U.S. Foreign Policy Hypocrisy

Georgia? That was after the Democratic Congress had for all practical purposes, neutered Bush.

You are correct on that point.

On the others? Not so much. You do know that Congress has to declare the war, not the President, not the Supreme Court.

Do you have the slightest idea how much another war would add to the debt? It would add enough to destroy one of the right wing's favorite talking points. They aren't able to support something that would add trillions to the deficit.
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When we invaded Iraq and Afganistan and continue waging un undeclared war with drones in Pakistan and other countries, that's all fine and justified. But when anyone else goes to war it's 'illegal' and condemned.

That's pure and simple hypocrisy.


I am not pro Putin. Being of Ukrainian descent and acutely aware of the atrocities perpetrated by Stalin on my ancestors means I don't get a warm and fuzzy when I think "Mother Russia".

Now with that disclaimer out of the way, I completely understand why Putin put troops on the ground in Crimea.

He absolutely had to protect Russians and Crimeans against the new government that has been formed in the wake of this coup.

Instead of all of our leaders working with the newly installed government and Russia behind the scenes to come to some form of peaceful resolution, no, no, no Obama, Kerry, my Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary, Cameron from Britain all acted like assholes jumping out in front of cameras and started chest thumping away.

Diplomacy doesn't work that way.
All acts of aggression are built on hypocrisy. Whether it's military aggression, econoomic aggression, etc..

There is plenty of hypocrisy to go around.
If Putin thought there was a 50% chance the U.S. would intervene he would not be in Ukraine!

Obama as well as surrendered to Russia on his "World Apology Tour".
He guaranteed it when he cancelled the 'missile defense system the U.S. was installing in Ukraine and Georgia.
Then he 'doubled down' on his surrender in the 'open mike' incident.

You Democrats just can't get it through your thick skulls that it's a 'dog eat dog' World and there's dictators (Putin) who would grind you up and make fertilizer out of you and not think twice about it!

Please share with us who have served in the combat arms exactly how you would see the United States intervene? It would be helpful if you painted the scenario in a way that shows victory, and not one that is piecemeal and leads to the death of entire battalions and the decimation of our few remaining fighting divisions. I am no fan of Putin, but I am incredulous at all this talk of how the President is not doing something, and yet would you have him do? Is Ukraine worth the risk of a miscalculated nuclear exchange, or at least, the return to the carnage of fighting on the eastern front that destroyed the German army as an effective fighting force.

I await to here this strategy.


And you are not the only one here who has served! I served when it was considered a male citizen's duty to his Country, before we had a 'mercenary' military. I did it for 78 dollars a month beginning and 140 dollars a month when I got out. (1962 to 1966)

Nat, with all due respect Putin would have gone in no matter what the consequences at this point.

The Crimean Naval base and the Black Sea Fleet is strategic to Russia. Russia is not and will not ever let the new government take it over.

This new government apres coup is already talking about getting a new nuke arsenal and they are seriously anti Russian. And against anyone who is pro Russian.
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Oranges and apples.

Iraq......invaded Kuwait........continues to fire missils at U.S. Planes.......sent envoys to Africa to buy 'Yellow Cake uranium'..........14 U.N. Mandates........the whole effin World KNEW Hussein had WMD's, (which he did, even if not the quantity thought)..........was slaughtering ethnc groups in his own Country.........Bill Clinton and the whole damn Democrat hierarchy said Saddam must be removed but lacked the guts to do it..........(gutless again with Obama).......

Afghanistan......the twin towers?.....the pentagon?.......U.S.S. Cole?...

Russia invading Ukraine is not even in the same category........PERIOD!

You remember April Glaspie, right?

She was the American diplomat that basically gave Saddam Hussien permission to invade Kuwait.

You do remember that, right?

Thanks, Sallow. I didn't feel like even answering that post. There were so many errors. I remember April, and she did say...................."The US has no interest in Iraq expressing its territorial concerns in Kuwait."

