Tyranny- Obama calls for mandatory voting in U.S.

obama needs to be arrested.

He still needs to answer questions about SEAL Team VI being put on a Chinook shortly after SEAL Team VI killed bin laden.

What mission were they on. Why were they put on a school bus in the air when they hardly ever if ever execute missions in such aircraft.

I suspect a trade off.

This president is scary at this point. Always has been to me. His dumb drones will defend him no matter what.

Although what they did with the Helicopter was a disaster I do believe that it was not the same members of Seal Team VI that were sent on a mission to kill someone who might have looked like OBL.

No, not the "exact same" guys. However, it was from the same TEAM. Shortly after they killed their beloved dear sandNIGGER bin laden, a large portion of that SEAL Team were killed on a mission that we STILL DO NOT KNOW they were executing in a helicopter that they NEVER USE to execute a mission?

You do not smell that?
The message he really is sending is not to get more white folks to vote but to keep the black voter voting. His is racism poorly hidden.
obama needs to be arrested.

He still needs to answer questions about SEAL Team VI being put on a Chinook shortly after SEAL Team VI killed bin laden.

What mission were they on. Why were they put on a school bus in the air when they hardly ever if ever execute missions in such aircraft.

I suspect a trade off.

This president is scary at this point. Always has been to me. His dumb drones will defend him no matter what.
I am sure your fetal position is all worn out...
obama needs to be arrested.

He still needs to answer questions about SEAL Team VI being put on a Chinook shortly after SEAL Team VI killed bin laden.

What mission were they on. Why were they put on a school bus in the air when they hardly ever if ever execute missions in such aircraft.

I suspect a trade off.

This president is scary at this point. Always has been to me. His dumb drones will defend him no matter what.

Although what they did with the Helicopter was a disaster I do believe that it was not the same members of Seal Team VI that were sent on a mission to kill someone who might have looked like OBL.

No, not the "exact same" guys. However, it was from the same TEAM. Shortly after they killed their beloved dear sandNIGGER bin laden, a large portion of that SEAL Team were killed on a mission that we STILL DO NOT KNOW they were executing in a helicopter that they NEVER USE to execute a mission?

You do not smell that?

Yes the downing of the helicopter should have been bigger in the news. But since I firmly believe that OBL was not killed by SEAL team VI, what would be the purpose of a revenge attack? The helicopter being down, in my opinion, was a poor command decision made by those on the scene.

To make the jump in logic to Obama ordering a helicopter into a death trap is a little bit too much of a CT for me to believe.
So, for a moron who is against voter ID, calls for Hitler, Mao type mandate.

Force people to vote for scum like Obama. Yea, that's the ticket.

There's that word 'transform' again...... Oh the pain........................


President Obama, whose party was trounced in last year’s midterm election due in part to poor turnout among Democrats, endorsed the idea of mandatory voting Wednesday.

“It would be transformative if everybody voted,” Mr. Obama said during a town-hall event in Cleveland. “That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country.”

Read more: Obama calls for mandatory voting in U.S. - Washington Times

His goal is the day where everyone is required to vote and his name is the only one on the ballot
The message he really is sending is not to get more white folks to vote but to keep the black voter voting. His is racism poorly hidden.
You must have a special decoder from your cereal box tops you collected...

Life must be very confusing for you.

Do you want fries with that?
MoonBat: Fries? What? What does that mean? You mean fries on my burger? Dumped in the bag? Are you asking if I ordered enough food? What are you asking me?

Buddy, can you spare a few bucks
Moonbat: Bucks? What, what are you talking about? I don't have money I wasn't going to use, but I mean I could get home with a few less bucks, why are you asking?

Honey, it's going to be cold today, you need to take a jacket.
Moonbat: A jacket, what for? You mean I should carry a jacket? How is that going to help me? Wear it where?

The obvious is so far beyond your grasp...
The message he really is sending is not to get more white folks to vote but to keep the black voter voting. His is racism poorly hidden.
You must have a special decoder from your cereal box tops you collected...

Life must be very confusing for you.

Do you want fries with that?
MoonBat: Fries? What? What does that mean? You mean fries on my burger? Dumped in the bag? Are you asking if I ordered enough food? What are you asking me?

Buddy, can you spare a few bucks
Moonbat: Bucks? What, what are you talking about? I don't have money I wasn't going to use, but I mean I could get home with a few less bucks, why are you asking?

Honey, it's going to be cold today, you need to take a jacket.
Moonbat: A jacket, what for? You mean I should carry a jacket? How is that going to help me? Wear it where?

The obvious is so far beyond your grasp...
No more so that the rights ridiculous ideas of limiting voter eligibility......
Oh Jesus. Another thread? What is this, the tenth one? I know you kooks get all your "news" from the same place, couldn't you coordinate with each other on these fake stories so the rest of us don't have to see 20 threads on the same lie?
It would be transformative if everybody voted,” Mr. Obama said during a town-hall event in Cleveland. “That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country.”

