U.S. Foreign Policy Hypocrisy

We seriously need to start booting stupid fucks from the board.

fer real.

I spend 90% of my time pointing up the stupidity of dimocraps.



Yeah, for a dipshit that doesn't know what hypocrisy means, I vote YOU boot yourself from the board. Ironically stupid fucktard,.
You remember April Glaspie, right?

She was the American diplomat that basically gave Saddam Hussien permission to invade Kuwait.

You do remember that, right?

Thanks, Sallow. I didn't feel like even answering that post. There were so many errors. I remember April, and she did say...................."The US has no interest in Iraq expressing its territorial concerns in Kuwait."

As for the 9/11..............................................19 of 21 hijackers are from Saudia Arabia and we attack Afghanistan. Goodness. We got that one right.

No weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq. We could go on, but this is about American hypocrisy, not opening up these issues of past debates.

Another Moron sticks his head out of his hole! Osama bin Laden planed and financed the 911 attacks. He was in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban. He wasn't in Saudi Arabia!
That would be the same Osama bin Laden that Clinton refused to give the okay to kill when he was in the sights of SEAL TEAM Snipers.

There were WMD's found in Iraq, just not the quantity thought to be there.

"The US has no interest in Iraq expressing its territorial concerns in Kuwait."
That statement was never approved by Washington and did not reflect U.S. Policy.

That quoted statement also makes my point, if Putin THOUGHT the U.S. might intervene he would not be so fast to invade any Country. He knows Obama is a 'girly boy' and a pussy when it comes to World Affairs.
PERCEPTION, whether real or not, is real to the perceiver.

There's reports of Cuban Forces landing in Venezuela to support the tyrannical Dictator there. If Raul Castro thought for one minute the U.S. would intervene, (real or perceived), he would not send troops to prop up his Dictator friend there.
Truth is; If you've got a dominating military and the bad guys know you'll use it, you won't have to.

That's the second time you called me that. Thank you for putting it so eloquently. All it does is negate most of what you said. Again, look at the links I posted. Carl Rove himself, the President's best friend and closest advisor, said there were never any WMD, and that he wishes he never told him to go to war with Iraq.

I read exactly what you said, and whether it be Obama or any other, no one in his right mind would advocate going into a land war in that part of the world with Russia at this day and time. You may provide your alternative scenario.
Oranges and apples.

Iraq......invaded Kuwait........continues to fire missils at U.S. Planes.......sent envoys to Africa to buy 'Yellow Cake uranium'..........14 U.N. Mandates........the whole effin World KNEW Hussein had WMD's, (which he did, even if not the quantity thought)..........was slaughtering ethnc groups in his own Country.........Bill Clinton and the whole damn Democrat hierarchy said Saddam must be removed but lacked the guts to do it..........(gutless again with Obama).......

Afghanistan......the twin towers?.....the pentagon?.......U.S.S. Cole?...

Russia invading Ukraine is not even in the same category........PERIOD!

You remember April Glaspie, right?

She was the American diplomat that basically gave Saddam Hussien permission to invade Kuwait.

You do remember that, right?

WOW the far left revisionism is always at work.
Our military intervention policy should be this: fuck the UN, stand with our staunch allies to the last man, and fuck the rest of the world. If you attack us - we destroy you, and take all spoils. Do not play a chess game with our blood!


If we go to war...We go to win.

Otherwise we stay out of it.

Can't do that as your side (the far left) is unable to get behind any war unless there is a (D) next to the name, even then they just look the other way.
Thanks, Sallow. I didn't feel like even answering that post. There were so many errors. I remember April, and she did say...................."The US has no interest in Iraq expressing its territorial concerns in Kuwait."

As for the 9/11..............................................19 of 21 hijackers are from Saudia Arabia and we attack Afghanistan. Goodness. We got that one right.

No weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq. We could go on, but this is about American hypocrisy, not opening up these issues of past debates.

Another Moron sticks his head out of his hole! Osama bin Laden planed and financed the 911 attacks. He was in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban. He wasn't in Saudi Arabia!
That would be the same Osama bin Laden that Clinton refused to give the okay to kill when he was in the sights of SEAL TEAM Snipers.

There were WMD's found in Iraq, just not the quantity thought to be there.

"The US has no interest in Iraq expressing its territorial concerns in Kuwait."
That statement was never approved by Washington and did not reflect U.S. Policy.

That quoted statement also makes my point, if Putin THOUGHT the U.S. might intervene he would not be so fast to invade any Country. He knows Obama is a 'girly boy' and a pussy when it comes to World Affairs.
PERCEPTION, whether real or not, is real to the perceiver.

There's reports of Cuban Forces landing in Venezuela to support the tyrannical Dictator there. If Raul Castro thought for one minute the U.S. would intervene, (real or perceived), he would not send troops to prop up his Dictator friend there.
Truth is; If you've got a dominating military and the bad guys know you'll use it, you won't have to.

That's the second time you called me that. Thank you for putting it so eloquently. All it does is negate most of what you said. Again, look at the links I posted. Carl Rove himself, the President's best friend and closest advisor, said there were never any WMD, and that he wishes he never told him to go to war with Iraq.

I read exactly what you said, and whether it be Obama or any other, no one in his right mind would advocate going into a land war in that part of the world with Russia at this day and time. You may provide your alternative scenario.
We into Iraq for one reason: personal vindetta; Texas swagger!
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