As for the 9/11..............................................19 of 21 hijackers are from Saudia Arabia and we attack Afghanistan. Goodness. We got that one right.

No weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq. We could go on, but this is about American hypocrisy, not opening up these issues of past debates.

Another Moron sticks his head out of his hole! Osama bin Laden planed and financed the 911 attacks. He was in Afghanistan protected by the Taliban. He wasn't in Saudi Arabia!
That would be the same Osama bin Laden that Clinton refused to give the okay to kill when he was in the sights of SEAL TEAM Snipers.

There were WMD's found in Iraq, just not the quantity thought to be there.

"The US has no interest in Iraq expressing its territorial concerns in Kuwait."
That statement was never approved by Washington and did not reflect U.S. Policy.

That quoted statement also makes my point, if Putin THOUGHT the U.S. might intervene he would not be so fast to invade any Country. He knows Obama is a 'girly boy' and a pussy when it comes to World Affairs.
PERCEPTION, whether real or not, is real to the perceiver.

There's reports of Cuban Forces landing in Venezuela to support the tyrannical Dictator there. If Raul Castro thought for one minute the U.S. would intervene, (real or perceived), he would not send troops to prop up his Dictator friend there.
Truth is; If you've got a dominating military and the bad guys know you'll use it, you won't have to.
Please share with us who have served in the combat arms exactly how you would see the United States intervene? It would be helpful if you painted the scenario in a way that shows victory, and not one that is piecemeal and leads to the death of entire battalions and the decimation of our few remaining fighting divisions. I am no fan of Putin, but I am incredulous at all this talk of how the President is not doing something, and yet would you have him do? Is Ukraine worth the risk of a miscalculated nuclear exchange, or at least, the return to the carnage of fighting on the eastern front that destroyed the German army as an effective fighting force.

I await to here this strategy.


And you are not the only one here who has served! I served when it was considered a male citizen's duty to his Country, before we had a 'mercenary' military. I did it for 78 dollars a month beginning and 140 dollars a month when I got out. (1962 to 1966)

Nat, with all due respect Putin would have gone in no matter what the consequences at this point.

The Crimean Naval base and the Black Sea Fleet is strategic to Russia. Russia is not and will not ever let the new government take it over.

This new government apres coup is already talking about getting a new nuke arsenal and they are seriously anti Russian. And against anyone who is pro Russian.

If Obama had not cancelled the 'missile shield' including the Ukraine we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
I wouldn't call it hypocrisy as it is just human nature for the most powerful nation to hold the peace. Most of our advances came this way...

The question I ask you is the reality of humanity is going to make Russia and China go against us(allies). You realliy think our enemies are going to be nice to you if you stab America in the back?

America is currently the greatest threat to global peace and stability. Not Muslim terrorists, not Russia or China, not the boogeyman, but us. Not only are we the world's largest arms dealer selling to countries who often end up our enemies, but we invade other countries like it's fashionable. Those nations we denounce for being threatening aren't doing a tenth the things we are.
Oranges and apples.

Iraq......invaded Kuwait........continues to fire missils at U.S. Planes.......sent envoys to Africa to buy 'Yellow Cake uranium'..........14 U.N. Mandates........the whole effin World KNEW Hussein had WMD's, (which he did, even if not the quantity thought)..........was slaughtering ethnc groups in his own Country.........Bill Clinton and the whole damn Democrat hierarchy said Saddam must be removed but lacked the guts to do it..........(gutless again with Obama).......

Afghanistan......the twin towers?.....the pentagon?.......U.S.S. Cole?...

Russia invading Ukraine is not even in the same category........PERIOD!

You remember April Glaspie, right?

She was the American diplomat that basically gave Saddam Hussien permission to invade Kuwait.

You do remember that, right?

Thanks, Sallow. I didn't feel like even answering that post. There were so many errors. I remember April, and she did say...................."The US has no interest in Iraq expressing its territorial concerns in Kuwait."

As for the 9/11..............................................19 of 21 hijackers are from Saudia Arabia and we attack Afghanistan. Goodness. We got that one right.

