the Democratic People's Republic of Korea) to create a hydrogen bomb and ballistic missiles. We are determined to build up our nuclear forces until peace in struggle with the United States is secured. North Korea will never discuss its right to nuclear weapons as long as the United States keeps its nuclear threat and belligerent policy towards North Korea."


While U.S. President Donald Trump’s policy on North Korea has changed several times over the last ten months, he has become increasingly hostile towards the nuclear nation. Each time Kim Jong Un and Trump have exchanged threats over the last few months, North Korea has fired back with accelerating its nuclear program even further. On September 3, North Korea conducted its sixth and most powerful nuclear bomb test so far - with experts claiming days later that the blast’s yield, which was initially estimated at about 120 kilotons, was actually likely around 250 kilotons - approximately 17 times as powerful as the bomb used to decimate the Japanese city of Hiroshima during World War II. The test, which was also ten times more powerful than its previous such test conducted in September 2016, drew immediate condemnation from the UN Security Council. Before that, in July this year, Kim Jong Un oversaw the launches of North Korea's first two intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM).

Now, North Korea has claimed that it has a right to create, test and possess nuclear and ballistic weapons as a deterrent against an invasion from hostile powers such as the U.S., but the U.S. and a number of other countries, including North Korea's closest traditional ally, China, have objected to Kim Jong Un’s actions. On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has previously protested Kim Jong Un’s moves, signed a decree affirming Moscow's commitment to a November 2016 UN Security Council resolution that implements harsh sanctions against North Korea and individuals believed to be linked to its nuclear weapons program. Meanwhile, on Monday, the joint navy drills between South Korea and the U.S. began, amid high tensions. A spokesman for the South’s defence ministry said that about 40 Navy ships from both countries, including the nuclear-powered USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, are taking part in the exercises on the east and west coasts of the peninsula from October 16 to October 20.


See also:

About 46 percent Republicans hungry for war with North Korea
Monday 16th October, 2017 | WASHINGTON, U.S. - Amid a heated rhetoric between Washington and Pyongyang, now a new poll has revealed that almost half of Republicans want war with North Korea.
The Quinnipiac University poll found that 46 percent of Republicans said they would support a preemptive strike against North Korea. It showed that as of today, nearly half of President Trump's party is ready for war with Kim Jong Un, despite his nuclear prowess. According to the poll, 41 percent said they opposed a preemptive strike. While it didn’t come as a surprise that Republicans are more hawkish on this than Democrats, currently neither of the sides are talking about the prospect of a strike right now. Despite Trump’s increased threats against North Korea and snide remarks at its leader Kim Jong Un, his top aides are trying to push for a diplomatic solution.


However, analysts fear that Trump’s ramped-up rhetoric could have an effect on his base and eventually lead to a strike by either party. In August, Trump promised “fire and fury” if North Korea ran afoul of him. Again, last month, he threatened in his speech at the United Nations to “totally destroy” the country — a threat that seemed to tie average North Koreans to their government’s demise. He has repeatedly called Kim Jong Un “Rocket Man,” irking the leader more, to launch an intercontinental ballistic missile that can reach the U.S. mainland. The reclusive nation successfully tested the ICBM two months back and has vowed to rain missiles on U.S. if provoked.

Meanwhile, the survey released on Sunday showed that there has been a marked increase in agreement on launching a war, when compared to responses to the same question from previous years. In 2006, a Fox News-Opinion Dynamics poll asked whether the United States should continue with diplomacy or use a preemptive strike “to stop North Korea from continuing to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.” At the time, 20 percent of respondents overall and just 28 percent of Republicans opted for a preemptive strike. However, a couple of weeks back, a Washington Post-ABC News poll showed results that were markedly different from the new Quinnipiac survey. The late-September Post-ABC poll asked whether the United States should launch a military strike “only if North Korea attacks the U.S. or its allies first” or “before it can attack the U.S. or its allies.” Results revealed that 23 percent overall and 30 percent of Republicans picked the preemptive-strike option, and Republicans were about two to one against it.

About 46 percent Republicans hungry for war with North Korea


Trump’s top advisor warns North Korea of annihilation
16 Oct.`17 | WASHINGTON, U.S. - Amid heightened tensions with North Korea, now U.S. President Donald Trump’s top security advisor has threatened North Korea and its dictator, Kim Jong Un.
In a provocative warning to North Korea, General H.R. McMaster said that the "biggest danger" in the North Korean crisis is simply that Kim Jong Un does not know the extent of U.S. military might. The White House national security adviser said that the North Korean despot "does not truly understand how serious we are" when it comes to all-out war. The U.S. General said that Trump's repeated threats of military action in North Korea is the best way to send a message to Kim Jong Un. On Sunday, Kim Jong Un renewed his threat to obliterate the U.S. territory of Guam in the Pacific Ocean.


In an interview with Fox News, General McMaster said, "Our president has been really clear, he's not going to permit this regime and Kim Jong Un to threaten the United States with a nuclear weapon. He's going to do anything necessary to prevent that from happening. What Kim Jong Un should recognize is that if he thinks the development of this nuclear capability is keeping him safer, it's actually the opposite."

He said, "Our military leaders are refining, improving plans every day. We hope we don’t have to use them, but we are ready. All of our officers are at a high, high state of readiness. The real danger is in terms of communicating with Kim Jong Un is that he doesn’t understand how serious we are about his behaviour and the behaviour of the regime. The president has been very clear on that. North Korea will be shocked by how serious we are." According to satellite images generated by U.S. and South Korean experts, North Korea is believed to be preparing for a new ballistic missile launch. This week, U.S. and South Korean forces are set to begin planned naval military drills in the region.

Trumps top advisor warns North Korea of annihilation

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