I can see why Republicans see this as terrorism
They don't hate the idea, they just hate Oblama....

No, they hate the idea of the unclean masses (47%) having the same right to vote as they do
You idiot, they have the right to vote.
Then why would you object to programs that make it easier for We the People to vote?
A Right is NOT an Obligation.
Now that's just crazy talk. Why, the next thing you're going to tell me is that instead of being free to purchase health insurance if I want it, I'm going to be forced to. Oh, wait....never mind.
It would be transformative if everybody voted,” Mr. Obama said during a town-hall event in Cleveland. “That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country.”

I can see why Republicans see this as terrorism
They don't hate the idea, they just hate Oblama....

No, they hate the idea of the unclean masses (47%) having the same right to vote as they do
You idiot, they have the right to vote.
Then why would you object to programs that make it easier for We the People to vote?
It's already ridiculously easy to vote.
He doesn't know what the flat tax rate should be? And he wants there to be standard deductions?

When he talked about compromise on the tax issue, he sounded a lot like Obama did regarding the ACA. Compromise is cool.

I got as far as him saying that the letter he signed should help the negotiations. Got dizzy.
No deal is final until Congress approves it. It's a waste of time to make a deal Congress won't approve. Thus the letter helps the negotiations so they will know what will pass Congress vs what won't.

I think Flat tax is fine as long as it's only for those who make more than a livable wage. Those who make less than a livable wage shouldn't be taxed at all.
The message he really is sending is not to get more white folks to vote but to keep the black voter voting. His is racism poorly hidden.
You must have a special decoder from your cereal box tops you collected...

Life must be very confusing for you.

Do you want fries with that?
MoonBat: Fries? What? What does that mean? You mean fries on my burger? Dumped in the bag? Are you asking if I ordered enough food? What are you asking me?

Buddy, can you spare a few bucks
Moonbat: Bucks? What, what are you talking about? I don't have money I wasn't going to use, but I mean I could get home with a few less bucks, why are you asking?

Honey, it's going to be cold today, you need to take a jacket.
Moonbat: A jacket, what for? You mean I should carry a jacket? How is that going to help me? Wear it where?

The obvious is so far beyond your grasp...
No more so that the rights ridiculous ideas of limiting voter eligibility......

Limiting voters to legal, registered voters voting once, I feel you, that is a ridiculous idea.

And actually you just showed your statement to be a lie. You're criticizing Republicans, you don't get it when Obama wants people to be required to vote. A politician wants people to be required to vote? WTF, you think he thinks that benefits him? You have a magic decoder ring? Obviously you don't view those equally
The president did not propose mandatory voting. He mentioned that other countries have mandatory voting. Do you see the difference?

Yes, he's a Democrat so you treat what he says entirely differently than if a Republican had said that
The message he really is sending is not to get more white folks to vote but to keep the black voter voting. His is racism poorly hidden.
You must have a special decoder from your cereal box tops you collected...

Life must be very confusing for you.

Do you want fries with that?
MoonBat: Fries? What? What does that mean? You mean fries on my burger? Dumped in the bag? Are you asking if I ordered enough food? What are you asking me?

Buddy, can you spare a few bucks
Moonbat: Bucks? What, what are you talking about? I don't have money I wasn't going to use, but I mean I could get home with a few less bucks, why are you asking?

Honey, it's going to be cold today, you need to take a jacket.
Moonbat: A jacket, what for? You mean I should carry a jacket? How is that going to help me? Wear it where?

The obvious is so far beyond your grasp...
No more so that the rights ridiculous ideas of limiting voter eligibility......

Limiting voters to legal, registered voters voting once, I feel you, that is a ridiculous idea.

And actually you just showed your statement to be a lie. You're criticizing Republicans, you don't get it when Obama wants people to be required to vote. A politician wants people to be required to vote? WTF, you think he thinks that benefits him? You have a magic decoder ring? Obviously you don't view those equally
Your vote is worth nothing if the candidate is already bought and paid for by rich voters....
He doesn't know what the flat tax rate should be? And he wants there to be standard deductions?

When he talked about compromise on the tax issue, he sounded a lot like Obama did regarding the ACA. Compromise is cool.

I got as far as him saying that the letter he signed should help the negotiations. Got dizzy.
No deal is final until Congress approves it. It's a waste of time to make a deal Congress won't approve. Thus the letter helps the negotiations so they will know what will pass Congress vs what won't.

I think Flat tax is fine as long as it's only for those who make more than a livable wage. Those who make less than a livable wage shouldn't be taxed at all.

All voters should have skin in the game when it comes to spending

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