No weapons of mass destruction were ever found in Iraq. We could go on, but this is about American hypocrisy, not opening up these issues of past debates.

Stupid bitches.... All of you.

We got UN approval before we whacked Iraq and Asscrackistan.

libturds are just some stupid motherfuckers.

Honest to God.

And I'm a little disappointed that no one else picked up on the UN deal.

Hello Russian Empire!, good by free World!

We have lost without even fighting, because we told the enemy we would not fight!
Having UN approval doesn't make it any less hypocritical. But, calling others stupid while you say stupid shit is also hypocrisy.

See how that works?
Used to be an American could travel just about anywehre in the world and not fear for their safety. We were ambassadors of the land of the free and everyone loved us. Now, travel abroad on an American passport is a great way to get yourself killed. Reason for the change is our foreign policy and how we've become what we used to denounce and condemn.
I wouldn't call it hypocrisy as it is just human nature for the most powerful nation to hold the peace. Most of our advances came this way...

The question I ask you is the reality of humanity is going to make Russia and China go against us(allies). You realliy think our enemies are going to be nice to you if you stab America in the back?

America is currently the greatest threat to global peace and stability. Not Muslim terrorists, not Russia or China, not the boogeyman, but us. Not only are we the world's largest arms dealer selling to countries who often end up our enemies, but we invade other countries like it's fashionable. Those nations we denounce for being threatening aren't doing a tenth the things we are.

That is the dumbest statement of the year' give that man a booby-doll!
Having UN approval doesn't make it any less hypocritical. But, calling others stupid while you say stupid shit is also hypocrisy.

See how that works?

You are a stupid motherfucker. I only call stupid people stupid... Like you.

We got UN Approval. It was called Resolution 1441.

And not only the United States believed it gave us authority to slap Saddam upside the head, so did all these other folks --

NATO: A contingent of around 150 advisers under the separate command NATO Training Mission - Iraq-(withdrawn 12/11)
United States: 150,000 invasion 165,000 peak-(withdrawn 12/11)
United Kingdom: 46,000 invasion (withdrawn 5/11)
Australia: 2,000 invasion (withdrawn 7/09)
Romania: 730 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/09)
El Salvador: 380 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 1/09)
Estonia: 40 troops (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 1/09)
Bulgaria: 485 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Moldova: 24 peak (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Albania: 240 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Ukraine: 1,650 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Denmark: 545 peak (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Czech Republic: 300 peak (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
South Korea: 3,600 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Japan: 600 troops (deployed 1/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Tonga: 55 troops (deployed 7/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Azerbaijan: 250 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Singapore: 175 offshore (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 85 peak (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 11/08)
Macedonia: 77 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Latvia: 136 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Poland: 200 invasion—2,500 peak (withdrawn 10/08)
Kazakhstan: 29 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 10/08)
Armenia: 46 troops (deployed 1/05-withdrawn 10/08)
Mongolia: 180 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 09/08)
Georgia: 2,000 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/08)
Slovakia: 110 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/07)
Lithuania: 120 peak (deployed 6/03-withdrawn 08/07)
Italy: 3,200 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/06)
Norway: 150 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 8/06)
Hungary: 300 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Netherlands: 1,345 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Portugal: 128 troops (deployed 11/03-withdrawn 2/05)
New Zealand: 61 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 9/04)
Thailand: 423 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/04)
Philippines: 51 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/04)
Honduras: 368 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Dominican Republic: 302 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Spain: 1,300 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 4/04)
Nicaragua: 230 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 2/04)
Iceland: 2 troops (deployed 5/03-withdraw

stupid motherfuckers

We seriously need to start booting stupid fucks from the board.

fer real.

I spend 90% of my time pointing up the stupidity of dimocraps.
We should have gone into Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden, and got the hell out of there. We should never have gone into Iraq, period. They were effectively neutered. The reason we did was the neo-cons visions of empire. Well, those visions have cost us dearly in terms of the lives of our sons and daughters, and in terms of national treasure.

