Two white reporters beaten by black mob-Norfolk

Interesting story. The best part is where you provided the link to it. ;)

Here's a hint, do your own homework. Google reporters beaten Norfolk and see what you get.
You couldn't do that before you posted the thread? :confused:

This is a Discussion board NOT a 20 Questions board where we all GUESS what you wanna' say.

From May of last year:
White Reporters? Beating by Norfolk Black Gang Ignored by Media, but Real Question is, What is Happening to America?s Cities? | RedState

Thank you for the link. Your answer was quite funny and true by the way. lol. Thanks.
No need to go back farther than this mornings news to find a story of a group of negro males attacking a white person. Black on white violent crimes are an everyday occurrence in this nation. It's what they do best.

Wow, racist much?

Wow, head up your ass dumbass much? You freaking bleeding hearts make me sick to my stomach. Someone states a freaking FACT and you braindead zombies automatically respond with "racist" if that FACT goes against one of your preheld liberal ideals. The FACT is you can go to the news media on ANY GIVEN DAY, and find reports of violent criminal attacks carried out by negro males against white victims. That's not racist dumbass, that's reality.

Your OPINION isn't fact, as much as you might want it to be.

But hey, if it makes you happy to play the victim and cry about how the big scary black man is out to get you, have at it.

Of course being that you're so intellectually limited as to resort to nothing but logical fallacies and ad hominems, its rather pointless to discuss an issue with you.
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Interesting story. The best part is where you provided the link to it. ;)

Here's a hint, do your own homework. Google reporters beaten Norfolk and see what you get.

No, that's not how it works, troll. You created the thread, you provide the link.

And this story is a few years old. I'm already familiar with it. What's wrong? Didn't get your fill of KKK Wheaties this morning?
We have made a shift, in that describing an assailant as black, is automatically racist. That's why Norfolk covered it up. That's why they pressured the reporters not to communicate with anyone and why they fought so hard to stop the release of the 911 tape.
Here's a hint, do your own homework. Google reporters beaten Norfolk and see what you get.

Uh- wtf planet are you from where the world works that way?

Here ya go: Google "I'm an idiot".

I did that and all of your posts were listed.


I see. So you're saying anyone can make any claim whatsoever and never needs to back it up.

That explains a lot. Where were you when the Inquisition needed your logic?

Oh by the way, green caterpillar people from Neptune told me they took control of your brain five years ago. But of course it's your job to go document that.

Kelly D. Oat
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The reporters weren't on assignment, just driving down the street after seeing a movie when a rock was thrown at the car windshield and 40-50 black people dragged them out of the car and beat and kicked them. The strange thing is that the newspaper they worked for didn't report the incident until two weeks later. According to the victims the police who responded after two 9-11 calls didn't seem too interested and called it a case of simple assault.

Does this make you a racist for reporting this?
The reporters weren't on assignment, just driving down the street after seeing a movie when a rock was thrown at the car windshield and 40-50 black people dragged them out of the car and beat and kicked them. The strange thing is that the newspaper they worked for didn't report the incident until two weeks later. According to the victims the police who responded after two 9-11 calls didn't seem too interested and called it a case of simple assault.

Does this make you a racist for reporting this?

The only reason he`s even reporting it is becuase of race. He just throws out a random black on white crime and tries to make it look like a hate-crime.
The reporters weren't on assignment, just driving down the street after seeing a movie when a rock was thrown at the car windshield and 40-50 black people dragged them out of the car and beat and kicked them. The strange thing is that the newspaper they worked for didn't report the incident until two weeks later. According to the victims the police who responded after two 9-11 calls didn't seem too interested and called it a case of simple assault.

Does this make you a racist for reporting this?

The only reason he`s even reporting it is becuase of race. He just throws out a random black on white crime and tries to make it look like a hate-crime.
Perhaps this would meet your criteria for a hate crime.
The Torture Murders of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom ? A Young Couple Disappears ? Crime Library on
Wow, racist much?

Wow, head up your ass dumbass much? You freaking bleeding hearts make me sick to my stomach. Someone states a freaking FACT and you braindead zombies automatically respond with "racist" if that FACT goes against one of your preheld liberal ideals. The FACT is you can go to the news media on ANY GIVEN DAY, and find reports of violent criminal attacks carried out by negro males against white victims. That's not racist dumbass, that's reality.

Your OPINION isn't fact, as much as you might want it to be.

But hey, if it makes you happy to play the victim and cry about how the big scary black man is out to get you, have at it.

Of course being that you're so intellectually limited as to resort to nothing but logical fallacies and ad hominems, its rather pointless to discuss an issue with you.

Here's the thing slick, When it's a govt reported statistic, and when the various news outlets have reports of black on white violent crimes EVERY day, it's not an opinion anymore son, it's a fact. Now it may be a fact you're unaware of, but your ignorance of the fact makes it no less factual.
What do you suppose the response from the media would have been had the colors been reversed?

"Dog Bites Man.".....

Black violence toward anyone?
Whites massacre Indian Tribe?
Asian wins Spelling Bee?


Not so much

The "Man Bites Dog" story gets Front Page coverage:

Asian gang attacks white reporters.

Souix Indians Massacre 7th Cavalry

Black Male wins Spelling Bee
Rightly or wrongly it is the failure to address these facts that has encouraged an understanding that black on white attacks are acceptable.
Wow, head up your ass dumbass much? You freaking bleeding hearts make me sick to my stomach. Someone states a freaking FACT and you braindead zombies automatically respond with "racist" if that FACT goes against one of your preheld liberal ideals. The FACT is you can go to the news media on ANY GIVEN DAY, and find reports of violent criminal attacks carried out by negro males against white victims. That's not racist dumbass, that's reality.

Your OPINION isn't fact, as much as you might want it to be.

But hey, if it makes you happy to play the victim and cry about how the big scary black man is out to get you, have at it.

Of course being that you're so intellectually limited as to resort to nothing but logical fallacies and ad hominems, its rather pointless to discuss an issue with you.

Here's the thing slick, When it's a govt reported statistic, and when the various news outlets have reports of black on white violent crimes EVERY day, it's not an opinion anymore son, it's a fact. Now it may be a fact you're unaware of, but your ignorance of the fact makes it no less factual.

Black on white crime happens eveyday, no shit.

So does white on black, Hispanic on white, white on white, etc.

What makes your original post so objectionable and reveals you to be a closed minded bigot is the line, "that's what they do best."

Now go off and iron your white robes and eat some more chile dogs (by the look of your picture, you've had way too many already) and quake in fear of the black man.

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