Putin is pursueing the old Russian Empire and it's successor, the Soviet Empire. That is going to bleed Russia once more. Instead of opening up the treasure house that is Siberia, the Russians will spend their lives and treasure seeking the chimera of empire. And it will cost all of us dearly. There was a day in the fall of 1962 that I was in uniform, on base, and wondering if I would even see the flash of the bomb that killed me. That is the times that seeking empire, by us or the Russians, will return us to. Stupidity cubed.
We seriously need to start booting stupid fucks from the board.

fer real.

I spend 90% of my time pointing up the stupidity of dimocraps.

My, my, another asshole that dislikes the first amendment. Perhaps the problem is that you are less intelligent than 90% of the liberals here:badgrin:
We seriously need to start booting stupid fucks from the board.

fer real.

I spend 90% of my time pointing up the stupidity of dimocraps.

My, my, another asshole that dislikes the first amendment. Perhaps the problem is that you are less intelligent than 90% of the liberals here:badgrin:

They don't believe in debate ,other then their back woods idea's. They hate modern civilization! The republican party killed its self when it merged with the ron paul and cruz Amish types!
Our military intervention policy should be this: fuck the UN, stand with our staunch allies to the last man, and fuck the rest of the world. If you attack us - we destroy you, and take all spoils. Do not play a chess game with our blood!
Having UN approval doesn't make it any less hypocritical. But, calling others stupid while you say stupid shit is also hypocrisy.

See how that works?

You are a stupid motherfucker. I only call stupid people stupid... Like you.

We got UN Approval. It was called Resolution 1441.

And not only the United States believed it gave us authority to slap Saddam upside the head, so did all these other folks --

NATO: A contingent of around 150 advisers under the separate command NATO Training Mission - Iraq-(withdrawn 12/11)
United States: 150,000 invasion 165,000 peak-(withdrawn 12/11)
United Kingdom: 46,000 invasion (withdrawn 5/11)
Australia: 2,000 invasion (withdrawn 7/09)
Romania: 730 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/09)
El Salvador: 380 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 1/09)
Estonia: 40 troops (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 1/09)
Bulgaria: 485 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Moldova: 24 peak (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Albania: 240 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Ukraine: 1,650 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Denmark: 545 peak (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Czech Republic: 300 peak (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
South Korea: 3,600 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Japan: 600 troops (deployed 1/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Tonga: 55 troops (deployed 7/04-withdrawn 12/08)
Azerbaijan: 250 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Singapore: 175 offshore (deployed 12/03-withdrawn 12/08)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: 85 peak (deployed 6/05-withdrawn 11/08)
Macedonia: 77 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Latvia: 136 peak (deployed 5/03-withdrawn 11/08)
Poland: 200 invasion—2,500 peak (withdrawn 10/08)
Kazakhstan: 29 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 10/08)
Armenia: 46 troops (deployed 1/05-withdrawn 10/08)
Mongolia: 180 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 09/08)
Georgia: 2,000 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/08)
Slovakia: 110 peak (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 12/07)
Lithuania: 120 peak (deployed 6/03-withdrawn 08/07)
Italy: 3,200 peak (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 11/06)
Norway: 150 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 8/06)
Hungary: 300 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Netherlands: 1,345 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 3/05)
Portugal: 128 troops (deployed 11/03-withdrawn 2/05)
New Zealand: 61 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 9/04)
Thailand: 423 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 8/04)
Philippines: 51 troops (deployed 7/03-withdrawn 7/04)
Honduras: 368 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Dominican Republic: 302 troops (deployed 8/03-withdrawn 5/04)
Spain: 1,300 troops (deployed 4/03-withdrawn 4/04)
Nicaragua: 230 troops (deployed 9/03-withdrawn 2/04)
Iceland: 2 troops (deployed 5/03-withdraw

stupid motherfuckers


And again, stupid motherfucker, having UN approval doesn't make it any less hypocritical. Good fucking grief. Learn what hypocrisy means before you go calling other people stupid, Dullard.

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